And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

The World Is Yours
The World Is Yours

[X]Train a Skill: Administration Rolled:D100 + 20 => 97

You had Otto Hightower to thank for such a glowing method of not only maintaining the ever-growing work of paper and reports. You quickly and quietly realized you had a knack for it considering how quickly you got good at this.

You managed to scrounge up a rather literate stone mason turned guardsman and paid him to triple the starting salary and then told him to act as your assistant in dealing with paperwork.

Well, there was also a very clear sign that you were growing competent at your job.

Even Ser Westerling was impressed.

It was genius as you found a way to quickly and quietly make your life easier, but also double your workload.

Reward: Administration (Skilled): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+20 bonuses to your rolls)

-[X]Train a Skill: Time management Rolled:D100 + 20 => 120+10=130

You finally got good at managing your time.

Time Management (Master): You always have a knack for using your time wisely. And making the most of what you have. (+3 Actions)
-[X]Arrest the Officers: It's time to break bread with the Rest of the Captains, and then find out who stays, and who dies. Cost 2 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 77

It was a brilliantly brutal glance at the men who were captured. You had to request that Ser Westerling was the one who had to bring them to you, but you had never really considered any of them a threat.

Yet they were brought before you with little regard for their… status.

You looked at them and felt a great glee in your eyes as you glared deeply into their souls. "They cause you any trouble?" You asked, feeling very confident that they did not.

"Once they saw the white cloak, they realized they were not going to survive, and gave them up?"

"All of them?"

"One hung himself from the city gate, I took the liberty of telling the lads that anyone seeking to betray you was… not going to have a good time."

You raised an eyebrow. "Didn't feed it to the dragons?" You asked.

"Didn't feel the need to." He started without a second of hesitation. "I could."

"No need." You started as you looked at them. "So… Which one?"

"Well, all the captains of the gates were compliant in smuggling illegal goods, cadavers, even corpses into the city. One confessed that there was a client, a very royal client that enjoys… Fornicating with the corpses of young boys. Particularly dragon seeds."

Your teeth gritted. "And."

"Well, the other crimes are not nearly as heinous. And not perpetrated by any… of the other officers."

You pointed to the commander who was in charge of the… cadaver retrieval. "Feed him to the Ghost. The rest of you have a choice. The Headsmen or the Wall."

The Rest chose the Wall.

That single guard's captain… did not die well. He died screaming.

Reward: You have restored order to the Guard captains, and regained control of the City Gates. Now you are without officers who can do what you need.

But at least they aren't trying to replace you, or kill you.

-[X]From Scratch: You have disloyal men and disloyal guardsmen keeping the peace. What you need is a fresh cadre. Loyal hounds. Cost 4 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 66

It took less than a week to weed out the men who were… well. Weeds.

It was not the easiest thing, and many fell through the cracks. But that was all well and good. Their stories would move mountains to cement your rule over… the city itself. The Watch needed to be strong.

And you could not have weakness.

Reward: The City Watch loses over 300 men in your purge and firing of the numerous guardsmen. You did not get all the corruption out. But you would soon enough.

Eventually. They would either fear you… or love you.

But not both.

-[X]The Gates And the Power of them: You need to know how the Gates are controlling Traffic in the city, and how it goes out? Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94

The Gates and the way that the entire city usually handled the import and export of goods were simple.

The merchants purchased forms from the city watch or the other guilds of the city. And of course, that would help the crown and fund the Watch.

In practice, with so many illiterate men in charge of the gates, and not enough guilds trusting the Watch itself… Most didn't declare cargo, never received papers of protection, and just left in the dead of night, with wares or gold unaccounted for.

And the captain you so removed from the watch, did nothing but get coin and grow rich themselves.

It would require an entirely new system to become effective, for the Watch to survive.

And to gain power and respect within the city.

Reward: New Action Available.

-[X]The Cupbearer's Terror: She is frightened of you… Every moment she sees you she wants to go away. Instead, you come to her and tell her it's going to be alright. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 94

Rhaenyra was quiet when she saw you in the godswood, and you saw the heart tree that was there. It felt strange, as if it was a raven watching you, speechless but always open to secrets.

She stood, giving you a bow as she saw you. "Good day Lord Commander." She said, trying to leave.

"Rhaenyra." The single word stopped her dead, as if she was hearing a ghost. Even though that ghost was right in front of her.

"You can-"

You moved your hands. "Speak?" The signs were as simple as breathing. But with her eyes looking more at you, she could only nod.

"I know." You said the words with quiet whispers.

You saw her quiver in fear as she did that. Quiver and shake. "I know what you did… what you are doing for the city."

You nodded. There was no point in lying to her. "I know."

"Why are you doing it like this?" She asked.

"Because that is what is expected of me." You replied. "And I do my duty."

"By feeding men to your dragon? By sending hundreds of men to the Wall?"

You then looked at her with dead, emotionless eyes. Eyes that had seen far too much evil in a lifetime. "You don't understand what is needed to stop evil princesses." At those words, you could see how petrified she was. "Do not hate me for the evil I wrought Princess, that will be needless, and counterproductive to my aims and yours."

She then gulped. "What do you need?"

"Your help." You said with pleading eyes. "You are the princess of the Iron Throne, the Realm's delight, who has the ear of the King. Help me make his city safe."

She then asked the question. "How will that help me?"

You smiled, and you saw her fear disappear. "You'll know."

Reward: The Princess will be assisting you trying to get help for the Watch.

She is less afraid of you than she was before.

Your standing at court has raised significantly due to her support.

-[X]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 38

Something tells you that there is something going on in this city.

But you can't get to the bottom of it.


-[X]The Grey Ghost's Pained Silence: Your Dragon was not happy with being kept in the Dragon pit. He wants to fly free. And you will try to do just that. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 99

You felt his scales and looked deep into his eyes. You wanted to feel just how weak he was. It was as if the fire that was inside him was dimming. And being locked away from the sky was weakening him.

And you could not allow that. "Release him." You demanded as you saw the Keepers, frantically, looking at the great beast bounding out of the pen he was being held in, lifting his neck up and feeling the wind in the sky.

The Dragon keepers were all terrified at what they were seeing, the anger of a silent Ghost that was looking at them all.

You quickly looked and felt his scales, feeling the breath of fire that he had in his neck growing with the air.

Perhaps, long ago, you were scared of the dark and thought the fire needed to stay comfortable, to stay safe. But freedom… that was the fire. A Dragon is not an animal meant to be caged.

It was a beast meant to be free.

You looked at the keepers and growled. "He will obey. He will not be here any longer."

"That is ill-advised, the King-" The Head Dragonkeeper protested. "We cannot keep the people safe."

"Then I will," you stated, as you took off the chains and allowed Grey Ghost to Fly away.

Viserys was furious. "A Dragon is loose in the King's wood and you let him fly away!"

You stood at attention. "I did."

"What blazes did you even convince that it was a good idea? Dragons are dangerous, destructive creatures that we need to control!"

"If mistreated, and locked in cages, yes, they can be." You protested. "You know the bond I have with that dragon is special, and I fully believe that he will listen." You took a moment to breathe. "The Dragon keeper already gave me something to call him." You showed him the Dragon whistle that was carved. There was no horn and no loud instrument. But you knew it could reach across the Blackwater to Dragonstone if you blew it.

"You gave me your city to guard and protect Your Grace. I know what I am doing." You stated.

Viserys nodded. "Very well." He said, accepting that you were, in many ways, right. But he was not happy about it. "Dismissed Lord Commander."

Reward: The Grey Ghost is roaming the Blackwater and King's Wood, only attacking animals, and those foolish enough to attack him.

