And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Is he going to check why the hell so many Valyrian ghosts are possessing people and fucking around the world?
Among other things.

He's also become a mage and he is going to begin:

"The Training"

Basically Daemon wants to go home, but without the assurance he won't accidentally kill everyone…

He ain't coming back for awhile.

As for the Valyrian possession spree that is going on.

That's your problem after the timeskip.
A Teaser of what is coming.

Now the quest will begin most likely this weekend.

Edit: Possibly, I'm still editing the... (looks at notes) 20+ sheets I've made.

Prince Daemon Targaryen, the Rouge Prince, The Mad Dragon, The Last Dragon Lord, The Dragon Speaker. Father, Also known as the Lost Dragon

Fire and Blood

A Startlingly beautiful man of the stock of Old Valyria, he is tall, strong, and some would even say invincible, with silver hair that is said to be magical to all who look at it. A Warrior without Peer, even among the Westerosi, and all who have seen him, he has been lost ever since his final battle with the Great Horde. Since then, his final appearance has been disappearing with his dragon, and his bastard, to lands unknown with a great flash of light.

Somewhere in the World, Daemon Targaryen is on an adventure that will define the world itself.

Age: 34

Diplomacy: 14
Martial: 32
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 17
Learning: 20
Willpower: 35

Personal Combat Skill
32/2 +60+20=68


Prince: You are a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, and your words have weight. +2 Diplomacy
Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith, though not one who hold his Vows. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Depressed: Life has lost all of its luster, and all you can do is move forward, before you burn out, like the sun. (-20 to all rolls)
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Brave: You show no fear, even in the face of death. +2 Martial, +5 to Personal Combat
Wrathful: You have always had a temper, but it has always been hidden by fury. +4 to Martial, -3 to diplomacy
Strong: Without a Doubt, you have the strength that none can compare to. +3 to Martial, +2 to Diplomacy inheritable
Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality to resist disease and poison. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Martial, +1 Willpower
The Dragon Speaker: You are more likely to talk to you're Dragon, than anyone else. (+5 to Learning)
Legendary Fighter: You are a Warrior that songs are sung about, and all Aspire to be. +60 Combat Skill, +10 Martial, +6 Willpower
To Be Better: You remember your son's final wish. The one you first called son all this time. And you will do your best to change to be better. (When you complete your adventure, you will lose all negative traits.)
Lost: You are Lost, and the World knows not where you are. (This character must be found if you want to interact with him)
The Last Dragonlord: No matter what History will say about you, you are the Last Dragon Lord of Old Valyria. You are The Last. But Perhaps Not The End (Unknown Effect on all rolls. +50 to all combat rolls)
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A Teaser of what is coming.

Now the quest will begin most likely this weekend.

Edit: Possibly, I'm still editing the... (looks at notes) 20+ sheets I've made.

Prince Daemon Targaryen, the Rouge Prince, The Mad Dragon, The Last Dragon Lord, The Dragon Speaker. Father, Also known as the Lost Dragon

Fire and Blood

A Startlingly beautiful man of the stock of Old Valyria, he is tall, strong, and some would even say invincible, with silver hair that is said to be magical to all who look at it. A Warrior without Peer, even among the Westerosi, and all who have seen him, he has been lost ever since his final battle with the Great Horde. Since then, his final appearance has been disappearing with his dragon, and his bastard, to lands unknown with a great flash of light.

Somewhere in the World, Daemon Targaryen is on an adventure that will define the world itself.

Age: 34

Diplomacy: 14
Martial: 32
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 17
Learning: 20
Willpower: 35

Personal Combat Skill
32/2 +60+20=68


Prince: You are a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, and your words have weight. +2 Diplomacy
Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy
Knight: You are a Knight of the Faith, though not one who hold his Vows. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Depressed: Life has lost all of its luster, and all you can do is move forward, before you burn out, like the sun. (-20 to all rolls)
Lord's Education: You have been trained in the business of being a lord, commanding men and ruling a realm. +1 Martial, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Brave: You show no fear, even in the face of death. +2 Martial, +5 to Personal Combat
Wrathful: You have always had a temper, but it has always been hidden by fury. +4 to Martial, -3 to diplomacy
Strong: Without a Doubt, you have the strength that none can compare to. +3 to Martial, +2 to Diplomacy inheritable
Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality to resist disease and poison. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Martial, +1 Willpower
The Dragon Speaker: You are more likely to talk to you're Dragon, than anyone else. (+5 to Learning)
Legendary Fighter: You are a Warrior that songs are sung about, and all Aspire to be. +60 Combat Skill, +10 Martial, +6 Willpower
To Be Better: You remember your son's final wish. The one you first called son all this time. And you will do your best to change to be better. (When you complete your adventure, you will lose all negative traits.)
Lost: You are Lost, and the World knows not where you are. (This character must be found if you want to interact with him)
The Last Dragonlord: No matter what History will say about you, you are the Last Dragon Lord of Old Valyria. You are The Last. But Perhaps Not The End (Unknown Effect on all rolls. +50 to all combat rolls)

As M Bison Puts it...


Now let´s just hope that Lucien and his family can get survive through a civil war in which all sides have magical WMD...
Glad to see this back, can't wait to see what Lucien and co get up too.
New Quest
the new quest!

Blood and Fire, And Dragon's Dancing (ASOIAF Dance of Dragons Quest) Fantasy

Lucient the Silent has ruled for many years in the Stepstones, in PEace, as he builds his realm into the foremost trading powers of Westeros and Essos. But trouble is brewing and now he and his family are about to find out one important thing. When you play the Game of Thrones. You win, or you...