And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The Dragons that have Come Part 1
The Dragons that have Come Part 1:

You looked at the Dragon Eggs that were hot to the touch, for most people, in hot coals and steaming water. It was scalding, in the pot, that was taken away.

The Three Eggs were all from Dreamfyre's brood, of the thirty that were nearly brought into the world, but they were not entirely there… Some of the eggs had to be moved, some to Dragonstone, while others were… locked away, hidden.

It only added to the depression the Dragon was feeling when you were escorted by your brothers and the Dragonkeepers.

You looked at the three of them with a smile. "Alright, remember what I told you, it requires heat, time, and energy."

"But what does that even mean?" Aegon asked as he sat down, looking at the Dragon egg in front of him. "They just hatch if we touch them?"

The Dragon keeper then spoke, of course, in Valyrian. "The Dragon only hatches when the bond is forged. Dragons are creatures, powerful creatures, but they are still highly intelligent beings, capable of emotion and thought, and instinct. They require many things. Constant care, training, and discipline, as well as the Rider being of sound mind."

You looked to your brothers. "Yeah… what he said."

The Dragon Keeper was not amused by your nonchalance. "It would be wise to heed us. Dragons are more dangerous than wolves."

You nodded. "Indeed. And while you lock them up, they grow weaker and less able to be a threat."

The Dragon keeper realized that you were not happy with him. "The King wishes to keep the Dragons…"

"Under control, docile and weak. You're certainly doing a good job of it." You then took a breath, as you finally worked up the courage to grab the eggs. "We're doing this outside."

"That is not wise." The Dragon keeper said. "The Dragons realize what will happen, and they will try to break free."

"Yes. That is the point. The Dragon pit can survive them wishing one thing."

"What are you talking about?" Viserys asked as you handed him an egg then Jaehaerys and Aegon.

"Something important." You stated. "If you want this done, we will have to do it outside."

As you led them out, you saw the Dragon keepers gather, with their Dragon Glass daggers ready to wield. They were ready to prevent another death… of themselves or you and your brothers. But you were not afraid.

You couldn't be.

As you got out of the dark pit, you could see the Dragons gathering, coming forward towards you and your brothers. They were watching you… You may not understand them like you did Grey Ghost, but you knew they were waiting for something.

As the three brothers stopped, you then realized what was happening… "Get Ready." You said as you heard the thumping of wings. It was the Grey Ghost.

He arrived with a thunderous landing, blasting a huge gust of wind, nearly knocking you down as you walked forward. He bowed his head, and you scratched his scales. He made a humming sound that sounded like a volcano… right before an eruption. A common sign on the southern side of Dragonstone, where the wild dragons used to call home.

"Help me." You whispered.

And the Ghost opened his mouth, and you realized what he was asking. "Aegon… come here." Your frailest brother coughed before he obeyed your order, and he saw the flame billowing from inside the mouth of the Large Dragon.

"What are you-" Your brother was terrified at seeing the razor-sharp teeth and flame coming from its mouth.

"Do you trust me?" You asked as you placed both of your hands on his shoulders. "Because right now, if you do not trust me, and trust that egg in your hand? You will die."

Aegon was silent… He nodded his head. "I trust you."

You then made him hold his hands out. "Whatever you do… Don't let go."

Aegon nodded. "DRACARYS!" You shouted, and Grey Ghost obeyed.

Aegon screamed when flame erupted from the mouth of the Dragon. But then you saw the egg doing what you knew it was going to do… When there was a bond and trust is formed. You had long read that the Valyrians, when hatching an egg, placed it in the crib of the child, to use the natural warms to coax it out of the eggs.

But Daemon found a very small fragment in the Citadel when he was being treated for his injuries. Death by Fire is the Purest Death… but he thought it was a mistranslation. A translation of an older source. Because Death and Birth were near the same word.

The Fire absorbed into the egg, protecting your brother from much of the heat that would have otherwise killed him. Though his white hair had singes and his shirt had scorch marks.

But as the stream stopped… you saw the cracks form, the egg losing integrity.

Then the egg hatched. The little black dragon broke free, and let out a sound of life.

It gave cute yellow eyes to Aegon, who could only stare at it with intense focus, fear, and then… relief.

You then saw Aegon then fall backward, onto his backside, as the little dragon nuzzled his still smoking shirt. He was lost for words. He could only stare at the small dragon he had trusted with his life that had now joined him.

You then turned to your other brothers with a smile. "Who's next?

You were tired from the Dragon Hatching.

As you wandered the Keep, you found yourself moving ever towards:

[]The King and his Court: It seems he was hosting a small council meeting. And you just waltzed right in like you owned the place. In fact, he seemed relieved that you were there.

[]The Princess and the Queen: Rhaeynera and Alicent were with Queen Aemma doing more… ladies like stuff. Though they seemed to welcome your company. As you looked at the Queen's pregnant form, you could only think back to your mother… and all the children the Queen had lost.

[]The Strong And the Weak: The Strong Brothers are in court, chatting and being otherwise… notable. Though you couldn't help but look at Larys with investigative glares. He was not… friendly. Mushroom was there too… being picked on.

[]Mothers and Father's and Destiny: Mother and father were in their little room, and they had been working to get little Shara to sleep. But she kept wailing until you arrived.

[]The Orange and the Ruby: Good ole Aegor is trying to get your attention, him and his brothers. Maybe if you ignore him, he would go away?

AN: Enjoy.
The Dragons that Have Come 2
The Dragons that Have Come 2

The Princess and the Queen: Rhaenyra and Alicent were with Queen Aemma doing more… ladies like stuff. Though they seemed to welcome your company. As you looked at the Queen's pregnant form, you could only think back to your mother… and all the children the Queen had lost.

You arrived at the ladies with them speaking about something. "Your Grace." You said the words with cool courtesy, but it seems the energy of the Queen was given all to the Princess and her friend.

"Lucien!" Rhaenyra said your name happily as she stood, and ran over to hug you, Alicent right behind to join you. Then for a moment, there was an awkward embrace, from the two girls of the court, and you were trying to figure out the right way to handle this situation.

Despite your ever-growing confidence, you still… rightfully, remain as quiet as your epitaph.

But the Queen saved you. "That is enough Rhaeynera, let him go." She seemed to laugh at the display of affection and confusion on your face, as you quietly maneuvered yourself to stand tall. "Lucien, I see you have grown since we last spoke. Your hair is longer." You noticed that your hair was indeed starting to get long, in a way you hated to wear it.

"Your Grace is kind, but I haven't got it cut in a few months. My duties require me not to be so leisurely in my pursuits." You said with a smile, trying your best to make yourself seem honorable and presentable.

"Yes, by killing people of the city that rose in revolt," Aemma replied with a curt nod. "You did well."

"The lads did well." You stated, not wish to take full credit. "I am more proud of my other pursuits with the Watch, I have heard that the Lord's of Westeros are paying significantly less in taxes this year because of my work?"

"King's Landing is a brilliant place that was perfect for trade, commerce, and living." The Queen said. "Though I lament my lack of funds to continue the work for the city, I am glad they are being used so brilliantly with a mind such as yours." She said, "If the City Watch wouldn't lose such a fine commander, Viserys would have made you Master of Coin."