He has caused no damage and will come when you call him.

Received a Dragon Whistle: This whistle will call your dragon when blown.

Disaster Roll:D100 => 32

Your shake-up of the city Watch has left the entire city on edge. There have not been many sightings of violence or smuggling…

You have changed the power dynamics of the city, and everyone is trying to figure out what is coming…

But right now… There is something brewing in the Air.

Something terrible is about to happen. And you might not have enough power to stop it.

Reward: If the disaster roll rises above 70… You will suffer a crisis, and depending on how well the Watch is… may see the city fall into chaos… or you will be called upon to save the city.

You have 7 Actions.

You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]Bringing up New Commanders: You need men of the local stock, men who are willing to obey your orders, and make things well. You need to bring order to the city… now! Cost 5 BP

[]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP

[]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men who would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP

[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.


Personal Actions:

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are.

[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.

[]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

[]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months.

[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.

AN: Enjoy and vote in plan format.
A Changing Wind
A Changing Wind

-[X]Train a Skill: Command Rolled: D100 => 5+25

You utterly failed at learning command. But at least you have some good ideas.

-[X]Bringing up New Commanders: You need men of the local stock, men who are willing to obey your orders, and make things well. You need to bring order to the city… now! Cost 5 BP Rolled:D100=> 100+20=120

It took less than three days to find replacements. Well, it turned out you really didn't need to find replacements, they came to you.

And you realized something… They were all young men… And all of them were conditioned for the horror of the city.

Ser Robert Wendwater was the first that came to your mind on the candidates, there was something in the man you couldn't help but feel he needed. A tall man with brown hair and green eyes, he was unassuming and frankly forgettable save for his smile. He was wishing to gain standing at court, after being knighted, but lacked the equipment and money to travel from tourney to tourney. You also realized that he was a young man, a man who would not abuse or forget his vows. Or his honor. He was a man of 17, one of the eldest you recruited. He was the only one not a native of King's landing.

Arnolf Stone was a stonecutter's apprentice, at least before he joined the watch to pay for his sister's safety and for his ailing mother's comfort. He wore his uniform with pride, and unlike many, he seemed to not be an absolute bastard when talking to suspects or people. He had been quiet, kind and even empathetic. That was until you learned he loved smashing skulls against the street, rubbing the shit all over them before letting them go. A boy of 15, he was the only one who did not know how to read, though he was learning from Maester Mellios.

Davos Brittlefingers was a thin, unassuming and short man that was entirely underfed. Yet despite his name, he punched hard, fast, and ruthlessly. He was quiet, and barely spoke, and you suspected that he was mute as well. Though when he did speak, it silenced people as you did. He was always with a spear or knuckles. And he always wore a red banner around his wrists. He was a boy of 14. But he knew how to read, saying that he learned from a kindly Septon who was killed in the street violence between the faiths.

And there were others, mostly more young knights, but the youngest captain you had, was one Gregor Dwarfson, or known as the Halfman… A son of a dwarf, who was a dwarf himself. But instead of letting that make him worse off.. .he seemed to relish the battle and the intricacies. He was friends with Mushroom, and was entirely brilliant. He was a boy of 12, just like you… but unlike you, he gave no shits about his height. He had a battle ax to even the odds.

Reward: You have recruited the officers.

Turns out teenagers are the best for maintaining cohesion and order. Because they are the most dangerous of them all.

They also will follow you into Hells.

-[X]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 => 52+20=72

It took a lot, but it seems that enough orphans and cutthroats, good men and outlaws…

Fools and corpses thought the Watch was going to be good enough to be a salvation to their meaningless lives.

But they came in droves, and you needed them.

Reward: You now have 2000 men in the Watch, though their quality is rather unknown.

Many more will be needed soon enough.

And you will be able to recruit them.

-[X]Situation Report (Flea Bottom): You want to know how the Slums of the City are doing? So best start making the rounds and figure things out. Cost 2 BP Rolled:D100 => 72+20=92

Flea Bottom, was a festering shithole that was without law, order, and hope.

Yet those that could find life, and fortune found a way.

There were the Fleas, a local gang mostly made up of orphans and cutthroats, using makeshift weapons.

Their rackets were everything, from murder, theft, extortion… The usual slumlord's gambit. Their leader was a man named Fredrik, and the man was untouchable, and his people loved him.

He was a ruthless psychopath who enjoyed killing people and enjoyed giving the Flea Bottom Brown out… especially when he celebrated the death of his many enemies.

But if Flea Bottom was safe, and there was the food? He might

Reward: You learn about the Fleas. And their leader. And how you can deal with him.

New Actions Available.

-[X]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 64+20=84

He was sitting across from you, feeling strange as he seemed to shift his weight, trying to think of the words. "Well. what is it?" You asked as you set aside the paperwork.

"You have everything you need ready. Do you require my services?" he asked. He had fear in his voice. Great fear in his tone.

"Yes." You replied. You saw the hesitation in his eyes, as he sat down. "But sit, I need to tell you why?"

He sat, moving his cloak and feeling rather an uncomfortable sitting. "I will be blunt. I don't know how to train people. I don't know how to make them killers, or enforce the laws." You were forceful and quiet with your tone. "But I know you are one. And I am in need of that."

"For what purpose?"

"Turn the watch into something that it could never be under my predecessors."

"And that is?"

"An instrument of justice." You stated. "Can I count on that?"

Westerling nodded, his fear gone. "Certainly."

Reward: Training for the Watch gains a +20 to their rolls until Westerling is recalled to his duties.
-[X]We Remember: You heard the news, but you could do nothing but send a letter to them… And try your best to help them, far far from home. Rolled:D100 + 30 => 130+20=150

Dear Lucien,

We thank you for the kindness that the letter you have sent to us. I have nothing much to say to you, despite the great deal of things that you will wish to hear.

But I will instead give you my word. That I will do everything in my power to help you.

You saved my family Lucien. Do not ever forget that, and no one will.

Rhae Royce, Lady of Runestone

Reward: Disaster roll decreased by 20 next turn.

You now have a favor owed by the entire Vale, and can call it in at any time.

Rumor mill rolls for the Vale have increased by 20.

Lady Jeyne is coming to kings landing again, for another tournament soon, and wishes you to be her bodyguard.

-[X]The Homecoming: Your Family is back to the Red Keep. And that means you get to see them for the first time in months. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 108+20=128

You looked at your family at the docks, in uniform as your father escorted them off.

Jaeherys, Aegon and Viserys looked absolutely bounding with frantic energy, as they ran over to greet you, hugging you. "Lucien!" THey all shouted as you embraced them.

The three brothers then looked at each other, and quickly stepped back. You saw that, it seems, Father was color coding them. Jaeherys was red, Aegon was Blue and Viserys was green. And you saw how easy it was to tell them apart. And how expensive it was to clothe them.

Father then chuckled. "They missed you." He said with a smile. It amazed you, how something as simple as his voice could send shivers down your spine. And how powerful he sounded.

"I know." You said with a smile, as you shook his hand. "Is everything alright with mother?"

"Oh I'm fine!" She shouted as you saw her breastfeeding a small child as she swaddled down in a very large and uncomfortable dress. A style from the east. She walked over to you and ruffled your hair. "Meet your sister, Gael."

At the name, you looked to your father, who shook his head. "It was your mother's choice, not mine." he said.

You looked at them all and they saw the cloak. "So lord commander. What is it you wish to do?" Father asked.

"I think the Red Keep has been missing your company." You smiled. "The King wishes you to be at the Keep for the Small council meeting post haste."

