And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The Most Dangerous Man No More
The Most Dangerous Man No More

Daemon Targaryen, son of Baelon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince and the most Dangerous man in he isn't that anymore. It now belongs to the Prince of Dorne. Not after his failure in Dorne.

Daemon was sitting in a war tent...well they aren't at war just a tent. Daemon kept looking at a unopened message in his was from his brother Viserys.

Daemon was afraid to open it. Was it asking him to return to Runestone or come back to Kingslanding? Daemon wasn't sure which one makes him more afraid. His brother not wanting him at court or everyone at court seeing his Weakness.....

No he knows what he wants in the letter.....For Viserys to want to see him after everything Daemon went through. To know that even in failure Viserys still loved him. That their bond is still going strong.

Daemon took in a deep breath before opening the letter from Viserys. Daemon started out as silent when he started reading. Though the more he read that started to change to silent sobbing. "This.....has to be a mistake." Daemon said to himself and started to read the letter again. Not matter how many times Daemon read the letter the words don't change.

Viserys....wants him to return to Runestone.....Daemon wanted to rage, to hit something or anything besides crying but....he just couldn't. He just tired and empty.

Daemon mind began to wander. His daughters has certainly grown but....he sees the looks in their eyes. The sadness. The same as him. They have seen things they shouldn't have by the Hill tribes and the Dornish....the later to save Daemon. Needed little girls to save him. That's how far he has fallen.

Whenever he saw their Dragons Daemon couldn't help but think about his own dragon Caraxes.....last he saw of his dragon he had ten bolts in him....if Caraxes isn't dead he probably will be soon. Suffering from it wounds. To die slowly. Alone in the desert or some cave....Daemon the dragonless......sounds about right.

The news of his son Lucien fixing not only the City Watch but also saving the City from riots.....Lucien being so strong right now for the Targaryen family while Daemon was being so weak....Lucien having to grow up and show that the Targaryens aren't weak....Daemon just continued to cry.

Daemon wants to feel joy, happiness, rage, anger. Anything else that what he was feeling right now....but he can only feel sad and empty at his weakness.

Daemon heard the flap of his tent opening and comes his wife a wheelchair.....another person Daemon has failed. Couldn't even look his wife in the eys as she stopped right in front of him.

They remained silent for a good long while. At some point Rhae decided to take the letter out of Daemons hand and read it. Once finished reading Rhae put the letter down before speaking. "Daemon.....let's go home." Rhae sounded so vulnerable.

Daemon choked at hearing Rhae speak. After a long silence Daemon finally spoke. "I don't have a home.....Not now.....Not ever.....How could someone like me ever have a home? My own brother doesn't even want me." Daemon hated how sad he sounded right now. Even more reason on why he will never have a home.

Rhae started to have tears go down her cheeks as Daemon started talking. Rhae forced Daemon into a hug. Daemon pressed into Rhae once she started speaking. " have a home. With me, your daughters who miss you so much and your son Lucien.....we are your home." Daemon couldn't keep control any longer and just let his tears and sadness out while he buried himself into Rhae until there was only darkness.....

-----Timeskip to Runestone-----

One day Daemon was in the courtyard just....looking at the mountains. Just hoping Caraxes would appear but....he most died of his wounded in Dorne.....Daemon the dragonless.....

Daemon started to hear the flapping of wings....dragon wings....Daemon couldn't believe what he was seeing. Caraxes landing in the courtyard. Still hurt with bolts still sticking out of him.....but still alive and recovered enough to fly to Runestone....

Daemon broke down. Not of sad tears but.....happy tears? Was this.....Daemon feeling hope? Daemon didn't care at the moment because Caraxes needed help. To be cleaned and his wounded fixed.

Daemon didn't know it at the time but later in the future he would realize this had started his recovery to what he was. The Rogue Prince and hopefully one day The Most Dangerous Man in Westeros.

(And scene. Man that was sad to write. I had to write near the end Daemon getting some hope back with Caraxes and Daemon starting his recovery when Rhae gave him comfort. Hope you guys enjoyed and didn't make you too sad.)
Aegor The Black and Larys The Clubfoot
Aegor The Black and Larys The Clubfoot

Aegor The Black, son of Maelor Rivers and the rider of the Cannibal just arrived in the Gardens to keep the promise to himself on trying to befriend Larys Strong.

From what Aegor could tell about Larys was he was pretty quiet and not a lot of friends. Rarely spoke unless it seemed important. So when Larys did speak people listened. Which made sense to Aegor. Larys was probably the smartest person Aegor knew.

As for why Aegor was trying to befriend Larys Strong? It's because of how good the Strong family has been to Aegor family since he arrived in Kingslanding. Harwin teaching Aegor and his brothers how to fight. Lord Strong giving them a good education. The least Aegor could do is show his gratitude to the Strong family which includes Larys.

Once Aegor arrived in the Gardens he saw Larys Strong inspecting some flowers. Which was a little weird but hey who is Aegor to judge on what interests people have?

Aegor put on his best smile as he approached Larys Strong "There you are Larys. Been looking for you." Larys turned away from the flower to look at Aegor.

"Everyone knows I like to come to the Gardens Aegor." Larys told Aegor while searching for something in Aegor eyes? But Larys didn't seem to find what he was looking for or did but didn't show it. Larys turned back to the flowers "These flowers aren't supposed to thrive here you know? "Larys told Aegor.

Aegor raised a eyebrow before taking a few steps towards Larys to inspect the flowers himself. "Really?" Aegor wasn't sure why they were talking about flowers but was willing to hear what Larys has to say.

"Yes. They are supposed to just be in Braavos. And yet here they are thriving in Kingslanding. Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways." Larys Strong said with a serious expression before turning back to Aegor. "May I ask why you wished to see me?" Larys asked with some curiosity in his voice.

Aegor started to rub the back of his neck before smiling. "Just wanted to chat with you a little bit is all." Aegor said not saying the entire truth but the intent was there.

