And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The City that Moves
The City that Moves:

[X]Train skill: Time management Rolled:D100 => 6+50=56

You did not get very… well you didn't get better at managing your time. But you did however see a lot of improvement in other areas…

Like your relationship with Daemon.


-[X]Mother's Mercy: Mother sent a letter, and perhaps that there is something that can help you. Rolled:D100 => 44

The Letter was damaged, half torn and seemingly… sabotaged when it arrived by Raven. It was as if your mother was… fighting something more. And it was dangerous and deadly.

And only a little was readable.

To Lucien.

Do not come to Dragonstone. Do not let your father come to Dragonstone. Do not come to me, do not try and save me.

I do not want you to die.

I see you in my dreams. And my Dreams always come true.

Your Loving mother, Visanya.​

Failure. Nothing will help you, for she only confirmed what you already knew.

-[X]The Father's Hope: Father is in the city, perhaps he understands that something is amiss… and you can fight it. Rolled: D100 => 18

Father is going to Dragonstone, and you couldn't stop him.


-[X]Into the Belly of the City: You are going into the city, and perhaps, you can do some of your own investigations. Rolled:D100 => 29

There was something that was in the city. But Daemon had other plans. He knew something you didn't. And was always going to have that plan sorted out.

You just had to be patient.

Failure? Daemon has a plan.

-[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently. Rolled:D100 => 92
-[X]The Truth that Hurts: Daemon struggles to understand what he had just learned. And right now, he seems as silent, confused, and lost as you were. Rolled:D100 => 97

He looked at you with a sorry, sorrowful gaze, as he quietly looked at Dark sister. Even though he seemingly had everything, he had nothing.

"What is wrong?" You signed as you sat by him, watching the road as he breathed. There was nothing to indicate he had cried, as you long suspected he did when he was in danger. Some would even say he hid his emotions clearly as the day. But not to you.

He was quiet. He was very quiet, almost as silent as a ghost.

He did not answer you. You then tapped his shoulder, causing the prince to become very annoyed. "What?"

You nodded. "What is wrong?" You repeated, not even bothering to sign properly, for he understood.

"So many secrets and hidden plots, and no one trusts me until I am of use to them." He chuckled darkly. "Is that all they view me as? The Rogue? The blunt instrument that can kill at the pleasure of my brother?"

"No." Your voice rising through the air surprised the Prince, as he looked at you in bewilderment.

"Because you have your family, and you have me." You replied.

"You're Talking?"

You nodded. "Is that a surprise?"

"Yes." He replied.

You took a moment to think of your next words. "You're the only person I feel safe around enough to talk to." You stated.

Daemon had no emotions on his face. But he did have a great deal of conflict in his face. "That's… very kind of you Lucien." He stated.

"It is." You then showed him the letter. "We need to talk about this."

"Yes…" He then smiled. "Good thing, I have a way to draw him out, and serve the realm."

"How so?" You asked.

"You are my squire, and there is a tournament we must go to." He said with a grin.

"Where?" You asked.

"Here in King's Landing. Rhaenyra is about to have her name day tourney. And the best way to draw out a blood mage, who wants your mothers blood, is to win the lists. And something tells me that he will want your blood and mine."

"What makes you think that?" You asked.

"Clearly this man is someone who has a grudge against the Valyrian families that follow the Old ways of Valyria, and those who are considered outsiders. Your mother fits both, yet they also want to hurt you, a Dragon rider and a member of the royal family. Our family." You could see Daemon's mind work. And work fast and true. "That means he is a foreigner, a dignitary, possibly an eastern man, high born, and a very bad grudge against this family, and seeks to hurt you."

He then clicked his teeth. "The best way to get him is at the tourney before he can leave the city."

You nodded. Guess it was time for a tournament.

The Tournament was going to begin at noon, and you were prepared.

How were you going to do this?:

[]Be the Squire: Daemon will need you by his side, and while you were sure he wasn't going to do anything rash… well, there was something you feared he might do. And that was something you needed to be there with.

[]Be a Mystery Knight: You are skilled enough to be a mystery knight, even though you knew… people would notice. But you didn't care. You were putting a target on your back. For a good cause.

[]Be with the King and the Court: The King requested if you were not serving as Daemon's squire, to be with the family. Even though your family was at Dragonstone. You also are near the foreign dignitaries that are in the city.

[]Wander the Streets: You are going to investigate something. Something felt off.

AN: Oof the Magoose dice take this turn.
At the King’s Court, and Council
At the King's Court, and Council:

(Valaar POV)

Standing before the Small Council. If someone asked you if that would ever happen to you, you would have said no, had three of what the lad was drinking, and then hang yourself. You had enough in your life, dealing with kings, And their children. Even with one now, as these years pass, being now part of it. Again.

Viserys was rather joyful in his look, and he was happy, even with his mind drifting elsewhere. The rest of his council was here, but they were drifting out in the background. Lyonel Strong was perhaps the only one who seemed to understand how uncomfortable you were.

And Otto. You agreed with Daemon, the cunt was far to… far too ambitious for his own good. He had plenty, same as you. But you had long given up on those dreams as a boy.

You had your family to think about it. There was nothing you could do now, you didn't want to play these lord's Games. Not unless you had to. He and Beesbry held far too much power in this council, and you could foresee many problems occurring from their influence in the future. Especially at this moment in time, when they seemed to be the ones who were… calling this meeting.

Corlys was perhaps the only man you trusted fully here, save for Daemon, but he was neither focused on you nor willing to stand for you now beyond his own report. After all, he may not have liked you, but he disliked your son more.

After all, in his words, that he spoke openly and loudly, Lucien was the reason his wife was not queen.

A great honor, or threat, to whoever heard such things.

Melios was sitting there, waiting to translate for you, as the only member who understood your sign. But he was no help or reassurance. He was only a voice. A voice you would use but was not your own.

You stood straight, having refused to give any man homage, save for the king himself, that had started this well. With annoyed Highborn lords that were clearly not happy with the situation, or rather, your situation.

"The expenses that the Admiral asks for would not have any purpose other than to give us too many ships and not many sailors." Hightower was the first to speak. "Fifty ships are far too much for the crown's current budgetary expenses and His Grace's management. He would beggar the realm if such a project were to be proposed."

You let your hands touch the tables as you narrowed your eyes and glaze over to Hightower. Every discussion with Strong pointed to the crown's flowing surplus, that the current budget could account for 200 without even going into the money saved in the Treasury!

"Lord Strong says otherwise." The Sea Snake started as he finally spoke. "And with the growing threat of slavers and pirates-"

"What growing threat?" Lord Hightower interrupted. "The Pirates of the Stepstones have been destroyed, the Eastern cities do not threaten the waters of the Narrow Sea in the numbers that they do thanks to the Admirals" He pointed to you as if to support his own words, "constant patrols? Lorath and Pentos have sent numerous representatives of thanks for trading compartments that greatly support Lord Vaelyreon's merchant ambitions. The Magistrate of Pentos himself, even offered Valaar 1 million dragons to turn his sail, and he refused three different times before his agent could kill him."

