And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Waifu 4
Now we have our Lady Minisa!

Name: Minisa Crane

Alias: The most "Graceful Dancer in all of Red Lake" by her Lady Mother

Age: 12

Appearance: Dark straight blond hair, grey eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


A Bird Grace's: Since you were small you always have been graceful as a bird (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls and actions that require agility)

Mask of Innocence: People believe what they see and you seem to have an aura of innocence and childishness around you. (+ 10 to intrigue action rolls , however you suffer - 10 to diplomacy when you need to be taken seriously)

Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Dancing (Skilled) : You were trained to dance as a Lady should (+ 20 to dancing rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the Rose of Red Lake: They say that some female members of House Crane are able to skinchange into cranes, you laugh remembering your ancestor Rose of Red Lake. (If this trait gives anything more... Its at the QM hands)

Hopeless Romantic: You have a romantic streak that would make the poets proud.
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Waifu 5
And here we have the final Five! The Ladies from the Stormlands and Vale will be added Later... I will need to check the sheets to see if everything its alright.

Ps: Tell me wich one was your favourite?

Name: Myranda Ryswell

Age: 13

Alias: "Nightmare" by Vanessa Bracken

Appearance: Dark wavy hair, dark brown eyes

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion:The Old Gods, you believe in the Faceless, shapeless and unknowable gods of the North.


A Horse's flesh in Pound: You grew watching you father take care of the horses business of the family, and learned everything you could from it (+ 10 to rolls involving horses, be riding, selling, buying or breeding, even moving a cavalry as long its horses you got it)

The Rills Biggest Liar: You were the biggest liar of all the Rills and Barrowslands, (+ 10 to lying, however if you get caught you suffer a malus on the roll for lying next time you tell another lie to the person in question)

Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Theatrics (Skilled): All the World's a stage. You just have the talent to play many parts. (+20 bonus to acting, and lying)

Horseback Riding (Trained) You ride the horse like a woman who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of First Man: The Blood of the first man flows in your veins.

Dramatic: You wihout doubt are a Drama Queen, for dazzling your allies and enemies or making a storm from a water cup.
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Valyric Creed
Here is my model of the Valyrian Faith of Westeros, structured based on CK3:

Valyric Creed

  • Deities
    • Draconics of the Infinite Sky (The Seven Above)
      • Aegarax - Progenitor of the Dragons
      • Arrax - God of Law, order & justice
      • Gaelithox - God of fire, sun & the dawn
      • Meraxes - Goddess of the sky, stars, moon & dusk
      • Shrykos - Goddess of beginnings, endings, transitions & gateways
      • Tessarion - Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, health & prophecy
      • Tyraxes - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence & harmony
    • Draconics of the Eternal Earth (The Seven Below)
      • Balerion - God of death & the Underworld
      • Caraxes - God of the sea
      • Meleys - Goddess of love & fertility
      • Syrax - Goddess of wine, celebration, vegetation & ecstasy
      • Vermax - God of travel, communication, trade & language
      • Vermithor - God of smiths, artisans & crafts
      • Vhagar - Goddess of warfare, battle strategy & martial might
  • Tenets
    • Communion - Our rituals are symbolic and invoke the very presence of the divine itself. Those who cannot or do not join us in their practice cannot be true believers.
    • Esotericism - The gods' very existence compels us to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around us.
    • Septic Syncretism - The Seven's teachings hold upstanding and virtuous morals. As such, they should be heeded.
  • Gender Views
    • Equal - Whether it's male or female preference or true equality, it is foolish to deny skilled people a role in government purely because of their gender.
  • Religious Attitude
    • Pluralist - It is utter folly to say that there is only one right interpretation of divine will, and that all the others views are wrong. Each of us has our own way of worshiping the Seven Above and Seven Below.
  • Clerical Traditions
    • Lay Clergy - Any devoted follower is more than capable of understanding, following, and preaching the doctrines of our faith.
  • Head of Faith
    • Temporal - The spiritual and the physical are intrinsically bound together, whole and inseparable. It is foolish to have two different leaders for one realm.
  • Marriage Doctrines
    • Type: Consorts & Concubines
    • Divorce: Always Allowed
    • Bastardy: Legitimization
    • Consanguinity: Unrestricted Marriage
  • Crime Doctrines
    • Same-Sex Relations: Accepted
    • Male Adultery: Shunned
    • Female Adultery: Shunned
    • Deviancy: Crime
    • Witchcraft: Allowed
    • Kinslaying: Familial is Criminal
  • Clergy Doctrines
    • Function: Control
    • Gender: Either
    • Marriage: Allowed
    • Appointment: Spiritual for Life
  • Holy Sites
    • Old Valyria
    • Dragonstone
    • King's Landing
Lemme know what ya'll think~!!
Emma Wendwater
Here we go @mrsean22

Name: Emma Wendwater.