Larys stared at him before speaking. "Then I would like to talk in a different location in the Gardens then." Larys spoke while started to walk in a certain direction so Aegor decided to follow.

The walk was a little slow but the location wasn't far. Once they arrived they sat on a bench that seems to have a good number of people passing by every once in a while. Larys Strong motioned his head to a messenger passing by. "Who do you think he reports to?" Larys asked Aegor.

Aegor confused on why Larys was asking him that but decided to play along and thought about it for a moment. "The King?" Aegor asked.

Larys chuckled at the answer. "Technically that is correct but more who else do they report to." Larys Strong said seeing what answer Aegor would give now.

Aegor started to think more carefully but the more he thought about it he couldn't come up with a answer. So Aegor decided to just answer honestly. "I don't know." Aegor answered.

Larys seems to accept that answer. "At least you are honest. Many would of just kept guessing. The messenger report to Lord Otto the Hand of the King." Larys answer for Aegor.

Aegor was confused by that. Why would he report to the Hand? So Aegor decided to speak his mind. "Why?" Aegor asked.

"Because the Hand pays him on any information he might find useful." Larys said while searching around until he saw a servant girl passing by. "Who do you think she reports to?" Larys asked Aegor with some curiosity to see if he would get it right.

Aegor looked at the servant girl for a few moments and started to think. Aegor decided to make a guess. "The Queen? " Aegor answered.

Larys a little surprised Aegor got it right but didn't show it. "That's correct. The Queen got some ears from the charity efforts she does." Larys said while seeing a rat like man pass by them. "And him?" Larys asked.

Aegor inspected the rat like man passing by but no matter how much Aegor thought about it he couldn't figure it out.

Larys seeing that Aegor can't figure it out decided to give him the answer. "He reports to Prince Daemon." Aegor was surprised to hear that. Even when Prince Daemon wasn't in Kingslanding he was getting reports? "Though with Prince Daemon not in Kingslanding he reports to Prince Lucien currently. " Larys said to Aegor.

Prince Lucien....Aegor heard about the riots and he couldn't just accept the solution Prince Lucien used to solve it. Could of at least spared the women and children but didn't. Aegor shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. "Why you telling me this?" Aegor asked Larys confused about why they were talking about this.

"You came to talk with me as a way to show your gratitude to my family for looking after yours correct?" Sounded like a question but Aegor has the feeling Larys just knows. Aegor turned his head away sheepishly. That seemed like enough of a answer to Larys as he stood up. "Before I take my leave, as a courtesy let me give you two pieces of advice." Aegor turned his head to look at Larys and nodded.

"The first piece of advice is this. Everyone has a motivation. Some are noble while some aren't. Just be careful on who you trust." Larys advised Aegor. Aegor knew Larys was smart but not this smart.

Aegor remained silent processing the advice before nodding his head. "What is the second one?" Aegor asked?

Larys smirked at that. "The second advice is Knowledge is a power of its own. You'd do well to remember that." Larys told Aegor before looking up to see how far the sun is located before turning to Aegor. "Think it's time to take my leave. You should explore the Gardens. Not many people just come to enjoy the flowers here." Larys said while heading in inside. Leaving Aegor to his thoughts.

(And scene. Obviously Larys isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart. I imagine Larys is in the middle or Starting to make his network and keeping his ear open. But if Aegor decided to come to to him? Obviously Larys isn't gonna let the opportunity slip by to make a decent impression on a dragon rider and his family. Hope you guys enjoy.)
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The city watch

The city watch

Magnus diary. (You know where I got the name from)
King's Landing the largest city on the continent of Westeros and is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms now face a riot from the seven to the Valyria god mass riot now annihilated everyone who did not surrender is kill the gate close rides ride them down. But that was the past the once desperate need of fund for the now name ruby cloak now have the fund it need to operate weather it is buying new equipment or recruiting more men it is now a army and that is something that Magnus is proad of.

When he join up the city watch was what is a word that could describe a corrupted trash can that is full of shit Ah yes a shit hole of a place extorting merchant to unqualified and equipment not being there to the massive deficit of armor and halbert to even helmet and bloody cape. Even to the incompetent and corrupt commander all of this change when price Lucius is made the commander. From his ruthlessness to the glorious purge of the corrupted he had earn their loyalty , his loyalty forever.

I would remark that charging the in to the crowd of protesters or rioter as I would call them is a disgusting task to do but I would be lying as it was glorious charging with the Gull knight the most eligible bachelor in the 6 kingdom or soon to be 7 if you reading this in the future and 400 other. It was a bloodbaths those who did not surrender and bow down were butcher by his spear and he did not know why he thought of screaming Blood for the Blood god it seem like it is the most appropriate wording of what is happening.

Now after the riot the tension still hear and if your unlucky you would find some dried up blood some where but hey life is good when all you do is sitting there on one of the many gate collection toll that is extremely inefficient; like how are you supposed to collect 40 merchant caravan in a good amount of time, don't even need to mention the amount of time one tries to bride their way through and it was a satisfying feeling when he throw them in to the jail-cell. Now it seem like the hard work has payed of since he had heard from some of his friends that the king is raising the budget for the city watch.

No more will there be no enough weapon or manpower no more will their have to tolerate the bat man no more will that crazy ass person will run flea bottom no more they all said no we all said but sadly I remember something if more more money equals more pay would that mean more corruption. But also would that mean more pay the terror of that more pay how dare the commander give us more pay how dare he.

Now he had just confronted the commander why he should not give them more pay.
"Buttt my lord…" said one ruby cloak before he got slap by a stack of money by the price Lucius the gull-knight killer of lady and teh supercell of all and his glorious leader.

As he got slap by the stack of money he heard a voice piece Lucius had spoken :prince, for that, you get paid triple.


the sound of terror resimate against the unending tide of the night sky all 6000 of them.