You were certain that someone planted that agent, but it wasn't Hightower… as much as you hated the man, it wasn't his style, cloak, and dagger assassination. No, he would rather inflate his ego with an execution where he could receive the credit. And you were very careful to document all your doings, to make sure the man didn't launch an investigation into you.

You were untouchable by legal means. And that infuriated him.

You looked to Melios and he saw your angered face. "The Admiral wishes to speak." He stated, and the entire room became quiet. There were no chuckles this time. They would not forget the mistakes of that insult when you first came into this chamber.

"Most expeditions that are chartered by myself and my crews are very taxing, on my crews, and my ships. Two of them nearly sank in the Blackwater and had to be ferried back to Driftmark for repairs." You started. "Two more sank, luckily the crew was rescued with all hands."

You leaned forward and pointed to the Master of Ships. "Lord Valyreon was quite a blessing on the ships, and for allowing his port to be used for repairs. But there is a problem that he could not address in his reports."

Corlys knew what was going on now. Your gambit. "But the pirate activity hasn't lessened as you feared, we are seeing a marked increase of the attacks on our shipping lanes. From all Free cities, even Braavos."

"Braavosi corsairs, on the narrow sea." Lord Beesbry was entirely convinced that you were taking the piss. "Surely he jests."

"It is no jest." The signs were clear as day, and when translated, the room fell silent. "His Grace would do well to strengthen his foothold, and be the one who dictates the Narrow Sea, for if he fails, it will mean far more than the loss of profits from a few houses."

"What could be lost?" Hightower asked.

"Everything." The single word was the bell that signaled your departure. The tides were turning. You had to leave. "For if you lose the sea, what makes you think the land can hold?"

Perhaps your son was rubbing off on you, with his flair for the dramatic.

You doubted it. But you bowed. And left.

You needed to go home. Visanya had sent a letter, requesting your assistance with something.

You couldn't leave her waiting.
The Tournament 1
The Tournament 1:

Be a Mystery Knight: You are skilled enough to be a mystery knight, even though you knew… people would notice. But you didn't care. You were putting a target on your back. For a good cause.

Daemon was not pleased as you looked and was ready with your armor. It was heavy, yes, and you were damn sure you could not see that well through the helmet, but you were clearly well put together, and in armor, most people couldn't tell you were a child.

Save for Daemon, who was rather angry at the whole affair. "The idea is to blend in." He said as you stayed mounted on your horse, holding the reins tightly. "Once the joust begins, you won't be in control of the situation. Men get angered when they lose, and they may fight you on the ground."

You nodded, but let yourself let out a breath. He was right of course. You should have put more thought into this. You were going to be in a melee or joust. And men were known, especially in these times of peace… To battle far more into death. It was like the Northern melees where fear and rivalries gave way to blood and violence.

But you said, and signed nothing.

You needed to find the Mage, but there was no way to really know who or what he was. All you knew was that he is in the city right now. And while Daemon was investigating, you needed to throw the scent off of him. And while there were better plans.

You had different ideas of what would be better.

But you didn't have much time. There was only something worse at play, and you needed to save your mother.

So mystery knight from Dragonstone was good enough for now.

Grey Ghost was sad he could not join you, and you knew you felt the same way. There was nothing you wanted more than to keep him by your side.

But to remain hidden, you did exactly what you needed to do.

Keep yourself hidden.

As you arrived, you remained silent as you rode towards the lists.

"Who are you?" The Keeper said. "And what is your List?"

What is your Fake identity name?:
[]Write in

What do you choose to partake in:

[]The Melee: You wish to fight on foot and prove your skill at arms. In the lesser, more controlled contest, there is far less chance for men to be killed, and you also have a greater chance to prove your swordsmanship. But that might not be enough to draw out this mage.

[]The Joust: The High point of any knight's career. And many men would partake in this list to make sure they are known far and wide as the greatest in the realm. The King is Watching and favor can be demanded or asked. And a Mystery knight was always welcome if he was skilled enough.

An: enjoy.
The Tournament 2
The Tournament 2:

You had to be careful when entering for there was a very simple thing that could give you away. There were not that many people who had vows of silence, less so for knights who traveled from tourney to tourney.

Entering the place was nonetheless easy to do, for the simple fact that no one seemed to care for such things. There was no need for any scripts of entrenchments of nobility, after all, most knights did not come from royal houses.

You had made sure the armor was a little battered and worn, but nonetheless sturdy. You needed to keep the place well and steady for whatever was needed.

The List was filled with many great knights that you would soon have to face. There was some Baratheon you didn't remember and numerous hedge knights, even Harold Westerling was there among the lists, being granted leave to serve in the Torneyrepresenting the Kingsguard.

But the standout of the lists was a foreign, dornish name. One who was legendary even north of the Boneway. Ulrik Dayne. The Sword of the Morning. He was perhaps the most legendary knight in all of Westeros, if only for the fact he wielded the Greatsword Dawn. And he had a reputation for being a fierce competitor. As well as being a dangerous man.

While the rumors were not certain, he had been leading many raiding parties through the Boneways, into the Stormlands and the Reach, never having been caught. Everyone believed it, but since no one saw him, or Dawn, and his claims of always being at Starfall were backed by just the right amount of people…

No one could ever say it. But the Reachlrods hated him, and the Stormlord's wanted to kill him.

But here in this torney, they might not get the chance.

"What shall we call you ser?" The list keeper asked as he looked at you.

You showed him your hastily drawn gull. And remained silent.

"The Gull Knight?" He asked as you gave a nod.

He seemed to realize that you were not talking, and obviously didn't care, he had a job to do, and idiot knights with vows of silence were not one of them.

Hopefully, Daemon pulled through with that Minstral, you needed a man who could.

You then saw the Dwarf Mushroom, the King's fool waltz over towards you, his hat jiggling as he smiled at you. "Ah, I see that you are doing comedy now. Must I remind you that it is a fool's job to produce laughs for an audience?"

Daemon was close behind. You signed. "Daemon, really. Mushroom?"

"He's the best man I know for this." He said without hesitation.

"He works for the King?" You signed back.

"And he also doesn't get paid that much despite his efforts and work, so he is working for me today." Daemon replied. "Mushroom, you got your gold, so do your job."

Mushroom then smiled. "I deserve a cut if you win, or if you unhorse your opponents as well. Leave your introduction to me, I assure you that the ladies of the realm will be adamant to give you their favor when I am done with your introduction."

You really were feeling angry at this. Mushroom would make you a laughingstock!