Age: 13

Alias: " Lady Spring " by her cousin Ser Robert Wendwater

Appearance: Brown wavy hair, green doe eyes

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Ranunculus' Petals: When you smile you cant help but pass a little of your Joy to someone else's (+ 10 to rolls for actions where you help someone who is struggling emotionaly)

The Turning of the Seasons: The world its on constantly change, so you must adapt lest you end crushed by its wheel. (More +10 to unexpected situations that normaly would get someone out of their guard.)

Pretty: While you arent beautiful, you cant be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (trained): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Pipes Player(skilled): You were trained to play an instrument as an Lady should ( + 20 to playing the pipes)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Cheerful: You are a rather cheerful girl nothing can knock you down... For now.
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WAifu 6
@Tabascoheath, here we go with our tomboy

Name: Jocelyn Selmy.

Age: 14

Alias: "The Wheat Knight" by her brother

Appearance: Black straight hair, black eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


"Keeper of the Harvest": As a major source of grain in the Stormlands and a March house, the Selmies are deeply rooted in martial practice. While it is rare for its female members to become full-fledged warriors, it is vital for them to at least be capable in self-defense in the face of Dornish raids. (+ 10 to martial and agricultural rolls)

A Duck out of Water : Since you were a child something you prevented in fitting among the crowd (- 10 in diplomacy rolls.)

Pretty: While you arent beautiful, you cant be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)

Death Before Dishonor: Once you take an oath, you intend to take it to the end (When taking a action that falls in line with a vow you took + 10 in rolls, however if something happens that puts you with contraditory vows or breaking it you suffer a - 10 malus until you reach a resolution )


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (trained): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Horseback Riding (Skilled) You ride the horse like a woman who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Short Sword (Trained): They taught you how to fight, and you learned how to win. (+10 to personal combat rolls while using a short sword)

Hunting (Skilled): Since you were a little girl you loved hunting in the Marchs (+ 20 to hunting rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Honorable: You take your oaths and vows very seriously and you would never break it willingly.
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Waifu 7
@Fanhunter696, here we gooo plus thanks @SeraphiusBX for the stats suggestion.

Name: Caliadne Reyne.

Age: 12

Alias: "The Wise Lioness" by her Maester

Appearance: Platinum blond curly hair, green eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


"Lionheart": One with great pride in their lineage and deeply protective of those viewed as family. When offended, they will not forget the slight. Such mentality extends to those they hold dear to their hearts. Should any loved ones who are offended or harmed, the culprit(s) shall be on the hit list. (If someone slights your family you gain + 10 on any rolls against them but if you dont take at least one action per turn to make your veangeance you suffer a - 10 malus)

Pretty: While you arent beautiful, you cant be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)

A Scholar Heart: you liked to read about almost everything, the world is so big and full of stuff you to learn! If only the cidatel opened its door for you... (+ 10 to research rolls)


Reading (Skilled): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+20 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (trained): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Nursing (Trained): Once you father got sick, and you tried to help as much you could under your Maester watch (+ 10 to healing rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Quick: You are brighter than most, in intellect and in skill. (+5 to all rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Even with your House conversion for the Seven, their blood still flows in your veins.

Proud: You are proud to be who you are.

(Btw if you guys are felling that the last 3 girls are a bit more different than the other ones like I said they were picked by Queen Aemma for a reason after all)
Waifu 8
@Tabascoheath it might be no quite the spymaster you asked for...

Name: Rhyelle Coldwater.

Age: 14

Alias: "Little Novice" by the people of Coldwater Burn.