And you made sure to lead them all to safety.

Reward: Unknown Effect. Your Family is now in King's Landing.

New Action Available.

Disaster Roll:D100 => 61

The new shake-up has made the Gangs nervous. Smiths making tools and swords and steel…

From across the sea, there are whispers that something is wrong…

That you have ruined an enterprise in the city.

And that you would need to worry about your head.

But everyone, the criminals that is, wants to kill you.

And they put quite a price on your head. 10,000 gold dragons.

Reward: If the Disaster Roll gets above 90, you will need to survive an assassination attempt.

You have 7 Actions.

You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives you more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (the Fleas): You need to find a way to deal with them, and remove their filth from the map. Cost 20 BP

[]The Humanitarian Trick (Flea Bottom): If you can win the hearts and minds of Flea Bottom… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP

[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.


Personal Actions:

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]The Dragon Eggs of the Three Silents Brothers: You are going to request they receive dragon eggs and see if they hatch.

[]We Are One: The Lads of the King's Landing Guard want to drink, and you will indulge them.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are.

[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.

AN: Enjoy, and plan format please.

Also: Next turn, is the Rumor mill
A City of Dreams
A City of Dreams:

-[X]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 + 50 => 129

To say that you brought the Watch that was needed was… well impossible.

There were so many recruits that wished to join that it was almost impossible to accept them all. But Ser Westerling managed to weed out many of them.

And then there was something worse.

6,000 men in the Watch… It was going to be impossible to really see them as anything more than a private army in the city.

You needed to turn that image around, or things might get bloody.

Reward: The City watch is manned by 6,000 swords. But they are lacking in training, equipment, and supplies. And they are not what you would call… the best.

But they are brave and loyal, and that might be all the difference in the world.
-[X]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 => 98+50=148

You managed to at least uniform all the men you had. 6000 pieces of armor, helmets and of course…

Fitting cloaks. You would need to get them soon.

Reward: Your men are armed and armored for what is to come.

-[X]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP Rolled:D100 + 50 => 88

It was a long investigation. It was quiet and sudden.

And you learned just how far it went.

It seems that when the watch was founded, the Old King used guard captains from the city gates and put them all under a unified command. That was nice in theory, but all the captains despised one another, being from different parts of town.

And once placed under a commander, they chaffed and wished nothing more to have no command. They conspired to kill the idea of the watch, or failing that, subvert it to their own ends.

And that was how it went.

But what bothered you was simple… Who did they work for? They worked for someone but no one knew what it was.

Reward: You learned what was going on, but there is no identity as to what the over boss was.

-[X]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP Rolled:D100 + 30 => 56

The Port.

You learned only two things about the port.

One that the dock workers were a gang in their own right, but they were important.

Secondly, it seems that some man called himself the Bat…

The Bat? What the bloody hell did that mean, who was protecting the docks at night.

Reward: You discover that the dock workers are a gang in themselves…

And there is a vigilante operating in the port district. A man dressed as a bat.

-[X]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men. Rolled:D100 => 94+40=134

Ser Westerling trained them well.

They are an army with a city.

An Army with a purpose.

Reward: +20 to the riot control and crackdown rolls.

-[X]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are. Rolled:D100 + 20 => 41

With the riot in the city, you could not find her. But you think you saw her watching from the Balcony of the Red keep.

Both afraid and hoping you would survive.


-[X]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?Rolled:D100 + 20 => 48

There was… Nothing to find, save for chanting in Valyrian.

"Justice, and Freedom for all."

They were afraid.

And they took that fear and turned it into violence.


Disaster Roll:D100 => 99-20=79

Assasination survival Roll:D100 => 89+50 (Harold Westerling)=139

Event:D20 => 12

The Assassin was not exactly something you wanted to be woken up to when Ser Harold Woke you up.

But you were not happy to be woken up by this news:

"Riots are in the street," Wendwater said as he looked to his horse. "They are clashing at Shepherds square, but if we do not move quickly, we will not be able to contain it.

So you blew the horn, rallying every single watchman, both active and resting, to their stations. There would need to be swiftness.

OR all might perish.

Continued in: The Riots of King's Landing.
The Riot of King’s Landing
The Riot of King's Landing:

The Assassin was not exactly something you wanted to be woken up to when Ser Harold Woke you up. It was a common cutthroat, a catspaw from the depths of the Flea Bottom slums, a usual man who killed for five silver stags, not really taking into account that richer men wanted to make things so much simpler. And paid more. Though considering that richer men usually didn't want to pay… you really couldn't have known.

But Ser Harold Westerling had stuck a sword through his spine and left him to bleed out on the floor when you were aroused from slumber. Mornings it seemed were eviler than you first thought. "Are we under attack?"

That made the knight shrug. "Not exactly, just a rat." He swore as he spat on the corpse. "But it seems that I'm not the only one that needs to speak to you."

You rose from your bed and saw Robert come in, armor dusty, battered and his hands covered in blood. His sword was slick with hot red liquid.

You were not happy to be woken up by assassins, but from Roberts' scared and frantic look, you didn't want to be looking at this too.

"Riots are in the street," Wendwater said as he looked at the knight of the kings guard. "They are clashing at Shepherds square, but if we do not move quickly, we will not be able to contain it."

You stood and looked at yourself, you had fallen asleep in your armor, the previous night's excursion and raids having left you drained. But now it seemed, that despite your poor smell, you were prepared. You strapped your sword and shield to your side and arm and began to walk towards the stables. "What is going on, what started it?" You asked.

Wendwater spoke quickly, his voice sounding like a frantic chatter of wood and stone grinding together. "Septon railed up at one of the septs, saying the world was bloody going to end." He said. "Stormsinger heard from a little kid that was nearby. Started gathering men and arms to battle. Said that if the world was going to end, he would make sure his own would be the ones to reclaim it."

Fuck, you were not going to be happy about this. "Has it gotten out of the square?" You asked.

You looked at the horn, your personal horn that could signal all the Watchmen in the city, and grabbed it, you were going to need more men. "How many do you think?"

Rioters: 1346

"Less than two thousand, but they are all armed, and if blood gets onto the streets, we might not be able to contain the fear."

Wendwater was right, you needed to be fast. "How many mounted officers do we have now on duty, and how many can we mount?"

Mounted Men:D500 => 441

"A little less than five hundred, but I don't see how that helps us?" Robert said as Harold nodded, looking at his horse.

"If we can keep them in the square, we're going to need to bring all we can to separate them, and to have them disperse. We'll need Cavalry, and we'll need men." You said as you looked at your horse.

"We don't have the men?" Robert said.

"Yes, we do." You said. You blew the horn, rallying every single watchman, both active and resting, to their stations. There would need to be swift

OR all might perish.

The Answer: D6000 => 5638

And nearly all came, save for the skeleton crew that defended the gates.

This will end now.

You were lucky to find a helmet that fits, as you saw Arnolf ride towards you. "We sealed off the square, and made any who wanted to join taken to the King's Gate." He said as the Dwarfson came running up with his great ax in hand.

Gregor gave a laugh. "The fighting has begun, and we are waiting on your command."

"I saw we let them suffer," Arnolf growled. "Let the idiots die."

"We're not going to." You ordered. "This riot will disperse, and it will end with us in control."

You then rode, and Harold waited at the front of the Cavalry. "Take them through Copper street, and then take the right at Weeping Willow's. Come from the north to flank them. You will have plenty of room to cut off their escape and force their surrender."

Harold nodded and he took his riders as you and your men nodded. They knew the orders. And you knew that this was going to be hell if you let them. "Come on lads, this is our home!" You shouted with vigor. "We will not let them destroy it!"