You looked towards Daemon, who was smirking. "I've got gold on you kid, don't fail me now!"

Fuck him!

You waited with all the other knights as Mushroom stood on top of the jousting divider, waddling and strutting like he owned the place.

And by the gods, he was fucking chewing it up like he was about to die. And enjoying every moment of it.

"You see my lord's, for I have been asked to introduce the most temperate knight possible. For while I have traveled before my leave at court, with this knight, This brave man of steel and arms, spent a year in the North, to discover the secrets of Silence itself. And he has. They may call him the Gull knight, a bird known for chattering and annoyances, but that is because his enemies will not break his vow of silence, he made to his mother, who would not hear him speak until he returned with Glory and Wealth beyond imagination." He turned and you could see how entrapped the Fool was, capturing the attention of everyone. "And he is here, before his king, to show just how much of a master he is, with a blade, lance and horse!"

"And for his purse!" The Laughter was the capper to a magnificent introduction. And Viserys was very impressed with the oratory.

And Dragon, but right now, things are going to be fine.

"So for the Gull knight, Let all know his name!"

The Lords of Westeros was not really that impressed. The Mummery was fun, but all the less… poor. They wanted substance. They wanted you to kick ass and unhorse men.

The Ladies Reaction: 93

But the ladies of the Capital… All of them, it seems, loved the romantic story of a man taking a vow of silence for his mother and not speaking until he is wealthy and well known.

They wanted such devotion.

"Ser Knight." A lady from the West, a Crackhall then stood from the stands. "Let me give you my favor."

"No Ser. My favor will give you victory." There was another lady, A Frey from the Riverlands. They were next to each other. And both realized they were trying to give you a favor.

Three more ladies and girls from the Vale and Reach tried to give favor within the same row, while others from around all gave. Close to a hundred.

As you ignored them looking at others… Then there was the brawl. Ladies began clawing at each other, punching, shoving, and fighting one another.

You saw, almost to your horror, the brawl as the ladies began fighting like the men they were watching. Most were not armed. Though one was, and there were screams as one stabbed into the hand of another.

More acts of violence followed as you stood in front of the king's box… In the seats of honor, of course, was the royal family, as well as the King's Council, and strange sight as well. Lady Jeyne Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie, and Lady Paramount of the Vale. A mere child, just like all the others, with a ring of flowers in her hands, and a wave.

Rhaenyra and Alicent Hightower both had red flowers in a ring, and both offered to you as well, though with not nearly as much enthusiasm as Jeyne, as both were clearly distressed by the acts of violence from the ladies of the realm.

Laena Valyreon was also there, waiting, and waving but with no favor of her own. As if she could not be bothered... or she did not have one because she did not belive someone would take her's.

Which Favor do you take?:

[]Princess Rhaenyra: She is gossiping with her friend and clearly seems to have some suspicions about who this knight is. But she clearly wishes to give it to someone.
[]Lady Hightowers: She is like the princess, though she is far more eager to give her favor to you.
[]Lady Arryns: The little girl is the cutest, and you really see her trying to offer it to you. You should not refuse her.
[]Lady Valyreon's: She has no favor. But that does not matter, it looks like she needs to be cheered up.
[]Take them all: A Highly unusual choice. But it also means you are highly unusual.
[]No ones: You need no favor, You just need to focus.

AN: enjoy.
The Tournament 3
The Tournament 3

Lady Arryns: The little girl is the cutest, and you really see her trying to offer it to you. You should not refuse her.

You rode in front of the box and then tapped the lance in front of Lady Arryn. The scene caused a Kingsguard to step forward, but they then realized you were asking for her favor.

Immediately her face lit up with joy as she took a moment. She was ecstatic that someone was actually going to take her favor, and go to her and take it, who wasn't from the Vale. Or rather, someone who she chose and didn't ask.

The rest of the crowd was stunned to silence as the wreath of flowers was thrown down the lance. It was incredible how silent the entire crowd became with the simple choice of favor. As if the entire possibility was even greater than that of the tournament. The spectacle was incredible.

But the brawl soon stopped, as the men got ready to do battle in the joust.

First Battle: 20

And you faced first, the Sword of the Morning. His banner painted well on his chest, as he rode, both of you meeting in the center, and the man said. "You are silent, mocking the prince with your attitude?"

Well, he was talking to you, and right now, you were pretty sure it was impossible to mock yourself… You said nothing, as you instead looked at the King, who was happily cheering along, not even noticing you, as Daemon quickly and cleanly appeared behind him, and whispered something in his ear. Stopping his cheering and becoming very serious.

You then rode to your end and grabbed your lance. "Begin!" The master shouted and you rode at speed, couching your lance and taking aim, aiming for slightly lower than the middle of his torso, where, as Daemon said, they were most likely to fall off when hit.

Strike!: 115 vs 89

Your strike hit hard. Same as the Sword of the morning.

Your Lance shattered against his chest, and he fell down in his saddle, gripping his reins like they were a piece of driftwood at sea.

As for you, the lance of your enemy shattered and splintered into a thousand pieces, your helmet being the only thing preventing you from being blinded. But the splinters were entirely broken by the steel. And you recovered, staying on your horse. Barely.

He hit hard…very bloody hard.

You reached your second lance and grabbed it without hesitation, not even setting up your horse to straighten up. To focus.

You were scared, and you needed to win, otherwise, you would not survive.

Ulrik Dayne was laughing, and you heard a shout from him. "A Boy is the best Westeros can send against me!" He shouted out loud for all to hear. "A weak king sends a weak boy."

You saw Viserys visibly clutch his chair, as you continued. The threat was not an idle one. Clearly, they knew you were young, but now, it seems the reputation of the King was entirely at stake.

Strike 2: 89 vs 86

You looked at what you had and realized you needed to aim a little higher.

You couched the lance, and you took aim at his torso.

He did as well. But he aimed for your head.

At the last second, you moved your head down, and the lance was now right at your chest. It wouldn't kill you, but it would hurt gravely.

And yours was aimed square at his head.

And both lances shattered.

You somehow managed to remain on your horse. Still able to see and remain conscious.

And Ulrik Dayne, the Sword of the morning, was sitting motionless on his horse. His shoulders dropped, his lance discarded from empty and open hands, and his head tilted left and right as if he had no control over it.

His squire ran over to him and caught the knight before he could fall off his horse, but it was over.

Ulrik Dayne was unconscious. That much was certain. Whether he was still alive was entirely up to the gods, but you saw no blood coming from his helmet, and you saw his squire visibly relax as the knight moved his head and swore.

You were the victor against one of the greatest knights in the realm.

That was something.

Second Opponent: 7

Your next opponent was a Lordling from the Reach, Samwise Osgry, one of the lords of the Northmarch, and he clearly looked as if he was a lord of a house. Shiny armor, well-off horse, and of course, several squires serving him.

