And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

[X] Silver

I'd go with gray because of Grey Ghost, but silver is more attention-catching and continues with the metallic trend that Daemon started with the gold.
So, just to be clear, the Rioters DID attack us first, right? Lucien didn't just decide to attack and slaughter them all when they hadn't made a move yet?
No... Lucien just saw them fighting and decided to put it down violently.
Though in hindsight, isn't this the second Magoose quest with drunk dragons?
I'd go with gray because of Grey Ghost, but silver is more attention-catching and continues with the metallic trend that Daemon started with the gold.
Well if its red it might be calling us the Oynx Cloaks, or the Ruby Cloaks.
Also, I am adding the Mature tag now.

Mostly because I belive it may get to that point where it is needed.

Edit: Sweet Jesus.
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The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As you put down a Riot)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As you put down a Riot)

King Viserys:D100 => 63

The Small Council was convinced when they saw the chaos, and they were very concerned about the state of their king. Energetic, but very irritable. And he was very angry at what he was reading, and it seemed it was for the first time. "Why have I not heard the Reports from the city watch, about the degradation of its ranks and the lack of resources that it has received?"

Lord Beesbury was clearly not comfortable with that. Everyone looked to Lord Strong, who was quiet, and the master of laws. He was in theory in charge of the Watch above the Lord commander. Yet instead, the lord looked down in shame. "The Reports I received were alarming Your Grace. Lucien conducted a purge of the officers, on charges that many would find flimsy and without evidence. He sent well over three hundred men to the wall for crimes that range from rape to thievery and corruption. He brought forward more men that the Watch was meant for, and armed them with Crown money."

"And? As you can see, they have dealt with the problem of rioting in my city, they are dealing with the crime that is in my city! How is he doing anything but good!?" He asked.

"He has an army, loyal to him your Grace. What if he decides to turn it against the Crown?" Lord Beesbury stated. "You think your man at arms and King'sguard will be enough?"

"I cannot believe you all think he will commit treason when he has power? If he didn't do it with Daemon, he most certainly wouldn't now."

"Your Grace, we have read troubling reports that Lucien is… acting in a very ruthless manner, with his heavy-handedness with the Watch." Lord Strong said. "Perhaps he is under pressure that he is not prepared to deal with."

"He can deal with it." Lord Hightower stated. "His Grace would not have chosen him if he were not."

That made Viserys Smile. "Finally someone speaks sense. Now… How many funds can we spare for the City Watch?"

Reward: The King wishes to support you openly and publicly for serving his city. Can ask for a lot more funds.

Just know that the Small council… at least some, view you as a potential kingmaker and wish to have you stripped of power, and replaced by someone else.

Queen Aemma: D100 => 20

The Queen, however, could not have such a luxury. Her ability to do more public projects with crown funds were lessened, as much of her potential humanitarian funds went towards making sure the city is still standing. Because this riot was the beginning… not the end.

Reward: She loses money to help the city, so it can be saved.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 94

The Daughter of the King, the Realms delight had gained another name for her epitaphs.

The Dragon's Daughter. As she was quickly gaining a reputation for her wish and desire to ride her dragon around the city, and even racing the wild and wooly Laenor Velaryon in Dragon Races.

But she also has a great Bond with her dragon. Enough to where she almost tried to do what you did at Harrenhall. Fly with her Dragon.

But she is not brave enough yet to face that challenge or ultimate trust.

Reward: She becomes a brilliant dragon rider, second only to you and Daemon. But she is not there yet to where she has absolute trust.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 3

The Princess looked at Daemon as his body rolled on the wheel. "Three days on the wheel, yet you are still alive."

He tried to speak and made only his neck unleash a growling sound of pain and nothing.

She moved the hot iron as she waved it in front of his face. "Killing my sister was a miracle it seemed. Her ambition and stupidity was her downfall. But you are here… And now. That is something special. My father does not believe that the Iron Throne is a threat. That he is focused on the East, to gain great wealth and power from it. Yet you come to my home, you slaughter our people… And you were arrogant enough to not be on your dragon."

Daemon then spat at her face. And then the princes whipped her face and drew the Dagger. "You know what… I was just planning on emasculating you. Cutting your balls off. No… That fate is not for you. That fate is for your daughters."

Daemon's eyes widened before he realized something. He could not speak. "Oh yes, we know they are coming, so daring that children so young could be so willing to fight when they do not understand. "I hope to show you their folly. Maybe they will survive, but I doubt it."

Daemon tried to scream, to rally his anger, but instead, he made the sounds, and everything hurt.

"A strange thing, poisons. They can rob many things without killing you in the right dosage. I wanted to cut your throat open, rob your voice away, make you like that mute you call a son." She placed a hand on his face, as he moved it away. "For a moment at least. Then I chose to make you immobile. The wheel was just making sure it worked."