So how did you like the omake?
Overlooks the blackwater rush. It is an acre of elm, alder, and black cottonwood. Unlike the weirwoods of older godswoods, the Red Keep's heart tree is a great oak covered in smoke berry vines. It was peaceful no need for the court etiquette she learn no need to feel the pressure that is happening that is put on her by her family just her and the sound of the tree and the rushing water. All of this comunate in this being her favorite place the the red-keep sitting below the great oak how should she not as the enchanted forest beckoned her into its pulsing heart the great oak. How could she resist such a lush Garden of the maiden? The deep, haunting ballad of its ancient song called out to me.As new a the keep, the forest was still steeped in plushness and opulence.

The further she saw, the more mystical and spellbinding it became. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting like the great backs of the kraken. The foliage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale-green above her heads. Arthritic boughs, gnarled with age, dripped their bounty of nuts onto the path. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it impenetrable on either side. Shuffling noises came from deep in the interior, deadened by the cunningly woven web of leaves protecting her from the politic of the court.

That where she went where the trees fell away, revealing the bespeckled sky. The last of the morning's stars were glinting like silver pin pricks, luminous and bright. An ore gold moon hung quietly in the distance, casting a honeyed sheen over the trees reminding her of her self not the friend of the princess just her Alicent Hightower.

Even if the Godswood is small it is still manage to give her a hollow echoing, like the hushed tones of a great, slabbed cathedral, entombed the wood. Then a finger of supernal light poked through the misty mesh. It was followed by a whole loom of light, filtering down in seams of gold. Like the luminal glow of the gods, it chased the shadows, banished the gloom and spilled into spaces where the mist once stalked. The fluty piping of a songbird split the silence just as the forest became flooded with light. A fusillade of trilling and warbling detonated all around her as the primordial forest came alive with the troubadours of the trees. She darted between shafts of lustrous-gold light as She can see, admiring the butterflies. They pirouetted in the air, their wings a-whirr like little ripples of silk. This is her place her peace far from the politic of the red keep far from her duty that she may regret doing far from her responsibility.

As she put my back against the Oak tree , leaning my head against the mossy pillow that cover it letting the sound of teh rushing water take her as She closed my eyes, let my stream of consciousness take hold, and drifted into infinity. But she was interrupted by the Gull knight her… crush the dashing figure of him manage to do what many fail.

She was surprised to see him, as Luciusseemed to appear like a shadow at the Godswood interrupting the day dreaming Princess . "Oh, your Grace." as you scratch your finger tip in nervously , trying to focus on the book and keeping her blush down. "I was not expecting you?" Alicent Hightower said.

What follow was a enlightened time for her from talking to her crush trying to keep her blush down and keeping the city though down as any teenager would do in the face of there crush when the talk was done she thought maybe a betrothed wouldn't be that bad if it was Lucius. She would have to talk with her father again and maybe she will have him to her self just her self and not anyone else.

Ah ha my record 669 word
The Knight For All Seasons #3
The Knight For All Seasons #3

Ser Robert Wendwater, a second son of a second son and a Captain of the City Watch was currently at the Red Keep making connections and making sure people knew what Prince Lucien achievements and the City Watchs were heard.

And what a achievement it was. More gold and goods flowing into the City with the new toll system. Not only it makes more gold for the Crown and the City Watch? It also gives the Crown and City Watch a big reputation boost by them lowering the taxes. After all people high and low alike love paying less gold.

King Viserys was praising Prince Lucien and everyone of the City Watch which includes Robert himself. Which in turn has increased the standing of his family House Wendwater at court. All these noble houses that looked down on Robert for joining 'criminals' and his house are now trying to act like it never happened.

Robert could only laugh at that. Though there is a good argument of just letting it go. Not to mention the noble houses who haven't insulted House Wendwater. Either way it not up to Robert to make that call for House Wendwater. Only advise and tell his uncle, Lord William Wendwater on what he knows.

It will be good to see uncle Williams, his wife Lady Alice and his cousins Lady Emma and House Wendwaters heir Jon at the tournament coming up. While Robert is a little sad that his father and older brother will remain at House Wendwaters seat, Robert understands the reasons.

Uncle Williams wants to come to the tournament and might hope to speak with King Viserys on certain matters. Robert wasn't one hundred percent sure on what exactly but he can make a pretty good guess. Uncle Williams probably wants to use House Wendwaters new influence at court to make a new trade deal and have cousin Emma join Princess Rhaenyras ladies in waiting.

Cousin Emma was always a sweet girl. Very caring to everyone back home. Hopefully being the same age as Princess Rhaenyra will make them fast friends. Robert wouldn't call Emma beautiful but more on the cute side of beauty.

Cousin Jon is seven namedays old and like any other boy that age wants to become a knight. Though uncle Williams isn't willing to risk his heir out of House so probably keep him home to learn the ropes on how to run their house and get that knight training from Roberts own father most likely.

Hopefully Uncle Williams gets what he wants from this tournament. House Wendwater is on the rise and the family would like to keep it that way or at least make sure what our house has gained remains. Lords have pushed their luck too far before in the past and maybe it's better to find out where to stop?

Either way Robert needs to return to the barracks to help prepare the patrol schedule for when the tournament actually starts. So Ser Robert of the Ruby Cloaks started to leave the Red Keep.

Robert can only be grateful of the opportunities Prince Lucien his friend has provided for House Wendwater and Robert himself. Robert will never forget that.

(And scene. A little bit more of the Wendwater family and Robert. Tolls making Robert some money and influence along with his rank and friendship with Lucien his Uncle Williams is coming to the tournament to see if more opportunities are here. After all people always need wood for either building peace time or wood for build up for war. Hope you guys enjoy.)
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Omake: The Sunflower's Light.
Omake: The Sunflower's Light.

Alicent stood alone, hugging the book to her chest while Prince Lucien left the Goodswood.

We Light the Way.

Those were her House words, she had heard it for so long that they were engraved in her head, echoing in her ears in moments of doubt in an almost punishing way.

After all, what's the light of a candle could do in comparison to a Dragon's flame? She didnt had the blinding light of Princess Rhaenyra that with her assured steps was ready to challange the world, neither she had the warmth and distance of Aegor smilling to everyone unbothered by the people who whispered against him.

