And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Well I haven't rolled the disaster wheel yet.

That trusty d20 disaster where everything will be decided.

But I just did it now.

D20 => 19

Well he ain't dead… but uh… someone's going to have to mount a mission to save him. And will wish he was.

Don't worry Caraxes is alive. Somehow.

He should be fucking dead.
Well I guess the war is happening then

Blood for the blood god skull for the skull throne
No that's only if Daemon or his dragon dies.
Oh and one more thing:

This is before I rolled for his boys.

As in the guys he's working with.
This is better than I thought, though the hospitality of the Dornish is not to underestimated, somebody should be able to get him back... eventually... I think...
Well Viserys has plenty of things he can do to save his brother.

And he has plenty of things he will do to save his brother.
So no war


The blood god is sad
All I will say is this:

Remember Viserys the second was kidnapped by the Lysini during the dance who…

Forced him into a marriage he did not want with a woman he does not know…. Who abandoned him and his kids immediately after he was sent home.
Damn, thats a hell of a lot bolts, is there anyway for him to recover from that?
Yes and no.

He's never going to Dorne again, and he is going to take years to recover.

But if he gets back to kings landing.. he'll most likely survive… 99 percent of the time.

But he won't leave Daemon to his fate… meaning he will try to rescue him.

So he might not get through it.
[X] Plan: Building up the Guard
-[X]Recruiting Fresh Bodies: You need more men to police the city. And that might not be enough. Cost 3 BP
-[X]Buy Equipment: You can't work with shit. You need steel and quickly. Cost 3 BP
-[X]Drill: You want these men to be the envy of Westeros. So you will try to make them. Well, Ser Harold will help with that, seeing as you are… not that great at training men.
-[X]The Dragon Eggs of the Three Silents Brothers: You are going to request they receive dragon eggs and see if they hatch.
-[X]We Are One: The Lads of the King's Landing Guard want to drink, and you will indulge them.
-[X]Train a Skill: Command
-[X]Train a Skill: Administration