Waifu 4
Now we have our Lady Minisa!
Name: Minisa Crane
Alias: The most "Graceful Dancer in all of Red Lake" by her Lady Mother
Age: 12
Appearance: Dark straight blond hair, grey eyes.
Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)
Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.
A Bird Grace's: Since you were small you always have been graceful as a bird (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls and actions that require agility)
Mask of Innocence: People believe what they see and you seem to have an aura of innocence and childishness around you. (+ 10 to intrigue action rolls , however you suffer - 10 to diplomacy when you need to be taken seriously)
Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)
Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)
Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)
Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)
Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)
Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)
Dancing (Skilled) : You were trained to dance as a Lady should (+ 20 to dancing rolls)
Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)
Blood of the Rose of Red Lake: They say that some female members of House Crane are able to skinchange into cranes, you laugh remembering your ancestor Rose of Red Lake. (If this trait gives anything more... Its at the QM hands)
Hopeless Romantic: You have a romantic streak that would make the poets proud.
Alias: The most "Graceful Dancer in all of Red Lake" by her Lady Mother
Age: 12
Appearance: Dark straight blond hair, grey eyes.
Languages known: Westerosi common, Westerosi common (written.)
Religion: the Faith of the Seven, the dominant religion of Westeros and most common in Kingslanding, the Faith is led by Septons and chafes under the rule of the Targaryens, often clashing with Valyrian faithful in the streets. They espouse common traditions such as monogamous marriage, charity and humility before the divine.
A Bird Grace's: Since you were small you always have been graceful as a bird (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls and actions that require agility)
Mask of Innocence: People believe what they see and you seem to have an aura of innocence and childishness around you. (+ 10 to intrigue action rolls , however you suffer - 10 to diplomacy when you need to be taken seriously)
Attractive: You are beautiful (+ 10 to diplomacy rolls)
Reading (Trained): You learned to read, taught by the Maesters of your house. (+10 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)
Writing (Trained): While learning to read the Measters also taught you to write and write you can. (+10 to writing rolls. Can write a letter without help.)
Court diplomacy (Trained): You know the ins and outs of the noble courts, and how to turn their favour. (+10 to diplomacy rolls)
Court intrigue (Skilled): You at least knew the flow of the game. (+20 to intrigue rolls)
Keep's Management (Trained) : You were trained to help managing a keep as your future role as a Lady (+ 10 to managing a keeps affairs)
Dancing (Skilled) : You were trained to dance as a Lady should (+ 20 to dancing rolls)
Rhaenyra Lady in Waiting: As a Lady in Waiting of the princess you have a certain standing in the court (+5 to diplomacy rolls)
Blood of the Rose of Red Lake: They say that some female members of House Crane are able to skinchange into cranes, you laugh remembering your ancestor Rose of Red Lake. (If this trait gives anything more... Its at the QM hands)
Hopeless Romantic: You have a romantic streak that would make the poets proud.
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