Appearance: Auburn wavy hair, blue eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Under the Stranger Hooded Gaze: Sometimes the cure for life is death. (In situations where someone important to you its at risk of dying and you are close enough to try to prevent it gain + 10 to rolls where you sacrifice yourself instead)

By the Mother's Mercy: You try to take the path that would lead to less bloodshed as possible (When trying to convice someone to lay down armies, quench someone fury, negotiated peace treats or terms of surrander gain + 10 to rolls)

By the Crone's Blind Eyes: You have a certain instinct for when people are trying to lie to you and thats is more valuabe than gold (+ 10 to intrigue rolls)

Beautiful: You are beautiful . (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Holy Scriptures (Skilled): You memorized many of the texts of the Seven Pointed Stars (+ 20 to rolls involving the Faithfull of the Seven)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Even with your House conversion for the Seven, their blood still flows in your veins.

Pious: your faith motivates you.

Notes: Explaining quickly Aemma choose Jocelyn for her to be Rhaenyra Scarlet Shadow, Caliadne by her bright intellect and Rhyelle by her connection to the Faith and cunning in a attempt to protect Rhaenyra from Lucien.
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Rhaenyra Ladies in Wanting
Rhaenyra Ladies in Wanting

Ex Members:

Name: Vanessa Bracken


Appearance: Red curly hair, brown eyes

Alias: "The Red Mule" by Myranda Ryswell

"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Ruby of the Riverlands - Specific title within the courtiers.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Honest to a Fault: You say what you think and while others dislike you for it, some are like you for it (-10 for rolls when you need to lie but in reverse you gain + 10 to rolls when you need people to believe you: Oaths,advice or testimony.)

Tall: You tower over your peers, sometimes even the male ones (- 10 to stealth rolls, can be passed down to your children)

Pretty: While you might be not beautiful, you can't be called plain either (+ 5 to diplomacy tools)

Brazen as a Bracken: When many have their will broken you continue as someone worthy of your House words : Undauted, we march! (+10 to rolls where something may happen to break you emotionally, you instead carry on.)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Trained): You may not like it but your Mother made sure you at least knew the basics of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Master) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 30 to managing a keeps affairs)

Heraldy (Skilled): You learned about the Sigils, Names, Words of the many Noble Houses of Westeros (+ 20 to Identifying a House and Managing a event with numerous Houses)

An eye for Talent [General] (Skilled): After helping organize many events with a large amount of people, you learned how to appraise which person would be suitable for what position; (When searching a person to fulfill a particular position gain + 20 to the rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Although the Brackens long since conversed to the Faith of the Seven, their blood still flows in you.

Stubborn: Once you take a stance it's rather difficult for you to change, kind of like a mule..(People gain a -5 malus in diplomacy rolls when trying to convice you to change your stance.)

Advisor - Your counsel is sought out for those in need of your advice (Gain or give + 5 when people purposely ask for your advice over specific matters)

Name: Lorena Celtigar

Appearance: Straight Strawberry Blond, light purple eyes

"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • Claw's Isle Pearl" - Specific title within the courtiers..

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written) High Valaryian, High Valaryian (written)

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.

Icy Composure: Since you were a child you suffered from a rather unfortunate poker face, and while it helped you keep your composure, it didn't help with you making friends (- 10 to diplomacy rolls, however your enemies gain a malus of - 10 in intrigue rolls if they try to read your intent).

Attractive: The blood of Old Valyria its apparent in your beauty (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)

Sharp's as a Crab Claw: By growing up in the Blackwater Bay and watching your father deal with the port you gained an understanding of sea trade (+ 10 with rolls that deal with sea trade)

Reading (trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Poetry (Skilled) : You were trained to be able to write and recite poetry as an Lady should (+ 20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favour. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the basics of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Naval Trade (Master): After the Port incident in the Kings Landing you became even more proficient in regards to Sea Trade (When dealing with the Sea Trade matters gain + 30 roll)

Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of Old Valarya: The blood of Valarya runs in your veins.

Caring: Even if you are close to only a handful of people, those who are close to your heart know how caring you are and for you that's enough. (Gain or give more + 5 when taking care of someone close to you, Emma, Galena and Myranda can be counted for this skill )

Patience: You knew the value of waiting for the right moment to arrive.

Name: Galena "Gal" Harlaw

Age: 19
Alias: My little "Sea Songstress" by her father Lord Harlaw

"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Sapphire of the Iron Islands - Specific title within the courtiers.

Appearence: Curly Light Brown Hair, Green blue eyes. Freckles.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: The Drowned God, a religion specific to the Iron Isles.