You found yourself blushing. "I'm not brave enough for politics of that magnitude Your Grace." You relented. "I would refuse out of principle."

Alicent then spoke. "You would make a fine counselor to the King."

"I prefer making his city safe." You replied. You also preferred to kill people because trying your patience with this… madness and Otto Hightower.

Daemon hated him, and you hated the man on principle… because if Daemon hated someone it was for a damn good reason.

Rhaenyra then shook her head. "Tell me Lucien, is the city safe enough to walk at night?"

You tilted your head, thinking. "Not exactly. Street of Silk is safe, but I doubt you would particularly like that part of town." You responded which made both Girls blush. "Most places in the day are safe enough, but at night… if there isn't a festival or tourney, and extra men with swords walking around on the streets." You paused. "For you, I wouldn't go."

"For me?" She questioned.

"An untrained girl, with no weapon, no ally, no skills at defending herself?" You stated firmly and plainly. "You don't know the streets, Princess." You stated firmly. "You walk out onto the streets as you are, I give you less than a day."

"We'll see." She said confidently. But at those words, you brushed her aside with a huff.

"That's enough Rhaenyra," Aemma said. "There will be no more chafing of the Lord Commander, he knows best about the city and security. If he says it's not safe, it's not safe."

You nodded. "How are you, Your Grace?"

She groaned. "You are now the fiftieth person who asked me, and the fifth member of your family to do so. Your brothers are a pain, who ask far to many questions when I am around as if they never know how to act."

That was the triplets for you… They were always asking questions. "Sneaking out again to help mother?"

"I've never seen boys take such a great interest in the health of babies that weren't Maesters." She said with a laugh. "Strange things, and unbecoming of boys."

You nodded. "Well, mother has always instilled in us that life is precious and sacred. And that motherhood is something to cherish, for good and ill."

"She also says that Viserys needs to stop doing his duty before it kills me. We both know that we need an heir." She stated as she looked at the cup. "Boy."

"Yes?" You said, feeling slighted by her not using your name.

She realized you were angry. "When did you become so angry? When did you start to believe the world was against you?" Her question was mocking, and Alicent and Rhaenyra, understanding more than the queen, quickly realized she was asking a very dangerous question.

"When my family is threatened, I need to change to protect them." You stood up and bowed. "Your Grace."

And you walked away, fuming at the Queen's comment.

The Tournament was underway, but it was delayed… By what?:

[]The Queen Entering Labor Early: The Queen was giving birth? Now?!

[]Daemon Arriving: Daemon brought his family with him on Dragon Back, and they crashed into the tourney and made a fantastic entrance.

[]Aegor Talking down a riot: Wait, how the hell did a riot form, where were the Lads?

[]A Mystery knight riding in: He has a strange shield, with a strange banner… And he goes by the name of Cole?

[]Nothing Happened: You couldn't join, but you were invited into the Royal Box. it seems that the Princess wanted to have another word with you. And Mushroom was very concerned.

AN: Enjoy.
The Dragons that Come 3
The Dragons that Come 3

Daemon Arriving: Daemon brought his family with him on Dragon Back, and they crashed into the tourney and made a fantastic entrance.

It was a bounty of color and smoke when you looked up to the sky, as you saw three Dragons fly over the tourney grounds. It was a fantastic display. Red and Black from the two smaller dragons, with the waving children of the rogue prince screaming and cheering to the adoring crowd of cheering Kings Landingers.

But the center, from the Blood Wrym itself, was the colors of the Royces, and that of Runestone. And you realized that Daemon was quietly showing his love and support to his lady wife. Touching and honest with how much their relationship changed since the Gulltown incident so many years ago.

But then the dragons landed in the tourney field, the dragons roaring in salute to the King.

Then you realized something…

With Rhae Royce, holding onto the Crippled Lady of Runestone, was the Lady of the Eyrie.

Jeyne Arryn was waving and riding a dragon with the rogue Prince and his wife. A powerful statement if there ever was one, seeing as Lady Arryn was now publicly supporting Viserys through Daemon.

It showed just how mighty the crown was, and how popular Viserys was if the Lady of the Vale was riding with the dragon riders.

Maybe it was a statement of just how much she realized about the Rogue Prince in the Vale as he had made it his more permanent home considering his… past events?

Or maybe she just wanted to fly?

You then walked forward to greet them, and you saw the Blood Wyrm look down at you, grinning through the pain as you saw that he was still, ever so slightly, healing from the wounds he suffered from the Dornish. You could see the jagged scars the bolts left, that were healed and cared for by Daemon himself.

First The two children dismounted, saying. "Uncle Lucien!" They said. Even though you were not their uncle, they called you that like you were and embraced your legs as Daemon jumped down, black armor absorbing much of the sunlight of the bright day here.

His greatsword, that replaced Dark Sister as his weapon of choice hung tightly on his back, as his wife then fell into his arms, embracing him with the gaze only people who trusted each other with their lives could, before two men, attendants, helped her remain on her feet, as she was carried towards the Royal Box, with her two children following close behind.

However, the surprise was from Lady Arryn, who jumped down without fear from the Blood Wyrms back, and onto the ground with little ill effect. "Hello Prince Lucien, it is good to meet you again."

She then curtsied to you, and you nodded, before giving a small bow. "You as well, Lady Arryn." You said as you looked at the Blood Wyrm, who only gave a smile, showing his teeth as he began to flap his wings.

You then realized the Dragons were going to meet with Grey Ghost in the King's Wood. "Take care." You said.

The Three Dragons then flew off to the Kingswood.

And you realized something. They were waiting for you at the Box.

Daemon was anyway, the rest of his family were watching the joust, and he was near the tourney grounds. "I saw your letters."

"All of them?" You huffed.

"Getting rather personal with you're emotions. Some might use that against you. Even if it was just me who saw them?" He said as he put a hand on your shoulder.

"They were only for you." You stated. "They wouldn't understand."

"You're angry, and I understand, but you need to be careful." He said. "I might not be able to protect you."

"What do you know about anger?" You demanded, but that earned a squeeze from Daemon's hand before he slapped you.

"You are really really idiotic." He said. "The anger you have is not something I ever wanted you to have. Ever." He then gritted his teeth, looking around.

"They wanted to hurt your brother, by hurting me?" You stated.

"They wanted to hurt our family!" Daemon whispered as he pushed you up against the wall. "They failed." he let go and embraced you, and you saw no one was watching. "I wanted to do everything I could to protect you from the horrors of the world and I failed you."

He then let go. "Do not make me regret that." He started as he quietly joined his family.

And you realized that he was going to be staying. "How is Rhae… Really Daemon?" You asked.

"She's fine Lucien." He replied.

His tone didn't fill you with much confidence.

The Tournament ended with the Mystery knight winning, revealing himself as Ser Criston Cole. He unhorsed over twenty knights and became rich from ransoms.

But there were celebrations to be had.

The Red Keep was alive with activity, and you had a place in it.

Where do you go?:

[]With the Ladies: Your Fanclub, the ladies that would try their best to woo you, win your favor, or at least, your dragon. Their fathers and mothers alike sent them to you, and considering how violent they got… they scared you. Best to at least pretend they were worth paying attention.

[]With The Princess, the Lady Arryn and Hightower; The Three Great ladies of the court were busy eating cookies. And you had half a mind to join them.