While he was not the greatest knight, he had beaten quite a few. But there was nothing he did like other reach lords you had seen at the tourney. Clearly, he treated his men with more respect.

Nay, his men loved him. And if there was anything else you learned besides that. You would have felt bad.

And there was something more in his eyes that you knew were eating at him. A chip on his shoulder that was so much to bear.

He was a good man.

He was quiet as well, speaking nary a word save to his men. But they were ready.

Strike 3: 110 vs 53

You took your lance and aimed it well, same with your opponent. But one thing that you realized was that your size gave you a small, but very potent advantage.

You were a smaller target.

And when you stroke, it was with the force of a horse… not of you.

And when your lance shattered, Ser Osgry tumbled off his horse, his chest armor seemingly shattered from the force, and he tumbled down off his horse, riding the dividing rail, before hitting the ground with a thud.

He was alive as he stood up, but his men gathered around him and helped him. His pride was gone.

But it seemed you gained his respect as he looked at you and saluted you.

Last Opponent: 1

Your Final opponent… was Harold Westering, Knight of the Kingsguard.

And he wanted to speak to you before the contest began at the center.

As you rode to meet him, something was nagging you, as you looked at the man's white cloak. He also towered over you with his armor and his large horse. He then took a moment to look at you, up and down and then said. "Did Daemon put you up to this Prince?"

You nodded, but that was not satisfying to him. "And the Mushroom's introduction?"

You made a gesture about gold. That was satisfactory for the Kingsguard, who must have known the Fool's lack of payment over the past few months. Especially because it seemed he was getting much less attention as of late, with happy times being made by the Queen and King. Not much use of a fool who was not needed or wanted. "I see." He said. "By all rights, I should drag you out and punish you for this Lucien." He said with a glare. "But defeat is its own punishment."

You shook your head.

You prepared. You knew you might lose. It wouldn't matter, he was the greatest lancer in the realm. But you were you. So it was an even chance.

You prepared yourself as you took a tighter grip on the lance.

Then you began your run. It was a mad dash, and you barely had a chance to couch your lance before the strike.

Strike 4: 87 vs 90

And the lances shattered and the wind got knocked out of you, the lance dropping from your hand as you were forced back. You were lucky you still had your hands on your reins.

As many learned, it was the only reason you were not unhorsed.

You then recovered as you controlled your horse, and moved to get a new lance.

And prepared.

Strike 5: 68 vs 144

Identity reveal: 73

Harold Westerling however, showed his skill and experience, as his next lance was shattered against your chest and you were sent flying in the air.

You hit the ground hard, but you knew you didn't have anything broken.

Except for your pride.

You coughed as your helmet fell off, and you realized that everyone could see you.

And Daemon realized it too.


The Small council chambers were filled with most of the council, save for Ryman Redwyne, who was with the princess, and her friends. "I should have you punished for this." the King stated as he paced around the room. "Hiding as a mystery knight? Could you not wait to fight in a torney until you were old enough and when you had your own spurs!" He was furious, but his rage was also distant and unknown.

Daemon was sitting, wanting to say something in your defense, but couldn't. No one could.

"You are very lucky no one was killed and you weren't hurt more than your pride!" The king was feeling anger, and it was hot.

"I think it would be best if we found a more suitable way to punish the young prince, one that is equal to the chaos he caused." Hightower spoke as he looked up from his papers. "He did break the law."

Daemon finally spoke. "Yes, a tradition… Tell me Viserys, how many mystery knights were actually young boys at Oldtown? I can't remember, was it ten or twenty-"

"That is not part of the discussion Prince Daemon," he replied. "The prince is held-

Viserys took a moment to think. "No… I will punish him." He then looked at you. "Your winnings will be forfeit Lucien. Not a single gold piece will be for your own personal use. Queen Aemma will use it to serve the crown and the city."

He leaned forward. "Is that acceptable?"

You nodded. You didn't have a need for gold right now, Daemon paid for everything and without hesitation most of the time. Mostly because you never ask for anything.

"Good, now get out. Both of you." Viserys said as he demanded the room. And you and Daemon left.

As you left, Daemon whispered. "I found our mage. I'll tell you when we are ready."

You have a few hours to wait until you strike.

What do you do?:
(Choose 2)

[]To the Ladies of the Realm: It seems your stunt has given you an audience. Numerous ladies of the realm were entirely wanting… Well, they want a lot of things. The good thing is Rhaeynra and her friend were safe, behind the kings guard.

[]The Seasnakes' Sails: The Sea Snake was utterly happy to see you. "I see that you crave adventure. And glory."

[]The Queen who never was: The Princess Rhaeyns was smiling at you as if she had won quite a bit. "Daemon is rubbing off on you. And it appears you are making all the same mistakes."

[]Mushroom: He smiled at the large pouch of gold. "You may have lost your winning, but you did have plenty of armor ransoms, and you made me quite a bit."

[]The Sword of the Morning: He was angry at you, and now, he had his wish to rough you up. "Get back here you shit!"

[]A man Loved by his men: Ser Osgry had a cup of wine and he was drinking to your health "Shall you join us Prince?"
The Tournament Finale
The Tournament Finale:

To the Ladies of the Realm: It seems your stunt has given you an audience. Numerous ladies of the realm were entirely wanting… Well, they want a lot of things. The good thing is Rhaeynra and her friend were safe, behind the kings guard.

You saw the ladies of the realm and you were feeling dread. Daemon however was laughing. "You know, when I was your age, I would have killed for such attention from the ladies of the realm."

You looked up with a frown and a raised eyebrow. You knew he was being an ass, mostly because unlike him, you couldn't talk to people that well. Or rather at all.

Daemon then slapped your back and laughed. "Have fun, gods know you need it."

You were then left alone with the banshees who were all standing around, all looking at you, and from there on, you silent and innocent glare.

That Bastard was going to pay for this!

But as you quickly shoved in, there were many voices that blended together. Many were angry for you refusing the favor, saying you could have won with their favor, had you not taken the stupid little girls.

You quickly moved and ignored them and walked over to the people that would make you feel the most comfortable, like…the princess and her friends.

You bowed your head to the princess and Alicent and Jeyne. Laena was elsewhere with her father, and clearly, the Princess was very… interested in speaking with you, and her friends.

"Hello, Lucien," Rhaenyra said with a smile. "You are well?"

You nodded.

Jeyne spoke. "Of course, he is well, my favor protected him." The Little girl was clearly not focusing on the wound to your pride, but rather on that you were unharmed.

You smiled at that and gave a happy nod to her, and she was ecstatic, clapping her hands in joy as Alicent said. "You did well."

You then moved your hands, "Thank you."

Rhaenyra grinned gently, and quietly whispered the translation to her, causing the Hightower girl to become red as crimson. Her hand waved in front of her face to cool herself down.

