And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Gulltown 3: The Game
Gulltown 3: The Game

Talk to Rhae: You want to speak to her and find out why the two of them hate each other

You found yourself walking, following Lady Rhae as she traveled her way through the castle, as she went back to her Solar, the office where she was quietly looking at the papers. And the Maester was with her, talking. "You shouldn't have resorted to such drastic measures to get him to stay. He is not someone you can order around."

"Yet I had to, because he did not believe in the danger that he saw." She replied. "These pirates are stealing women from Westeros, and there is much more at stake than just security. I have a feeling that there is much more beneath the surface, that we do not understand. We need them."

"Yet bringing in Prince Daemon, who's more willing to kill them all with his dragon?" The Maester replied. "Surely there were others?"

"It had to be him. He's the only one who I am certain that can get it done." She replied.

"Must you put so much faith in a man that does not want to be your husband?"

Rhae laughed. "Oh if he knew how much being married to him has shackled me, in a relationship that i did not want to a man who still frightens me. If he knew, perhaps that he might bed me."

You finally knocked on the door. "Who is that?" She demanded. Then she saw you, and you smiled as the door was opened. "What do you want?"

You waved, and started to sign. "Hello?"

The lady Royve was confused. "What is he doing with his hands?"

That made the MAester raise his eyebrows. "Ah, it seems he uses the Common sign." He then signed. "Hello young one."

You smiled and signed. "Hello Maester."

The Lady Royce did not understand. "He uses his hands to speak? How strange."

"There are some ailments that prevent children and adults alike from speaking, deafness, muteness, and trauma can cause them to not speak. And the sign was developed by the Silent Sisters centuries to assist with such an endeavor for communication. While not entirely well known throughout Westeros, it is common enough that some maesters learn it as part of their studies. Though many do not really like it, and prefer other languages where they use their voice." the Maester nodded. "Please sit young one."

"My name is Lucien." You signed and the old man laughed.

"Please sit Lucien, so we can talk." the Old Maester said as you sat down. Lady Royce was not happy that you were there.

"What were you doing?" She demanded as she narrowed her eyes to attempt to frighten you.

It didn't work, dragons were much scarier. You did not answer immediately, taking a moment to think. "I have a question for you, and I wanted to ask it."

The Maester translated, and she was surprised. "What is it?"

The Question:D100 + 10 => 102

"If you and Daemon were both forced to marry… Why didn't you just tell each other that? Why hide it?" You asked.

"We have a duty to our houses." Rhae stated. "We don't have to like it, merely do it."

"Even when you both didn't want it?"

At those words, Rhae was quiet, before she finally pointed to the door. "Go back to your master. Now." She stated.

And you left.

A Few Days passed and you realized something.

Daemon had a plan. And you were part of it.

How did you figure into it?:

[]Staying by his side: Daemon wants you at his side before the moment to strike. He thinks it's best that things are taken well.

[]With the Lady Royce: She wishes to have you by her side, to speak to you, as well that you can. She has questions. Questions that made you very uncomfortable.

[]Bait For Pirates: Daemon needs you to be the biggest prize slavers can have. A Dragonrider.

[]On Dragonback: You have but one job. Burn the ships and force them to remain at the port. Keeping them trapped for Daemon to swoop in and do his job.

AN: Enjoy.
Gulltown 4: The Rogue Prince
Gulltown 4: The Rogue Prince

You looked out from the window and saw Daemon still wandering the streets towards the port, the swagger in his step was a man who was utterly… without fear, without care, and without any semblance of hesitation in his step. Such a man was entirely devoid of that kind of thinking.

He was a man dead, or something more, akin to a god some might say. But he was there. He was there, and he was looking at the men gathering in the streets.

The pirate captain, and his crew, all gathered together.

It was then Rhae finally spoke. "Did you know that when I first met him, he claimed that he was above tradition? We were not supposed to meet for another week, but he came on dragon back and took me out into the mountains of the vale. He was so charming, he was happy, despite everything, and he seemed like the perfect husband. After all, he didn't even know we were to be wed. He didn't even know my face. When I finally realized who I was, and what we were going to do, he was… disappointed. Like all the memories that he had, were lies."

She paused. "Now he might die."

She looked at you. "What do you see in that man, who is so brazen and foolish?"

Response:D100 => 81

You thought for a moment about what you wished to say. "He's a good man. I think people fail to see that."

The maester seemed hesitant to translate, but did so without hesitation after he looked deep in your eyes. Rhae was shocked at that answer. "How can you see such good in that man?"

"How can you be filled with such disdain for the man, when you are exactly the same?" You replied, sharply and without hesitation, signing the words and making sure the maester knew every single letter. He was not thrilled to translate.

And Rhae Royce was at a loss for words. Truely, she was silent. You were going to say more, when Daemon's voice, loud and clear, soared over the quiet city. "WEll than, it seems that the cowards have finally appeared! Why do you hide in the streets of these slums!"

There was talking, shouting even, but Daemon was not deterred. There were twenty men out there in front of him, all tyroshi, but none of them had any ranged weapons or bows or crossbows.

They just had swords and knives and daggers.

Against Daemon, who only had a sword and shield.

They were all going to die. "Which one is the captain!" He shouted, drawing steel without hesitation, and the men looking at the mad Targaryen, fear in their eyes. "Tell me which one of you is, and I won't kill you all!"

Silence, there was laughter, but also a tongue you did not know speak.

A conversation followed. But you could not hear it. Except for one phrase in common. "A Dragon comes to die for the Sheep. YOu are afraid."

"I am surrounded by fear." He paused, and then the entire world became silent, as if the world was… silence by a stage conductor, for the grand finale. "Fear… and Dead men."

The Attack of Daemon: D100 + 50 => 138 vs D100 + 20 => 24

All the men tried to rush him at once, but Daemon was not concerned, in fact, he enjoyed it, and he focused on the ones to his right, his sword hand. There were only three in that direction, but they were all armed with swords and dirks.