And the men roared in agreement.

The Riot saw you as the sounds and thunder of men came towards them. Their own hatred was hidden by a fear of self-preservation. The armed mob saw what was coming toward them.

"Disperse." You ordered. "All will disperse or all will die."

They may not have heard you, but the lads clanking their shields, spears, and swords.

They instead looked at you, with horror. And they stood.

What do you-

Ruthless Trait interrupt.

They would not listen.

They would die!

"Kill them all!" You roared. "Any that do not surrender, their lives are forfeit!"

The Crackdown:D100 => 94+20=114 vs (Numbers too low, autofail)

And the crackdown was brutal.

The many valyrians realized that they would not be saved and laid down their arms, kissing the ground to avoid the whirlwind of destruction and death coming their way.

And many unfortunately did not surrender fast enough. Those that did, were lucky.

But those of the Faithful, fools led by their shepherd, and their Septon, had wished to resist all seven hundred men and women and children.

They would not see the sunrise.

You led from the front, your horse crushing several. And one you killed was a child, armed with a spear, completely terrified of what was happening. But his spear was aimed at you, and he used it to try and protect himself, to get himself away from you… you would have done the same…

But it did not matter. He had tried to hurt you, and your own.

You slashed his face open… if he survived, he would be disfigured for life.

Yet you knew he died, because the boy stabbed himself, his spear discarded from your slash, but he fell onto it.

You wanted to feel something.

But unlike the pirates. You felt nothing. You just felt… nothing.

You had accepted that if people tried to kill you, they would die, no matter what they were.

But by the time it was over, less than a few minutes you could say… half the rioters were dead. Crushed under the boot of the city watch.

Trampled by the mounted riders…

And… left to rot, for the corpse collectors to pick up the cadavers…

Court loved the sight of the city watch dealing with such a riot. That the city was going to be safe.

You had even heard a rumor that the Princess watched from the Tower of the Hand, to see the City Watch at work. Far away, not knowing what was going on. Not seeing death or horror.

The City Watch had its victory, its baptism in blood.

And the city was on notice.

And you had a cloak to give them all. A sign of their office. To make the city fear the Watch.

What color is it?:
[]Write in

Reward: The Riot was utterly annihilated before it could spread. More than half were killed, and the rest were taken into custody. Many would go to the Wall.

The Court of King's Landing feels safe about the city Watch finally working to clean up the streets.

The City is put on notice, and they will not take this lying down. It does not fear you… it will challenge you.

The Bat is concerned that you will just be another thug, wielding power that will kill innocents.

Viserys is willing to do a lot to help you keep the Watch in top form.

The City's gangs are now willing to break bread.
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As you put down a Riot)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As you put down a Riot)

King Viserys:D100 => 63

The Small Council was convinced when they saw the chaos, and they were very concerned about the state of their king. Energetic, but very irritable. And he was very angry at what he was reading, and it seemed it was for the first time. "Why have I not heard the Reports from the city watch, about the degradation of its ranks and the lack of resources that it has received?"

Lord Beesbury was clearly not comfortable with that. Everyone looked to Lord Strong, who was quiet, and the master of laws. He was in theory in charge of the Watch above the Lord commander. Yet instead, the lord looked down in shame. "The Reports I received were alarming Your Grace. Lucien conducted a purge of the officers, on charges that many would find flimsy and without evidence. He sent well over three hundred men to the wall for crimes that range from rape to thievery and corruption. He brought forward more men that the Watch was meant for, and armed them with Crown money."

"And? As you can see, they have dealt with the problem of rioting in my city, they are dealing with the crime that is in my city! How is he doing anything but good!?" He asked.

"He has an army, loyal to him your Grace. What if he decides to turn it against the Crown?" Lord Beesbury stated. "You think your man at arms and King'sguard will be enough?"

"I cannot believe you all think he will commit treason when he has power? If he didn't do it with Daemon, he most certainly wouldn't now."

"Your Grace, we have read troubling reports that Lucien is… acting in a very ruthless manner, with his heavy-handedness with the Watch." Lord Strong said. "Perhaps he is under pressure that he is not prepared to deal with."

"He can deal with it." Lord Hightower stated. "His Grace would not have chosen him if he were not."

That made Viserys Smile. "Finally someone speaks sense. Now… How many funds can we spare for the City Watch?"

Reward: The King wishes to support you openly and publicly for serving his city. Can ask for a lot more funds.

Just know that the Small council… at least some, view you as a potential kingmaker and wish to have you stripped of power, and replaced by someone else.

Queen Aemma: D100 => 20

The Queen, however, could not have such a luxury. Her ability to do more public projects with crown funds were lessened, as much of her potential humanitarian funds went towards making sure the city is still standing. Because this riot was the beginning… not the end.

Reward: She loses money to help the city, so it can be saved.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 94

The Daughter of the King, the Realms delight had gained another name for her epitaphs.

The Dragon's Daughter. As she was quickly gaining a reputation for her wish and desire to ride her dragon around the city, and even racing the wild and wooly Laenor Velaryon in Dragon Races.

But she also has a great Bond with her dragon. Enough to where she almost tried to do what you did at Harrenhall. Fly with her Dragon.

But she is not brave enough yet to face that challenge or ultimate trust.

Reward: She becomes a brilliant dragon rider, second only to you and Daemon. But she is not there yet to where she has absolute trust.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 3

The Princess looked at Daemon as his body rolled on the wheel. "Three days on the wheel, yet you are still alive."

He tried to speak and made only his neck unleash a growling sound of pain and nothing.

She moved the hot iron as she waved it in front of his face. "Killing my sister was a miracle it seemed. Her ambition and stupidity was her downfall. But you are here… And now. That is something special. My father does not believe that the Iron Throne is a threat. That he is focused on the East, to gain great wealth and power from it. Yet you come to my home, you slaughter our people… And you were arrogant enough to not be on your dragon."

Daemon then spat at her face. And then the princes whipped her face and drew the Dagger. "You know what… I was just planning on emasculating you. Cutting your balls off. No… That fate is not for you. That fate is for your daughters."

Daemon's eyes widened before he realized something. He could not speak. "Oh yes, we know they are coming, so daring that children so young could be so willing to fight when they do not understand. "I hope to show you their folly. Maybe they will survive, but I doubt it."

Daemon tried to scream, to rally his anger, but instead, he made the sounds, and everything hurt.

"A strange thing, poisons. They can rob many things without killing you in the right dosage. I wanted to cut your throat open, rob your voice away, make you like that mute you call a son." She placed a hand on his face, as he moved it away. "For a moment at least. Then I chose to make you immobile. The wheel was just making sure it worked."

"Then I saw a much greater feeling… I could cripple you like your lady wife, let you languish away in some castle, shitting, and wasting away. A man like you, a man of action… That would be the greatest hell in this world." She then moved the iron towards his chest. "But then, I realized something."

"Your so good at taking the life of my people… it would only be right that you give it before you leave."

She then moved the wheel down, now it was the table, and she climbed up onto it. "Lie back and think of whatever you believe, it won't matter… I am going to enjoy this. You can too… if you want. But I doubt it."

Daemon could only try to resist. But he could not.

All he could do was cry. Cry in silence.

Reward: Daemon has become a prisoner of the Dornish… He has been Tortured… poisoned… and violated.

Rhae Royce:D100 => 46

Rhae was riding at the head of her army, It didn't matter that she could barely move or wield a blade.

She was going to save her husband. Damn the world. And damn anyone else.

She was not going to sit and let others save him. Cripple or not, she was not going to let others save him.