The Reaper's Harvest: You Harlaw grew up in the Iron Islands, and learned how to strike fear in your opponents ( + 10 to intimidation, blackmail and breaking someone will rolls)

A Sea Wrath: While the sea can wash the sands clean again, what the tide has taken remains forever in its watery belly, rotting inside. (+ 10 to intrigue rolls where you secretly plot revenge against someone)

Small: You are smaller than most (+ 10 to stealth rolls, can be passed to children)

Pretty: While you arent Beautiful, you cant be called Plain either (+ 5 to diplomacy rools)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the basics of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Singing (Master): Since you were a girl you loved to sing, and your father indulged your talent. (+ 30 to singing rolls)

Camouflage (Skilled): You know how to hide things using the natural environment. (+20 to hiding equipment and yourself)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the Iron Island: You are of the Iron Islands (Due to Ironborn reputation - 10 on diplomacy rolls in Westeros, due to the recent raiding in the Dornish Shores - 20 on diplomacy rolls with the Dornish)

Loyal: To you, your bonds matter more than honor or gold, if someone tries to take what's yours they better be prepared to pay the Iron Price.

Gossiper: "Have you heard the whispers around court lately?" (+10 to social and intrigue rolls)

Name: Minisa Crane

Alias: The most "Graceful Dancer in all of Red Lake" by her Lady Mother
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Amber of the Reach - Specific title within the courtiers.

Age: 17

Appearance: Dark straight blond hair, grey eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


A Bird Grace's: Since you were small you always have been graceful as a bird (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls and actions that require agility)

Mask of Innocence: People believe what they see and you seem to have an aura of innocence and childishness around you. (+ 10 to intrigue action rolls , however you suffer - 10 to diplomacy when you need to be taken seriously)

Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Master): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+30 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Trained): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Dancing (Skilled) : You were trained to dance as a Lady should (+ 20 to dancing rolls)

An eye for Art (Skilled): After helping Queen Aemma with so may art events you gained an eye for it (+ 20 to rolls for hiring artists, organizing an artistic event, buying or selling artistic goods)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the Rose of Red Lake: They say that some female members of House Crane are able to skinchange into cranes, you laugh remembering your ancestor Rose of Red Lake. (If this trait gives anything more... Its at the QM hands)

Hopeless Romantic: You have a romantic streak that would make the poets proud.

Bon Vivant : You knew how to live well and make others feel like it too (+ 10 to diplomacy for events where you organized like Feasts, Tourneys, Marriages and all sorts of celebrations)

Name: Myranda Ryswell

Age: 19

Alias: "Nightmare" by Vanessa Bracken
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Opal of the North - Specific title within the courtiers.

Appearance: Dark wavy hair, dark brown eyes

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion:The Old Gods, you believe in the Faceless, shapeless and unknowable gods of the North.


A Horse's flesh in Pound: You grew watching you father take care of the horses business of the family, and learned everything you could from it (+ 10 to rolls involving horses, be riding, selling, buying or breeding, even moving a cavalry as long its horses you got it)

The Rills Biggest Liar: You were the biggest liar of all the Rills and Barrowslands, (+ 10 to lying, however if you get caught you suffer a malus on the roll for lying next time you tell another lie to the person in question)

Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+20 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Theatrics (Master): All the World's a stage. You just have the talent to play many parts. (+30 bonus to acting, and lying)

Horseback Riding (Trained) You ride the horse like a woman who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Forgery (Skilled): After many years under the vipers pit you learned that to survive honesty isn't good enough. (+ 20 to rolls where you forge a piece of written 'evidence')


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of First Man: The Blood of the first man flows in your veins.

Dramatic: You without doubt are a Drama Queen, for dazzling your allies and enemies or making a storm from a water cup. (`+ 10 to rolls where to cause a distraction or commotion)

Name: Jocelyn Selmy.

Age: 18

Alias: "The Wheat Knight" by her brother
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Diamond of the Stormland - Specific title within the courtiers.

Appearance: Black straight hair, black eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


"Keeper of the Harvest": As a major source of grain in the Stormlands and a March house, the Selmies are deeply rooted in martial practice. While it is rare for its female members to become full-fledged warriors, it is vital for them to at least be capable in self-defense in the face of Dornish raids. (+ 10 to martial and agricultural rolls)

A Duck out of Water : Since you were a child something you prevented in fitting among the crowd (- 10 in diplomacy rolls.)