You nodded. "Lady Jeyne." You signed and looked directly into her eyes. "Thank you, your favor was much appreciated."

When Rhaenyra translated, Jeyne then yelped in joy. "Thank you, Prince Lucien." She then gave you a very sudden and happy hug.

Then all the seven hells broke loose. "Hey, let me speak to him, you little bitch!" A lady shouted as she walked over and gave a forceful shove to Jeyne, sending her flying back into Alicent, who fell down.

You immediately rushed over to the little girl, who was crying and helped Alicent to her feet. You needed no words to show your concern.

Many ladies then took their opportunity to start shoving, pulling hair, or threatening each other.

Rhaenyra then looked over at her friends. "I think it might be best if you leave, Lucien, it seems the ladies need to be brought to heel?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Sure you don't need me?" you signed.

She pointed to Harold Westerling. She'd be fine. "Ser Westerling, could you help me restore order?"

You left as the knight did such a thing.


Jeyne views you as a true knight, even if you do not follow the seven. She is really starry-eyed about you.

Alicent and Rhaenyra are enthralled but not entirely captured by your charms. They think you are very charming, however.

The Ladies of Westeros think you are a fairytale come to life. And the battle for your affections.

The Queen who never was: The Princess Rhaeyns was smiling at you as if she had won quite a bit. "Daemon is rubbing off on you. And it appears you are making all the same mistakes."

She was waiting on the balcony, waiting for you like a predator. "Lucien." She said your name, making you stop dead in your tracks. "Come."

She ordered with all authority. "With the joust, you brought honor and glory to our house." She then looked away from you as you stood. "I do not need to hear you speak to know what is going on through your mind, and the thoughts." You folded your arms as you heard the words.

She did not know. And she never will. "Daemon is rubbing off on you. And it appears you are making all the same mistakes."

"What mistakes?" You signed, and that made the princess shake her head.

"I may not know signs, my boy, but I do know people." She stated. "You will fall into the same traps he did. Always wishing for things that are not yours. You will reach a decision that Daemon made a long time ago. To honor your family, or to bring ruin through your actions. You may think you brought it to honor now, but all you did was make things worse for yourself, with your reckless abandon. Through your lack of trust. Through your impulsiveness."

She was trying to intimidate you? She was doing a rather poor job of it. "You are chaotic, and need to be controlled." She said, "Otherwise the realm will bleed."

Then you finally spoke. "Is that because I didn't support you? That you see me as the reason you did not gain a crown? That you think I will bring ruin to it when by your actions, you would as well."

Your words silenced her and you finished. "I may be chaotic, but I am not malicious. I have no desire for the crown or the throne. Think about that before you decide to make assumptions about a boy you do not know."

At that, she was silenced.

Reward: You made her realize something. Not everything you do is for a crown or glory.

Perhaps that will make her think about what you desire… and how she may try to control you.

You also give her pause, as she realizes you are nothing like Daemon.

You are far more frightening than Daemon ever was, because to her, you are an enigma she does not understand.

Daemon was waiting with several kingsguard. The mage was staying with the envoys of the red keep with the envoys.

Daemon was smiling, grinning like a madman. "Bout fucking time." He said with a feral grin… and he kicked the door down to the mage's quarters.

The Mage?: D20 => 1 (He Escaped)

Curse Potency: D100 => 87

And waiting for you there, was the Princess of Dorne, a smile adorning her face, as she sat down. "Hello, gentlemen." She said with a sly, snake-like smile.

"Where is he!" Daemon demanded as he drew his sword. "I want that mage you were talking to, my dear princess?!"

She then laughed. "You honestly think it would fit the little story stereotype? An evil mage cursing a dragon rider's mother? To make her murder her husband, and destroy her children?" She then pointed to you. "I may be many things Prince Daemon, but I'm not what you think I am. The Mage escaped, though he confessed to me of the crimes he committed before he left."

You ran forward with a dagger in hand. "Silence will only get you so far." She said, "You should go home, boy… be with your mother for the last few weeks of her life."

Daemon stopped you, uncharacteristically… calm. He was in a calm rage, like a Northmen snowstorm. "How do we break the curse?"

"You can't. All you can do is transfer it to another woman, of the same bloodline, or married to the Targaryen family. It's how it works." She stated, her eyes black as night as she drank wine. "That is all the mage told me."

"I will gut you!" Daemon threatened.

"Under what evidence? There is nothing to prove to you that I did it, only that I have knowledge of it."

"An accessory to black magic, I'm sure the faith would enjoy that?" Daemon glared. "Especially when I drag you to him in chains."

"I'm sure that even the King of Westeros would care about a witch poisoning a commoner, especially when I am wholly innocent in the entire affair. Especially when his mother is a commoner, a foreigner, and a heathen." She stated as she swirled the wine. "Dornish red is oh so brilliant this time of year. Don't you think so?"

Daemon then snapped, grabbing her by the throat. None of the Kingsguard was willing to stop him. He then lifted her over the edge his rage fueling his strength. "Do not lie to me!" He demanded. "How do I save that boy's mother!"

"She isn't even his mother." She choked. "Why do you care!"

"Because he is my son!" Daemon cried in anguish, as he held her over the edge. "He may not be my child, but he is my son! So you will answer me Princess, or I'll show you how everyone else flies!"

Daemon then loosened his grip. "By falling!"

The Princess was terrified. "You wouldn't dare!" She choked.

"My grip is slipping Princess." He stated with total conviction. "I won't be able to save you if I let go."

"You can't!" She cried. "It can't be broken, only transferred to another woman that you love… and she will die a painful and horrifying death, plaguing her with madness and horror until that fire in her is born. You can't stop it. You can only force it onto another you love."

"That is the curse the mage put on her. The Curse of the Human Heart." She stated. "You have to choose between the love you have, or the love that others have."

Do you ask her to move the curse?:
[]Yes: (The dice will decide who in the Targaryen Family's females, will be affected.)
[]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

What do you do with the Princess:
[]Drop her: Daemon didn't kill her. The Fall did.
[]Imprison her: She may not have confessed to that crime, as she only had knowledge… but killing her would be wasteful. She's a good hostage.
[]Release her: If you want to kill her… you will do it in time when you seek to rip everything away from her. You will rip everything she holds dear away from her... Then she will have your permission to die.

AN: Don't worry. we'll see how the world will react soon.

We have the rumor mills incoming, as well as how The Crown will react.
Last edited:
The Targaryen Rumor Mill: (As you murder a Princess of Dorne)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill: (As you murder a Princess of Dorne):

King Viserys:D100 => 98

Viserys looked at both of you, fury in his eyes. "They will demand blood for this."

"Brother, they were" Daemon protested.

"Silence!" He shouted as you shuddered in fear, and Daemon looked down away from his brother. "You mock my authority, you commit murder, for your justice!"