They were big, they were strong, you had seen sailors at sea, they were always strong.

And Daemon cut them down like they were nothing but bread, and his sword, a hot knife.

One's head was removed with a swipe, and another was bashed by the shield, in one fluid motion. When you saw his face flashback for a moment, without a helm, or armor, just a man in leathers and shield in hand, he was smiling. He was happy, he had finally found his purpose. His purpose was death and protection.

The third tried to stab in the side, but it did not work, as he spun, like a dancer, and drove his blade into the man's neck. Killing him instantly.

Blade redrawn out of the corpse… He smiled, at least you thought as he roared. "Come on! Kill me!" He demanded. He was not afraid.

Unlike those others, who were terrified.

Fear and Dead Men: D100 + 50 => 150 vs D100 - 20 => -2

And all the Crew, save the captain, fled like the cowards that they were. And Daemon looked at the coward, who fell to his knees, begging for his life.

It was over. But he had one last flourish to give to his enemy. And stopping the crew from escaping.

"DRACARYS!" He ordered. And The Blood Wyrm obeyed.

And the ship burned.

It was over. The Watch of Gulltown would deal with the rest. But it was over.

Rogue he may be. But even Daemon Targaryen did his duty.

Reward: Daemon has ended this crisis, and has given The Old King what he needs to have him pressure the Three Daughters diplomatically for… many things. Daemon will receive Dark sister.

Rhae Royce has seen some method and has tried to reconcile with her wayward and adventurous husband.

Rhae also seems to take a liking to you, at least compared to her husband. She thinks you're cute.

What do you do before you go back to Traveling:

[]You are with Daemon at King's Landing: He looked at Dark Sister, and he smiled. "Finally."

[]You are with Baelon… Before he leaves on a hunt: He looked at you, as he pulled you aside, into a small tent, and put a hand on your shoulder. "Boy… Look after my son. He will need you, more than you can possibly imagine."

[]You are with your Parents, who are about to Break the news of something important?: You looked at your mother's happy face and your father's silent smile. "I'm pregnant." Your mother said. But that was impossible. She was barren? She could not have children, both of them said that was why you were not going to have any siblings?

[]You are Alone with Grey Ghost: He looks at you and feels something. You do too. It is sadness, and sorrow. And something far worse. "He knows now. What are we going to do?"

AN: enjoy.
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The Prince that Was Rewarded
The Prince that Was Rewarded:

You are with Daemon at King's Landing: He looked at Dark Sister, and he smiled. "Finally."

The Throne room was filled with hundreds of people, cheering and hollering in awe and happiness and jubilation as Daemon and yourself were escorted into the throne room by the King's guard. While you both wore some finery that was fitting for knights, Daemon happily had on his tunic, with a three-headed dragon, showing his pride.

Lady Royce was standing near the front of the crowd, wearing a similar black and red dress, with a rune on her chest, showing solidarity with her husband. It was quite strange to see the two of them in the same room, happy and talking, and you were utterly surprised when you walked in on them one time, both fucking each other's brains out.

You were not even surprised, you had done it before with your parents once or twice when the evening was young and you were told to fish for something, and you always returned with more fish for the night.

Mother and father were very loud, so it was hard to concentrate and you always told them to calm down.

But back to the throne room, the Old King had two swords in his hands. One was Blackfyre, the same blade you saw earlier when you met the old king.

The other was a blade that you did not recognize, save for its strange hilt… it seemed familiar, like a dragon's bone surrounding steel, with dark leather and brass at the pommel.

When you reached the king, the steps of the iron throne, both of you looked at each other, before bowing in deep reverence and respect.

"Daemon, you train your squire well, in courtesy and blade." He stated, waiting for an answer from his wayward grandson. "And he assisted you in your takedown of Essosi slavers."

"I have your grace." He replied, not looking up at the old king, who chuckled, feeling so much more in the weight and the fear of the Prince than anything. "And he did."

It was not a lie, but you did save his marriage. You think. Rhae and daemon traveled together, and they didn't seem that angry or resentful of each other.

"Good. Rise Daemon." He said.

Daemon did this with only slight hesitation, looking down at you for a brief moment. "You recognize this don't you?"

"It's Dark Sister." He replied.

"A blade not of the conqueror, but of his greatest ally. His sword, and best companion. You are not any of those things." The Old King replied. "But it is a blade that must be used. It is a blade that must have a purpose in a time of peace, and it suits you well. Better than any other."

Daemon was silent. "Thank you."

"No, thank you for serving the realm. This is the least we can do for one of its heroes." He replied.

Tears were in the Rogue prince's eyes. "Thank you, your grace." He sobbed.

And the court was adjourned. But Daemon said, "Finally." under his breath.

Random Event Roll:D100 => 9

Jaheryes Reaction:D100 => 7

Daemon's Reaction:D100 => 98

The Old King had called you into his council room, Daemon as well, when you noticed how… broken he looked. He looked at you as if he was looking at a ghost.

"Shut the door." He ordered, and the room sealed, and the king's guard had steel ready.

"What is the meaning of this?" Daemon asked. "Your-"

"Silence!" Jaehaerys shouted as he stood, pointing a shaking hand at you. "Ever since he arrived, there was a nagging thought in my mind, of a ghost that would not be silenced!" He pointed his long boney finger at your face and looked straight into your eyes. "I thought it was my mind finally losing control. I was about ready to stop, and place Baelon as a regent so that the realm could be safe before I died, and I made a fatal decision." He stood still, and his face morphed into a scowl. "Now I know the truth. And I saw Trason."

"Your Grace I do not understand?" Daemon was confused, even frightened by his old grandfather's message. "Lucien is not a traitor, he assisted me-"

"No… He is the worst kind of traitor. A Bastard of my dear beloved Daughter." Everything went silent. Everyone was quiet.