Pretty: While you arent beautiful, you cant be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)

Death Before Dishonor: Once you take an oath, you intend to take it to the end (When taking a action that falls in line with a vow you took + 10 in rolls, however if something happens that puts you with contradictory vows or breaking it you suffer a - 10 malus until you reach a resolution] )


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (trained): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+10 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)

Horseback Riding (Skilled) You ride the horse like a woman who has spent years in it. You are a true student of the saddle (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Short Sword (Master): They taught you how to fight, and you learned how to win. (+30 to personal combat rolls while using a short sword)

Longsword (Skilled): They taught you how to fight, and you learned how to win. (+20 to personal combat rolls while using a longsword)

Hunting (Skilled): Since you were a little girl you loved hunting in the Marchs (+ 20 to hunting rolls)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Honorable: You take your oaths and vows very seriously and you would never break it willingly. (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls when you give your word on something)

Oathbound: You took an Oath to protect Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen of House Targaryen.

Name: Caliadne Reyne.

Age: 17

Alias: "The Wise Lioness" by her Maester
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Emerald of the Westerlands - Specific title within the courtiers.

Appearance: Platinum blond curly hair, green eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


"Lionheart": One with great pride in their lineage and deeply protective of those viewed as family. When offended, they will not forget the slight. Such mentality extends to those they hold dear to their hearts. Should any loved ones who are offended or harmed, the culprit(s) shall be on the hit list. (If someone slights your family you gain + 10 on any rolls against them but if you dont take at least one action per turn to make your vengeance you suffer a - 10 malus)

Pretty: While you aren't beautiful, you can't be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)

A Scholar Heart: you liked to read about almost everything, the world is so big and full of stuff you to learn! If only the citadel opened its door for you... (+ 10 to research rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Nursing (Master): Once you father got sick, and you tried to help as much you could under your Maester watch (+ 30 to healing rolls)

Cartography (Skilled): Under your Maester guidance you learned about the art of making maps: (+ 20 to rolls regarding maps either making it, reading one.)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Quick: You are brighter than most, in intellect and in skill. (+5 to all rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Even with your House conversion for the Seven, their blood still flows in your veins.

Proud: You are proud to be who you are.

Name: Rhyelle Coldwater.

Age: 19

Alias: "Little Novice" by the people of Coldwater Burn.
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Garnet of the Vale - Specific title within the courtiers.

Appearance: Auburn wavy hair, blue eyes.

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Under the Stranger Hooded Gaze: Sometimes the cure for life is death. (In situations where someone important to you it's at risk of dying and you are close enough to try to prevent it gain + 10 to rolls where you sacrifice yourself instead)

By the Mother's Mercy: You try to take the path that would lead to less bloodshed as possible (When trying to convince someone to lay down armies, quench someone fury, negotiated peace treats or terms of surrender gain + 10 to rolls)

By the Crone's Blind Eyes: You have a certain instinct for when people are trying to lie to you and thats is more valuable than gold (+ 10 to intrigue rolls)

Beautiful: You are beautiful . (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Holy Scriptures (Master): You memorized many of the texts of the Seven Pointed Stars and understood its meanings in a level few can (+ 30 to rolls involving the Faithfull of the Seven)

Embroidery (Skilled): You learned how to embroidery well, in a pinch you can even stitch a wound shut if needed (+ 20 to embroidery rolls plus stitching .)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Blood of the First Man: Even with your House conversion for the Seven, their blood still flows in your veins.

Pious: your faith motivates you.(+ 10 with regards of religious matters of your Faith)

Temperance: You learned to not be swayed by emotion

Name: Emma Wendwater.

Age: 17

Alias: " Lady Spring " by her cousin Ser Robert Wendwater
"The Realm Jewels" as part of Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting group.
  • The Summer Tourmaline - Specific title within the courtiers

Appearance: Brown wavy hair, green doe eyes

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)

Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Ranunculus' Petals: When you smile you cant help but pass a little of your Joy to someone else's (+ 10 to rolls for actions where you help someone who is struggling emotionaly)

The Turning of the Seasons: The world its on constantly change, so you must adapt lest you end crushed by its wheel. (More +10 to unexpected situations that normaly would get someone out of their guard.)

Pretty: While you arent beautiful, you cant be called plain either. (+ 5 to diplomacy rolls)


Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Master): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+30 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Keep's Management (Skilled) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 20 to managing a keeps affairs)

Pipes Player(skilled): You were trained to play an instrument as an Lady should ( + 20 to playing the pipes)


Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)

Cheerful: You are a rather cheerful girl nothing can knock you down... For now.

