The World Is Yours
SV's Questing Fanatic
- Location
- California USA
- Pronouns
- He
The World Is Yours
[X]Train a Skill: Administration Rolled:D100 + 20 => 97
You had Otto Hightower to thank for such a glowing method of not only maintaining the ever-growing work of paper and reports. You quickly and quietly realized you had a knack for it considering how quickly you got good at this.
You managed to scrounge up a rather literate stone mason turned guardsman and paid him to triple the starting salary and then told him to act as your assistant in dealing with paperwork.
Well, there was also a very clear sign that you were growing competent at your job.
Even Ser Westerling was impressed.
It was genius as you found a way to quickly and quietly make your life easier, but also double your workload.
Reward: Administration (Skilled): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+20 bonuses to your rolls)
-[X]Train a Skill: Time management Rolled:D100 + 20 => 120+10=130
You finally got good at managing your time.
Time Management (Master): You always have a knack for using your time wisely. And making the most of what you have. (+3 Actions)
-[X]Arrest the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who dies. Cost 2 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 77
It was a brilliantly brutal glance at the men who were captured. You had to request that Ser Westerling was the one who had to bring them to you, but you had never really considered any of them a threat.
Yet they were brought before you with little regard for their… status.
You looked at them and felt a great glee in your eyes as you glared deeply into their souls. "They cause you any trouble?" You asked, feeling very confident that they did not.
"Once they saw the white cloak, they realized they were not going to survive, and gave them up?"
"All of them?"
"One hung himself from the city gate, I took the liberty of telling the lads that anyone seeking to betray you was… not going to have a good time."
You raised an eyebrow. "Didn't feed it to the dragons?" You asked.
"Didn't feel the need to." He started without a second of hesitation. "I could."
"No need." You started as you looked at them. "So… Which one?"
"Well, all the captains of the gates were compliant in smuggling illegal goods, cadavers, even corpses into the city. One confessed that there was a client, a very royal client that enjoys… Fornicating with the corpses of young boys. Particularly dragon seeds."
Your teeth gritted. "And."
"Well, the other crimes are not nearly as heinous. And not perpetrated by any… of the other officers."
You pointed to the commander who was in charge of the… cadaver retrieval. "Feed him to the Ghost. The rest of you have a choice. The Headsmen or the Wall."
The Rest chose the Wall.
That single guard's captain… did not die well. He died screaming.
Reward: You have restored order to the Guard captains, and regained control of the City Gates. Now you are without officers who can do what you need.
But at least they aren't trying to replace you, or kill you.
-[X]From Scratch: You have disloyal men and disloyal guardsmen keeping the peace. What you need is a fresh cadre. Loyal hounds. Cost 4 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 66
It took less than a week to weed out the men who were… well. Weeds.
It was not the easiest thing, and many fell through the cracks. But that was all well and good. Their stories would move mountains to cement your rule over… the city itself. The Watch needed to be strong.
And you could not have weakness.
Reward: The City Watch loses over 300 men in your purge and firing of the numerous guardsmen. You did not get all the corruption out. But you would soon enough.
Eventually. They would either fear you… or love you.
But not both.
-[X]The Gates And the Power of them: You need to know how the Gates are controlling Traffic in the city, and how it goes out? Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94
The Gates and the way that the entire city usually handled the import and export of goods were simple.
The merchants purchased forms from the city watch or the other guilds of the city. And of course, that would help the crown and fund the Watch.
In practice, with so many illiterate men in charge of the gates, and not enough guilds trusting the Watch itself… Most didn't declare cargo, never received papers of protection, and just left in the dead of night, with wares or gold unaccounted for.
And the captain you so removed from the watch, did nothing but get coin and grow rich themselves.
It would require an entirely new system to become effective, for the Watch to survive.
And to gain power and respect within the city.
Reward: New Action Available.
-[X]The Cupbearer's Terror: She is frightened of you… Every moment she sees you she wants to go away. Instead, you come to her and tell her it's going to be alright. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94
Rhaenyra was quiet when she saw you in the godswood, and you saw the heart tree that was there. It felt strange, as if it was a raven watching you, speechless but always open to secrets.
She stood, giving you a bow as she saw you. "Good day Lord Commander." She said, trying to leave.
"Rhaenyra." The single word stopped her dead, as if she was hearing a ghost. Even though that ghost was right in front of her.