[]The Strong, the Brave and the Stupid: Aegor Waters and his brothers were with their new great friend at court, Harwin Strong, doing a manly exercise as old as time itself. They were trying to beat the shit out of each other!

[]With Mother and Father: They were very surprised to see you in the nursery. "I want to help you mother." You stated as father was rocking a child to sleep.

[]With Daemon: he had a flagon of wine and his black hood on. He was trying to escape the Keep. Best to follow him.

Meta Vote: Who do you want to give that +100 bonus too?
[]Write in

AN: Enjoy.

Its a short one, with a very short timer for the vote, but I want to get the next part done soon.
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The Dragons That Come Finale
The Dragons That Come Finale:

With The Princess, the Lady Arryn and Hightower; The Three Great ladies of the court were busy eating cookies. And you had half a mind to join them.

You saw that the three great ladies of court were eating cookies, being as far away from the chaos as they could be without getting away from the court and the party that was going on. "Are the cookies good?" You asked as you looked at the three ladies.

The most ecstatic and none hiding of their emotions was Lady Arryn. She was… well for the lack of better words, ecstatic to see you, and she smiled brightly as she curtsied. "Prince Lucien." She then stuffed her face with a cookie. "Try owone." She said as she handed over a sugary treat.

You examined it for a moment before you bow your head to the other two ladies. "Lady Alicent, Princess."

Both curtsied, but they chose to say nothing, as if waiting for you to eat the cookie that Jeyne was offering, before continuing. You understood that, and took it, and took a bite. It had been a cookie freshly made, still warm and doughy, still resting in a natural shape that it was made in. Then there was the explosion of flavor from the sugar and… Cinnamon? It was tasty, extremely tasty.

As you finished it with a swallow, Jeyne beamed with pride. "Like it?" She asked.

"Yes." You replied as you took a moment to realize what she was saying. "You made this?"

Her smile was like staring at the moon. "Yes." She was so happy that she said that.

"I didn't know you could bake?" You asked.

Jeyne then smiled more. "Even I have things I do for fun. That many below me may find it strange, even when it is unbecoming of a lady of my station."

At that, you saw the situation and the deeper moment, than Alicent spoke. "So Lucien, how goes the city?"

"Safer." You replied with little hesitation.

That was not a satisfying answer for them. "Come on Lucien, what she really means is, do you think the city is finally gaining the life that it used to have?" Rhaenyra asked as she saved her friend from embarrassment.

You then took a breath. "Much of the city is a slimy, shit-stained shithole." You replied with anger in your tone. "The sewer system that the king talked about is just that. Talk, so we have to wade through a river of shit during our patrols, from dangerous men and dangerous knives." You narrowed your eyes. "The city is a feasting mouth trying to swallow us whole."

You then saw their faces, the fear in their eyes as you let out a small smile. "But don't worry, I deal with monsters all the time, and this beast will be slayed soon enough."

At that, the mood seemed to lighten. And you realized something. They were looking at the cloak. "Wonder why it's onyx on the inside?"

Jeyne nodded.

You smiled. "So that when the monsters come out, they will see that they are not the scariest things in the dark."

Jeyne then clapped her hands at that, seemingly loving the dangerous face you put on. And the other two girls looked like they were swooping.

Was it swooping or swooing? You really didn't know, but they were eyeing you like a criminal eying a piece of ham.

They liked that you were kind and dangerous all the same time… Dear Gods, you were becoming like Daemon. "So, does my presence please you, my ladies?"

"I hope you will be able to keep us safe in the city when we go out?" Jeyne whispered, before covering her mouth.

Then you smirked. "Planning a little dalliance My Ladies?" You asked.

The princess was quick to play damage control. "Of course not!" She stammered.

Alicent shook her head. "No point in lying, Rhaenyra."

"We just want to see a festival and the nightlife." Jeyne said. "We want to see some real street performances. And eat gutter food!"

You shook your head. "Yes, but then again, it is dangerous at night, especially at night my ladies." You then glared at them "If you do go out, stick to the main roads, and spend time in the Street of Silk… and if you get scared, go to the Brothel 'Heavenly Tear' And ask for Jasper."

"Whose Jasper?" Alicent asked.

"Better you don't know. He'll help you get to Watchmen. If you tell them Jasper sent you, they will escort you to the Red Keep."

You then bowed your head. "Stay safe in the city."

As you walked away, you saw Mushroom slip you a not into your pouch, and you looked at it.

Sealed… from The Bat?

You looked at it and realized it was intercepted.

"Do not look for the Bat… It will be safer for you, and those in the Red Keep. This is you and your fool's final warning."

You crumpled it up and threw it into a pyre. Seems that Mushroom was on the trail. Time to get to work.


New Actions Available.

Lady Jeyne, Lady Alicent, and Princess Rhaenyra's Marriage pros have increased, as well as their overall attractiveness to you.

They now know how to navigate the city without getting killed.

The Bat is Making a Move.

Notable Rewards Post:

Daemon is remaining in the City, with his family, and may join you in the City Watch if you ask, though he will be given command of it by his brother, as Viserys will want him to have something to do.

Viserys notice how much time you spend with his daughter, and is planning accordingly.

Aemma is distrustful of you, despite your reputation, because she fears you are after power.

Aegor and his brothers have made friends with the Strong Brothers, as well as dismantled the gangs of Gin Alley in a drunken escapade.

Lord Otto Hightower wishes to speak to you, privately.

The Bat is on the move and wishes for you to stop looking into him.

AN: Next is the Rumor mill. but not the Westeros Rumor mill, that will come later.
The Targaryen Rumor mill 6
The Targaryen Rumor mill 6:

King Viserys:D100 => 76
Queen Aemma:D100 => 69
The King looked at his family and realized what a terrible thing he had now seen. He looked at the reports from the Sea Snake, and from the Dornish marches. There was something rotten in the principality.

He had been told that the Princess of Dorne, the heir had been killed in childbirth… Giving birth to a deformed, monstrous babe with scales, wings, and something more… dragon-like.

Yet as he looked at the rest of them, the child that Aemma gave birth to… it was like looking at Maegor's malformed creatures come again.

Aemma survived, as she always had.

Child Survival Roll:D100 => 12

The child, the boy, did not survive more than an hour after his birth… A miracle even then.

It was a sickly deformed creature, not even fit for life. Yet it clung despite its malformations. It was a monster… yet it was their child.

Yet Viserys only looked to Aemma and asked her one question. "Do we try one more time?" It was almost clear that something was wrong.

But Aemma looked at her husband and squeezed his hand. "This will be the last time." She said,

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen: D100 => 85

The Princess looked at her father and realized that she did have her questions… and her own answers.

"Father." She asked the King as she waited for the meeting to begin. "What happened to… my brother?" She asked as the child was being taken away.

She saw the scales and the tail. "Nothing Rhaenyra." She did not feel safer…

Nor did she feel like the Truth was being told to her.

Prince Daemon:D100 + 100 => 200
Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 85

Daemon was sitting, his feet kicked up against the table as he looked at Lord Lannister, The Sea Snake, Lord Redfort, and of course… Many of the lord's and second sons were preparing. "What is there to wait for?" Corlys stated. "Why should we wait when the Stepstones is going to be ours for the taking? The Triarchy is Weak and disunited. Dorne stands on the precipice of civil war. Now is the perfect time to strike!"

