And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

We can't move the curse to someone else, we just can't. We need to move this to a courtly setting, and use our new popularity to slam back Dorne.

[x] No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)
[x] Release her: If you want to kill her… you will do it in time when you seek to rip everything away from her. You will rip everything she holds dear away from her... Then she will have your permission to die.
Or we can try to assasinate her, but that's no fun.
Or we can also hire mages to do the same... She has mother, sisters, etc
Dorne Delenda est. Then she can spend the rest of her life howling in the salted ruins alone. This is the vengeance we will exact for our Mother.
We will destroy Dorne, but let's kill this fucker ASAP, there are plenty of Martells who will suffer for their hubris.
Don't go full Jaime. Having a hostage of that caliber is already half the victory against Dorne.
TBH going full Jaime would be to defenestrate an innocent because he knows too much... This would be killing a bitch that deserves to die while we enjoy the absolutely delicious look of "This Cannot be Happening to Me" in her eyes in her way down...
Adhoc vote count started by Fanhunter696 on Sep 22, 2022 at 9:44 AM, finished with 96 posts and 34 votes.

Dammit, @Melissandre you better get that nat 100... If you do Lucien and his family is basically yours forever.

@Everyone prepare your sacrifices for the Dice Gods, there is a chance of saving everyone, BUT we need the Magoose dice to smile at us
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Princess of Dorne: My risk was calculated....but man am I bad at math.

That's basically her right now. She basically forgot she was crossing the Silent Prince and Rogue Prince who are pretty willing to cross certain lines when their family is in danger or is gonna be killed.
So Ah oh what look like the consequences of our actions Ah shit so cannibal now have a rider (this is bad my guess is that the dance would be a 3 way war)
Now I'm not saying that the Family line of Maegor the Cruel will be playing its own games, while we play others, but they will be.

Plus at this point, Maelors' sons are all tweens right now, and they have their... own issues. From their father, and their bitch of a mother who has been poisoning their minds with... gaslighting.
Dorne Delenda est. Then she can spend the rest of her life howling in the salted ruins alone. This is the vengeance we will exact for our Mother.
WEll we won't be able to do that yet... Not now. The Dance has not commenced.
I mean...the Sons aren't necessarily the Father.

They might become Allies yet.
The sons also have issues.

Mostly of the poor parenting veriaty.
Well these sons are gonna be brought into the fold of House Targaryen....or the Velaryons might try to get them on their side.
That depends on what they want, and let me tell ya, what they want is certainly something.
Though this event could have Viserys seriously consider allowing Lucien siblings a shot of hatching dragon eggs of their own.
We just have to ask.

Like all Viserys can do is say no now.
Or we can also hire mages to do the same... She has mother, sisters, etc
Yet those mages really don't like dragon riders.

Turns out all of Essos really hates the Valyrion religious minoraty, esspecially those that ride dragons.

Gives them to many PTSD flashbacks to when Valyria ruled over them.
TBH going full Jaime would be to defenestrate an innocent because he knows too much... This would be killing a bitch that deserves to die while we enjoy the absolutely delicious look of "This Cannot be Happening to Me" in her eyes in her way down...
I mean, the princess is innocent... by that I mean, she's diplomatically immune, and unfortunately, she hasn't hurt a member of house Targaryen.

only a commoner. At least in the eyes of the law... she really doesn't deserve to die for that. Mostly because in fucked up medieval viewpoints, she mearly stole a working member of Dragonstone away via death.

Now she definatly deserves death and did a morally reprehensible thing.

Of course, that is from Westerosi legal standpoint and tradition.

Not in The Targaryen family is all sorts of angry as fuck tradition.
@Everyone prepare your sacrifices for the Dice Gods, there is a chance of saving everyone, BUT we need the Magoose dice to smile at us
... Well they've smiled upon the Targaryen family.
That's basically her right now. She basically forgot she was crossing the Silent Prince and Rogue Prince who are pretty willing to cross certain lines when their family is in danger or is gonna be killed.

She thought she would be found out by Viserys who would just give her the boot and never come back.

She really miscalculated because she forgot two of the biggest badasses in Westeros were trying to save ones mother.
Plus at this point, Maelors' sons are all tweens right now, and they have their... own issues. From their father, and their bitch of a mother who has been poisoning their minds with... gaslighting.
Let me guess, "Our Line is the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, your birthright was stolen from you by Jaehaerys, after Maegor took control from his weak brother." Revisionist history at its finest.
[X]No. (Visanya will die. And her children may as well if Valaar cannot rescue them)

No right answer here. Choosing yes would be entirely too volatile; a 'damn the consequences' attitude rarely ever goes well. It's maybe a bit too selfless, but choosing yes would make us complicit rather than one of the victims. The question to ask ourselves would be whether Lucien would accept murdering innocents to save a loved one. Loss and acceptance will temper Lucien, I think.

[X]Imprison her: She may not have confessed to that crime, as she only had knowledge… but killing her would be wasteful. She's a good hostage.

This option most likely won't win, but I view it as the option with the most potential/possibilities.
Princess of Dorne: My risk was calculated....but man am I bad at math.

That's basically her right now. She basically forgot she was crossing the Silent Prince and Rogue Prince who are pretty willing to cross certain lines when their family is in danger or is gonna be killed.
TBH, that is something that basically anyone would do if you have the murderer of your wife, daughter, or sister in front of your eyes... Hell I don´t doubt that Viserys would murder this cunt if Aemma or Rhaenyra would have been cursed consequences be damned.
I deliberately made it a hard choice, as I needed a suitably powerful incident to shape Lucien's most important years after his formative ones.

It answered itself.
And if Melissandre ends up pulling the impossible and saving Visenya, what will happen then to get us a terrible Trauma? Rhea would be struck by lightning?
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And if Melissandre ends up pulling the impossible and saving Visenya, what will happen then? Rhea would be struck by lightning?
Actually… poor Rhae…

You'll see what happened in the rumor mill.
TBH, that is something that basically anyone would do if you have the murderer of your wife, daughter, or sister in front of your eyes... Hell I don´t doubt that Viserys would murder this cunt if Aemma or Rhaenyra would have been cursed consequences be damned
Viserys would do far worse then grant this Princess a quick death via gravity.