"She wanted to murder my Mother!" You shouted, and the entire room, even the King went silent. "And I would not let her."

At that moment, the King looked old. Very old… Like he lost years of his life hearing that very simple news.

He then took a moment to think. "I will send a Raven to the Princess of Dorne. Let her know what has happened. Then if she responds poorly… Prince Daemon will go south, and deal with them."

Daemon was surprised. "Me."

"You want to fight Daemon… you shall. Do what you may, but send a message to the dornish. This will not be tolerated."

Reward: Viserys does not punish you, in fact, he does support the action. However, his still furious you took matters into your own hands and killed her by letting her fall to her death.

Queen Aemma Arryn:D100 => 17

There was nothing much she could do before her birth. But it was not to be. A girl was stillborn.

Another dead child.

She fears that the curse that Prince Daemon told her about was for her. Even though the news showed it went to Visanya.

Reward: Another horrible tragedy for House Targaryen. Made worse by fear and paranoia.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 88

The Princess has taken to court like a duck in water, as she was happily socializing with the ladies of the court, and she has used her freedom to ride her dragon.

Even though she is a girl, her family is still trying for children and a sibling… She has the freedom to do well. And the influence that she does not realize she has.

But one of the things she learned is responsibility. She has become the cupbearer to her father and joins him in his meetings.

If she learns just how much influence.

But one of the things she learned is how much her friendship with Lucien has put her in danger. How much it will show her how dangerous the world is.

How dangerous Lucien is.

She learned that Lucien was far more dangerous than even Daemon.

Daemon had certain chaotic impulses, yes, but they could be seen. sometimes


No one could see just what he planned to do. And that made him more frightening than anyone dared believe.

Reward: Rhaenyra learns she has power in court. As well as gaining the cupbearer Title, and participates in the Small Council Meetings.

She is also terrified of you, mostly for the simple fact that you are more dangerous than Daemon. Because no one knows what you will do next.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 49

Daemon was furious. "You're sending me away?!" He swore as he paced the room. "You need me!"

"I need the Prince who is the best warrior in the realm, leading this exhibition. This show of force." Viserys stated. "Raid a few towns and villages if you like, burn some men, but this will go no further than the Boneway. There will be peace, with a show of strength! You will get the war you want!"

"This isn't war, this is a raid to strike fear into Peasants and serfs. They will see this as toothless and reactive!"

"That may be. But we will show force in this matter. Even though I despise this!" Viserys ordered. "Now go. Go before I change my mind."

Daemon bowed and left.

Reward: Daemon has been given orders to raid Dorne with the Dondarrion Raiders. Merely to show force, nothing more. Viserys does not wish to start a war but show strength.

Daemon is angry that he is given rules of engagement that do not allow him to use his full power.

Rhae Royce:D100 => 3
Baela:D100 => 14
Severity:D100 => 85

Rhae Royce was watching her daughter fly when the dragon swooped low. The Hill Tribes were attacking, and she was trying to get to her.

She needed to fly away, to fly back towards Runestone. To get back to her sister.

But Rhae did not see the arrow hit her horse, nor did she see the rock that shattered across her back.

She could feel nothing, feel nothing and do nothing as her horse remained on top of her. She could not move anything… even if she could she had no weapons.

She knew she was going to die. Baela was also barely hanging onto her dragon, the rope that kept her tethered to her dragon's back was fraying, breaking and her screams were deafening.

She was going to die as well, terrified and alone, and you couldn't save her.

And you wanted to scream, to draw the tribesmen's attention away from her. Give her any chance to stay alive.

Rhaena:D100 => 94

But when you screamed, there was a roar. A roar of Dreamer. And Rhaena leading your men to your rescue. Twenty knights of the Vale, of Runestone following a dragon into battle.

Your daughter saved you.

You wished she hadn't. The Maester did the best he could, but he said that the damage was done, and permanent. He had done a very invasive surgery to get some of the spinal disks back into place… you almost died.

You could move your arms, move your head, close your hands, write and read. But you could not move.

You could not ride, could not move your body… do anything that brought you joy.

Baela was not much better. The ride towards Runestone and the rescue by her sister had made her go to sleep with her dragon, going nowhere when the Dragon was in her sight.

She also believed it was all her fault for your injuries. And did not want to speak to you out of shame.

Whereas Rhaena was hailed a hero of the Vale, for saving her family.

Reward: Rhae Royce is paralyzed from the chest down, able to move her arms and head, but nothing more. She cannot do what she used to enjoy.

Baela is traumatized by the event, having blamed herself for the event, and never leaving the side of her dragon. She also refuses to see her mother, as she believes she is the reason she is paralyzed.

Rhaena is treated like a hero and likes the spotlight in defeating the tribesmen of the Vale.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 49

Corlys tried and failed to convince the King that attacking the Dornish economically would be a far greater attack on Dorne and their ability to wage war. There were many things they could do, and they had the ability to blockade the entire peninsula.

But Viserys refused. He wanted a quick show of strength. He just wanted it to be over, and not drag it into a greater conflict.

Reward: Corlys was ignored.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 52

The Princess was rather bemused at the Death of the Princess but realized that something was dreadfully wrong with young Lucien.

Wrong enough that she needed to talk to him. Before he made things any worse.

Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 59
Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 67

The two of them decided to have fun and become better dragon riders.

Laena was obviously the better rider.
Princess Saera Targaryen:D100 => 31

She began to lose control when assassins tried to kill her. Her street gang began being systematically annihilated. But she still clings to power.

Maelor Rivers:D100 => 3

Maelor rivers died to the Cannibal.

Maelor's Sons:D100 => 98

But his sons succeeded from where he failed. His eldest, Aegor, called the Black, A boy of 13, tamed the Cannibal by feeding his father's corpse to the Monster, mounting the dragon, and stabbing the beast in the neck, controlling it through brute force and power.

Already when he returned he requested a saddle of Steel be made, and spiked chains.

His brothers, Aeyns and Maegor found two dragon eggs that were in the cave, somehow not eaten by the Cannibal in his binges. And they hatched.

Reward: It seems Maegor's line is starting to fuck things up.

And hatch dragons.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 78

He looked at the Red Witch and nodded. "I take it you are here for your payment?"

"Yes." Mellesandre stated.

He handed over the book. "Now leave, your services are no longer required."

"What does a maester need for a bastard boy's mother?" She asked.

"You will know in time." He stated.

Visanya:D100 => 100
Will Save:D100 => 97
Valaar:D100 => 76
Aegon:D100 => 59
Jaehaerys:D100 => 59
Viserys:D100 => 54

Valaar looked at his frightened children and stared deeply into her eyes. "Visanya." He stepped forward as she held the knife to her throat speaking for the first time in years. Not that it mattered, if his curse killed him... he'd rather be with the woman he loved. "This isn't you."