Daemon remained quiet, looking at the sky. "No, it is not." He said. "If we strike, we will be not only providing the Dornish an enemy to rally against, but the Triarchy Fleets will be a match for yours." He set his feet down. "And we must wait for now. Gather coins and supplies. Train, while I get the missing piece."

"And what would that be?" Corlys asked. "We have thousands of men we can gather, hundreds of ships, and opportunity."

"We need The Most Dangerous Dragon Rider in Westeros." Daemon stated. "The Silent."

Reward: Daemon is back. And he's even more dangerous than he used to be.

Also, his sheet will soon be updated.

Rhae RoyceD100 => 55

It would not be easy. But nothing ever was now. But she had her family, and that would be more than enough.

Baela:D100 => 94
Rhaena:D100 => 77

The Twin Dragon riders were slowly… or quickly depending on the twin, becoming very proficient and would grow into the great Beauties of court. They were smart, intelligent, and daring, and despite their wild side of playing games, playing with their dragons, and putting ribbons on the talons of the Dragons…

They were the stereotypical Targaryen princesses. And unlike the Stereotype… their father encouraged their wild behavior.

Much to giving his brother headaches.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 76
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 94
Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 93

The Valyreon Family has announced that they were hosting an airshow for the Red Keep, and they have decided to use the three Dragons of their house to do something wonderful.

To do another Dragon race. This time, it was through the King's Woods, to the city and Dragonpit.

Laenor was the winner, he had control over the younger Sea Smoke that his sister and even mother did not seem to have.

Aegor:D100 => 77
Aeyns: D100 => 57
Maegor:D100 => 55

To say the Three Brothers went well in court was an understatement. While Aegor was obviously the most popular than his brothers, they have found a niche.

Selling their services to make large sums of money by offering Dragon rides, as they decided that while the dragons were weapons of war, they were wonders of the world.

And they have become very rich. Rich enough that they could even buy a castle.

Each. But it seems that even the matter of wealth was something they did not want. THey wanted something more.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 97

Vaegon looked at the report from Dorne, and then to the Glass Candle. "I trust that it worked?"

Melisandre nodded. "Nothing is ever perfect." She stated as she wisped away, her job was done.

Vaegon then took a breath and began to write again. The Dornish had harmed his young nephew.

He made sure they would be harmed as well. Damn the oaths he swore. What they did was cruel.

What he did was justice.

It mattered little that no one would know. There was no need for his involvement to be remembered. All it needed… was a little push.

Maybe he would not finish what the Conqueror started.

But he would damn well make sure that the Dornish would be ready to accept what is to come.

Visanya:D100 => 74
Valaar:D100 => 14

"He seems to be far away." Visanya stated as she looked down to the streets. "He hasn't wished to be with us." She paused, listening to the streets and the Dragon's roar. It was then his wife spoke again. "And you think we have done that to him?" She asked. "That we forced him into this…"

Valaar said. "No." He paused thinking of his words. "I only fear that our choices, yours and mine, will bring ruin to all of us."

Valaar then took a breath. "And that scares me."

Aegon:D100 => 25
Jaehaerys:D100 => 27
Viserys:D100 => 26
Gael:D100 => 93

The Red Witch came to the Keep, speaking about the Child of Fire.

And Gael, the little one… spoke… about Fire. She spoke words that she could not speak.

But before her brothers could stop her. The Little girl and the Red Witch disappeared into smoke, and fire.

But the Three Brothers did something unexpected.

They only told the King that the debt was paid… their minds seemingly in a trance until it was done. They did not stop the Red Woman, because they were not in control.

The Debt was paid. The Fireborn would be with those that would… Protect her from her unnatural abilities that would soon manifest.

AN: Enjoy.
The City Of Walls and Secrets
The City Of Walls and Secrets:

Daemon was in your office. "I take it you turned this stupid guard around." He said.

"Yes." You replied as you drank more wine. "Took some time, and some heads getting crushed, but the respect of the Watch is paramount. There will be a law and order in this city."

That made Daemon quiet before he realized that something was wrong. "Why have you not talked about your… issues with your parents."

You looked away, shame growing on your face. "They don't understand."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I nearly killed them. How can I live with myself with that knowledge?" You asked.

"You have to because otherwise, things will only get worse." He said. "I nearly lost my way once. Then I had you thrust upon me."

He paused and waited. "I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. For everyone's sake."

You have 10 Actions.

You have 55 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives you more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (the Fleas): You need to find a way to deal with them, and remove their filth from the map. Cost 20 BP

[]Grog and Grub (Flea Bottom): The thing that Flea Bottom needs more than anything is not that brown bile they call stew. They need real food. And that will be enough to turn the tide Cost 15 BP

[]The Patrols and the Safety (Flea Bottom): The best way to show the citizens of the city that they will be safe is seeing the presence of the Streets. They need to see the Ruby Cloaks. Cost 10 BP

[]The Patrols and the Safety (Flea Bottom): The best way to show the citizens of the city that they will be safe is seeing the presence of the Streets. They need to see the Ruby Cloaks. Cost 10 BP

[]An Army of Whores: The Street of Silk is many things. The Red Light district is most certainly one of them. However, the ladies of the night… or the day, are, after all, need security. And sometimes they need to see a man in uniform. Cost 20 BP

[]An Army of Thieves: They say that the thieves are the richest people in town when a siege comes. Time to see if the guild understands just what needs to be done to keep it safe… Wait there is a Thieves Guild in the city? Cost 10 BP

[]The White Wrym: She calls herself Lady Misery. Daemons paramour, on and off again… lady of the night he frequents. Something tells you she has things she wants to do. And not enough time to do them so she needs extra muscle. Cost 5 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]The Mind of a Bat: You want to see if you can track that blasted vigilante. See if he may be a useful pawn. Or maybe… you can use his help. Cost 1 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (The Portside Workers): You need to deal with these men, get them back to work, or stop them from making things worse. Cost 10 BP

[]The Humanitarian Trick (The Port): If you can win the hearts and minds of the Port… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.

Personal Actions:

[]In the Name of the Father: Father had used every person he knew to try and find Gael. But the message, and the testimony of your brothers... left much to be desired. He is horrified, and scared. He needs you.

[]In the Name of the Mother: Mother looked at you, and realized something needed to be done. "I have to tell you something Lucien."

[]Horror and Honor: The Three brothers you have cannot sleep. All they can do is wallow... and say they failed. You need to cheer them up. Remind them that they are still alive, and the most powerful children in the world.

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders just how dangerous you are.

[]We Remember All: Rhae wishes to talk to you. Something about her future. And Daemon's ambitions.

[]The Twins of Hope: The Twins of Daemon's blood are the two only things keeping him happy, and hopeful of the future. Why is that? Does he not trust you? Or is he scared of you?

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom needs coin. Says that he really needs it to avoid… paying taxes? What the hells does that mean?

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The Septon Seminars: You are going to break bread with the Septons of the city. And you will make them an offer they cannot refuse.

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

AN: enjoy and please vote in plan format please.
The Wealth of Lucien the Silent’s Family (As of this update)
The Wealth of Lucien the Silent's Family.