And Lucien...

Wihout realizing it she was walking quickly as gracefull as she could, not forgeting her manners.

Lucien... He saw everything, reading her like one of her many books, and his eyes...

They were just like the stars all knowing, divining the fate of man on earth.

And all stars belonged to the night, just like a candle light.

"Alicent? "

She blinked, wihout realising she arrived at her father solar in the Tower of the Hand.

" Father.. I..."

It would be difficult but she could do this.

Notes: A bit dramatic but then all teeanagers are, also the sunflower in the title its a reference to Hinata.
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The Little Lady For All Seasons
The Little Lady For All Seasons

Lady Emma Wendwater, daughter of Lord William and Lady Alice Wendwater. Was currently on a ship to Kingslanding with her father, mother and younger brother for the tournament King Viserys was throwing.

Emma was a little nervous about this. For one this was the first time ever leaving home. To see a tournament at the capital no less but she was also kinda excited. She gets to finally be at a tournament. To watch the knights and lords joust and earn glory for their house.

Cousin Robert always says tournament can be pretty dangerous though. Hopefully no one gets too hurt. Still it will be great to see Cousin Robert again. It's been a long time and Emma missed him dearly. The only thing she didn't miss was Robert calling her a sweet cinnamon roll. She's a lady now so she must be majestic and Beautiful.

Everyone at Wendwater always says Emma gets her beauty from her Mother Lady Alice. Mother was a very good lady. She knew how to run the household and knew everything about being a lady.

Which brought up what her and mother talked about before leaving for Kingslanding. Emma had a job to do. It was to befriend the ladies at court. More specifically the Realms Delight Princess Rhaenyra and her group of lady's. Father was hoping Emma can join Princess Rhaenyras ladies in waiting and Emma getting close to them would help with that.

Though she would cousin Robert for company she still was a little afraid. Being away from home for how long? But this was what she was trained for and she'll do House Wendwater proud. After all her house words were 'For All Seasons' so she must adapt like Cousin Robert likes to always say.

(And scene. A little too short but that's what I could come up with currently. Hopefully some time in King for Emma will get a few more things in the next one. Like her reacting to court life at Kingslanding. Enjoy.)
The Faithful Day
Omake: The Faithful Day

Day before the Tourney:

If Vanessa had to listen to her father spiel one more time about doing her duty to her House and upstaging the Blackwoods she would die from sheer boredom and this is why she chose to quietly slip away when his attention was required by other lords.

It wasn't that she didn't want to do her duty, but she didn't know how.

Her father wanted to her to be chosen as Rhaenyra Lady in Wanting however so did practically all lords with the female relatives in the right age, worse yet the incoming tourney only gave the chance for more people come to the court and now the Princess was literally swarmed left and right by noble ladies.

How could she stand among such a crowd? She didn't know how to play any of the instruments right, nor did she sing well or dance. One of the only things she excelled in her studies was her sums and heraldry but the objective here was to grab the Princess attention not bore her to death.

As Vanessa walked idle around the Red Keep, she stopped at the sight of what appeared to be two boys picking on the fool of the court?

She was still far away enough that she couldn't pick the words, but she could still see far away to recognize the Strong boys.

What to do? House Strong of Harrenhal are quite powerful in their own right and she wasn't good with words.

Vanessa almost took a step back before she realized what she was doing.

How could she be thinking of retreat just because the situation was a bit difficult! Wasn't she a Bracken? Their House words weren't Undaunted, we march?! Gathering her courage she stomped her way in their direction, yelling.

"WHAT YOU-" Before she could even complete her phrase and get nearby, the Strongs boys left without glancing in her direction.

Like a sail with no wind, she slowed down feeling a little flasgared at the sudden lack of confrontation especially after she had made her mind.

"My lady."

Vanessa glanced at the fool, who was slowly approaching her, smiling while the bells on his clothes jiggled.

" I saw you coming to my rescue M'lady, while my assaulters left before you could do something I thank you all the same" the dwarf gave a dramatic bown.

" No need to thank me, like you have said I didn't do anything, thet boys left on their own".

"But it's your intent that worth the most here and it's for it that I warn you to be careful to whom you demonstre it"

"I see, thanks for your advice ser…?"

"HA, getting called a ser thats a new one for a halfman like me, but if M' Lady has a need for this fool all you need to call is for Mushroom!"

It was a strange encounter that left Vanessa a bit dazzled and yet she still didn figure out how to get close with the princess.


Day of the Tourney.

Galena couldn't focus on the tourney at all, something was brewing with her father.

Like why he decided to attend a tourney out of nowhere like a thunder without a cloud? Especially one in King's Landing? Not only that he was smiling like a shark that smelled blood, exactly before he got to raid the Dornish shores.

Something was going on and Galena Harlaw was no fool.

Yet for all of her might she still couldn't figure out what exactly, watching the tourney only reminded that she couldn't see the tides for the sea.

Thus she asked her father for a leave to rest in the Godswood, away from the crowd and to what should have been silence.

Instead of what greeted Galena was anything beyond what she expected. Two girls around her age were shouting in the middle of the woods, one of them was a dark haired girl with a pale skin moving around like a cat in a night frenzy, the other was somewhere between a blond and a redhead quietly standing in an almost comical contrast to the other one.

"Oh Mystery Knight, where do you come with such a heavy heart?" Said the dark haired one, with such vigor that one would think they were instead watching a mummer and not a noble lady.

" From where the night it's under the moontide and the stars cannot hide " The blond girl recited her lines perfectly, her face however continued strangely bland creating a rather queer aura.

More importantly, she recognized those lines!
"Excuse me, are you perhaps reciting the " The Moon's Lover" play?"

The dark haired girl quickly looked at Galena, only now realizing there was someone watching their show, her face breaking into a huge smile.

"Yes, It's my favorite play! Did you watch it?"

Caught off guard by the girls vibrance, Galena took a little to respond.

" Ah, I didn't watch it… I only know a little because of the songs."