"You can-"
You moved your hands. "Speak?" The signs were as simple as breathing. But with her eyes looking more at you, she could only nod.
"I know." You said the words with quiet whispers.
You saw her quiver in fear as she did that. Quiver and shake. "I know what you did… what you are doing for the city."
You nodded. There was no point in lying to her. "I know."
"Why are you doing it like this?" She asked.
"Because that is what is expected of me." You replied. "And I do my duty."
"By feeding men to your dragon? By sending hundreds of men to the Wall?"
You then looked at her with dead, emotionless eyes. Eyes that had seen far too much evil in a lifetime. "You don't understand what is needed to stop evil princesses." At those words, you could see how petrified she was. "Do not hate me for the evil I wrought Princess, that will be needless, and counterproductive to my aims and yours."
She then gulped. "What do you need?"
"Your help." You said with pleading eyes. "You are the princess of the Iron Throne, the Realm's delight, who has the ear of the King. Help me make his city safe."
She then asked the question. "How will that help me?"
You smiled, and you saw her fear disappear. "You'll know."
Reward: The Princess will be assisting you trying to get help for the Watch.
She is less afraid of you than she was before.
Your standing at court has raised significantly due to her support.
-[X]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 38
Something tells you that there is something going on in this city.
But you can't get to the bottom of it.
-[X]The Grey Ghost's Pained Silence: Your Dragon was not happy with being kept in the Dragon pit. He wants to fly free. And you will try to do just that. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 99
You felt his scales and looked deep into his eyes. You wanted to feel just how weak he was. It was as if the fire that was inside him was dimming. And being locked away from the sky was weakening him.
And you could not allow that. "Release him." You demanded as you saw the Keepers, frantically, looking at the great beast bounding out of the pen he was being held in, lifting his neck up and feeling the wind in the sky.
The Dragon keepers were all terrified at what they were seeing, the anger of a silent Ghost that was looking at them all.
You quickly looked and felt his scales, feeling the breath of fire that he had in his neck growing with the air.
Perhaps, long ago, you were scared of the dark and thought the fire needed to stay comfortable, to stay safe. But freedom… that was the fire. A Dragon is not an animal meant to be caged.
It was a beast meant to be free.
You looked at the keepers and growled. "He will obey. He will not be here any longer."
"That is ill-advised, the King-" The Head Dragonkeeper protested. "We cannot keep the people safe."
"Then I will," you stated, as you took off the chains and allowed Grey Ghost to Fly away.
Viserys was furious. "A Dragon is loose in the King's wood and you let him fly away!"
You stood at attention. "I did."
"What blazes did you even convince that it was a good idea? Dragons are dangerous, destructive creatures that we need to control!"
"If mistreated, and locked in cages, yes, they can be." You protested. "You know the bond I have with that dragon is special, and I fully believe that he will listen." You took a moment to breathe. "The Dragon keeper already gave me something to call him." You showed him the Dragon whistle that was carved. There was no horn and no loud instrument. But you knew it could reach across the Blackwater to Dragonstone if you blew it.
"You gave me your city to guard and protect Your Grace. I know what I am doing." You stated.
Viserys nodded. "Very well." He said, accepting that you were, in many ways, right. But he was not happy about it. "Dismissed Lord Commander."
Reward: The Grey Ghost is roaming the Blackwater and King's Wood, only attacking animals, and those foolish enough to attack him.
He has caused no damage and will come when you call him.
Received a Dragon Whistle: This whistle will call your dragon when blown.
Disaster Roll:D100 => 32
Your shake-up of the city Watch has left the entire city on edge. There have not been many sightings of violence or smuggling…
You have changed the power dynamics of the city, and everyone is trying to figure out what is coming…
But right now… There is something brewing in the Air.
Something terrible is about to happen. And you might not have enough power to stop it.
Reward: If the disaster roll rises above 70… You will suffer a crisis, and depending on how well the Watch is… may see the city fall into chaos… or you will be called upon to save the city.
You have 7 Actions.
You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.
The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives more resources.
City Watch Actions.
[]Bringing up New Commanders: You need men of the local stock, men who are willing to obey your orders, and make things well. You need to bring order to the city… now! Cost 5 BP
[]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP
[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP
[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP
[]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP
[]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP
[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men who would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP
[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP
[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.
[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP
[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)
[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.
Personal Actions:
[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.
[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)
[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)
[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are.
[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.
[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.
[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.
[]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home.
[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.
