And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

I'm still confused as to why Visanya and her children were targeted. How do their deaths help Dorne?
All I shall say is this:

They wanted to curse the main Targaryen family, to kill Aemma, or Rhaeynera so that it could cause a succession crisis in westeros, and create a civil war.

But, it backfired as our mother is a Targaryen Bastard, and the curse latched onto her. Meaning she unintentionally stopped Dorne from causing a horrible succession crisis before the Dance.

And while that prevented the Dance from starting early... it also made lots of things worse.
The Targaryen Rumor Mill: (As you murder a Princess of Dorne)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill: (As you murder a Princess of Dorne):

King Viserys:D100 => 98

Viserys looked at both of you, fury in his eyes. "They will demand blood for this."

"Brother, they were" Daemon protested.

"Silence!" He shouted as you shuddered in fear, and Daemon looked down away from his brother. "You mock my authority, you commit murder, for your justice!"

"She wanted to murder my Mother!" You shouted, and the entire room, even the King went silent. "And I would not let her."

At that moment, the King looked old. Very old… Like he lost years of his life hearing that very simple news.

He then took a moment to think. "I will send a Raven to the Princess of Dorne. Let her know what has happened. Then if she responds poorly… Prince Daemon will go south, and deal with them."

Daemon was surprised. "Me."

"You want to fight Daemon… you shall. Do what you may, but send a message to the dornish. This will not be tolerated."

Reward: Viserys does not punish you, in fact, he does support the action. However, his still furious you took matters into your own hands and killed her by letting her fall to her death.

Queen Aemma Arryn:D100 => 17

There was nothing much she could do before her birth. But it was not to be. A girl was stillborn.

Another dead child.

She fears that the curse that Prince Daemon told her about was for her. Even though the news showed it went to Visanya.

Reward: Another horrible tragedy for House Targaryen. Made worse by fear and paranoia.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 88

The Princess has taken to court like a duck in water, as she was happily socializing with the ladies of the court, and she has used her freedom to ride her dragon.

Even though she is a girl, her family is still trying for children and a sibling… She has the freedom to do well. And the influence that she does not realize she has.

But one of the things she learned is responsibility. She has become the cupbearer to her father and joins him in his meetings.

If she learns just how much influence.

But one of the things she learned is how much her friendship with Lucien has put her in danger. How much it will show her how dangerous the world is.

How dangerous Lucien is.

She learned that Lucien was far more dangerous than even Daemon.

Daemon had certain chaotic impulses, yes, but they could be seen. sometimes


No one could see just what he planned to do. And that made him more frightening than anyone dared believe.

Reward: Rhaenyra learns she has power in court. As well as gaining the cupbearer Title, and participates in the Small Council Meetings.

She is also terrified of you, mostly for the simple fact that you are more dangerous than Daemon. Because no one knows what you will do next.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 49

Daemon was furious. "You're sending me away?!" He swore as he paced the room. "You need me!"

"I need the Prince who is the best warrior in the realm, leading this exhibition. This show of force." Viserys stated. "Raid a few towns and villages if you like, burn some men, but this will go no further than the Boneway. There will be peace, with a show of strength! You will get the war you want!"

"This isn't war, this is a raid to strike fear into Peasants and serfs. They will see this as toothless and reactive!"

"That may be. But we will show force in this matter. Even though I despise this!" Viserys ordered. "Now go. Go before I change my mind."

Daemon bowed and left.

Reward: Daemon has been given orders to raid Dorne with the Dondarrion Raiders. Merely to show force, nothing more. Viserys does not wish to start a war but show strength.

Daemon is angry that he is given rules of engagement that do not allow him to use his full power.

Rhae Royce:D100 => 3
Baela:D100 => 14
Severity:D100 => 85

Rhae Royce was watching her daughter fly when the dragon swooped low. The Hill Tribes were attacking, and she was trying to get to her.

She needed to fly away, to fly back towards Runestone. To get back to her sister.

But Rhae did not see the arrow hit her horse, nor did she see the rock that shattered across her back.

She could feel nothing, feel nothing and do nothing as her horse remained on top of her. She could not move anything… even if she could she had no weapons.

She knew she was going to die. Baela was also barely hanging onto her dragon, the rope that kept her tethered to her dragon's back was fraying, breaking and her screams were deafening.