Finally, Daemon spoke. "Gael died killing herself after she had a stillbirth." He was honest, clear, and rational. "We had her son's body cremated with her."

"No… she had twins. And one, the only survivor is beside you." He said. "Stolen away from his family!" There was rage in his voice.

The Old king and Daemon both faced you, one full of anger and fury, the other confusion and discomfort. Then the old king shouted. "Seize the boy!"

"No!" Daemon shouted as he drew Darksister. And he placed a protective hand over you.

The old king was surprised, and the Kingsgaurd were hesitant to move forward. "Do not be foolish, he is a threat to our family!"

"He is my family!" Daemon proclaimed and your heart skipped a beat… What? "And I will not let you hurt him!"

The standoff was tense, and for a moment you thought everything was going to be bad, and you were going to die. But instead the old king then raised his hand, and the kingsguard lowered their blades.

"You're Family?" He questioned.

"Yes," he said. "And if you harm him, I will stop at nothing to hurt you."

The Old King was quiet… even stunned by Daemon's Bravery in the face of the true threat to his life. "No. You will not."

"Daemon Targaryen, I hereby banish you from the red keep, and Dragonstone, same as the Boy, Lucien the Silent. You will not return to the lands of your father's as long as I am alive." He then turned to you. "If you ever return to Dragonstone, Your mother will die. And if your father ever returns to Westeros… He will be executed. I name Valaar, Captain of the Silent, an outlaw in the Seven Kingdoms. I strip him of his protections, and his rank as a seaman in the Royal Fleet, and banish him from the realm for the remainder of his days."

A moment later he looked at you. "You have already sworn fealty to me boy, and I see that as mercy enough. Leave, before my patience wears thin."

And you left without another word.

You couldn't go home again. Dragonstone was now… someplace you could never go back to.

Daemon was crying silently, he did not show any tears when he escorted you out. And you were too.

"Where will we go?" You asked, signing, not caring if he could see you through his tears. You wanted to be reassured.

Daemon… was silent. "I don't know." But he placed his cloak around you. "But it doesn't matter now. I'm with you. And you are with me… that will be all that matters."

Reward: Daemon has gained Dark Sister and respect from the Valemen.

The Old King Jaehaerys, in a moment of grief and emotion, banished your father from the seven kingdoms for his actions against Gael, even though Valaar was not at fault besides getting her pregnant and saving you.

He has Banished Daemon from the Red Keep and Dragonstone, all but forcing him to wander Westeros with his new blade and his squire or to return to Gulltown and Runestone.

Daemon views you as his son, even though you are his cousin. He will die to protect you, as a father would.

Your identity and parentage are now known, news spreading through Westeros. Some view you as a threat. Others an opportunity.

Gain Trait: Royal Bastard: You are a spawn of bastardry, whose parents were not married when they were not married. The difference between you and others is that your mother was royalty, and also, a tragic figure in her own right. (unknown effect)

You have 3 Training (For Skills only) Action:

And 3 Personal actions.

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon related skills are now available)

[]The Talk of Gods and Men?: He has seen you pray. It was something that he never seemed to do. But he watched you anyway. It was like he was curious to ask. But didn't have the courage to do so.

[]A Bar on the Road: Daemon wants to drink and there are many taverns that are on the road to your destination. So you stop by one.

[]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.

[]Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk."

[]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.

[]The Rune of Duty: Rhae wished for Daemon to be home for a little while. For what reason, you did not know, but you were there all the same.

AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format please.
Rumor mill (How the Seven Kingdoms view your… Banishment and Status)
Rumor mill (How the Seven Kingdoms view your… Banishment and Status):

The Crownlands:D100 => 83

To Describe the respect you have gained over the course of the last year among those who were the children of Old Valyria was something to be seen to be believed. The many worshipers of the Old Gods of Valyria came out of hiding, now worshiping in force in Dragonstone and King's Landing, even purchasing and building the first temple to the Three Goddesses for the first time since the Time of Aegon the Conqueror.

To say it caused a stir was something of an understatement. The faith was in outrage of heretics springing up and building a temple in King's Landing.

The King insisted that they meant no harm and that the rights of their liberty to worship the gods.

They call you the Winter Prince, Miracle child… Prince that was promised.

Reward: Due to your publicity, you have caused a small resurgence of the Valyrian religion in King's Landing and Dragonstone. The Stormsingers sing that you are the chosen one… The Prince that was Promised.

Yeah, they were grasping for straws, but there were also many things they had going for them.

Especially with the King granting them the liberty to worship in Dragonstone, and King's Landing.

The Riverlands D100 => 55

Lord Grover Tully was drinking wine when he looked at his council.

Or rather, his group of friends that served as a council. "Lads, we have a prince that has a dragon, and a bloody big one at that. And we need to come up with a plan to make him an ally?"

All the standard options to make him such an ally were naught. But there was an idea. After all, the Rivers had bandits… perhaps he could assist.

Reward: The Tullys have a plan to make you an ally.


The Westerlands:D100 => 66

Lord Tymond Lannister could only read the reports. So the rumors were true? He was a Bastard?

That changed the calculus in his plans greatly. After all, there were problems that could make things interesting.

You had favors to call in. And you knew a dragon rider was enough to solve your problems.

The North:D100 => 96

The North proclaimed support to you, in response to your exile, and offered you a place at Winterfell, and the best thing they could offer you.

The Loyal support of the Bannermen of the north.

There is much that can gain, especially when they come down south... and decide to make matters... interesting.

Reward: They really want you to come north.


The Iron Islands:D100 => 63

The Greyjoys shit themselves when they learned that you were a prince. Same with almost all the other ironborn houses.

To say that they were eager to make you a captain is special. After all, they knew you were seaborn. And they would be extremely happy to teach the iron price you

The Reach:D100 => 11

You were a heretic, and the High Septon could not outright sentence you to die. But he said that if you came to the Reach, severe consequences would happen to those who helped you.

The Stormlands:D100 => 66

They drank to your health.