[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?
[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.
[]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months.
[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.
AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format.
[X]Train a Skill: Administration Rolled:D100 + 20 => 97
You had Otto Hightower to thank for such a glowing method of not only maintaining the ever-growing work of paper and reports. You quickly and quietly realized you had a knack for it considering how quickly you got good at this.
You managed to scrounge up a rather literate stone mason turned guardsman and paid him to triple the starting salary and then told him to act as your assistant in dealing with paperwork.
Well, there was also a very clear sign that you were growing competent at your job.
Even Ser Westerling was impressed.
It was genius as you found a way to quickly and quietly make your life easier, but also double your workload.
Reward: Administration (Skilled): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+20 bonuses to your rolls)
-[X]Train a Skill: Time management Rolled:D100 + 20 => 120+10=130
You finally got good at managing your time.
Time Management (Master): You always have a knack for using your time wisely. And making the most of what you have. (+3 Actions)
-[X]Arrest the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who dies. Cost 2 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 77
It was a brilliantly brutal glance at the men who were captured. You had to request that Ser Westerling was the one who had to bring them to you, but you had never really considered any of them a threat.
Yet they were brought before you with little regard for their… status.
You looked at them and felt a great glee in your eyes as you glared deeply into their souls. "They cause you any trouble?" You asked, feeling very confident that they did not.
"Once they saw the white cloak, they realized they were not going to survive, and gave them up?"
"All of them?"
"One hung himself from the city gate, I took the liberty of telling the lads that anyone seeking to betray you was… not going to have a good time."
You raised an eyebrow. "Didn't feed it to the dragons?" You asked.
"Didn't feel the need to." He started without a second of hesitation. "I could."
"No need." You started as you looked at them. "So… Which one?"
"Well, all the captains of the gates were compliant in smuggling illegal goods, cadavers, even corpses into the city. One confessed that there was a client, a very royal client that enjoys… Fornicating with the corpses of young boys. Particularly dragon seeds."
Your teeth gritted. "And."
"Well, the other crimes are not nearly as heinous. And not perpetrated by any… of the other officers."
You pointed to the commander who was in charge of the… cadaver retrieval. "Feed him to the Ghost. The rest of you have a choice. The Headsmen or the Wall."
The Rest chose the Wall.
That single guard's captain… did not die well. He died screaming.
Reward: You have restored order to the Guard captains, and regained control of the City Gates. Now you are without officers who can do what you need.
But at least they aren't trying to replace you, or kill you.
-[X]From Scratch: You have disloyal men and disloyal guardsmen keeping the peace. What you need is a fresh cadre. Loyal hounds. Cost 4 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 66
It took less than a week to weed out the men who were… well. Weeds.
It was not the easiest thing, and many fell through the cracks. But that was all well and good. Their stories would move mountains to cement your rule over… the city itself. The Watch needed to be strong.
And you could not have weakness.
Reward: The City Watch loses over 300 men in your purge and firing of the numerous guardsmen. You did not get all the corruption out. But you would soon enough.
Eventually. They would either fear you… or love you.
But not both.
-[X]The Gates And the Power of them: You need to know how the Gates are controlling Traffic in the city, and how it goes out? Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94
The Gates and the way that the entire city usually handled the import and export of goods were simple.
The merchants purchased forms from the city watch or the other guilds of the city. And of course, that would help the crown and fund the Watch.
In practice, with so many illiterate men in charge of the gates, and not enough guilds trusting the Watch itself… Most didn't declare cargo, never received papers of protection, and just left in the dead of night, with wares or gold unaccounted for.
And the captain you so removed from the watch, did nothing but get coin and grow rich themselves.
It would require an entirely new system to become effective, for the Watch to survive.
And to gain power and respect within the city.
Reward: New Action Available.
-[X]The Cupbearer's Terror: She is frightened of you… Every moment she sees you she wants to go away. Instead, you come to her and tell her it's going to be alright. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94
Rhaenyra was quiet when she saw you in the godswood, and you saw the heart tree that was there. It felt strange, as if it was a raven watching you, speechless but always open to secrets.
She stood, giving you a bow as she saw you. "Good day Lord Commander." She said, trying to leave.
"Rhaenyra." The single word stopped her dead, as if she was hearing a ghost. Even though that ghost was right in front of her.
"You can-"
You moved your hands. "Speak?" The signs were as simple as breathing. But with her eyes looking more at you, she could only nod.