"The songs were pretty good too I suppose."

With a lull with the conversation the not-quite blond yet not also red haired girl had approached Galena.

" Since you know the songs, do you want to play the part of the Moonlit Singster? Neither me or Myranda can sing well…"

" Well…Of course why not? "

"That's wonderful" said the dark haired one, grasping Galena's hands then quickly letting it go in favor of a courtesy " Before I forget, pleased to meet you I am Myranda of House Ryswell"

The blond girl took the opening to introduce herself as well "Lorena of House Celtigar"

Galena smiled it seems the day was getting better "Galena of House Harlaw, but my family calls me Gal"


Still on the Day of the Tourney

"And then?"

"And then Prince Lucien helped me to my feet against the swarm of other girls"

"That's so dreamy…"

Minisa couldn't help but smile at how wonderful her day had been, she was attending her first tourney in King's Landing, she saw many knights and ladies but the best of all was hearing how Lady Jeyne gave her favor to Prince Lucien while he competed as a Mystery Knight in a previous tourney.

"Prince Lucien is a true knight! No matter what other people may say."

Better yet was seeing how Little Jeyne's eyes shone when speaking of her Prince, it made Minisa's day a bit brighter as well. Seriously, how could those witches get jealous of a child? It's understandable for them to be disappointed for not getting chosen. What is not understandable is for them to behave like vultures, especially the older ones! Didn't their families teach them manners?

"Nisa, is something wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just the sun is a bit strong here. Do you want to rest in the shade for a bit, Jeyne?

Jeyne grabbed her hand, appointing one direction " I know a good resting spot from where you can see the knights practicing in the courtyard!"

The girl was too cute to be true! It's sad that while her cousin Ser Nabert Redfort was furious by the way she was almost stomped on by a horde of girls and demanded an armed escort to be close to Jeyne at all times, the knight couldn't protect his lady from mean words. But it would be alright because she, Minisa Crane would do it.

While her own prince didn't arrive, she wouldn't stay idle instead she would help others like a true princess until her day comes.

And if he didnt come, then she would come to him like a sworn love warrior!


Night of the Tourney Celebration Feast.

In the end Vanessa didn't manage to grab the Princess' attention, her father was going to be so disappointed. Perhaps if the Princess was still on the feast, she could have made a last ditch effort but she had retired early for the night, taking Lady Alicent and Jeyne with her.

Not even the lively aura of the feast was enough to cheer her up, thus she prefered to stay on the shadowed corners watching the rest of the people celebrate.

" Why so gloomy M' Lady? You are looking almost identical to Lady Jeyne over there."

Vanessa was taken out by the sudden appearance of Mushroom, who was pointing to one of the hall's entrances and sure enough although it was hard to see due to her small frame Lady Jeyne Arryn was pacing, clearly looking for something. Something strange to be sure since Vanessa was sure she left early with the Princess and the Hand's daughter.

"Mushroom?" she called but the dwarf had already walked away.

Not one to leave a child in distress she walked to where the Little Falcon was.

" Excuse me, Lady Jeyne, do you need any help?"

The poor girl almost jumped back in a fright, eyes large as an owl. She looked to the sides, biting her lips, clearly something was wrong. What could have happened?

" My lady no matter the distress you may be in, I swear you can trust me to help."

Lady Jeyne looked deep into Vanessa eyes, searching for any sight of falsity and satisfied asked:

" I am in need of help, did you see where Prince Lucien went?"

She cursed, she didn't see where Prince Lucien left… But she was pretty sure the last time she saw him he was with a knight… With the embroidery of a tree in his doublet, no. Trees in different seasons… House Wendewater!

" I didn't see to where he left, however last time I saw him he was with a boy of House Wendwater."

" Oh no, if they went together it means they left to drink in the city."

Lady Jeyne seemed even more distressed than before. What she should do?

"Jeyne! You have to listen to Lady Lorena, she has the most wonderful poems memorized!" A blond girl, with grey eyes approached them, followed by another girl with strawberry blond hair.

"Nisa!" Jeyne answered.

"What is going on? Did someone do something to you? Did she do something?! " The suppostly Lady Nisa face went from a benevolent maiden gaze to a murderous in a instant, apoiting to poor Vanessa.

"No! Nisa, she helped me! In fact I still need help…"

"Oh, I am sorry my lady it appears that I have been hasty in my judgment" Nisa said while looking at Vanessa then returning to Jeyne " But what continues to trouble you so Jeyne?"

"Ehhhhh…" Jeyne glanced at the girls surrounding her, then started walking in an empty hallway gesturing to them to follow.

"Can I have your word that you guys won't tell a soul of this" The falcon said, looking at each of them in the empty hallway.

"I Vanessa Bracken swear on my house honor."

" I Minisa swear under the Maiden's Gaze"

" I Lorena promise to keep it with my life, lest the Goddess cast me aside."

Jeyne appeared to be satisfied, gesturing to them come at the whispering distance.

"The Princess got stuck in a secret passage in my room, we need something to break the lock, Lady Alicent remained in there to prevent anyone from entering."

The three maidens or rather only Vanessa and Minisa appeared to be a bit shocked and they were lucky it was dark so it was rather difficult to see what faces they were making under the dark.

Lorena's face appeared to be bland as always. "Understood" then she quickly started walking away.

"Wait where are you going?" Vanessa exclaimed.

" I know someone that has what we need, I will go to ask for her help"

" Do you trust her? asked Jeyne.


"Then it's decided," said Vanessa, recovering from the shock, "Lady Lorena you will get the tools, since a large group moving around is suspicious then I, with Lady Minisa will go ahead to scout the situation with Lady Jeyne."

Lorena agreed and parted ways, confirming where Jeyne's room was.

Back in the feast hall, the party was still in full swing although the more young were starting to leave.

Worried she searched the hall and found just the right person.

" Galena."


" I remembered a poem that would suit you."

A bit confused, the Ironborn Maiden asked " And what's it?"

Since the hall was so loud it wouldn't be strange for someone to get closer in a whispering distance if one didn't want to yell."I need your axe."