That was nothing really nothing more they wanted to do. Though now there was something going on. The Warriors of the Stormlands, and the sons they had, were traveling through the lands, acting as the Silent and Rogue of their homeland.

Turns out you had a legend… and they think that it will only grow through emulation.

The Vale:D100 => 83

The Vale offered you much, but they were all doing one thing.

They wanted you to be a friend of the Vale. After all, Lady Royce spoke greatly at length about your bravery, and how your silence was something that could be emulated for the better.

The Silent Sisters even began teaching sign language to many of the lordlings and ladies who wished to understand you

Dorne:D100 => 6

One hundred thousand Golden Dragons.

That was how much you were now worth to them.

A no-name dragon rider was a curiosity to be controled.

A Targaryen Bastard Dragon rider was an existential threat.
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The Targaryen Rumor mill 2
The Targaryen Rumor mill 2:

Jaehaerys the Old King:D100 => 95
Valaar:D100 => 83
It was one of his days that he finally acted… lucidly. He was crying for the things he had said to the young boy, but the grief that he had was almost unbearable. If he stayed… if that boy stayed… It might have killed you.

You could not dare look into his violet eyes, his smiling face, and not see Gael in him, his sweet fantastic Gael… Stolen away by her own grief and madness. Yet that boy shared none of that, save for his unnatural and peculiar silence.

That silence made it even worse. You could imagine the words that were spoken in her voice, in her tone… With her laugh. His silence was aching and filled you with agony. How you wish to hear anything from his mouth.

It was the only reason you did not kill Valaar, as he swaggered into his home, his keep, as a free man. "You have nerves coming here valaar, when I wish to have your head." It was an empty threat, and he knew it, for he smiled at you with a glare that showed just how much power he had.

The old king then signed. "What do you want?" It had been years since The old king did it with Gael. So many years, but he never forgot. Even with his failing mind slowly being lost, and he sometimes forgot why he was here.

Valaar only smiled. "I saved thousands of Westeros' Daughters… and you think that it means they will all be loyal to you when I call in a favor?"

He signed it all. But the Old King did not have anger in his bones. Not now. Not anymore. "What do you want?" The Old King demanded.

Valaar signed. "Allow my son to return to his home."

"No." The Old king replied. "He may not know it yet, but my plans are now in motion and I require him to be free to act on it. Him and Daemon both, before this council and my death."

"What is it you need from them that requires their exile?"

The Old King Smiled. "What is your favorite legend, Valaar?"

"The Dance of the Dragons." He signed. "When Dragons and humans bonded for the first time?"

The Old King laughed, of course, he would. "Mine, at least at the moment, is Torgon the Latecomer."

His plan was in motion, and now, it could not fail. "Now tell me Valaar. Tell me about the Three Daughters. Tell me about this alliance you have heard so much about?"

And Valaar did.

Visanya:D100 => 60
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen:D100 => 71

She had an empty home. And that made her sad. But she also had a place in court and was a young girl who was in dire need of a confidant.

Fortunately, she was just as bright, adventurous, and brave as your son.

And that would be enough.

"When is the Baby coming out?" She asked as she poked your belly.

"When he's ready." You whispered. You knew it was a boy… you had seen it in your dreams. The Gods granted you another gift before you could be reunited with your husband.

Reward: Visanya and Rhaenyra are now slowly becoming friends. Visaya is prepared to give birth to a son.

She dreams of things to be.

Prince Viserys:D100 => 62

He did not take the death of his father well. But he did find solace in his wife, and the potential child growing within her.

Prince Daemon:D100 => 93
Rhea Royce:D100 => 94

Lucien was gone, and both looked at each other with a great deal of patience, so much had changed between them that it was almost impossible to understand.

"You must leave?" She asked as Daemon placed his hand on her, feeling the kicks and heartbeats. "They must meet their father?"

"You know I can't stay that long. There is so much that we must do, the both of us." You whispered. "But I won't be gone too long, I promise." You said. "And I will have treasures and stories to tell them when I get back."

Rhae almost laughed at that. "They won't understand, they will be babes."

Daemon chuckled. "They will understand, and they will be strong. They are your children just as much as I."

At that, she embraced him, and kissed him on his lips. "Come back to me. I don't want to have to raise them alone. Promise me Daemon. Promise me." She held him tightly and didn't let go.

"I promise." You whispered as you placed your hand in her hair. "I love your hair like this."

She was surprised, and the embrace was gone. He had let go, towards his own destiny.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 7
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 4

The News of Lucien the Silent was enough to break them. "He will ruin my chances for the throne." She stated to her husband.

Corlys nodded, but he did not hold the same vitriol. "He is just a boy."

"That is precisely the problem. A boy and a bastard." She spat. "He should have killed him."

"The Old King is many things, a Kinslayer he is not." Corlys replied. "But his family has made connections with court, and that may lead to something that we cannot abide."

"Exile his mother?" She asked.

"No. Impossible now. But I can ask Valaar to go on another voyage. He is eager to avoid the king."

REward: They have reacted poorly to you.

Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 87
Lady Laena Velaryon:D100 => 43

The two children had different reactions.

They wanted to meet their new cousin and play with his dragon.

Princess Saera Targaryen:D100 => 72

She took over half the city, with whores, gold, and hired men, and now she was a major power broker and ganglord.

She was a step below the Triarch himself.

Maester Vaegon:D100 => 94

He ran as fast as he could, towards his horse, to the North, and out of the city.

He needed to see Daemon and Lucien.

Their lives depended on it.
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Exiled and Together
Exiled and Together:

- [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing Common Rolled:D100 => 100
- [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing High Valyrian Rolled:D100 => 95

It started rather quietly. You had wished to read one of the many adventure books that were among the Runestone Library, but you did not know how. .. But then came the problem.

Daemon was not that interested in reading. So you dragged him into the library and well… forced him to read to you. Dragging your hand across the page, you did the same as you stumbled reading. That lead to Daemon sensing a challenge. A challenge in how to make you read.