She was going to die as well, terrified and alone, and you couldn't save her.

And you wanted to scream, to draw the tribesmen's attention away from her. Give her any chance to stay alive.

Rhaena:D100 => 94

But when you screamed, there was a roar. A roar of Dreamer. And Rhaena leading your men to your rescue. Twenty knights of the Vale, of Runestone following a dragon into battle.

Your daughter saved you.

You wished she hadn't. The Maester did the best he could, but he said that the damage was done, and permanent. He had done a very invasive surgery to get some of the spinal disks back into place… you almost died.

You could move your arms, move your head, close your hands, write and read. But you could not move.

You could not ride, could not move your body… do anything that brought you joy.

Baela was not much better. The ride towards Runestone and the rescue by her sister had made her go to sleep with her dragon, going nowhere when the Dragon was in her sight.

She also believed it was all her fault for your injuries. And did not want to speak to you out of shame.

Whereas Rhaena was hailed a hero of the Vale, for saving her family.

Reward: Rhae Royce is paralyzed from the chest down, able to move her arms and head, but nothing more. She cannot do what she used to enjoy.

Baela is traumatized by the event, having blamed herself for the event, and never leaving the side of her dragon. She also refuses to see her mother, as she believes she is the reason she is paralyzed.

Rhaena is treated like a hero and likes the spotlight in defeating the tribesmen of the Vale.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 49

Corlys tried and failed to convince the King that attacking the Dornish economically would be a far greater attack on Dorne and their ability to wage war. There were many things they could do, and they had the ability to blockade the entire peninsula.

But Viserys refused. He wanted a quick show of strength. He just wanted it to be over, and not drag it into a greater conflict.

Reward: Corlys was ignored.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 52

The Princess was rather bemused at the Death of the Princess but realized that something was dreadfully wrong with young Lucien.

Wrong enough that she needed to talk to him. Before he made things any worse.

Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 59
Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 67

The two of them decided to have fun and become better dragon riders.

Laena was obviously the better rider.
Princess Saera Targaryen:D100 => 31

She began to lose control when assassins tried to kill her. Her street gang began being systematically annihilated. But she still clings to power.

Maelor Rivers:D100 => 3

Maelor rivers died to the Cannibal.

Maelor's Sons:D100 => 98

But his sons succeeded from where he failed. His eldest, Aegor, called the Black, A boy of 13, tamed the Cannibal by feeding his father's corpse to the Monster, mounting the dragon, and stabbing the beast in the neck, controlling it through brute force and power.

Already when he returned he requested a saddle of Steel be made, and spiked chains.

His brothers, Aeyns and Maegor found two dragon eggs that were in the cave, somehow not eaten by the Cannibal in his binges. And they hatched.

Reward: It seems Maegor's line is starting to fuck things up.

And hatch dragons.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 78

He looked at the Red Witch and nodded. "I take it you are here for your payment?"

"Yes." Mellesandre stated.

He handed over the book. "Now leave, your services are no longer required."

"What does a maester need for a bastard boy's mother?" She asked.

"You will know in time." He stated.

Visanya:D100 => 100
Will Save:D100 => 97
Valaar:D100 => 76
Aegon:D100 => 59
Jaehaerys:D100 => 59
Viserys:D100 => 54

Valaar looked at his frightened children and stared deeply into her eyes. "Visanya." He stepped forward as she held the knife to her throat speaking for the first time in years. Not that it mattered, if his curse killed him... he'd rather be with the woman he loved. "This isn't you."

"I know." She said. "Get our children away from here, do not let them be hurt."

"I know. Boys, go to the ship." He stated, speaking with sternness, as the boys ran away towards the safety of his ship.

"Save yourself." She demanded as Valaar stepped forward. "I don't know how long I can stop myself." She said, as her hands shook.

Valaar stepped forward. "I don't care. Because I have you, and I will always have you." He stepped forward, and fire exploded from the pit, and the house began to set ablaze.

"I don't want to die." She said as she embraced him. "I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else."

Valaar embraced his wife and took a look at his burning home. "Don't leave me alone." She whispered.

Valaar didn't, as flames consumed them.

The fact he was still alive, even when you should be dead, said more about the situation you were in, rather than the fact a girl was born among the ashes. Visanya gave birth in the flames.

And the girl was healthy and alive.

Reward: the Family survived, and the curse broke.

