The Rumor Mill 4:
The Crownlands:
D100 => 22
The Valyrian Faithful and that of the Faith of the Seven clashes, riots in the streets of religious and sectarian violence. Many of the attacks occurred after worship hours, on the holy days of SEven and the Faithful.
Bloody gang violence leads to the maiming and death on both sides. With the Septons and the Stormsingers riling up their respective flocks to take up arms.
To take up weapons to destroy each other.
Reward: The Faiths of King's landing have decided that there will be war in the streets. And that the Faith will not stop until the Valyrians are under their boot, and the Valyrians won't stop until the faith learns to fear the storms.
The Riverlands:
D100 => 50
Lord Grover Tully could only give his support to the King and his mission. But that was all he could give, as discovered, to his dismay that someone was stealing from his treasury.
And he needed to stop it.
Reward: Tully has other things to worry about than Lucien's issues.
The Westerlands:
D100 => 74
Lord Tymond Lannister had done more than what the Kign asked. He sent over one hundred mounted men at arms and twenty thousand dragons to pay for additional mercenaries.
This expedition would be profitable, and would blood many of his finest swords.
Reward: The West goes all in on this raid.
The North:
D100 => 97
The North Smashed the King Beyond the Wall with the Watch.
So much was done that it was near impossible to say.
The War was quick. It was easy, and Lord Stark got to go home without any ill effect.
There is also news from Winterfell… They have found something in the Godswood.
It was a Valyrian Steel Sword.
And a body.
Reward: Mystery in the north.
The Iron Islands:
D100 => 77
25 longships are ready to reave and destroy the Coastlines of Dorne, with or without the permission of the Crown.
And they aren't waiting for permission.
The Reach:
D100 => 7
The Stormlands:
D100 => 4
The Stormlands and REachlords did not supply men or supplies to the expedition, despite the king's request.
But the Reach did something far worse than just refusing the King.
They said that if Lucien the Silent ever stepped foot in the reach, they could not guarantee his safety.
Reward: It seems Viserys has issues.
Lots of issues he needs to deal with.
The Vale:
D100 => 2
The Hilltribes have risen again. And they are striking hard.
D100 => 99
The Three Daughters:
D100 => 92
The Prince of Dorne blew smoke from his pipe as the Magistrate of the three daughters. And then he laughed. "You killed your daughter to get this?"
"My daughter was foolish for thinking she could use magic to harm the Iron Throne, and she did not have my leave. Now I have an army led by the man who killed her about to rampage through my lands. I have iron born ready to destroy my western coastline… and you think I killed my daughter? No, she killed herself by her own actions. But she did manage to create quite a rift due to her actions that we can benefit from."
"How so?" The Magistrate asked.
"The Reachlords are all but in rebellion due to Lucien the Silents' rise to power, and King's Landing is suffering from Religious turmoil. The King will have to focus on keeping his nation afloat. While we can profit greatly together."
"And you will allow Prince Daemon to rampage through your lands?" He asked.
"They will not do much, the information we have received from court assures us they will not go past the boneway, and we can handle the loss at this time."
"To an alliance of equals." the prince raised a wine glass.
Reward: THe Alliance has been cemented.