He decided to not train with arms and brought you books and scrolls, ink and quills, for he decided that you must know how to read and write or it would kill him.

But thankfully, it didn't come to that. For the simple fact, you took to it like a dragon to flight. It was easy once you grasped the letters and the sounds they made. And Daemon, despite his lack of tact, was naturally a brilliant teacher when it came to the concepts, to the point where the Maester wondered if the Rogue prince had a few chains on him that he did not know about.

That was, however, not the case.

Daemon just spent an entire month, teaching you to read, both Common and High Valyrian. Knowing the words from speaking, or signing in your case, made it almost second nature.

To the point where when you began writing, you began writing in prose, not unlike that of courtly letters.

It was magnificent.

Reward: Reading (Skilled): You learned to read from the man you call a second father. And he in turn, learned from you to be a teacher. (+20 to reading rolls. Is able to read without an interpreter.)

Writing (Skilled) You learned to read from the man you call a second father and learn what he has done from you.( Is able to write without an assistant or scribe. Unknown effect, but all letters by you gain a +30)

You are now fully literate.

Daemon gains Trait: Teacher: You are a man who knows the wonders, horrors, and joys of knowledge and teaching. (+20 to all training rolls to your wards, children, and others.)

-[X]Train a Skill: Dragon Riding Rolled:D100 => 87+30=117

Like before… You rode bareback. But this time you were not scared. You were not frightened.

You were at peace. You rode Grey Ghost and you… as one.

Reward: Dragon riding is now Skilled. Soon there will be nothing Daemon can teach you.

-[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it. Rolled:D100 => 51

He was sitting on the hill, waiting for you to land, his sword resting by his side. As you walked over, he did not wish to make a sound. For he instead signed. "I must ask you something, my boy?"

You nodded. And allowed him to continue. "Do you trust me?"

It was a startling statement. "For the last year, you went and were by my side, you assisted me and I taught you what I know. I see that we are not family, despite the blood, but I want to be."

He was silent. And so were you. "But even if we can't. I can give you something as well." He than tapped his sword. "You are my squire now. A boy who will be trained in arms and armor, to be ready for battle regardless of what field you may find yourself in… You will be ready."

"But i do not worship the Seven?" You signed, feeling confused.

"Any knight can make a knight, regardless of the gods we worship, only that we keep the knightly vows, and we remain true to ourselves." He replied. "Will you accept that responsibility?"

You nodded. "Of course."

Daemon let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

Reward: You are now, officially Daemon's Squire. This has made many knights of the Seven seem… and feels very odd.

Gain Trait: Squire: You are a boy being trained at arms by a knight.

Daemon wants to be ready to make you officially part of his family but feels he is not ready for it, and does not wish to force you into it.

- [X] Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk." Rolled:D100 => 25

At that moment, you wanted to say something, anything to the man giving you his soul.

But you remained silent… Not ready to commit to such a thing.

You were not ready to break that silence.

You were too afraid.

Failure. You do not have the trust needed to finally break your silence. To finally let go of the pain. To no longer be afraid of your voice.

Not yet.

-[X]The Rune of Duty: Rhae wished for Daemon to be home for a little while. For what reason, you did not know, but you were there all the same. Rolled:D100 => 100

Child 1 Gender Roll:D2 => 2 (It's a Girl)

Child 2 Gender Roll: D2 => 2 (It's a Girl)

Birth was easy for Rhae, and you realized that there were two little bundles crying. The hours of labor were relatively harmless for Rhae, as the Maester claimed it was the easiest birth he had ever taken part of.

Rhae was even still conscious, and while exhausted, was holding Daemon's hand. His strained and crushed hand. "You are a bastard Daemon, but you have given so much joy." She said as you were allowed in.

You were still in shock watching part of the birth, even though it was not your first, mother was always trying to help those women in need, and was a miracle worker. Mostly due to all the people that were around and congratulating Lady Royce for the birth.

You were sitting down and smiled, happy at the scene. Then Daemon spoke. "Lucien… I'm naming you the godfather?"

That made you raise an eyebrow in confusion. Huh? He… You were just a child! You couldn't.- "If anything happens to me Lucien, I just want you to care for them, they are as much your family as they are mine."

Oh… Oh. You nodded. "Now, help me name them." He smiled.

The Two girls were spitting images of young Princesses of Targaryen. White Hair… pale skin… but brown eyes, and you could see wisps of red hair peeking through… dual hair color? Or was one winning over the other and they were not clean?

What do you name Daemon's Daughters:
[]Write in here (Two names please!)

Due to the events, You remain in Runestone for one more month (Extra turn):

You have 3 Training (For Skills only) Action:

And 3 Personal actions.

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon related skills are now available)

[]The Talk of Gods and Men?: He has seen you pray. It was something that he never seemed to do. But he watched you anyway. It was like he was curious to ask. But didn't have the courage to do so.

[]A Bar on the Road: Daemon wants to drink and there are many taverns that are on the road to your destination. So you stop by one.

[]The Tales of Lucien and Daemon: You are now a squire. That means you have adventures! Eventually. Now it was about cleaning armor. Grooming horses, and listening to Daemon praise himself.

[]Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk."

[]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.

[]The Daughters of Daemon: You never once tried to help them…but you did now, and felt something.