"I know." She said. "Get our children away from here, do not let them be hurt."

"I know. Boys, go to the ship." He stated, speaking with sternness, as the boys ran away towards the safety of his ship.

"Save yourself." She demanded as Valaar stepped forward. "I don't know how long I can stop myself." She said, as her hands shook.

Valaar stepped forward. "I don't care. Because I have you, and I will always have you." He stepped forward, and fire exploded from the pit, and the house began to set ablaze.

"I don't want to die." She said as she embraced him. "I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else."

Valaar embraced his wife and took a look at his burning home. "Don't leave me alone." She whispered.

Valaar didn't, as flames consumed them.

The fact he was still alive, even when you should be dead, said more about the situation you were in, rather than the fact a girl was born among the ashes. Visanya gave birth in the flames.

And the girl was healthy and alive.

Reward: the Family survived, and the curse broke.

Though the Local Valyrian religious leaders basically thought the Dragonmount was about to explode and thought the girl needed to be sacrifice.

They were talked out of it after they realized the Fire from the Dragonmount was from THe Cannibal being tamed, and they went back home to celebrate.

The Three brothers were safe, and not traumatized at all by their mother threatening suicide.

You have a little sister now, Visanya the Younger. Your sister has been touched by fire magic.

The Fire Magic also broke the curse on your father.

He lost the Mute Trait.

Special Event Roll:D100 => 81

Queen Aemma was not happy, but neither was the king at this. "Arise Lucien." Viserys ordered and you did.

"We need to reward a great hero of the Realm for his service. But unfortunately, we ask for one more thing of you. King's Landing is a lawless place, and our Watch needs a new Lord Commander. We ask that you take command, and bring peace to King's landing."

You nodded. You were being ordered to do so… but right now, it was not the worst thing.


Gain Trait Ruthless: You do not see anything that can stop you from achieving victory. Nothing will stop you from doing what needs to be done. (+10 to certain actions. +10 to combat rolls. -10 to certain social rolls)

Gain Trait: Wrathful: You are angry, focused, and filled with a rage that cannot be controlled by simple means. It can only be unleashed in a fury of anger and rage. (+20 to combat rolls. -10 to social rolls.)

Title Gained: Lord Commander of the City Watch.

There is a crime wave in King's Landing and there are not many that the King sees that can stomp it out. Save for a dragon rider, and a prince.

You cannot refuse as they are more punishing you, and wishing for you to remain in the city. Something tells you that Viserys has plans for you. But you do not know what.

Ser Harold Westerling will be your Kingsguard assigned to protect you and assist you with your duties.

You now have 6 actions.

AN: enjoy.
The Rumor Mill 4
The Rumor Mill 4:

The Crownlands:D100 => 22

The Valyrian Faithful and that of the Faith of the Seven clashes, riots in the streets of religious and sectarian violence. Many of the attacks occurred after worship hours, on the holy days of SEven and the Faithful.

Bloody gang violence leads to the maiming and death on both sides. With the Septons and the Stormsingers riling up their respective flocks to take up arms.

To take up weapons to destroy each other.

Reward: The Faiths of King's landing have decided that there will be war in the streets. And that the Faith will not stop until the Valyrians are under their boot, and the Valyrians won't stop until the faith learns to fear the storms.

The Riverlands:D100 => 50

Lord Grover Tully could only give his support to the King and his mission. But that was all he could give, as discovered, to his dismay that someone was stealing from his treasury.

And he needed to stop it.

Reward: Tully has other things to worry about than Lucien's issues.

The Westerlands:D100 => 74

Lord Tymond Lannister had done more than what the Kign asked. He sent over one hundred mounted men at arms and twenty thousand dragons to pay for additional mercenaries.

This expedition would be profitable, and would blood many of his finest swords.

Reward: The West goes all in on this raid.
The North:D100 => 97

The North Smashed the King Beyond the Wall with the Watch.

So much was done that it was near impossible to say.

The War was quick. It was easy, and Lord Stark got to go home without any ill effect.

There is also news from Winterfell… They have found something in the Godswood.

It was a Valyrian Steel Sword.

And a body.

Reward: Mystery in the north.

The Iron Islands:D100 => 77

25 longships are ready to reave and destroy the Coastlines of Dorne, with or without the permission of the Crown.

And they aren't waiting for permission.

The Reach:D100 => 7
The Stormlands:D100 => 4

The Stormlands and REachlords did not supply men or supplies to the expedition, despite the king's request.

But the Reach did something far worse than just refusing the King.

They said that if Lucien the Silent ever stepped foot in the reach, they could not guarantee his safety.

Reward: It seems Viserys has issues.

Lots of issues he needs to deal with.

The Vale:D100 => 2

The Hilltribes have risen again. And they are striking hard.
DorneD100 => 99
The Three Daughters:D100 => 92

The Prince of Dorne blew smoke from his pipe as the Magistrate of the three daughters. And then he laughed. "You killed your daughter to get this?"

"My daughter was foolish for thinking she could use magic to harm the Iron Throne, and she did not have my leave. Now I have an army led by the man who killed her about to rampage through my lands. I have iron born ready to destroy my western coastline… and you think I killed my daughter? No, she killed herself by her own actions. But she did manage to create quite a rift due to her actions that we can benefit from."

"How so?" The Magistrate asked.

"The Reachlords are all but in rebellion due to Lucien the Silents' rise to power, and King's Landing is suffering from Religious turmoil. The King will have to focus on keeping his nation afloat. While we can profit greatly together."

"And you will allow Prince Daemon to rampage through your lands?" He asked.

"They will not do much, the information we have received from court assures us they will not go past the boneway, and we can handle the loss at this time."

"To an alliance of equals." the prince raised a wine glass.

Reward: THe Alliance has been cemented.
The Prince of the City
The Prince of the City:

You looked at the City Watch armor, and the badge of your office. A simple band of Golden ribbon on your shoulder. Along with chainmail that was better than most of the other guardsmen that were among the City Watch.

And it was atrocious. Chain? Perhaps that was because you were not fully grown, but you were in a grievous situation. You didn't have a helmet, one that could be easily recognizable, nor could be used to demonstrate your office at a glance. Sure you were a child, but there were things that you needed.

Harold Westerling saw your disappointment and anger, and he spoke with very short and curt words. "You are still a child, and your body isn't strong enough to wear plate."

You scowled. A Coat of Scales or even a gambeson that had metal inlays could have worked. You were not going to be stunted by heavy armor. You were more likely to die from a mace or a blow to the head.

This was what the City Watch commander wore? No wonder he was dead and his post so vacant for so long. This was atrocious. The officers who were looking at you, those that weren't out on patrol or commanding the city gates… Well, they were not enthusiastic about the new commander.