Sympathetic: You learned how to be a good listening ear to someone in need can help your cause (+ 10 to rolls where you tried to rally a previous friendly person in your favor) (Limited to Crowland Characters that Emma befriend or had contact: Lorena Celtigar can be counted for this roll.)

Mediator - Balance is the best way(+ 5 to rolls where you mediate a conflict between different parties)

Notes: Okay here we go, @SeraphiusBX I took your suggestions on account and @mrsean22 here is Emma updated sheet... Hope you like it, I honestly was wihout ideias for new skills for her so I just updated her previous one hope you dont mind.

(If someone sees a mistake kindly inform me, I hope everyone enjoyed it even if we will not use the majority of the sheets.)

Ps: @mrsean22 I hope you also dont mind Emma title within Rhaenyra group, since she and Lorena are from the Crowlands I had to get creative and Tourmaline its a beautiful gemstone that combines well with pearls and then I had the ideia to make them friends and allies.
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The Lads
Lad post at long last, Thanks to @Ghost in the sun for Arnnie
Name: Robert Wendwater

Age: 20

Alias: Ser Ruby

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Commander of the Ruby Cloaks: You are Commander of the Ruby Cloaks, Lord of the streets of Kingslanding, and you will not brook disorder. (+20 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Knight errant: when you were a boy you dreamed of tourneys, of jousting and melees, now you march the streets of the capital with all the vigour that might have been spent (+10 to all combat rolls)

The Turning of the Seasons: The world is on constantly change, so you must adapt lest you end crushed by its wheel. (More +10 to unexpected situations that normally would get someone out of their guard.)

Tall: You tower over your peers; this tends to make you a target. (-10 to stealth rolls)


Horseback Riding (skilles): You have trained further and found that horse riding comes easy, this makes you very dangerous in narrow streets. (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can
teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Jousting (Skilled): They trained you in this prime tourney skill, so much so that it comes as easy as swimming to a fish. (+20 to jousting rolls)

Tactical Command (Skilled): To be a commander is to lead men, and this you do very well indeed. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Sword and shield (Skilled): They taught you how to fight, and you learned how to win. (+20 to personal combat rolls while using a sword and shield)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Maesters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Court diplomacy (Skilled): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to tur their favor. (+20 to diplomacy rolls)

Court intrigue (Skilled): They might have thought you dull for being a knight, but secrets are surprisingly easy to find and use. (+20 to intrigue rolls)

Tactical Command (Skilled): Then men trust your words and orders, and will follow them to the letter. (+20 to tactical command rolls)

Administration (Master): As it turns out, you're actually pretty good at number and running organizations, maybe those Maesters had a point. (+30 to administration rolls)


Commander of the Ruby Cloaks: To command the Ruby Cloaks is to bear the fate of the city, you command thousands of men to protect hundreds of thousands of lives, this gives you great influence and a seat at many important tables.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Honor bound: By your oaths you must do right by the realm (affects available action, being dishonorable is difficult for you)

Flamboyant Schemer: By taking the position on Lord Commander of the Ruby Cloaks you inherited several connections from Lucien, and you learned how to use them effectively. (-5 to stewardship rolls, +10 to Intrigue rolls)

Conscientious: To Command is to rule a portion of the city outright, to dole out payment and order men forward as a lord might, and that takes at least a passing attempt at paperwork. (+5 to stewardship rolls)

Name: Davos Brittlefingers

Age: 18

Alias: The second Silent, Longarm

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi Common (written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

"Brittlefinger this!": They might call you brittle, but your strikes are far from it. (+10 to personal combat rolls)

Quiet: You tend not to speak much, and people find it a little unnerving. (-10 to diplomacy rolls)


Court diplomacy (Skilled): Talking to nobles is boring you found, but they like talking to the strapping young captains (+20 to Court diplomacy rolls)

Administration (Skilled): Someone has to pick up after Ser Ruby, and it might as well be you. (+20 to Administration rolls)

Naval command (skilled): You learned how to command ships by your control of the docks, the Ruby Cloaks now have a few small boats they've confiscated from smugglers. (+20 to Naval Command rolls)
Horseback Riding (Skilled): The ruby cloak cavally takes pride in its riders, with you at their side. (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Spear (Master): They call you Longarm, for both you way with the spear and your way with the ladies of Kingslanding. (+30 when using a spear.)