Galena froze for a second and Lorena was worried that the other would refuse.

" What you said? It's too loud here, let's talk in my chambers"

Lorena smiled letting Galena lead the way.

Arriving in her chambers, Galena took a small axe that was under the bed.

"I have no ideia as why you want my axe, but if you need to murder someone I shall tell you that there more comspicious ways than walking around the Red Keep with the murder weapon."

Lorena shook her head.

"Well, even if you don't kill anyone, you still need to hide it so you can walk freely"

Lorena gave Gal a pleading look.

"I think I can tie it with a leather strap to one of your legs if you can handle the weight"

"Then please do so and I will be in your debt"

"Dont worry about it, that's what friends are for."

Giving an axe in the middle of the night for someone wasn't the weirdest thing Galena had done so why not? Besides Lorena had said she wasnt going to murder someone with it… Unless she lied? It was kind of hard to tell, giving her an impassive face… Well, Gal chose to trust the girl, living in doubt it's never good and Lorena seemed competent enough to not leave evidence…

Thus the two made their way back to the feast, Galena was almost giving Lorena goodbye when Lord Celtigar approached.

" There you are Lorena, come it's time for you to retire for the night.

" Father… I"

"There are you two!"

A scandalous voice cut through the conversation, Myranda Ryswell runned to them with a board piece in her hands, coming almost between father and daughter.

" Come along the Princess it's waiting for us"

Lord Celtigar glanced at his daughter.

"The Princess?"

Myranda just continued talking without a care. " The Princess invited us to play some games and spend the night with her in Lady Jeyne rooms, this is why I am carrying a game of Fox and Geese."

" The Princess…. What are you waiting for Lorena, don't leave her grace waiting! Don't mind this old man here, go play with your friends."

"Yes, Father."

With a smile, Lord Celtigar left, leaving them with a grinning Myranda.

"Come you two" Myranda grabbed the two of them, running to Lady Jeyne chambers.

" How did you figure it out?"

"What do you mean the Princess has invited us?"

The northern girl smiled even wider. "Oh, please it wasn't that hard, I overheard that the Princess was going to sleep in Lady Jeyne rooms since the girl isnt used to sleep alone, then I see you leaving the banquet with Lady Jeyne, coming back and grabbing Gal"

" Obviously something is going on!"


Meanwhile in the Lady Jeyne Room.

'" It doesn't! Budge! We are going to need for Lorena to arrive"

Vanessa was grabbing the handle of the small trapdoor in the fireplace previously hidden by bricks, the thing was stuck in place.

"Let's hope we can break the handle, or if not Rhaenyra is going to need to wait out in the passage way until morning" said a rather tired Alicent, seated in the border of the bed.

"Nooooooo, Alicent don't leave me here it's dark, the torch it's almost dying out" said the Princess on the other side of the trapdoor.

Jeyne and Minisa were close to the door keeping a lookout.

Suddenly a knock was heard.

" Its me, Lorena"

Minisa first opened only a small frest, then confirming Lorena and her friend? She opened and closed as fast as she could when they entered.

"Oh my this is a mess!" Said Myranda as she flopped on the bed.

Lorena took out the axe, however took a pause looking at her skinny arms and Gal took the opportunity to grab it, aiming for the handle.

"Everyone, make away"

Of course Gal herself wasn't much stronger than the girls present, so it took a bit before the Princess was revealed on the other side, clothes dusted and hair messed up with cobwebs.

" Thank you! Thank you! All of you" Rhaenyra cried, hugging each of the girls. " Stupid secret passage!"

Suddenly another knock was heard on the door. Minisa, who was the closest, asked " Who is in there?"

" Niece are you in there?"

Minisa's eyes went large as the moon, while everyone minus Rhaenyra freezed. In a motion faster than a professional thief, Nisa opened the door enough for her to pass without giving away a vision for inside the chambers and closing it.

Because on the other side was the most dangerous man in westeros… Holding one of his daughters in the arms.

" Goo-od Evening Prince Daemon, may I help you?" Oh seven! She was facing the most dangerous man of the realm. What did Minisa do for it to happen? Ah the things she did in the name of love!

Daemon for his part just blinked, in the silence one could hear low enough Rhaenyra cries as she was comforted by the girls. "Was my niece the one crying just now?"

Inside, Myranda, who was listening with her ear on the door, started to cry loudly " Ahhhhhhhhh Ser Ferdinand didn't deserve to die in the Moon's Lover!"

Minisa thanked the Seven for Myranda's help. " Ah yes, we were discussing tragic plays and it seems Princess Rhaenyra was rather touched by lady Lorena recital" said her, giving her best innocent look

"I see… I need Baela stuffed rabbit that she left with Little Jeyne, it should be on the bed"

" I forgot Ser Fluffytails" said the little girl snuggling in Daemon's chest." But don't tell him that.

Without missing a beat, Alicent opened the door rabbit in hand " This one?".

" Yes, thank you."

" Thank you Lady!"

With this the daughter and father pair left, and the girls could spend a peaceful night together with a bond that only those who survived a harrowing situation managed.


Notes: Basic plot Rhaenyra and co found a secret passage in the last tourney in a room, this time they planned to sneak out and had Jeyne specificaly request the room for her stay but alas Rhaenyra got stuck in.

Tell me what you guys liked the most, please? Its my first time writing a thing longer than 500 words.
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The Knight For All Seasons and The King
The Knight For All Seasons and The King

Ser Robert of House Wendwater and a second son of a second son was just finished speaking with his cousin Lady Emma. Mostly about the court and how Emma was doing.

Emma has been getting along with Princess Rhaenyra and the other ladies in waiting. Everyone seems to love the music she plays them. And if what Robert has heard is anyway true? So does many at court.

At first Queen Aemma seemed to like his cousin as well. But that started to change once Emma at his own guidance advised her to get more noble support for the City Watch and Prince Lucien.