"I know." You said the words with quiet whispers.
You saw her quiver in fear as she did that. Quiver and shake. "I know what you did… what you are doing for the city."
You nodded. There was no point in lying to her. "I know."
"Why are you doing it like this?" She asked.
"Because that is what is expected of me." You replied. "And I do my duty."
"By feeding men to your dragon? By sending hundreds of men to the Wall?"
You then looked at her with dead, emotionless eyes. Eyes that had seen far too much evil in a lifetime. "You don't understand what is needed to stop evil princesses." At those words, you could see how petrified she was. "Do not hate me for the evil I wrought Princess, that will be needless, and counterproductive to my aims and yours."
She then gulped. "What do you need?"
"Your help." You said with pleading eyes. "You are the princess of the Iron Throne, the Realm's delight, who has the ear of the King. Help me make his city safe."
She then asked the question. "How will that help me?"
You smiled, and you saw her fear disappear. "You'll know."
Reward: The Princess will be assisting you trying to get help for the Watch.
She is less afraid of you than she was before.
Your standing at court has raised significantly due to her support.
-[X]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 38
Something tells you that there is something going on in this city.
But you can't get to the bottom of it.
-[X]The Grey Ghost's Pained Silence: Your Dragon was not happy with being kept in the Dragon pit. He wants to fly free. And you will try to do just that. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 99
You felt his scales and looked deep into his eyes. You wanted to feel just how weak he was. It was as if the fire that was inside him was dimming. And being locked away from the sky was weakening him.
And you could not allow that. "Release him." You demanded as you saw the Keepers, frantically, looking at the great beast bounding out of the pen he was being held in, lifting his neck up and feeling the wind in the sky.
The Dragon keepers were all terrified at what they were seeing, the anger of a silent Ghost that was looking at them all.
You quickly looked and felt his scales, feeling the breath of fire that he had in his neck growing with the air.
Perhaps, long ago, you were scared of the dark and thought the fire needed to stay comfortable, to stay safe. But freedom… that was the fire. A Dragon is not an animal meant to be caged.
It was a beast meant to be free.
You looked at the keepers and growled. "He will obey. He will not be here any longer."
"That is ill-advised, the King-" The Head Dragonkeeper protested. "We cannot keep the people safe."
"Then I will," you stated, as you took off the chains and allowed Grey Ghost to Fly away.
Viserys was furious. "A Dragon is loose in the King's wood and you let him fly away!"
You stood at attention. "I did."
"What blazes did you even convince that it was a good idea? Dragons are dangerous, destructive creatures that we need to control!"
"If mistreated, and locked in cages, yes, they can be." You protested. "You know the bond I have with that dragon is special, and I fully believe that he will listen." You took a moment to breathe. "The Dragon keeper already gave me something to call him." You showed him the Dragon whistle that was carved. There was no horn and no loud instrument. But you knew it could reach across the Blackwater to Dragonstone if you blew it.
"You gave me your city to guard and protect Your Grace. I know what I am doing." You stated.
Viserys nodded. "Very well." He said, accepting that you were, in many ways, right. But he was not happy about it. "Dismissed Lord Commander."
Reward: The Grey Ghost is roaming the Blackwater and King's Wood, only attacking animals, and those foolish enough to attack him.
He has caused no damage and will come when you call him.
Received a Dragon Whistle: This whistle will call your dragon when blown.
Disaster Roll:D100 => 32
Your shake-up of the city Watch has left the entire city on edge. There have not been many sightings of violence or smuggling…
You have changed the power dynamics of the city, and everyone is trying to figure out what is coming…
But right now… There is something brewing in the Air.
Something terrible is about to happen. And you might not have enough power to stop it.
Reward: If the disaster roll rises above 70… You will suffer a crisis, and depending on how well the Watch is… may see the city fall into chaos… or you will be called upon to save the city.
You have 7 Actions.
You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.
The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives more resources.
City Watch Actions.
[]Bringing up New Commanders: You need men of the local stock, men who are willing to obey your orders, and make things well. You need to bring order to the city… now! Cost 5 BP
[]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP
[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP
[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP
[]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP
[]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP
[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men who would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP
[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP
[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.
[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP
[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)
[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.
Personal Actions:
[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.
[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)
[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)
[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are.
[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.
[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.
[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.
[]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home.
[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.
[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?
[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.
[]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months.
[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.
AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format.