He meant too much to her. Too much… To just hope and pray.

Baela:D100 => 77

Rhaena:D100 => 59

And even now, young as they were, with dragons… they followed. Because their father was in danger.

Reward: The Targaryen Family of Runestone are riding to save their family.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 86

He looked at the shipping lanes and the maps. He had profited greatly from the new order. Yet even now, it was impossible to say anything else.

But he feared the future.

Something was wrong. And he needed to prepare his ships and crews for war.

Reward: The Sea Snake is planning something. And it involves the Stepstones.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 43

She was afraid for her family.

Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 11

Laenor had become distant, and he was trying to avoid the responsibilities that he had once so proudly done. Preferring instead to spend time with his friends, and his lovers.

She did not mind his lovers and friends, but that was because he always did his duty.

Now it was like he realized he was alone, and nothing was going to fill his heart.

Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 12

While Laena, she was obsessed with flying. She never wanted to come down from the sky, even when she knew that the best things in life were on the ground.

Reward: Valyreon family drama aho.
Princess Saera Targaryen:D100 => 1

The Whore Dragon of Volantis was dead.

The Triarch and his slave armies crushed her defenses.

Instead of ending her life quickly… they crucified her…

And ripped her cursed womb from her body… and said she was the end of the Valyrians.

Reward: Saera died, her victories soon to be forgotten.

Aegor:D100 => 73

Aegor the Black was very happy with his new standing at court. But he had also began to smile at the princess, and she smiled back.

She was the one whom he had caught the eye of. And he was not going to give up the hunt.

Nay, it had just begun.

Reward: He has developed an obsession with Rhaeynera. Whether she reciprocates or not does not matter to him.

She will be his.

Aeyns:D100 => 75

The young brother of Aegor has announced that he hatched his Dragon egg.

He calls the Dragon Silence.

Maegor:D100 => 79

Same for his brother Maegor. Who calls the dragon: Riverrunner.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 54

He looked at the scrolls and the Glass Candle. Perhaps for a moment.

Then he saw it.

The horror.

And he fled, screaming. Something was dead. And something was coming.

Visanya:D100 => 93

Visanya became the Head of the Nursery in the Red Keep, and considering that the Maesters did not like that, it was all the more surprising that it was the case because the Maesters said she was not qualified at all.

She quickly told them all to fuck off and say that if they were the standards of medical childbirth… they needed to work on their standards.

Reward: Mother has taken over the Red Keep Nursery. And is raising it to her standards.

Valaar:D100 => 50

Valaar was just there. Nothing really to say. But he was happy to be in court.

Aegon:D100 => 8

Yet it was Aegon that was troubled. They say he has been having seizures, and he has barely been able to stay strong enough after them to continue. In fact, the Maesters believe he will soon die.

Jaehaerys:D100 => 75
Viserys:D100 => 29

His brothers remain by his side, to help him. But even then, they wish desperately for a sign of something to save their brother from his ailment.

Shara:D100 => 99

Yet it was their sister, who spoke her first word that gave them hope.

Her first word was Dragon.

Dragon and Death.

AN: Enjoy.
The Rumor Mill 5
The Rumor Mill 5:

The Crownlands:D100 => 52

To say that the brutality of King's Landing caused a commotion that ended many of the violent speeches from the Storm Singers and the Septons.

Even outside the City itself, rumors spread like wildfire about the utter brutality of the Lord Commander at the rioters, and the men and women seem to have started it.

All they knew was that there were consequences to their actions, brutal ones that merely exemplified one of the last things that Aegon the Conqueror said.

One land, one people. They may have finally realized that this commander did not care about the faith or its supposed power.

The greatest power was on Dragon Back, with the Name Targaryen.

Reward: in the crownlands, there is newfound respect from the smallfolk and Lord to the Prince commander of the city Watch.

As well as stopping much of the religious violence.

The Riverlands:D100 => 70

Lord Grover Tully had but one thing on his mind. To use the Rivers that ran through the lands, to not only increase gold. But to cement his role as Paramount of the Riverlands.

There was never something that was brilliant. But there was but one thing that he knew.

River barges and navigating the rivers.

He sent out navigators and sturdy rivermen. To find the perfect way to navigate the rivers.

For gold and Gods.

Reward: It seems Lord Grover was expanding his influence by controlling the rivers.

The Westerlands:D100 => 9

Lord Tylond Lannister was smiling as he saw what he saw. "It is what I think it is?"

The Essosi man then gave a smile. "Yes. Brightroar itself." He said with a smile.

"What is your price?" He asked.

"Simple. Lucien Targaryen." The man said with a smile, as his skin revealed his gravest infliction. Grey Scales. "Or failing that, his father."

"And why, would we offer that, in exchange for a priceless artifact?" Lord Lannister asked.

"They are worth the price." The man said.

"What do they call you?" Lord Lannister asked.

"Most Call me Crab Feeder. But you can call me, Lord Admiral."

Reward: The Lannisters have Brightroar? Maybe.

But they now are acting against your father... for the moment.

The North:D100 => 71

Lord Stark has announced that he wishes to expand the King's road.

And he is willing to pay for it.

Reward: The King's road gets expanded. in the North.

The Iron Islands: D100 => 74

The iron Born have raided Starfall and the Southern Dornish desert, taking much in the way of plunder and thralls.

The Reach:D100 => 90
The Stormlands: D100 => 72
The Vale:D100 + 20 => 120

Lord Baratheon had expected much when he heard that Lady Royce was marching south with an Army of Vale knights.

He had expected her cousin to lead. That was customary, and considering her… position, that was more than understandable. War was for men, and for those that were not… crippled.

Yet she came, riding on a horse, barely, with her two daughters flying high on their dragons. And an army of nearly 5000 valemen.

The Lord's Tyrell and Hightower agreed to send their bannermen to the Boneway as well, making an army of nearly 30,000 strong when the Stormlord's from the Marches came from their hiding holes.

"Men of the South, look at me and see what you know. Our prince is in chains of a dornish horde, and I will not stand by and be the wailing widow, or the damsel. No, Look at me, with cripple and all, and I will say this! We will go south of the Boneway. We will find out Prince, and we will burn them all!"

She looked at her daughters. "You don't need to come." She whispered.

"Father would want us to." Rhaena stated.

And they did

Dorne:D100 => 29

The Dornish attempted to fight the army, and use their advantage in terrain and supply.

But they did not understand the tenacity of their attackers, these invaders. They did not care if they died, and they did not care if they fell.

They would save their prince. And they did.

Daemon was found in a tower, some castle in the middle of nowhere that was even hidden from all.

They found the Prince, alive, Mute…

Battered, gaunt and near death.

But alive.

He would return home. And he would.

It mattered little that he did not have Dark Sister. Swords could be reforged, or found again.

What mattered was simple.

He was alive.

Reward: Daemon has been rescued, though he is deeply traumatized by his experience in Dornish captivity.

He refuses to be touched, and spends much of his waking hours screaming and crying, saying he betrayed his family when he spoke.

But most of the time, he was silent, staring at his daughters, like he had betrayed them greater than anything else.
The Three Daughters:D100 => 67

"You let him go?" The Magistrate asked the prince as they sat again. "He was our bargaining chip for control over the Stepstones, and-"

"You make it sound like you spend thousands of lives trying to hold him." The Prince responded cooly. "Need I remind you that we did not have the support we needed."

"You did not bring him to Sunspear as he was supposed to, your daughter deciding it was better to steal his sword and torture him." The Magistrate stated.