That confused Robert at first. He knows Prince Lucien and Princess Rhaenyra got along with each other. Well as Lady Jeyne Arryn. So why was the Queen against Lucien getting more support?

After a little bit of investigating Robert and Emma learned why.....Queen Aemma saw Prince Lucien as a threat and someone that wanted power.....Another person that didn't like Lucien doing his job well.

Not only nobles with their hurt pride and people on the Small Council that are speaking badly of Prince Lucien. Now the Queen herself....

Robert and Emma followed their houses words once they realized the new situation. They adapted. Obviously they can't directly got against the Queen. That's a sure fire way to at best lose Prince Lucien position at court and House Wendwater too.

Instead they gathered information and solidified Prince Lucien position at court. From what Robert could tell Aemma isn't making any direct moves against Prince Lucien. Maybe the friendship with Princess Rhaenyra and Lady Jeyne is stopping her or doesn't believe her influence with the King is enough to do anything? Still its seems the Queen is bringing people to court and from what Emma could tell bringing noble ladies to get close to Princess Rhaenyra. Though Emma suspects some of the ladies don't realize that part of the reason is influence against Prince Lucien.

So the plan is pretty simple. Keep their ears open, secure Prince Lucien allies in court and Emma to keep befriending Princess Rhaenyra and other ladies that follow the princess.

Now once their talking was finished Robert was prepared to go into the City. At least until Robert got a message from the King himself. Asking to speak with him.

While Robert was on his way to the King's currently location he started thinking about the purpose. Far Robert could tell he hasn't done anything that would get him or his house in trouble. So Robert could only draw a blank.

Robert entered the chambers the king was in. King Viserys waved Robert over to the table. "Ser Robert!! Good of you to join me on short notice. Please have a seat." Viserys said with a smile

Robert bowed to the king before taking the seat provided to him. "Of course, Your Grace." Robert said respectfully as he could.

King Viserys seems to be in a good mood as he took a drink of wine Robert suspected. "Ser Robert, have you thought about your future? " Viserys asked.

Robert was confused at the question for a moment before replying. "Keep serving the City Watch with Prince Lucien, Your Grace. And if free to do so maybe join a tournament or two at Kingslanding." Robert couldn't really see himself doing much else really.

King Viserys seems to like that response. "Good. My cousin speaks very highly of your service Ser." Viserys paused for a few seconds before continuing. "I would like you to be Lord Commander."

Robert confused for a second before realizing the possible implications of Prince Lucien losing his position and started to speak in Prince Lucien defense. " If Prince Lucien is being falsely accused of something I'd be glad to speak in the Princes defense, Your Grace." Robert said earnestly.

King Viserys at a look of confusion before being replaced with a smile. "No Lucien isn't being accused of anything. I need him for something very important in the future and that requires him not running the City Watch. Lucien has spoken very highly of you Ser. Which makes you the perfect replacement." Viserys said with cheer in his voice.

Robert was quiet for a few moments. Him as Lord Commander? In charge of six thousand men which would make him a very powerful figure in the capital. All because of Prince Lucien. Robert bowed his head. "I would be honored, Your Grace." Robert said with sincerity in his voice. Robert wouldn't let King Viserys or his friend Prince Lucien down. On Roberts honor.

Viserys was happy at Robert answer. "I know you will do the Crown and your house proud." Viserys said while smiling.

(And scene. Obviously Robert wouldn't like anyone thinking Lucien is a threat. Especially someone like Aemma with far as Robert could tell shouldn't think this way. Also Aemma possibly looking Emma funny. Wouldn't do anything against Aemma though but can help Lucien position at court though along with his family's. Robert realizes what him being Lord Commander means. So he's gonna prepare much as possible for when he gets it. Hope you guys enjoy it.)
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Omake: A day for maidens.
Omake: A day for maidens.

Before Lucien engagement and Marriage in the Timeskip.

Maiden 's Day.

Rhyelle Coldwater carefully watched as the last of the noble maidens of Kings Landing lit the candles at the Maiden's feet and put the garlands of flowers on her neck, and when everyone had their turn she helped the Princess lead the choir as the septas played the instruments in the background.

When she first received the letter of the Queen inviting her to be one of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting she was worried because of the religious tension in Kings Landing and the rest of the realm. Yet to her surprise when she arrived the tension had been snuffed out mostly solved by Prince Lucien, then the High Septon died being replaced by another more gentle in his approach to different faiths in rather good timing one might say.

Perhaps it was simply the Seven taking one who acted without their Virtues from his time on earth, while Rhyelle wouldn't say out loud that the High Septon wasn't whole wrong on thinking of the new faith spreading over Westeros would mean for the Faith of the Seven in the future, the way he acted was unbecoming of his station.

Threatening to act as if he was the wrathful sword of Warrior, putting so many innocent lives in danger while not even putting his own life at risk was pure hypocrisy, and that while he forgot all of the Maiden innocence, the Mother mercy, the Crone patience and the Father justice.

Even worse his actions threatened to split the Faith, dividing it due his northern brethren concerns of violence, especially when they were peacefully coexisting with the Old Gods before for hundreds of years.

But enough of her concerns over the matter, perhaps if she wasn't her father's only daughter she could have joined the Faith like Princess Magelle and rise to become one of the Most Devout and influence the issue directly but this wasn't her fate.

For now she would address the simple issues at hand, like helping lady Vanessa with singing lessons later.

Or talk with Lady Caliadne, by what she heard the Reyne was becoming a skilled healer, recently the Queen was trying to help the motherouses who were taking care of the sick, the girl could be of help with the charity project.

Lady Myranda and Galena also asked her help with memorizing the prayers to perform in the Princess future wedding, even if the girls were not of the Faith of the Seven as Rhaenyra Ladies in Wanting they were still required to help with the Marriage Ceremony.

And Lady Rhae mentioned having difficulties trying to find a septa capable of handling her daughter's education, she had a few recommendations to make… Also talk to the new septon in charge about putting Lady Royce's name in the evening prayers.