AN: Enjoy. And Plan format please!
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Sep 6, 2022 at 10:12 AM, finished with 191 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Feelings and Groundwork
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing Common
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing High Valyrian
    -[X]Train a Skill: Dragon Riding
    -[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.
    - [X] Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk."
    -[X]The Rune of Duty: Rhae wished for Daemon to be home for a little while. For what reason, you did not know, but you were there all the same.
    [X] Plan Heirs of Valyria
    -[X]Train a Skill: Dragon Riding
    -[X]Learn a Skill: High Valyrian
    -[X]Learn a Skill: Valyrian Gods' Mysteries
    -[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.
    -[X]The Talk of Gods and Men?: He has seen you pray. It was something that he never seemed to do. But he watched you anyway. It was like he was curious to ask. But didn't have the courage to do so.
    -[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.
    [X] Plan: To Mask Sorrow
    -[X] Learn a skill: Theatrics
    -[X] Train a skill: horseback riding
    -[X] Train a skill: literacy (Westerosi)
    -[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.
    -[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.
    -[X]The Rune of Duty: Rhae wished for Daemon to be home for a little while. For what reason, you did not know, but you were there all the same.
    [x] Plan: Literacy and Theatics
    -[X] Learn a skill: Theatrics
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing Common
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading and Writing High Valyrian
    -[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.
    -[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.
    - [X] Silent and Surface: Daemon looked at you, and merely said. "Silence to you is the same as breathing. But sometimes I wish you could talk."
    [x] Plan: Literacy and Theatics
    -[X] Learn a skill: Theatrics
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading Common
    - [x] Train a skill: Reading High Valyrian
    -[X]The Home that Is Where the Heart is: Daemon views you as a son. That is something you find a little uncomfortable, but... you aren't exactly against it.
    -[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently.
    -[X]The Rune of Duty: Rhae wished for Daemon to be home for a little while. For what reason, you did not know, but you were there all the same.
A New Adventure (Adventure Choice 2)
A New Adventure:

-[X] Baela
-[X] Rhaena

-[X] Train a skill: Dragon riding Rolled: D100 => 98+30=128

You ruled the Air. That was what it felt like when you and Grey Ghost flew. Cutting your way through the skies as you finally rode with confidence.

The Grey Ghost listened to your every command, be it silent or in your screams. It understood you.

He always has. And now, as you flew as one, it was impossible to say anything else.

You could ride. And that was more than enough.

Reward; You are now a Master Dragon rider. There is nothing left that daemon can teach you in this skill.
-[X] Train a skill: sword and shield Rolled:D100 => 89+30=119

But the sound of steel and shield was a sound that became a sound of comfort when you and Daemon fought.

You graduated to training with live steel, and it was as terrifying as it was exhilarating. You were fighting for your life, it felt like with it in your hand, and it made you focus on the mistakes that you made, and correct them. Even the ones that Daemon did not know about. It was incredible as well, how strict a taskmaster Daemon was.

He did not tolerate failure and corrected mistakes that needed to be corrected. It was… almost mystical seeing him proud of you, with his children taking up much of his time.

But you learned well. And learned to keep up with him.

Reward: Sword and Shield are now set to skilled.

-[X] Learn a skill: Theatrics Rolled:D100 => 25

Daemon always said that theatricality is a powerful agent… to be more in the mind of your opponent.

Yet he didn't even tell you how.

-[X]The Tales of Lucien and Daemon: You are now a squire. That means you have adventures! Eventually. Now it was about cleaning armor. Grooming horses, and listening to Daemon praise himself.Rolled: D100 => 28

Daemon just plopped you down, told you to clean his armor, and then went off to his wife and daughters.

When you finished, it was nightfall, and the Prince was asleep with his girls, reading.

Failure: You did your duty, nothing more.

-[X]That Moment of Weakness: Daemon wept, for he finally had what he wanted. Yet in the face of it all, he had nothing. You need to remind him differently. Rolled: D100 => 30

Daemon has been avoiding you. Almost as if he wanted to spend as much time with the two babies before he left.

And he was spoiling them with the attention. Like he was scared that he was going to lose them forever.


-[X]The Daughters of Daemon: You never once tried to help them…but you did now, and felt something. Rolled:D100 => 14

You left them with Dragon eggs that arrived by way of the young princess, who left as quick as she came. That would be enough.

Dragon hatching rolls:

Baela Egg 1:D100 => 75

Rhaena Egg 2:D100 => 70

And the two eggs hatched…

A Good omen.

Reward: The Eggs have hatched, though the dragons are small, and in need to grow. They have been born sickly, but they curl around their bondmates for warmth, which seems to help them.

Daemon thinks it was you who helped them hatch.

Special event Roll:D100 => 100

Daemon the Rogue Prince was now the Royal Emissary within the Kingdom.

Meaning, that he was being ordered to do what the Old King asked. Or be exiled.

He did not like that, but he did not have a choice.

Reward: Daemon is now a Royal emissary.

You have lost your 3 skill actions for a time.

Adventures in Westeros are far more prestigious, will now net traits, and occasionally raise skills on successful completion.

Where Shall you Go?:

[]Riverrun: There is news from the Tullys of Riverrun. A Group of Bandits, now large in number, calling themselves the Brothers of the Rivers, has taken over the Blue Fork, and they are now controlling all river traffic in the Trident's estuaries and branches of the rivers, stealing away vital income from many river lords. Grover Tully has asked for Dragonfire to deal with this rebellion.

[]Winterfell: The Starks have a problem as well that they need to deal with. Near White Harbor, they have claimed that slavers, poachers, and the likes had a battle. And the battle there was something that needed to be cleaned up. After all, who killed them?

[]Oldtown: According to the King, there is a method to make the Faith bow down and agree to the Targaryen way of thinking and his will. That means it involved dragons, some very choice words… And scaring the piss out of the High Septon, and either killing him or making him retire to the wall. Or as they say in the Faith: Taking the Black, to Never come back. There is a septon that The Old King wants on the Starry Sept, and that means, fun times ahead. That it screws over the Hightower, icing on the cake.

[]Casterly Rock: Lord Lannister has a tournament and he needs assistance in finding a dangerous knight. It seems one Eustace… Something or another, is the ringleader of the slaving outfit in the city, and he wants him dead.

AN: enjoy.
The Sons of Winter
The Sons of Winter:

Winterfell: The Starks have a problem as well that they need to deal with. Near White Harbor, they have claimed that slavers, poachers, and the likes had a battle. And the battle there was something that needed to be cleaned up. After all, who killed them?