Tactical Command (Trained): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+10 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read from the old Septon. And he in turn, learned from you to be a teacher. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Street Intrigue (skilled): It's not easy knowing what's happing in the real city, but you have your ways. (+20 to intrigue rolls taken in the cities)

Lying (trained): you know how to lie convincingly, you think. (+10 to intrigue rolls)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Quiet demeanor: Talking isn't your strong suit, best to leave that to those who like doing it anyway. (Affects certain actions, you talking is a surprise to others at times)

Tough Soldier: Fight was something you picked up as a child, now it's something you do for a living. (-5 to diplomacy rolls, +10 to combat and warfare rolls)

Rowdy: Sitting around and doing paperwork never really interested you, and neither your men. (+5 to combat rolls)

Name: Gregor Dwarfson

Age: 15

Alias: Halfman

Languages known: Westerosi Common, Westerosi Common (Written)

Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the backs of Dragons. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Dwarf: you are a dwarf, and a son of a dwarf and when people don't laugh they scowl. (_20 to diplomacy rolls)

Small: the benefits of being smaller than average, people tend not to notice you. (+10 to stealth rolls)


Battle Axe (Skilled): Swords and spears are well and good, but a real Ruby Cloaks loves the axe, a weapon of regal bearing and barbarian strength (+20 to combat rolls when using an axe or battle ax)

Horseback riding (Trained): even if you have to use a harness, the Ruby Cloaks still taught you to ride a horse. (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback actions)

Street intrigue (Master): People know who to come to, people know who to seek, and when people talk its all yours to hear. (+30 to intrigue rolls in the cities)

Court intrigue (Skilled): These noble fools don't think you're all too bright, being a dwarf and a street rat and all, but they don't seem to keep their mouths shut either (+20 to intrigue rolls at court)

Stealth (traines): You're small, you're quiet, and you're pretty damn good at staying unseen. (+10 to stealth rolls)

Reading and writing (Westerosi Common) (skilled): You learned to read and write, all to the benefit of the Ruby Cloaks finance and secrets. (+20 to reading and writing rolls with Westerosi Common)

Tactical Command (Skilled): As a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, you are expected to actually command your men, and it turns out you're actually pretty good. (+20 to tactical command rolls)

Finance (master): you learned how to deal with money exceptionally well, illicit or otherwise. (+30 to finance and administration rolls)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien

Dwarf unrepentant: Some people think that because your small they can walk all over you, well screw them too! (-5 to certain social rolls, some find you belligerent)

Scholarly theologian: When push came to shove you saw the faith your parents had cleaved to in recent years, and found yourself enamored, now you command and preach on the streets of the Kings city, and the Storm Singers love you for it. (-5 to intrigue rolls, +15 to learning and religion rolls)

Playful: Once past they're own eyes people find you quite amicable and downright friendly. (+5 to Diplomacy Rolls)

Name: Arnolf Stone

Age: 18

Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi Common (Written)

Religion: The Faith of the Seven, The dominant religion of westeros and most common in Kinglanding, the Faith is lead by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.


Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)

Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)

Two-faced Liar: You have no trouble talking with someone just like they were an old friend, then punching the daylights out of them in the same breath. (+10 to diplomacy and martial rolls)

Bastard: You are a bastard of some nobleman in the Vale, altought your mother never told who ( - 10 to diplomacy in certain situations and people, ??????? unkown efects when talking to ????? (I will this plot hook to the QM if he wishes to use it)

Strong: Your strength its a thing of renown (+ 10 to rolls involving strength [)


Horseback Riding (Skilled): You know how to ride a horse, trained when you entered the Ruby cloaks (+20 to all rolls regarding horseback riding. Can teach your lessers how to ride a horse)

Tactical Command (Skilled): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+20 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)

Theatrics (Master): All the World's a stage. You just have the talent to play many parts. (+30 bonus to acting, and lying)

Stonecutters (Trained): You used to smash stones using mallets for your master and have deeper knowledge of stone works than the average person ( + 10 to rolls involving brute strength and knowledge of stonecrafts: Statues, menses etc.)

Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)

Longsword (Skilled): You know your way around a sword, and while you might not be the best, you dare anyone to try. (+20 when using a sword.)


Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.

Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien)

Fighter: The other know how to duel, but you know to fight in places that others look on in fear. (+10 to combat in enclosed areas, reputation for fighting dirty.

Gregarious: You know how to befriend people and let them be your friend in return(+10 to all diplomacy)

Have fun looking them over y'all.