"Thirty thousand Iron Throne knights are nothing to scoff at, especially when they decided they would die than surrender. We killed almost a third of their number, but they did not give up." The Prince replied. "But we succeeded in our objective. Viserys may not have authorized this adventure, but he will do everything in his power to avoid escalation."

"Even with his brother broken?" The Magistrate asked.

"His brother, if he survives the poison, will never be able to move again. Never think clearly. Plus, with the sword, we can easily see how much our new prince may gain?"

He turned towards his daughter, pregnant and positively glowing. "You are sure it will be a boy?"

"We made sure of it." The princess said.

Reward: It seems the game is afoot.

There is friction in the alliance, yet it stands firm.

AN: enjoy.
The Dragon Rumor mill
The Dragon Rumor mill:

Grey Ghost: 99
Syrax:D100 => 69
Number of Eggs Laid:D20 => 1

The Grey Ghost grew, thanks to the Game of the Kingswood… but it did something strange.

It helped Syrax escape the Dragon pit before she could be placed back into the city.

It was a strange thing that occurred, considering the Dragon's age and temperament, and her rider.

But there was something that the Dragon keepers did not understand. She wanted to be followed by her rider, and the Princess did follow the Dragon under escort, towards one of the many hills that were in the King's woods.

It was quite a sight that many of the Dragon keepers saw the mating rituals of the Dragons. It seemed that the Grey Ghost would be the dominant one of the pair. But instead, Syrax was. It was incredible, considering the size of Syrax, bullying and controlling the situation it found itself in.

And the Ghost, despite its posturing and starting… violence, relented.

By the time Syrax came back, there was a single egg that was retrieved. Though many believe that there are more eggs at the Lair of the Grey Ghost.

Reward: Grey Ghost and Syrax have created one Dragon egg. Possibly.

The Cannibal:D100 => 41

The Cannibal is not liking its confinement, and many fear it may be breaking free to go back to Dragonstone. In fact, whenever its rider comes back, it flies for many hours at a time, even against the wishes of its rider.

Wild it may be still, but Aegor continued to indulge it, and it saw… kinship with its rider. At least it wouldn't try to eat him.

Caraxes:D100 => 100

The Blood Wyrm waged its own war on the people that hurt him and his rider. When the reports from scouts and survivors came… They spoke of caves and hills that were crawling with life… snuffed out.

The Dornish for a time thought it was forced from the Iron Throne that remained to raise hell.

Then, after less than a half of the year… they saw their answer.

The Great Blood Wyrm survived when it should have died. And its wings carried it all the way back to his rider.

Daemon Targaryen did not expect to see his dragon again.

But when he did, he merely hugged it, and took many weeks to clean him, and heal him.

Reward: The BLood Wyrm survived near certain death, and has returned to Runestone to heal.

It seems that near-death experience only made it stronger.

Dreamfyre:D100 => 32

The so-called mother Dragon was not happy. She was just unhappy that her eggs were separated from her.

And she wailed and cried, but nothing would be done. The Dragon keepers did not know what to do.

But she would not see her eggs.

Meyles:D100 => 34

The Red Queen was proud and aloof, as her rider was.

However, there was something that the Queen who never was could never understand.

That being locked up was not something that she enjoyed. And at every opportunity, she flew, and flew and flew… but always came back.

Moondancer:D100 => 46
Dreamer:D100 => 37

The Twin Dragons are having problems. Their riders are scared, and their expeditions into the mountains of the Vale did not make them happy, No matter how many deer and destroyed villages and camps littered the destruction.

Yet the twin Dragons are never doing enough to make the two riders feel safe.

They never could.

Sheepstealer:D100 => 74

The Sheepstealer is continuing her rampage of stealing the sheep of the flocks of Dragonstone.

Not a single person could stop her.

Riverrunner:D100 => 72
Silence:D100 => 64

The Brother Dragons are now grown enough to be ridden on, though their riders refuse, wishing instead to bond with them, feeding them meat and getting comfortable around the beasts.

They were not like the Cannibal, who had a rider with a personality that could match the Beast of Dragonstone.

They were small, and they were small.

They would grow together as the best of the riders of old Valyria did.

Vhagar:D100 => 89

The Great Dragon was still alive, but no one knows where it is.

The Dragons did, and all of them knew to bow towards the great Dragon. But it's age was a detriment.

Its age was a strength.

Its age was slowly catching up to it.

But power it would have until it finally died.
Vermithor:D100 => 81

THe Bronze Dragon merely continued to grow, despite captivity and anger…

It remained riderless. For no rider could tame it.

It grew.
For Life and Loss
For Life and Loss:

King Viserys was angered by the reports that were in front of him. "They are warmongers, all of them!" He proclaimed as you leaned back in your chair, watching the lords of the Small Council. "Every single one seems to think they know better, that force and war is the only thing that can bring us any sort of justice!"

Lord Otto concord. "Your Grace, perhaps their wishes for a more-"

That earned a snort from Lord Beesbury "Your Grace, the lords do not believe the Blockade will bring them honor or gold."

"Fuck honor or gold," Viserys swore in anger. "They harmed my brother, and they will discover that soon, they will not have the opportunity to do that again."

"Yes, but the Lord's." Lord Strong started, but then he huffed. "They do not believe it is an honorable course. The raids showed strength. They showed resolve when the dornish did not have to match." He said. "But your brother lost Dark Sister. His men were routed."

"My Brother Lost it?" Viserys had Venom in his tone. "Be very careful with your next words, Lord Strong, they may well be your last on this council."

Lord Strong remained quiet. Thinking of his words carefully.

You then said. "You gave him the order." You stated as you looked at the king. "You are the one who is responsible for what happened."

He noticed you immediately with the Ruby Cloak, and he knew that when you spoke, people listened. "I did." He responded. "And I wish I hadn't." His voice sounded silent, and lost, adrift in the sea. "All of you leave. Except you, Lucien. You remain."

You remained silent as the others left, and only you remained. "You speak, and yet all I hear is treason."

"All you hear is the truth." You shot back, and that made the king look at you with anger.

"I should remove you from your post for that alone, and remove your tongue." Viserys seemed bitter in his words as if he knew that he would never do such a thing.

Yet you did not remain deterred. "I guarantee you that it would only be a minor inconvenience. If blood loss does not kill me."

That made the King, in a moment of weakness, give a smile. "You know why I haven't asked him back?"

This again. "You wanted him to be with his family." You gave him the answer he always gave, but never in his heart. "Unless that is not the reason, Your Grace?"

You wanted to get through to him, to hear him say the words he long denied. It would make your rage cool, at the very least.

Viserys however, was not unfettered. Nor was he willing to give up that answer just yet. "Is the city safe?"

You nodded. "More or less." You stated. "But it will take years for the city to finally be rid of the major gangs and crime."

Viserys nodded. "Very well. Out now."

You finally realized he wasn't just talking about you. You saw the Princess hiding behind a pillar, through the cracks in a wall. She didn't know you saw her. But the King knew… and now so did you.

You bowed before you let out a sigh. "Hiding from what we hold dear does nothing to help us. It only damages us, and prevents things from healing."

"Out." Viserys was less kind in his word at that time.

And you left.
You have 10 Actions.

You have 10 BP to spend each turn. These BP replenish every turn, but you cannot save it, as the budget will reallocate elsewhere that the Crown needs.

The King does not wish to give you much… It seems he has little faith in his guardsmen. At least right now. He expects you to change that before he offers or gives you more resources.

City Watch Actions.