White Harbor had snow, and it was spring. Such a thing was forign to you. You had known one winter, before you learned about Grey Ghost, and bonded with him. The White powder had dusted the mountain top, and the dragons themselves had sought to blow snow down the mountain with their breaths of fire. Causing snowfall and other events that buried homes and made getting to snow much easier for those like you to see it.

But here, it was not joyful, it was depressing, as if the whiteness was sucking the life away from the world, with Gray skies and sunless sights. It was without light, barely peeking through the clouds.

The North was a hard place, a cold place… and a dark place. Yet as you flew, it had life deep between the trees and the city. People carried on without trouble. They were not troubled by the snow.

And as you flew, you saw Daemon not worrying, not being frightened by the snows. If anything he was annoyed by it. And as he rested on his dragon, lazing about in his saddle, you realized how lucky he was.

He actually had a saddle, and you didn't. And it angered you.

When you reached the battlefield, Lord Stark and Manderly were waiting for you, along with a hundred plus men at arms.

It was insanity what you saw. A thousand corpses seemed strewing the field, hanging from the trees, far more than just a simple slaving operation, it was a bloody army.

As your dragons landed, the Northmen seemed uneasy. They all looked at each other, and some made bets as to what was going to happen. Daemon got off first. Then you did. Trudging through the light snow, you felt cold, yet Daemon looked undeterred, like he was warm, and fire burned within him.

"Lord Stark, Lord Manderly," Daemon said, as the two men gave light bows. "I'm glad you waited until our arrival before strewing through this-" Daemon seemed quiet as he surveyed. "We did not see much from above, but that is no surprise, the tree line covered much of the corpses."

There was a nod. "Prince Daemon, you are correct in that assumption, but you are also wrong. We have accounted for all the bodies. And they do not number more than 300."

"Then what about all the bodies in the trees?" Daemon asked. "We saw them."

Lord Stark nodded. "This place is where we hung many of the Deserters from MAegor's supporters, those that rebelled and went south. This is as far south as they came."

"Awfully well preserved for corpses this far south?" Daemon stated.

"It was a long winter." Lord Manderly stated, as Lord Stark looked at you.

"This is the silent one that follows you around?" Lord Stark asked as he looked at you.

Daemon stepped forward. "He is." He replied, anger in his tone, protective stance at the ready. "What does he mean to you?"

"Nothing yet." Stark replied. He seems curious. He seemed… You didn't know.

"What do we know?" Daemon asked.

"Slavers came from widows' watches, ravaging through the Countryside. Lord Bolton had gathered a host to meet them at my command, but he was unable to get through a summer blizzard that rolled through. But by the time that Lord Manderly gathered 50 knights of his house to slow them down… We found them like this?" Lord Stark stated.

Lord Manderly then spoke. "There are a few survivors, but they are asleep, and we fear they may not wake. Poison we think."

"Poison, like this was a mass suicide?" Daemon asked.

"We do not know, only poison we found was on the men who are still alive. The rest would need an autopsy. And Maester Ben is not finished with them yet." Lord Manderly replied.

So you had to wait for now. Wait and see what was happening.

What do you do?:

[]Be with Lord Stark and Manderly: You want to see what the Northman think of you. Or rather, what they want with you.

[]Be with Daemon: Daemon looked scared, like he was seeing something he did not wish to see. At all.

[]Explore the battlefield: You want to see what this battlefield holds. Perhaps there is some loot to be had.

[]Go to Grey Ghost: YOur Dragon seems strange, and antsy… like it wanted to leave, but wouldn't leave you.

[]Go Towards the Autopsy: You want to see what killed these people.

AN: Enjoy.
The Dragon of the North
The Dragon of the North:

Go to Grey Ghost: Your Dragon seems strange, and antsy… like it wanted to leave, but wouldn't leave you.

Your body tingled from the pressure and smoke that your dragon was releasing, it was melting the snow, and making things that were very… uncomfortable. But the Grey Ghost seemed agitated, almost like it was sensing something else that you did not see.

But you listened to your Dragon, as you walked forward, towards his neck, trying to look at what he was looking at.

The Dragon did nothing, and there was confusion coming from the Lord and Daemon himself. "What the blazes is that boy doing?" Lord Manderly asked as they all began to pick up the pace towards you.

Trust and Sight:D100 => 58 (Bare Success)

At that moment, you decided to take the chance. There was nothing else that you could do, save for trusting your Dragon. So you mounted, far before your elders could reach you and you flew.

Towards the East. and to a ruined tower.

The Ruin was a blasted place that had lost the battle with time, long had it been since people other than weary travelers stayed at this place, avoiding the ghosts and the ruins that could collapse at the moment, when the snows came.

But as Grey Ghost landed, you were alone, and you were scared just a little as you looked around. There was nothing here?

At least that you could see. You looked at the Grey Ghost, trying to look for what he saw. But you saw nothing.

Investigation Roll?:D100 => 5 (Failed to Detect Ambush, will suffer Roll Malus)

Then you heard it. The creaking of the stone, and the wood. There was someone here. Lots of people… Too many people for you to take alone. But you needed prisoners, and you needed to stay alive before Daemon could show up to rescue you.

So you hid beside Grey Ghost, who watched the tower.

"DRAGON!" One shouted as they appeared, all from the tower.

The Men's Armerments: D100 => 9

They were all unarmed save for one with a sword and a whip. These people were not soldiers from the slaving ring.

At least not all of them. These people were those that were enslaved, and the sole man alive trying to keep his profits intact.

That same man was now out, sword drawn, blade at the throat of a child. He spoke Valyrian. "Listen here Dragon, I'll give you meat if you leave." He did not seem to see that you were there, hiding behind your dragon. He then shoved the Boy to the ground. "Eat him!"