So many people to help and so little time, may the Crone guide her…


Vanessa tried to not sing too much out of tune but judging how Lady Rhyelle was raising her voice ever so subtle and skillfully everytime she made a mistake Vanessa was certain the girl was covering for her.

May the Maiden bless her.

Ever since Lady Rhyelle arrived the girl was ever dutiful and considerate of everyone, especially helping the ones who were struggling with their duties like her…

While Vanessa was certainly useful for the Princess when she needed to be reminded of who the noble in her front was, where they come from and if they had any historical grudges against other Houses, however when it came to more womanly arts she fell short, thus she was grateful for the Vale women's help.

Speaking of women matters, Vanessa tried to not cringe as she once again remembered her cousin's marriage and what one day might be hers. She was sure her father wouldn't make her marry someone horrible but in the potential list of suitors there was a person who worried her.

Please Maiden, not House Strong! Lord Harwin was a fine person but his brother Larys sent her shivers every time she saw him besides it was Harrenhal, the accursed castle. How could she live peacefully being the Lady of such ill keep, knowing soon enough her line will fail into ruin?

No, she couldn't. She would soon marry a Blackwood and suffer her father ire rather than be the Lady of Harrenhal, seven hells even Myranda's brothers weren't out of question…

Oh Maiden, grant this one mercy as you have graced Princess Rhaenyra with a good marriage.

The Princess was sure lucky she managed to secure her marriage with the one she wanted, sure it wasn't announced yet but with the way she smiled those days something was definitely in the air.

Thankfully Vanessa stirred her brother away from courting the Princess before a disaster could be made. A royal marriage wont grace House Bracken but perhaps helping her brother some allies in court won't be an impossible task compared to the first.


Minisa Crane couldn't help but stare at the Princess and Lady Alicent who were in the front.

This last year had gone overwhelmingly well, she had made lots of friends, attended many feats, tourneys and balls and brought honor to her House by being chosen as a Lady in Waiting.

There was just one thing that put her in a sore spot.

Love didn't come to her as she imagined it.

No, while almost everyone was caught in a love intrigue of their own, she was left standing in the dust.
Even the Princess was spellbound by none other than Lucien the Silent together with Alicent! She had no idea how that would affect their friendship but she prayed for the Maiden for their happiness.

And the story didn't end there for Aegor was in love with Rhaenyra! Sure it was a subtle thing with the warm way he treated everyone but Minisa as sure as the sun always rises in the east.

The poor boy didn't stand a chance. Maybe she could console him? She heard that one of the nobles with a manse in the city hired one of those chefs capable of cooking Yi-Ti dishes he was so fond of, working her way for a dinner invitation and bringing him along was the least she could do to alleviate the pain of the future heartbreak.

Not that she was doing much better than Aegor anyway as one of many daughters her father had it sure it would be way more difficult for her to secure a marriage if she wasn't chosen as Rhaenyra Lady in Wanting, heavens if she succeeded in marrying well enough she could even help her remaining unwed sisters.

Oh Maiden if love isn't an option at least grant me a good marriage to help my House…

Maybe she could ask Little Jeyne to introduce some Vale lords to her, and invite Aegor along to see some ladies too.

Well better to leave it to some sort of last resort, the Queen is planning to hold some sort of Ball and asked for help with hiring artists praising her with a good eye for art, perhaps she could take a sneak peak at the guests list and see who among the ladies would be a good match for Aegor broken heart and her own too.
Caliadne Reyne was in Heaven.

For the first time she could learn everything in her reach and there was nobody to stop her, she even had the Queen seal of approval.

It was just a dream, learning under the experienced hands of Lady Visanya to the disapproval of the Grand Maester.

Not that she wasn't aware there's a price for it, the Queen expected her to put her skills into practice by being the Princess personal healer accompanying her even when a Maester couldn't.

It was a small price, she couldn't enter the Citadel, this was the closest Caliadne could ever reach and be free to pursue her studies besides Princess Rhaenyra and her Ladies wasn't bad company.

Lady Vanessa was particularly bright in the regards of history of Houses, Lady Rhyelle knew much about the Faith and it's history compared to Lady Lorena in regards to Sea trade matters.

Both Lady Jocelyn and Myranda were quick on the horse and good hunters, meanwhile Ladies Galena, Minisa and Emma were gracious hosts.

Oh Maiden let this dream never end.

Jocelyn was at first overwhelmed.

While as a member of House Selmy, she learned how to protect herself and the Keep in case of a Dornish Raid Jocelyn never expected to lean fully on her skills no matter how much she struggled with courtesies and more womanly arts.

Yet it was for that reason she was chosen by the Queen, above all other noble daughters to be the one of Princess Lady in
Wanting, to guard her like Jonquil did for Queen Alysanne.

And it was a Duty she gladly accepted, for Queen Aemma personally asked her when she arrived at King's Landing.
Jocelyn couldn't be the graceful noble Lady of the stories but perhaps she could be finally the Knight if not in name then in spirit.

She also wouldn't lie and say that the Princess own disposition did not weight in her decision, many other laughed at her clumsy ways of the court but Rhaenyra was ever gracious quickly offering her a smile and eager to know the stories of when she joined
Lady Rhae in her husband rescue.

The other Ladies in Wanting were also accepting of her more martial purses, Lady Myranda quickly took to challenging her to a horse race in the Kingswood while she found a friend in her learning struggles with Lady Vanessa.

She could only ask for the Maiden when the time comes she would have the strength to honor her oath.

Notes: This is the omake! You guys might have noticed Galena, Lorena and Myranda arent here but it was getting too long and I didnt finish everyone sheets so I will end up here, plus it was Maidens' day so since they dont follow the Seven the Trio didnt attend. However if some of you want I could do a quick summary of what the Trio was doing for Nyra.

Probably one last time we will hear of them for now, it was fun creating them! However Jocelyn probably will follow Rhaenyra to the Stepstones, same for Caliadne due to their promisses to the now late Queen Aemma if Magoose allows it of course. We see some hints of how the girls were helping Nyra and Aemma in court, some personal issues and stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
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