Especially one who was a child. A Prince and Dragon rider, but still a child.

"The King must be taking a piss." One spoke, looking deep in his cups at midafternoon. And it was disgusting, for a man on duty right now to be drunk as a blood skunk.

Snapping into control:D100 + 50 => 145

That forced you to grab him and throw him to the ground.

And then you started punching. The first strike was of fury, towards a man who dishonored himself, and the responsibility that he had to his fellows. He was surprised and didn't react, in shock that his new commander was striking him.

The second one was just a continuation, to send a message across to the others. You were in charge, and you were going to raise all sorts of the Seven Hells to prevent this… travesty from continuing forward. Under your command, these men would not be rabble. They would know their captain, and they would follow your orders without hesitation and do their damn jobs.

The last… twenty or so, were all just anger, and because you felt like hurting something, and breaking something pretty.

The captain was black, bruised, and broken, his face a welted mess of blood and misshapen mass. Your fists, knuckles, and hands… Covered in blood.

Ser Harold did not expect you to act so violently. So ruthlessly.

But instead, you stood. "There will be change." He said as if reading your mind, and realizing the King was not sending him to protect you. You could do that plenty well.

He was here to protect the captains who might still have lingering issues. Or worse, to help you kill them.

You looked at the broken guard captain. Harold realized what needed to be done. "Strip him of his rank, and remove him from the list of guardsmen. He no longer works for the city."

The men did as he commanded. Too afraid to do otherwise.


Now it was time to get to work.

REward: You made a helluva first impression to the City Watch commanders. Striking the fear of the Gods into them.

You have 6 Actions.

You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Meet the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who is scared. Cost 2 BP

[]Take Stock of Equipment: You want to know what exactly the City Watch is using as their standard gear. They can't be using what is left from the Red Keeps Armory. Cost 3 BP

[]At the Guardsmen Lists: You want to know how many men you have, how many are needed to patrol the city, and how best to use them. Cost 4 BP

[]The Gates And the Power of them: You need to know how the Gates are controlling Traffic in the city, and how it goes out? Cost 3 BP

[]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men who would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP

[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to the Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.


Personal Actions:

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon related skills are now available)

[]And Then He spoke: You looked at the Cannibal, as it roared at you. And you were no longer afraid of it.

[]The Grey Ghost's Pained Silence: Your Dragon was not happy with being kept in the Dragon pit. He wants to fly free. And you will try to do just that.

[]The Cupbearer's Terror: She is frightened of you… Every moment she sees you she wants to go away. Instead, you come to her and tell her it's going to be alright.

[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.

[]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

[]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months.

[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.

AN: enjoy and please vote in plan format please.
A Horrible Moonlight
A Horrible Moonlight:

-[X]Learn a skill: Administration Rolled:D100 => 71

It was a terrible thing trying to realize what you had done. But you had learned how to be a captain, so now you learned to be a man who could do paperwork like a captain.

You say it was a thrilling but unfulfilling thing that is entirely necessary for the continued survival of the Watch itself.

Skill learned: Administration (Trained): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (No roll bonuses to your rolls)

-[X]Train a skill: Time management Rolled:D100 => 13

You failed to get better at managing your time.


-[X]Meet the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who is scared. Cost 2 BP Rolled:D100 => 24

It seems that the way you took to greeting the officers was not the greatest idea. You tried to be nice, sending out letters and riders calling them to break Bread… But that was not what it seems to have caused…good tidings.

Two guard captains did not listen and had their men confined to barracks, allowing anyone who had the gold to enter the city with impunity. From highwaymen, bandits, and cutthroats.

It was a mutiny of the highest order. They had taken a side, that you were not going to be the one who commands them, a child and a prince.

You were going to change their tune. Greatly.

Failure. New Action Available.

-[X]Take Stock of Equipment: You want to know what exactly the City Watch is using as their standard gear. They can't be using what is left from the Red Keeps Armory. Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 => 25

To put it lightly. There was no stock. Most men just had sticks and dirks and maybe one or two had helms.

They were shoddily clad. Shoddily armed. And shoddily there.

No man wanted to be there. And no man was loyal. At least to you.

It was like looking at gang lords.

Failure. New Action Avalible

-[X]At the Guardsmen Lists: You want to know how many men you have, how many are needed to patrol the city, and how best to use them. Cost 4 BP Rolled:D100 => 29

How do you describe how many men you have?

You have none, save for the few that were fresh-faced recruits. The captains of the city gates and guards did not respect your authority, and why should they?

A Child was given a command. And he nearly killed one of their own in a fit of rage.

But they will learn fear.

They all would.


-[X]And Then He spoke: You looked at the Cannibal, as it roared at you. And you were no longer afraid of it. Rolled:D100 => 100

You looked at the Cannibal and felt the great power that it had looking through its black eyes and steely gaze. It did not like it in the Dragonpit. In fact, if it were not for Aegor's chains around its neck, it would have lashed, bit, and tried to incubate and later incinerate the dragon keepers.

Yet now it was calm and enjoying the meat that the keepers were giving it.

And it stared at you like you were a piece of meat.

It stared and it was brutal… quiet. It barely granted you the attention you deserved.

Until you spoke. "I am alive you bloody beast."

The words rang hollow, cold, and quiet. Like you were but a ghost looking at this beast of nature, barely controlled by a hand of death and metal. "I am alive, and you could not eat me."

The Dragon snorted as if it did not care. Then you said, "The Ghost is mine."

That made the dragon look at you, with an understanding gaze. "I am not yours. I am Lucien."

"And my silence frightens you."

The Cannibal roared. Yet instead of unleashing fire. It looked at you… petrified.

Your very presence frightened it… at least in your mind.

It was something that was afraid... Afraid of you.

Or maybe it was your dragon that it feared. But no matter.

It roared.

And you roared back.

You realized something more, as you roared with a dragon. It was a powerful beast, bent to your will. And it would never harm you again.

Reward: Lose trait: Selective muteness.

Your Bond with the Grey Ghost is far more secure.

The Cannibal no longer scares you.
You have 8 Actions.

You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Arrest the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who dies. Cost 2 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]From Scratch: You have disloyal men and disloyal guardsmen keeping the peace. What you need is a fresh cadre. Loyal hounds. Cost 4 BP

[]The Gates And the Power of them: You need to know how the Gates are controlling Traffic in the city, and how it goes out? Cost 3 BP

[]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP

[]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men who would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP

[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.


Personal Actions:

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon related skills are now available)

[]The Grey Ghost's Pained Silence: Your Dragon was not happy with being kept in the Dragon pit. He wants to fly free. And you will try to do just that.

[]The Cupbearer's Terror: She is frightened of you… Every moment she sees you she wants to go away. Instead, you come to her and tell her it's going to be alright.

[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.

[]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

[]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months.

[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.

AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format.