A City of Dreams:
-[X]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP Rolled:
D100 + 50 => 129
To say that you brought the Watch that was needed was… well impossible.
There were so many recruits that wished to join that it was almost impossible to accept them all. But Ser Westerling managed to weed out many of them.
And then there was something worse.
6,000 men in the Watch… It was going to be impossible to really see them as anything more than a private army in the city.
You needed to turn that image around, or things might get bloody.
Reward: The City watch is manned by 6,000 swords. But they are lacking in training, equipment, and supplies. And they are not what you would call… the best.
But they are brave and loyal, and that might be all the difference in the world.
-[X]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP Rolled:
D100 => 98+50=148
You managed to at least uniform all the men you had. 6000 pieces of armor, helmets and of course…
Fitting cloaks. You would need to get them soon.
Reward: Your men are armed and armored for what is to come.
-[X]Gangs and Gaurdlords: You need to find out how these fucking captains managed to not only be horribly corrupt... but above your orders? Cost 1 BP Rolled:
D100 + 50 => 88
It was a long investigation. It was quiet and sudden.
And you learned just how far it went.
It seems that when the watch was founded, the Old King used guard captains from the city gates and put them all under a unified command. That was nice in theory, but all the captains despised one another, being from different parts of town.
And once placed under a commander, they chaffed and wished nothing more to have no command. They conspired to kill the idea of the watch, or failing that, subvert it to their own ends.
And that was how it went.
But what bothered you was simple… Who did they work for? They worked for someone but no one knew what it was.
Reward: You learned what was going on, but there is no identity as to what the over boss was.
-[X]Situation Report (The Port): The Port is the second Richest part of the City. That means there are grifters, thieves and other low lives. Time to find out how to handle this. Cost 3 BP Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 56
The Port.
You learned only two things about the port.
One that the dock workers were a gang in their own right, but they were important.
Secondly, it seems that some man called himself the Bat…
The Bat? What the bloody hell did that mean, who was protecting the docks at night.
Reward: You discover that the dock workers are a gang in themselves…
And there is a vigilante operating in the port district. A man dressed as a bat.
-[X]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men. Rolled:
D100 => 94+40=134
Ser Westerling trained them well.
They are an army with a city.
An Army with a purpose.
Reward: +20 to the riot control and crackdown rolls.
-[X]The Cupbearer's Resolve: She is wondering why you are not afraid of her father, or punishment from your other royals. She wonders, just how dangerous you are. Rolled:
D100 + 20 => 41
With the riot in the city, you could not find her. But you think you saw her watching from the Balcony of the Red keep.
Both afraid and hoping you would survive.
-[X]The Storm Singers Songs: The songs of the Gods are being said. Time to find out just what they sing?Rolled:
D100 + 20 => 48
There was… Nothing to find, save for chanting in Valyrian.
"Justice, and Freedom for all."
They were afraid.
And they took that fear and turned it into violence.
Disaster Roll:
D100 => 99-20=79
Assasination survival Roll:
D100 => 89+50 (Harold Westerling)=139
D20 => 12
The Assassin was not exactly something you wanted to be woken up to when Ser Harold Woke you up.
But you were not happy to be woken up by this news:
"Riots are in the street," Wendwater said as he looked to his horse. "They are clashing at Shepherds square, but if we do not move quickly, we will not be able to contain it.
So you blew the horn, rallying every single watchman, both active and resting, to their stations. There would need to be swiftness.
OR all might perish.
Continued in: The Riots of King's Landing.