Grey Ghost tilted his head slightly, confused at the offering, and then blew a puff of smoke, a very hot one. He was stuffed to the belly with fish and deer.

There was only one threat, and that was not him. It was you.

You stepped forward, unarmed as you may be, but still in command of a Dragon. Grey Ghost understood and bowed his head slightly so that your dragon was directly behind you.

The sight was more than enough to make the slaves, no… prisoners weep tears of joy. "A Targaryen!" One shouted.

"Seven Save us, they have come to save us." Another spoke.

The Slaver was horrified, and then he laughed. "A Child comes to rescue these worms!"

He was terrified, but you were silent. That unnerving silence was something that seemed to have an effect on people.

This man did not see fear. He just saw a child and a Dragon. Standing before him. He thought for a long time about his chances.

The Thoughts?: D100 + 30 - 15 => 25 vs D100 + 40 => 128

In the man's eyes, filled with fear and determination, you thought you saw a man brave enough to do it, to charge you, to fight a dragon and try to kill it. There were many that had thought the same. One, according to legend, succeeded.

But the man caved. He saw that he had no leverage, no chance against a Dragon, or you.

He saw a fleeting moment, and he wasted it and cowered. "Don't kill me." He said, his sword thrown at your feet, and he curled up into a ball… waiting to die.

You took the blade and waited.

It wouldn't be long now.

White Harbor was warm, and ships were ready to sail. "We do not have much time." Lord Stark Stated as he looked at the map. "They are only two leagues south of White Harbor, waiting for a signal that will be given tonight." He stated. "We will lay a trap, capture or destroy these vessels, and save those that we can."

"We cannot use dragons here Prince Daemon, it is far too much of a risk to my subjects. And even with the intimidation factor, we cannot have these ships sink or sail away." Lord Manderly stated.

"We can use them to destroy the rigging and the sails." Daemon replied. "Not everything that dragons do requires fire."

"That may be, but we must find the correct ships. So until that time… you remain on the ship." Lord Stark stated.

"Are we agreed?" Daemon asked. There was a silent nod. "Good.

Who do you Sail with?:

[]Lord Stark: He finally got the chance to speak to you. "You are silent, yes? But that does not mean you are deaf."

[]Lord Manderly: He wishes to see what you can do now, on the waves of the North.

[]Daemon: You will be by his side.

[]Take command: You are a son of the sea, and while you cannot know the waves.

AN: Enjoy.
The Pact Of Ice and Fire
The Pact Of Ice and Fire:

"You can listen to me? Can't you?" The ship's Rocking almost made you miss the question, as you looked to Lord Rickon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North. The man was tall, almost a giant to you, with black hair and gray eyes, that were like Winter itself, the man cut an intimidating figure.

Unlike Daemon, or other men in the south, that showed their strength openly with opulent displays of power… Lord Stark's strength seemed far more collected and calm, managed and controlled. Hidden under a banner, a veneer of tranquility… of Dare you say more primal. Like staring into a storm that one could never escape.

You nodded, understanding the blunt, curt words of Lord Stark. He then looked at you, sizing you up. "You are a foolish southern flower boy that only has an inkling of understanding of the world around him, relying on luck and others to survive, rather than your own strength."

You raised an eyebrow, not understanding what the Lord meant. "You have never killed before, and you only survived a Dragon taming due to sheer dumb luck." He then sighed, as if he was getting ahead of himself. "You are not someone the lords can control, nor can they hope to control you, for you act on your own, or that of your family. I'd dare say a more dangerous force that any can find?"

You still did not understand, but you knew Lord Stark was not happy. "They are right to fear you?"

Fear you? You were not powerful, hells, you didn't even have any power beyond a Dragon. What does he mean by that?

"You don't seem to understand the power you wield, don't you? You're a child, of course, you do not understand, but I will still speak to you like you can understand me so that when the time comes, to make your own decisions, you will do so with the wisdom that few your age has." He leaned forward and looked into your eyes

"You are a threat to the Targaryens. You may be a bastard, but they are not your family, not like your mother and father. You are not connected to them in any way, save for your mother, who is dead and cremated, and that Rogue that sees you as a son." He stated. "You see, you have a claim, that many would seek to use as a way to destroy Royal power, to return the Seven Kingdoms back to the time before the Dragons. Perhaps a little more controlled, and with a grander prize… but a time before nonetheless. You are the greatest piece ever to exist to meet that end."

He paused as he saw everything starting to make some semblance of sense. "You may not know it yet, but you hold the fate of Westeros in your hand."

So much fear was in your heart.

Speak:D100 => 76

"Then what am I to you?" You asked, your voice causing Lord Stark to look surprised. He did not expect you to speak at all. You had him at a disadvantage now. He was now wondering what else you may have said.

"I don't know yet." There was truth in the Lord's Voice. And now you changed the Calculus of this entire relationship. "But the North would be keen to be of support."

You raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"Something is coming, something horrible. And I only hope that you are on the North's side when it comes." Lord Stark replied.

You nodded.

Situation: D100 => 1

"There they are!" There was shouting as seven Ships started coming towards you. Flying Myr and Tyroshi colors.

Where the Hell was Daemon and the rest of the Manderly Ships? Grey Ghost wasn't anywhere near here so you could not rely on his help.

Coming right towards your ship.

And with the wind, you were dead in the water. You needed to fight.

What do you do?:

[]Take Command of the Ship: This Captian was a fucking idiot, and you needed to save everyone before he got you all killed. He did not know how to sail against Pirates from Essos. Your father taught you how!

[]Prepare to Repel Boarders: Grab a Sword and Shield, and now is the time to fight on the deck.

[]Try to Flee: There was a southerly, perhaps that could get you away, but the Open water might be dangerous and you would have to ride it all the way to the Three Sisters. Hopefully, that could at least buy you time.

AN: Enjoy.

Yes, Lucien has talked a whole Sentence, but he used it to that advantage. Perhaps it is the start of his healing?
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