Liquid Capital:

20,045,032 Gold Dragons


3 Galley's

Two homes on Dragonstone.

Shares in 55 cargo ships.

Noble Title of Captain in the Royal Navy

Places at Court

Commander of the City Watch

Other Assets.

4 Dragons.

1 Dragon Egg

The Love and respect of the Royal Navy

Favor from the King

Lucien's Sex Appeal

Destiny (Don't fight it, it knows where you live.)
The City that Lives
The City that Lives:

-[X]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 141

PErhaps it was little surprise that the Knights of the Street of Steel, the only people who could actually afford many of the offerings, and the blacksmiths paid well. Sure much of them only made a slight bit of money training others at the tourney grounds when there was not a major event, most of them even training the Watchmen if there wasn't a veteran in the stands.

Most of these men were hedge knights with families… But that meant only one thing. They were killers for hire, and there was a code of silence.

These knights were quet, professional, and above all else suspicious. But something irked you more than anything else. Strange Gold Coins.

Coins not minted anywhere else. Pure gold.

Reward: You learn of the Street of Steel Knights. There is an underground brotherhood among these men, a very dangerous one that you do not understand.

-[X]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 106

Gin Alley… The very name makes you sick. This place is a festering pile of filth and death.

Every hour a body turns up, a knife, or just anything used to cut through the flesh. THere is no gang, but there's just killers. Some hired killers trying to make coins.

Others are just drunks that kill for the fun of it. The fighting pit that was there was filled with ever lowlife and scum imaginable. The Poor fighting for the entertainment of the rich, with hundreds of gold being spent.

This place was a disaster in the waiting, with too much wine and too many people willing to die.

Reward:Gin Alley lives up to it's reputation. This place is death incarnate. It will take more than policing to get it safe and handled… It will take a war.

-[X]Grog and Grub (Flea Bottom): The thing that Flea Bottom needs more than anything is not that brown bile they call stew. They need real food. And that will be enough to turn the tide Cost 15 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 109

The Lads didn't like the fact you spent so much of their bonus pay on food and setting up numerous places to feed people.

But something happened in Flea Bottom. There was a genuine attempt to stop the violence. They saw food, real food, real good food. And flocked like vultures.

And once they ate, they realized something that they never had before. The audacity to hope.

Reward: Flea Bottom… begins to rise out of it's squalor. It will take time, decades even…

But for once, the shithole of the city… will see a generation rise out of poverty. As long as they get more food.

-[X]The Patrols and the Safety (Flea Bottom): The best way to show the citizens of the city that they will be safe is seeing the presence of the Streets. They need to see the Ruby Cloaks. Cost 10 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 111

The Ruby Cloaks were out in force.

However, many things were left undone. The City still did not fear the Ruby Cloaks… but they did have respect. Of Flea Bottom.

Reward: People saw the insanity.. .but they saw the courage, and most important of all, they see the Ruby Cloaks protecting them, and their homes.

-[X]An Army of Whores: The Street of Silk is many things. The Red Light district is most certainly one of them. However, the ladies of the night… or the day, are, after all, need security. And sometimes they need to see a man in uniform. Cost 20 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 172

You had set up an entire task force to defend the Brothels of the Street of Silk, all of them married, and older men, who had children, and were not going to betray their vows to their wives and families.

It worked, remarkably.

Turns out when men have wives at home who know what they are doing, they take their jobs seriously. At least when they are on duty.

You don't ask questions about when they are not on duty.

Reward: The Street of Silk is now properly patrolled. And the Lads are happy that the Brothels are now safe to go to without getting a knife in the back when they are off duty.

-[X]In the Name of the Father: Father had used every person he knew to try and find Gael. But the message, and the testimony of your brothers... left much to be desired. He is horrified, and scared. He needs you. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 101
-[X]In the Name of the Mother: Mother looked at you, and realized something needed to be done. "I have to tell you something Lucien." Rolled: D100 + 100 => 172

Father was looking at you, as was your mother. "We know that you are… troubled by Gaels disappearance." He did not seem confident in his words. "But I am going to use all the resources at my disposal to find her."

He was like a drowning man, trying to cling to his own hope. But that was slowly fading away. Trying yet struggling to hold on.

But it was your mother who spoke, when you realized that something sinister was about. "Did you know that when you were born, I dreamed of Dragons?" She said, "I saw one enveloped in flames, to never be seen again."

You raised an eyebrow. "But… you never said you had dreams?"

"Of course, because dreams are never something that should define reality. But that does not mean they swallow us, and show us what we truly fear." Your mother replied. "For a long time, I feared you would be taken away from us."

She looked away. "Now I realized that we are here because of you."

You realized what she meant. "I broke that curse by killing that woman." You stated.

"But it put another curse on our family… and it wasn't your fault." She said. "I never once blamed you, nor your wish to save us."

She then hugged you. "We will get her back. Of that, there will be a promise."

Reward: Your Parents do their best. But they will be doing more.

Valaar will not be available to recruit for the Stepstones campaign.

Unknown Effect.

-[X]Horror and Honor: The Three brothers you have cannot sleep. All they can do is wallow... and say they failed. You need to cheer them up. Remind them that they are still alive, and the most powerful children in the world. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 134

It wasn't meant to be. You couldn't give them the greatest cheering up as you could.

But you did the next best thing. You raced them on their dragons!

And that was the best fun they had in a long time.

Reward: You made them happy. That was something that you knew they needed.

-[X]We Remember All: Rhae wishes to talk to you. Something about her future. And Daemon's ambitions. that they are still alive, and the most powerful children in the world. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 188

"I am dying, Lucien." She said as she wheeled herself forward, and that was a great way… to snatch your happiness and attention.

You were silent for a moment. "But-" You said.

"Daemon knows. The Girls know… but it will be a slow death." She said with a raspy and broken breath. There was energy being snapped and sapped away with every single syllable of her words. "A sad death. A death that will not be as clean or fair… a wasting death of a horrid thing. People like me should not survive my condition. Especially when I should have died long ago."

"My Lady-"

"Lucien." She whispered, her voice seeming more and more empty as she rolled forward, and took your hand. "I love you like the son I never had… But I must ask you this."

She then handed over a parchment. "When I pass, I am buried with my family… only then, give him this. Only then, will I ask him to let me go." She then laughed. "I do not want him to be afraid, nor do I want him to forget why I learned to love him in the first place. After so long of hatred and dissatisfaction."

"Let him have his family. Wherever and whoever it might be from."

She then looked at you. "Thank you… For all you did to help me realize this."


Rhae is slowly dying of Cancer, and complications from her injuries. She will live for now, but not with the same vigor or energy.

She wishes that you hold onto her will, until after she dies. To make sure that her final wishes are carried out.

But she also tells you she will enjoy every day with her family. And you. And that you will always have a home in Runestone.

-[X]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 191

Aegor met you with his brothers, and he immediately made himself known with shouting and screaming. "Silent Prince!"

He lacked all manner of grace, control and even motor skills, seemingly being an oaf that struggled his way through life. Yet somehow he had a dragon, same with his two brothers, who were… avoiding you like the plague. Seems they knew your reputation. But Aegor was either too stupid or smart to care. "So, can we talk?"