"Then I saw a much greater feeling… I could cripple you like your lady wife, let you languish away in some castle, shitting, and wasting away. A man like you, a man of action… That would be the greatest hell in this world." She then moved the iron towards his chest. "But then, I realized something."

"Your so good at taking the life of my people… it would only be right that you give it before you leave."

She then moved the wheel down, now it was the table, and she climbed up onto it. "Lie back and think of whatever you believe, it won't matter… I am going to enjoy this. You can too… if you want. But I doubt it."

Daemon could only try to resist. But he could not.

All he could do was cry. Cry in silence.

Reward: Daemon has become a prisoner of the Dornish… He has been Tortured… poisoned… and violated.

Rhae Royce:D100 => 46

Rhae was riding at the head of her army, It didn't matter that she could barely move or wield a blade.

She was going to save her husband. Damn the world. And damn anyone else.

She was not going to sit and let others save him. Cripple or not, she was not going to let others save him.

He meant too much to her. Too much… To just hope and pray.

Baela:D100 => 77

Rhaena:D100 => 59

And even now, young as they were, with dragons… they followed. Because their father was in danger.

Reward: The Targaryen Family of Runestone are riding to save their family.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 86

He looked at the shipping lanes and the maps. He had profited greatly from the new order. Yet even now, it was impossible to say anything else.

But he feared the future.

Something was wrong. And he needed to prepare his ships and crews for war.

Reward: The Sea Snake is planning something. And it involves the Stepstones.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 43

She was afraid for her family.

Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 11

Laenor had become distant, and he was trying to avoid the responsibilities that he had once so proudly done. Preferring instead to spend time with his friends, and his lovers.

She did not mind his lovers and friends, but that was because he always did his duty.

Now it was like he realized he was alone, and nothing was going to fill his heart.

Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 12

While Laena, she was obsessed with flying. She never wanted to come down from the sky, even when she knew that the best things in life were on the ground.

Reward: Valyreon family drama aho.
Princess Saera Targaryen:D100 => 1

The Whore Dragon of Volantis was dead.

The Triarch and his slave armies crushed her defenses.

Instead of ending her life quickly… they crucified her…

And ripped her cursed womb from her body… and said she was the end of the Valyrians.

Reward: Saera died, her victories soon to be forgotten.

Aegor:D100 => 73

Aegor the Black was very happy with his new standing at court. But he had also began to smile at the princess, and she smiled back.

She was the one whom he had caught the eye of. And he was not going to give up the hunt.

Nay, it had just begun.

Reward: He has developed an obsession with Rhaeynera. Whether she reciprocates or not does not matter to him.

She will be his.

Aeyns:D100 => 75

The young brother of Aegor has announced that he hatched his Dragon egg.

He calls the Dragon Silence.

Maegor:D100 => 79

Same for his brother Maegor. Who calls the dragon: Riverrunner.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 54

He looked at the scrolls and the Glass Candle. Perhaps for a moment.

Then he saw it.

The horror.

And he fled, screaming. Something was dead. And something was coming.

Visanya:D100 => 93

Visanya became the Head of the Nursery in the Red Keep, and considering that the Maesters did not like that, it was all the more surprising that it was the case because the Maesters said she was not qualified at all.

She quickly told them all to fuck off and say that if they were the standards of medical childbirth… they needed to work on their standards.

Reward: Mother has taken over the Red Keep Nursery. And is raising it to her standards.

Valaar:D100 => 50

Valaar was just there. Nothing really to say. But he was happy to be in court.

Aegon:D100 => 8

Yet it was Aegon that was troubled. They say he has been having seizures, and he has barely been able to stay strong enough after them to continue. In fact, the Maesters believe he will soon die.

Jaehaerys:D100 => 75
Viserys:D100 => 29

His brothers remain by his side, to help him. But even then, they wish desperately for a sign of something to save their brother from his ailment.

Shara:D100 => 99

Yet it was their sister, who spoke her first word that gave them hope.

Her first word was Dragon.

Dragon and Death.

AN: Enjoy.
The Princess of Dorne dies first.

Aegor the Black second.

And then every last Person who ever followed them.

Also, Volantis will be destroyed as well. Just out of principle. Regardless of how well we knew Saera or how much of a detriment she was.
This Treatment of a Targaryen will not stand.
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But what reason would we have to kill him, if we aren't interested in the Princess, are ruthless as fuck, and just an angry angry person.

What you think we're about to go rip and tear on everyone?
He made clear he intends to force himself on her if she doesn't say yes.

Sooner or later, he will act on it. And then he dies. Rhaenyra is our friend. I doubt Lucien would let such an act slide.

EDIT: Sorry, maybe I'm just too angry due to what happened in the update. I'll go calm down a little.
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