Though the Local Valyrian religious leaders basically thought the Dragonmount was about to explode and thought the girl needed to be sacrifice.

They were talked out of it after they realized the Fire from the Dragonmount was from THe Cannibal being tamed, and they went back home to celebrate.

The Three brothers were safe, and not traumatized at all by their mother threatening suicide.

You have a little sister now, Visanya the Younger. Your sister has been touched by fire magic.

The Fire Magic also broke the curse on your father.

He lost the Mute Trait.

Special Event Roll:D100 => 81

Queen Aemma was not happy, but neither was the king at this. "Arise Lucien." Viserys ordered and you did.

"We need to reward a great hero of the Realm for his service. But unfortunately, we ask for one more thing of you. King's Landing is a lawless place, and our Watch needs a new Lord Commander. We ask that you take command, and bring peace to King's landing."

You nodded. You were being ordered to do so… but right now, it was not the worst thing.


Gain Trait Ruthless: You do not see anything that can stop you from achieving victory. Nothing will stop you from doing what needs to be done. (+10 to certain actions. +10 to combat rolls. -10 to certain social rolls)

Gain Trait: Wrathful: You are angry, focused, and filled with a rage that cannot be controlled by simple means. It can only be unleashed in a fury of anger and rage. (+20 to combat rolls. -10 to social rolls.)

Title Gained: Lord Commander of the City Watch.

There is a crime wave in King's Landing and there are not many that the King sees that can stomp it out. Save for a dragon rider, and a prince.

You cannot refuse as they are more punishing you, and wishing for you to remain in the city. Something tells you that Viserys has plans for you. But you do not know what.

Ser Harold Westerling will be your Kingsguard assigned to protect you and assist you with your duties.

You now have 6 actions.

AN: enjoy.
Mom came in clutch at the last possible moment. Good job mom!
Well you should be worried about us. our actions basically tuned us into Daemon before the Stepstones. Chaoitic, angry and able to do anything...

And Daemon. Well, Daemon gets to kill, but he dosen't want to.
By the will of the Valerian Gods we will turn the gold cloaks into the Wyrm Guard even if we have to beat them into shape
Gold Cloaks. Remember, we make them fear the color gold.
Thank the gods, all the old and new. The dice are what we needed them and it is good.

Edit: just saw westerling is our guard, fuck.
So what should we Do now? I'm thinking having a certain amount of criminals on random days be brought into the dragon pit, or surrounding fields of the city and used as target practice. like how Roman plays where criminals would play parts of actors who were supposed to die and actually would. Or used as sport in coliseums. Really scare the criminals while also having people working on more silent methods of disposing and taking care of crime rings while trying to empower our friendly religious cult into action to turn more people to their side by giving them priority for aid shipments and setting up food kitchens, housing, churches, etc
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So what should we Do now? I'm thinking having a certain amount of criminals on random days be brought into the dragon pit, or surrounding fields of the city and used as target practice all a Roman plays where criminals would play parts of actors who were supposed to die and actually would. Really scare the criminals while also having people working on more silent methods of disposing and taking care of crime rings while trying to empower our friendly religious cult into action to turn more people to their side by giving them priority for aid shipments and setting up food kitchens, housing, churches, etc
Deputize a militia of the Valyrian faithful and start organizing the stormsingers on the side. Let's lay the foundations for some really crazy stuff in the future, make the whole city know that the sept of Baelor might cast a long shadow but dragon fire burns bright all the same.

Either way we have to pick up admin and command, might as well pick up oratory to boost wrathful on our war on crime. Any other skill ideas?
Deputize a militia of the Valyrian faithful and start organizing the stormsingers on the side. Let's lay the foundations for some really crazy stuff in the future, make the whole city know that the sept of Baelor might cast a long shadow but dragon fire burns bright all the same.
You need to remember that the Faith of the Seven is the majority religion in the city, and doing something like that could really make things go to shit.

You need to win the people over, not kill them all.
@Magoose Question. If we train something akin to Anger Management, will we be able to mitigate Wrathful's negative effects/focus our anger towards more productive effect? Or will it just get rid of Wrathful altogether?
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Oh, thank all the Gods...

As for the rest...Well, we helped Daemon deal with his Issues, we can surely get a grip on ours. Hopefully.
And poor Rhea and kids...let's hope we can help them.