"You are right now." You stated.

"Well than, I have this to say, Dragon rider to dragon rider." He than clasped a hand on your shoulder. "Mines better."

You scoffed. "Grey Ghost is much faster than the Cannibal."

"That may be, but he's bigger." Aegor replied.

He was annoying as all hells… yetsomehow, he was still trying to stay by you.

And than he said something that would make you shiver. "I want to be your rival!"

You raised an eyebrow. "Why not friend?" You asked.

"You said it first." Aegor stated.

Wait what?

"Now we're friends!" He declared.

Oh no.

Reward: You are now… unwitting friends with Aegor.

He is very annoying, but he's also far more clever than you first thought he was.

You have 10 Actions.

You have 55 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives you more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (the Fleas): You need to find a way to deal with them, and remove their filth from the map. Cost 20 BP

[]The Continental: You want to meet with these killers for hire, see if you can break the oath of silence. Cost 10 BP

[]The Killers for Hire: You need to bring these men to heel, PErhaps coin can work Cost 30 BP

[]The Wine Sinks Sobering: Your going to cut the alley off from whin than, you will see if the murders stop. Cost 15 BP.

[]Breaking the Alley: You want to smash these fuckers down to dust. Make them think about what they have done… and then hope they survive. Cost 25 BP

[]The Legends of Gin Alley: Some cut throat killers want to keep on spilling more blood. THere will be a duel, and you will kill them. Cost 10 BP

[]An Army of Thieves: They say that the thieves are the richest people in town when a siege comes. Time to see if the guild understands just what needs to be done to keep it safe… Wait there is a Thieves Guild in the city? Cost 10 BP

[]The White Wrym: She calls herself Lady Misery. Daemons paramour, on and off again… lady of the night he frequents. Something tells you she has things she wants to do. And not enough time to do them so she needs extra muscle. Cost 5 BP

[]The Mind of a Bat: You want to see if you can track that blasted vigilante. See if he may be a useful pawn. Or maybe… you can use his help. Cost 1 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (The Portside Workers): You need to deal with these men, get them back to work, or stop them from making things worse. Cost 10 BP

[]The Humanitarian Trick (The Port): If you can win the hearts and minds of the Port… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.

Personal Actions

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders just how dangerous you are.

[]We Remember All: Rhae wishes to talk to you. Something about her future. And Daemon's ambitions.

[]The Twins of Hope: The Twins of Daemon's blood are the two only things keeping him happy, and hopeful of the future. Why is that? Does he not trust you? Or is he scared of you?

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom needs coin. Says that he really needs it to avoid… paying taxes? What the hells does that mean?

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The Septon Seminars: You are going to break bread with the Septons of the city. And you will make them an offer they cannot refuse

ANL Enjoy. Plan format.

Edits will come tomorrow, after I sleep.
The City that Dies
The City that Dies.

[X]The Continental: You want to meet with these killers for hire, see if you can break the oath of silence. Cost 10 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 110

You looked at the man sipping his wine as you examined him. He was a skinny man, a quiet man, some would even say that his entire demeanor was… justifiably… small. He wore muted colors, his hair was dirty, and his nails unclean.

Yet this man, with a single golden band on his ring finger, and eyes sunken from loss and regret, was more dangerous than anyone else you had ever met, save Daemon.

"You have come to us?" He said quietly as you nodded. "It is very rare that men of your status and caliber even reach this location, more or less alive. Any who know are usually thoroughly vetted, and thoroughly invited."

You scoffed. "And?"

"It is strange that my masters would allow you here, and not kill you, for interfering in our business, but considering the price on the head of your father, it is warranted." He said.

"What Price?" You asked.

"The Faceless men have marked your father for death, for reasons we are still ascertaining. That is not something we enjoy, and the underground treaties you do not know of are there to keep our groups separated and without consequences. It still requires… talking."

"Why has my father been marked for death?" You asked.

That man chuckled. "That is not what I know. Nor is it the reason why you are here." He then leaned forward. "This is not your world, nor is it your place."

"All I want is to keep the city safe. Do my duty." You replied. "And If I have to break through these doors? Dismantle this enterprise to do it, then so be it."

"That will not be necessary my prince." The man chuckled as if he did not need to hear it. "As much as you believe that things will get better due to your actions, it is through the benefactors who run this location… and all the others who will be profiting from the increase in public security within the city."

"Who do you work for?" You asked.

"Oh please, There are things that you shouldn't know." He looked almost pleading at those words. "There are things that are best left alone. They will do no harm to you, and this city, save for those who have a contract on their head." He then laughed. "All we ask in return is the promise that, during the business, we are not arrested, or stopped.

The man then pointed to the door. "It might be best if you leave, with that offer, and then we can both continue."

"And If I see you again?" You asked.

The man smiled. "I guarantee you, you won't."

Reward: You have made the city a little bit safer, though not through your own actions. And while the… Strange organizations have done their job. There is a marked decrease in violent crime.

But something tells you, in the bottom of the stomach… you only made something… strange.

-[X]The Wine Sinks Sobering: Your going to cut the alley off from whin than, you will see if the murders stop. Cost 15 BP. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 128

The riot that came from it was going to be fierce.

All it led to… was a crackdown with force not seen in a while.

The drunks rose to the challenge.

But the Ruby Cloaks did not have to sweat.

Reward: Gin Alley is cut off, and many wine sinks are left to languish while the city sobers up. With many of the Drunks scattered to smaller, less alcoholic venues.

When the new tax comes… perhaps this alley will have far more reputable establishments to serve the gin.

-[X]The Legends of Gin Alley: Some cut throat killers want to keep on spilling more blood. There will be a duel, and you will kill them. Cost 10 BP Rolled:D100 + 100+60 => 199

You walked into the Alley with a sword and shield. The twenty men looked at you with knives and clubs.

They were murderers, cutthroats, and assassins.

You smiled, feeling warm for the first time in a long time. "In the name of the King… I sentence you to die."

Steel was drawn.

And you killed them all.

It was a brief affair, not even five minutes. And your Cloak was perfectly a distraction to them… as you cut them down without mercy.

Even when they surrendered. You just kept stabbing them. Killing them… Making a mockery of their corpses by dragging them into the streets and letting all who could see, with eyes and ears. About the Lord commander… Who cleaned the street? And made them all fear the color, Ruby. And Black.

You needed this. You wanted this.

You enjoyed this.

Reward: You killed the Legends of Gin Alley. And become a Legend yourself.

Gin Alley's gang problem has been lessened significantly.

Gain titles: The Bloody

Prince of the City.

Legend of Gin Alley.
-[X]An Army of Thieves: They say that the thieves are the richest people in town when a siege comes. Time to see if the guild understands just what needs to be done to keep it safe… Wait there is a Thieves Guild in the city? Cost 10 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 191

The Thief, the head one at least, was a purse cutter by the name of Garret. He smiled as he twirled the crown in his hands, a relic, or some replica from the vaults. "So, Lord Commander, what seems to be the problem?"

"I was going to kill you and every one of the members of this guild and everyone else." You smiled at that. "But you know for a fact I would have done that. So that's why you called this meeting."

The thief nodded. "You know as well as I do that crime is something that cannot be stamped out. But fewer people can get hurt by it. And thievery is never the most…"

"It is." You stated.