[]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP

[]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP

[]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (the Fleas): You need to find a way to deal with them, and remove their filth from the map. Cost 20 BP

[]The Humanitarian Trick (Flea Bottom): If you can win the hearts and minds of Flea Bottom… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP

[]Situation Report (Street of Steel): The Street of Steel is known for its knights and smiths, but they are also lousy with thieves, and cutthroats. And many men would seek to destroy another, should they get the chance. Cost 4 BP

[]The Mind of a Bat: You want to see if you can track that blasted vigilante. See if he may be a useful pawn. Or maybe… you can use his help. Cost 1 BP

[]The Gangs of King's Landing (THe Portside Workers): You need to deal with these men, get them back to work, or stop them from making things worse. Cost 10 BP

[]The Humanitarian Trick (The Port): If you can win the hearts and minds of the Port… Well, you can win anything. Cost 10 BP

[]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with.

[]Situation Report: (Gin Alley): The So-called name for the twenty pubs that line the main way to Shepherds Square. Also known as the Murder capital of the City. Drunks, horses… many horrible things. It can be stamped down. Cost 5 BP

[]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)

[]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.

Personal Actions:

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]The Dragon Eggs of the Three Silents Brothers: You are going to request they receive dragon eggs and see if they hatch.

[]The Damaged Prince: You want to bring the man you call father Home. It does not matter. You are being selfish, and perhaps he needed to be too.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are.

[]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one.

[]To the King's Court and Council: The King has requested your presence if you can make it to the court. He is trying to tout you around, maybe make your name well… and marry you off if he can before your parents come back from Dragonstone.

[]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her.

[]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you.

[]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?

[]The Septon Seminars: You are going to break bread with the Septons of the city. And you will make them an offer they cannot refuse.

[]The Lads: It seems that the Lads, your Captain, want to speak to you about something.

[]The River's Sons: The Heroes of Dragonstone have returned. And you were forced to meet them, as you saw just what Maegor's line produced.

[]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute.

AN: enjoy. Plan format
The City that Breaths
The City that Breaths:

-[X]The tolls of the city: You need a new system that will make money... but also not burden your men with difficult things like Reading. Cost 7 BP Rolled:D100 + 100 => 173

You looked at the Lads and realized something. The entire system that was planned was going to be nearly impossible. "So… what, we just don't do tolls at the gates?" Robert asked as he scratched his head.

"No. Actually," you replied with a smirk. "Anyone shipping cargo will have to pay a fee. Everyone else… goes in for free?"

"We'll be opening up an incentive for smugglers through the gates," Arnold stated.

"No, it won't, not at the rate that will be in place."

That made Rober raise an eyebrow and Dwarfson chuckle. "You know how many fucking wagons, carts, and even people carrying things into the city are? Tens of thousands."

"Aye." You replied. "But at a copper per wagon? Per bag? How much does an average merchant carry on his person?"

That made Robert say. "Twenty silver."

You smiled. "Exactly."

"But it won't matter, we're going to not be earning nearly as much as the old system," Arnold stated. "The King expects a gold dragon per wagon, and you think that a copper will be enough to satisfy him?"

You smiled even wider. "He'll see that my way is much better."

And he did. In fact, by the end of the month, you made more money than the city Watch Ever made in the old system. Because the guards were not forced to remember things that were impossible to… The Tax was cheap enough that all could pay, with little fuss, or even fear. Everyone from the lowest orphan to the richest merchant had copper if they had something they carried on their back larger than a knapsack. And the big caravans were able to get into the city with less than silver, or a silver…

It allowed you to pretty much have freedom of movement in the city, and since foot traffic without cargo could come and leave as they pleased… It allowed more money to flow into the city,and into the tax collectors' hands. Especially when the fields outside of kings landing overflowing with laborers and workers, building the roads and paving them with newfound coin.

And the King sang your Praises all to the court.

Reward: Your new System has increased the coffers of the Crown by a huge margin, in such a way that it allowed the City Watch to receive a budget increase.

+20 to BP permanently.

The King believes you have solved, single-handedly, a looming taxation problem, he even lowered Taxes throughout the realm.

Some people want you to serve as the King's Master of Coin, damn the Age. You are a genius.

Lord Strong kindly says that if he ever wishes to speak, he will listen to anything you say (unknown Effect)

+20 to all Westerosi Kingdom rumor mills next rumor mill.

-[X]Situation Report (The Street of Silk): The Street of Whores is more like it. The Brothel capital of the city, and easily the richest part of the city not called the Red Keep. There may not be great crimes here. But there are far more dangerous foes that may need to be dealt with. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 191

You looked at the girl with the whip at her side, as she sat down across from you, wearing a red and black dress. It seems the new guards uniforms have already started a fashion statement. "So what do I call you?"

"I'm the money." She said as she looked to Ser Harold, who was clearly uncomfortable with being in the whore house. Especially when you eyed the girl with a gaze, and she looked ready to pounce.

"Every penny of it." You shot back with a smile, defusing the situation as Harold relaxed, taking a seat by the window, and looking ready to sleep, clearly not wishing to be disturbed. He knew you had her, and realized he would rather nap than stay involved. He didn't fear for your safety, as he thought…

He feared for hers. And it was glorious to see he trusted you that much.

She didn't seem to understand that you were not interested in her. Even if she was aesthetically pleasing, and easy on your eyes. But that was the problem. She was trying too hard to treat you as someone in power…

The only thing you were interested in was making the city safe, and the Queen of Whores was clearly one way to do it. The only way to do it. For now.

When she talked to you like a child, it was almost embarrassing. She wanted coddle and simple things. She wanted to make deals that only benefited her, but it was clear you did not have that.

"So what brings you to my home, besides the obvious fact that you want something?"

She was trying to wiggle her way out of this trap?

It wasn't working. "Quite simple. My lads are under orders to patrol the streets, and they have orders to not go to the brothels on duty… especially when on duty."

You were threatening her coin purse. "And prey tells, how will you stop that?" She asked.

"Simple. I can shut down every brothel in the city." You then leaned forward, and licked your lips, eyeing a piece of candy she had. "Candy? I thought the import of Tyroshi sweets was outlawed by the King's Blockade. Funding the enemy as it were, even with something as simple and delicious as sweets?" You sniffed it. "Fresh too. Very surprising."

The Queen then lost her nerves. "What do you want?"

"Nothing for now. But when the time comes, and when I want what I desire." You leaned back, and Harold opened a single eye as if he saw something that you didn't. These amateurs would never get to you. "You'll see."

You stood and turned around. "Ser Harold, you want to sample the merchandise?" You asked.

"No your Grace, I've had plenty of shows with you talking. Far more entertaining than whores." He said as he escorted you out. "Masterfully done. You think she will try to worm her way out?"

"If she does, she will not like what she sees." you replied.

Reward: You learned that the Queen of Whores has full control, but cannot afford to lose her biggest customers, the Ruby Cloaks, and you have her in a vice.

You can basically do whatever you want with impunity. Even clean up the small times that wish to cause trouble, and deal with the pimps that abuse the girls and boys that work.

-[X]Request More funds: If the King wants his city Secured, you need more funds! (Linetail how much funds you like to gain every turn.)
--[X] 25 more funds per turn Rolled:D100 + 100 => 158

Viserys smiled. "Let it be known that Justice will always prevail while I'm king!" He said with a smile.

Reward: +25 BP gained.

-[X]We Light the Way: Alicent Hightower is a strange girl, but there was something you always knew. She likes spending time in Godswood. And you wanted to talk to her. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 181

Alicent was surprised to see you, as you seemed to appear like a shadow at the Godswood. "Oh, your Grace." You examined her scratched and bloody fingertips, as well as the book she was reading. "I was not expecting you?"