"But. You of all people can realize that things are peaceful… that there are ways where all can profit, without victims suffering the cost."

"Indeed. Mushroom told me you wanted to run a scam. Try to get money while my men run the scheme… no one gets hurt, save for a few coppers. Not a very profitable scheme."

"But my lads get paid, no one loses much, and property is returned."

"Until it breaks down." You replied. "Or lads get greedy."

"That is always the case." He said. "But we do this, no one gets hurt. And when no one gets hurt, the only thing lost is time."

You nodded. "Very Well."

Reward: The Thieves Guilds now run a racket where only certain people will be targeted, and always through nonviolent means.

They are terrified that you will purge them, and play by your rules with fear and terror.

-[X]The Humanitarian Trick (The Port): If you can win the hearts and minds of the Port… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 106

The port workers are planning to go on strike, and take control of the port, for better conditions, hours and pay.

Committing treason in all but name.

But they weren't exactly without support. The dock workers have seen over 200 fatalities due to so much traffic in the port.

And there are not enough trained men to take over. Meaning the port will be forced to close. And the city could starve.

Reward: YOu know that something big is coming. And you need to find a way to stop it before it starts a riot.

-[X]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 183
-[X]The Septon Seminars: You are going to break bread with the Septons of the city. And you will make them an offer they cannot refuse Rolled:D100 + 100 => 196

Both Groups seemed utterly terrified that you were meeting with them. They knew that while you worshiped the gods of Valyria, you showed no favoritism towards any lawbreaker. You just dealt with them without hesitation.

Even your story and butchery was something that shocked them, and brought them to this meeting, then of your, please.

"Gentlemen, I will be frank, and curt, with my words." You growled. "You both should hang high for your treasons, and the only reason I don't, is because you both have some use for me."

You looked at Septon Howland, a portly man that was clearly wealthy, using his power to get more food than others, and his robes hide his many… many rings and jewels. He was utterly corrupt and probably high-born. He knew nothing but preaching and power. You wanted to kill him on principle, he was unfit to serve his office.

But he had his uses.

The Stormsinger, Balerion, was a Dragonseed, a member of the Old Valyrian refugees that fled from across the sea with Aegon, and was in the city. But unlike his counterpart, he was a warrior. Calluses from work, fighting, and being a good preacher had left its marks. His robes did not hide jewels but scars. And on his side was a dagger.

"You will both make peace, stop your fucking fighting, and realize that the King still upholds King Aegon's Laws of Cult. Which, last I checked, allowed all faiths to be practiced privately, and in worship halls."

"You will publicly decray the violence. You will make peace."

"Or You will die." You stated.


You make the two faiths and their leadership… Bow to your will, for the simple fact that if they don't they will die.

The religious violence is lessened now, due to your action.

-[X]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky. Rolled:D100 + 100+30 => 230

All you could feel in that…

Was trust.

"So shall we continue?" YOu asked your dragon as you held onto his scales.

The Dragon snorted and he flew into the air.

And like at Harrenhal before, you let go, and you flew.

You did that enough times where you didn't even need to gesture.

Grey Ghost would have you, he would catch you, no matter what.


Dragon Riding Rank (Legendary): You are a Dragonridder, someone who controls, and has bonded to, a Dragon, and rides them, for pleasure and for battle. (+50 to all dragon riding rolls.)

You are the Greatest Rider alive, and your bond with your dragon is without equal. Not even Daemon and Cereax can claim such things.

-[X]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders just how dangerous you are. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 193

"So why aren't you afraid?" She asked as you sat down in the Godswood. "There is something you have?"

"No." You replied as you took a moment to breathe. "You think that it is okay to be afraid? What is natural?"

She clearly did not understand. "What do you mean?"

"You saw your dead brother." You said with empathy in your voice. You took a moment to allow her to realize what you meant.

"I did." She whispered, looking away. "I don't want that."

"Want what?" You asked.

You saw powerful emotions within her eyes, as you looked at her… She realized. "I don't want to be some tool, a brood mare for some man. I don't want to have a life grow only to be snuffed away."

"Have you ever thought about it differently?" You stated. The question was nothing but shocking.

"What do you mean?"

"You see marriage as a duty, a pact of politics, and childbirth as a political means." You than sat down, looking at your hands. "That isn't the case. Nor does it have to be what you believe it is."

"The world of the small folk chose to marry for love." She said.

"Love is nothing more than the singers trying to amuse themselves. Love is only part of it. And never the end of it." You stated.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Do you know why your parents love each other?" You asked.

"Because they-" She started.

She didn't get it. So you had to spell it out for her. "What do you see in them when they are with you?"

The princess took a moment to pause, thinking about what she saw. "Trust." She said. "Relief and relaxation." She paused. "Comfort. Even though the tragedies and the trials."

You nodded. "So you do understand."

"Understand what?"

"Marriage for you isn't about children and sex and duty. If you look at it as something else… in moments when you need them most, they will be there." You stated.

"That's what it is. At the end, you can make it a prison of your own making, or you can look at it as finding a companion that understands you."

"No one understands me, or cares for me." She said.

"Because you don't know them. They may try to flatter you with gifts, with fancy trinkets and promises. But if they never listen. They never seek you out? Trust you? That will separate those that are in it for love… who quickly forget, And trust."

"And what about you, what do you strive for?" She asked. "Just by telling me this."

"Simple. I'm asking you not to be afraid. Of me, or anyone else. You have a choice that few can make. So make it a good one."


Unknown Effect.

-[X]Training Skill: Time Management. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 200

You learned something you should have learned a long time ago.

That your time was limited.

And you now needed to do something with it.

Gain Skill: Time Management (Legendary): You always have a knack of using your time wisely. And making the most of what you have. (+5 Actions)

(Note: You will now have 10 permanent actions… and omake bonuses that would be used for actions are transferred to bonuses)

You have 10 Actions.

You have 55 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives you more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]The White Wrym: She calls herself Lady Misery. Daemons paramour, on and off again… lady of the night he frequents. Something tells you she has things she wants to do. And not enough time to do them so she needs extra muscle. Cost 5 BP

[]The Mind of a Bat: You want to see if you can track that blasted vigilante. See if he may be a useful pawn. Or maybe… you can use his help. Cost 1 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (The Portside Workers): You need to deal with these men, get them back to work, or stop them from making things worse. Cost 10 BP

[]The Portside Strike: The Strike will come, and the workers requested you take their side. Cost 20 BP

[]Policing the Port: You need to make sure the strike does not cause any damage to the city, so you are quarantining the city port and preventing anyone from leaving. Cost 30 BP.

[]Stopping the Strike:You are going to crack down on this strike and get the port moving. Otherwise more people will suffer. Cost 10 BP

[]Negotiate: You are going to get the city officials to sit down, and make a deal and oversee it, making sure no one would fuck around. Cost 20 BP

[]Baba Yaga: It seems the Continental have run afoul with one of their own. And now he's fighting his way through the city, trying to escape. Cost 15 BP

[]The Bat and His Robins: It seems the Bat has more… assistants. Time to see who they actually are. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.

Personal Actions

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom needs coin. Says that he really needs it to avoid… paying taxes? What the hells does that mean?

[]The Strongest Bonds: You are going to get married… So it's time to look at the list of people who will be betrothed or have a… little… marriage. Even the Faith can't stop you… right?

AN: enjoy, and plan format please.
A City Saved
A City Saved:

-[X]The Portside Strike: The Strike will come, and the workers requested you take their side. Cost 20 BP Rolled:D100 => 95+100=195
-[X]Policing the Port: You need to make sure the strike does not cause any damage to the city, so you are quarantining the city port and preventing anyone from leaving. Cost 30 BP. Rolled: D100 + 100 => 195

You looked at the growing number of workers that were gathering. And then you realized something. You were looking not only at the workers…

But also of the port owners… or rather the men who were tasked to run the port by the Crown, men who were, above all else, your equals.

Yet when you saw them screaming and pushing at your men to start killing the striking workers. You could only snarl at them, and realize one thing.

You just wanted to go home, and deal with many of the things that you wished to work with. However, you were here now, and they were annoying you.

They then saw you, and immediately they realized what was going on. "Treason." The man said. "That is what you are all committing!" He shouted. It was Lord… Well, you didn't really know the name, he was some crownland house who was from the Claw, but more a knight than anything more, with no noble house or title, but he did have an education. "Lord commander!" He pleaded.

"Silence." You whispered as you looked at the man and made him look like he was about to die. After all, he might not have seen Grey Ghost, but the very threat was something that was on every mind when the Silent Prince spoke to them.

Though you spoke… your very presence was enough to make men bow to your will. "Here is what is going to happen…. Ser." You said the word in almost a whisper, almost everything about his face turned white as the winter snows. "There is a list of demands that these workers will make, that the King will learn about if the port remains closed. They are demands that are keeping to their sacrifice and work. And you know you cannot replace these men, not when they still control the port, not when my men will not break this strike."

You took a breath and looked at the lads, and they were with weapons that were… ready. "Now. I am going to leave. If the lads do not come to kill you, then you succeed."

You then turned away. "If not well… Who will they believe? You, or one of my lads?"

"What is it you are trying to do?!" He demanded.

"Nothing." You replied. "Except for bringing order to my city."

A few days later, you learned the port was open, and the new contracts and workers' safety was approved. Something told you that the King approved.

Reward: The Strike is successful, and many of the workers drink to your health.

The Port's safety and wages lead to the port authorities being able to get more cargo off and into the markets, making the entire city more prosperous.

+20 to the Westeros Rumor Mill.

Gain Title: The Master of The Port

-[X]The White Wrym: She calls herself Lady Misery. Daemons paramour, on and off again… lady of the night he frequents. Something tells you she has things she wants to do. And not enough time to do them so she needs extra muscle. Cost 5 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 149

She was quiet. Very quiet when you entered, only looking at her strange skin and hair as she eyed you. "You are the one who Daemon calls his child?"

You nodded. Then you held up your hands. "Do you know what I am?"

"A silent one." She nodded as her hands moved. "I am in need of your help." The lads who followed you did not understand the sign.

And you liked it that way. "What is it?"

"I need to deliver a message to my contact in the Red Keep, and you need to give it to them." She signed. "All I ask is that you do not reveal the information to him."

You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Daemon will be needlessly worried, and it is for the best that he is not warned of this."

You nodded. "What is the message?"

You looked at the Hand as the Rain fell. It was a downpour that you could not be seen, especially when the night shaded your appearance.

You made sure to play the role of the beggar. The street rat… was a role you like to play, and you played it well.

You turned down, letting your hood cover much of your defining features. "Ah, the White Wyrm sent you." He said.

You nodded. "Yes, M'lord."

The Hand seemed to pause as if he recognized you before he shook his head. "What does she have to say? Speak."

"She says she received word from the Sparrow. They believe the King is the one who is the Bat. and he is the one who is disrupting your investigation into… the others."

"The King?" He scoffed at that. "She must be drunk or stupid."

You then spoke. "Is that why he is always so wounded?"

That made you walk away, but the Hand's Voice stopped you. "Lucien." He said with a commanding tone. You turned, hiding, yet facing him. "If you are going to be playing this game, you might want to try and make sure you aren't recognized. Very few boys, let alone people know of the king's injuries." He then let you go with a nod. "I'll make sure Daemon doesn't know you are playing courier to information."

Reward: You learn that Viserys is the one roaming the city in a Bat costume… And he is disrupting several plans.

And Otto has been helping the King with his escapades and keeping them hidden from Daemon.

-[X]Learn a Skill: Dragon Command Rolled:D100 + 100 => 120

Gain Skill: Dragon Command (Skilled): Your skill at riding has made you such a force that you can command the battle lines and other dragon riders, even in the air. (+20 to all martial rolls when commanding other dragon riders. A lot less chance for friendly fire.)

-[X]Learn a Skill: Strategic Command Rolled:D100 + 100 => 104

Grand Strategy (Skilled): You have been trained on how to lead a campaign. You are competent at it. (+20 bonus to leading an army.)

-[X]Learn a Skill: Logistic Command Rolled:D100 + 100 => 130

Logistics(Skilled): You know that an army marches onto his stomach. (+20 bonus in creating logistics for your army)

-[X]Train a Skill: Tactical Command Rolled:D100 + 100 => 104

Tactical Command (skilled): You are a good tactical commander, and you have the ability to recognize what needs to be done to win. (+20 to all martial rolls when commanding men. Can notice events that can turn the tide of the battle.)
-[X]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 193

The King was incredulous as he smiled at you among his councilors. He was incredibly happy with your arrival, and Daemon was there as well.

It took you a moment to see Rhaenyra was there as well, pouring cups of celebratory wine into the cups of all the lords. "So this is how the Great Prince of the city handles worker strikes. Committing treason and siding with the workers, seeing their plight and forcing my port authority to be given much to… other matters." He seemed to cross, but you could see just how happy he was beneath the surface. "Yet you decide to take their side, plead their case, and after months… productivity is higher. The city makes more money, and I wonder why it was not changed sooner."

Several lord's of the council, most noticeably, Lord Beesbury, were looking shamelessly at the ground. "So… Do you all have something to say?"

"The Prince is well suited for much of the many of our jobs."

You then stopped the lord's from their rehearsed speeches, and you took a moment to scoff. "You honor me your grace, but I do my duty." You stated. "If people stop me, they will know, and they will be punished."

That made Viserys Smile. "Indeed."

Viserys then turned to them. "I might make him a member of this council. If you incompetents don't do your jobs properly."


You have embarrassed many of Viserys' Small Council, and they are shaping up, or shutting up.

And that means in the future, things might be better. As well as less factionalism.

Otto really likes you.

-[X]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom needs coin. Says that he really needs it to avoid… paying taxes? What the hells does that mean? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 124

Mushroom said his taxes were going to be…


Reward: Mushroom testimonies during the Rumor mill now are more accurate when it comes to figuring out what is going on.

-[X]The Strongest Bonds: You are going to get married… So it's time to look at the list of people who will be betrothed or have a… little… marriage. Even the Faith can't stop you… right? Rolled:D100 => 99+100=199

You are going to get married.

This is going to be interesting.

(Continued in: By Blood Alone, There is Happiness.)

AN: Enjoy.