"Expecting Rhaenyra?" You teased as you walked forward, looking at the Heart Tree, and then back to her, and you saw the red on her face.

"I, your Grace. I was?" You then placed a hand up and stopped her from rambling.

"I'm joking, though you are friends and you should enjoy the company that you give to each other." You smiled as you sat down, laying down even as you relaxed. "So what brings you to Godswood? Can't it be just because it's quiet, out of the way, and away from the prying eyes of the court?"

That made Alicent look bug-eyed. "I… What could you possibly-"

"My Lady, you are a terrible liar. And even more terrible for trying to say otherwise." You smiled as you continued looking at the sky.

She then huffed. "I like it here." She said, "I don't feel pressured to be who I am not?"

"And what would that be? The Shy Daughter? The Poor Lier… The Good Friend to the Princess?"

You then sat up. "The Day Dreamer that thinks of knights and someone to take you all away from this?"

"I-" She was at a loss for words.

"So it's true. You don't like the court, at least all of it?" You said as you gazed into her eyes, with a grin and cheerful gaze. "You enjoy the friendship and bonds, but not the responsibility that comes with it?"

She was stunned, and you realized you answered your own question. Except you didn't expect her to say. "I am… afraid. Afraid that I will be asked to do something that will be… unbecoming of me."

"It's alright to be afraid." You said with a sharp word. "The thing that you can't be is hesitant when the time comes to assert yourself."

You then looked at her. "There may be traditions and roles we play in this world. But how do we choose to play them, and our choices? Our reactions, will define us more than anything in this world."

You then stood up, realizing that you were being watched. And by one person you did not wish to be watched by. "Think about that, My Lady, and when it comes time to make a choice, think about them, and wonder, if it is what you truly want."

As you walked away, you thought you saw stars in the eyes of Lady Hightower. Stars and possibility.


You and Alicent Talk and you have started something you will never fully understand.

Alicent is also falling head over heels to be your friend… and even whispering to her father that you would be a perfect match.

It seems she might finally get the confidence she needs to finally make her own choices. or … possibly… falling deeper into her own wishes, and family desires.

-[X]The Testimony of Mushroom: Mushroom is perhaps the only man you trust at court who isn't family. That is a terrifying prospect because you barely know him. But he is funny, as the Seven Hells. And he really likes spending time with you. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 183

"I don't like being watched Mushroom, especially when I want to be alone?" You growled at the Dwarf as he approached you, his hat jiggling.

"I wouldn't exactly call you being alone?" He smirked as he sat down on the floor, looking at his notes. "Lady Alicent? Trying to play politics to secure yourself something large and powerful?"

"You can write?" You asked. "And no!"

"Of course, I can, can read too, most people don't seem to think the fool can do anything but provide a laugh, and amuse them. I enjoy my work in comedy. But that does not mean that I am full without depth." He then looked at the notes again. "So, you must be wondering why I am here, looking for you when this fine day is upon us?"

"Trying to riddle me Mushroom?"

"Please, if I wanted to play the fool, I would talk to someone who would not wish to speak to you like a smart individual." He then paused. "Can we speak like two intelligent people, for but a brief moment?"

You looked around, but that only made Mushroom laugh. "You must really be paranoid if you think that simple question is going to make you think there are assassins out to kill you."

You looked at him? "Are there assassins out to kill me?"

Mushroom nodded. "You didn't hear it from me, but there is a rumor, a very scandalous rumor, that the House of Lannister has a Valyrian steel sword?" You frowned, which made the Dwarf feel displeased. "Oh I'm sorry, were you expecting-"

"Get to the bloody point." You asked.

"Well, it seems that they want the Lannisters to assassinate you, or your father, it seems that they have a grudge against your family in particular." He said.

You growled, began to stand before the Dwarf then shouted. "Sit down, when I am speaking Lucien!"

Somehow, the Dwarf made you stop. "But that deception is the King's doing?"

Wait for what? "Viserys is plotting?" Viserys and plot, besides others… Did not belong in the same sentence together.

"Of course, you think that the King is being disinterested when there is something going on that he can address?"

"He doesn't seem to be-"

"Be very into it?" Mushroom asked.


"Then he's done a very good job at hiding it." He smiled as he stood. "Might do you well to remember that, despite appearances, people can be far more than they seek to be."


That made Mushroom chuckle. "That some people would rather see you succeed than fail."

At that moment, you realized something…

He just disappeared from right in front of you! How the Fuck!?

Reward: Mushroom is now an ally, and he is now unofficially acting as your spymaster in the city.

You learn that Mushroom can also read and write, but loves being the fool too much to really… capitalize on his skills. He rather enjoys comedy, and he enjoys all that it brings.

Because after all, the fool that is laughed at is never the one who is the joke.

-[X]The Lads: It seems that the Lads, your Captain, want to speak to you about something. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 127

You looked at them and realized that there was enough ale to knock you out. "Drinking?"

"We heard at Harrenhall that you outdrank the Northmen, and that no one ever won, even your dragon." Robert stated as you sighed.

"Then what is it?"

"You're a damn fine commander, and the lads and I were thinking." Arnolf then paused. "You trust us?"

"Of course." You replied.

"Nor professionally dipshit." The Dwarfson shot back, which made you look at the Lads drink. "As friends."

You then raised an eyebrow. "Friends?"

"Course," Robert said. "Why now. People deserve to have friends, you especially."

You then nodded, and raised a flagon. "Thanks to our friendship!"


Lucien and the Gate Captains fellowship formed. The lads, if you ask them, will follow you into the Hells and back.

The Lads now can join you on adventures, or Campaigns, though only if their duties allow them.

(if you wish to make your own sheets, they will get bonuses for them, and save me time.)

-[X]The Knight of Fear: Harold Westerling is frightened of you. You need to make him know he is not in any danger. Not unless he wishes to become one. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 145

Ser Westerling looked at you, and he realized something. You were not afraid of his glare. "Something on your mind?"

"When I joined your cause, it was because the King was afraid you would get yourself killed, and needed protection." He paused, chewing on his lip. "But it seems, that you did not need protection, you needed guidance, and a firm hand to make the Watch what it needed to be."

"And your point?" You asked.

The knight then puffed. "What I mean is, I have to trust you, to gain your own trust."

You nodded. "Thank you."


Ser Harold Westerling trusts you, and you now gain his full benefits.

Assassination rolls not automatically fail, regardless of location if he is within the same location as you.

-[X]The Court of Secrets: Something doesn't feel right, so you will do what all people in this shit hole of a city do… Spy and see what is going on. No one ever bothers with the mute. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 169

You learned many things.

Well for one thing: Viserys is on a war path even if he feigns his peaceful ways.

He is hosting a tournament… For reasons, he's the bloody king, he can do that.

Then there was also news from Daemon!

He… wants to marry off his daughters… and Rhae isn't well. She is having a slow fever, bedridden and weak.

She doesn't have much time.

Yet you knew one thing that made your skin crawl… something that gave you joy.

Daemon was lying. And he was coming to King's Landing.

You wish you had more time.

Reward: You learn of rumors, though not as many as you wish…

But something tells you that there is more.

Much more.

And all these rumors provide you benefit.

-[X]Train a Skill: Administration Rolled:D100 + 100 => 196

Gain skill:

Administration (Legendary): You know how to handle paperwork, and make sure it is done in such a way that no one can read it. (+50 bonuses to your rolls)

-[X]The Dragon Eggs of the Three Silents Brothers: You are going to request they receive dragon eggs and see if they hatch. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 200

(Continued in: The Dragons That Have Come)

AN: enjoy.