And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

But think of the possibilities.....
I am not in the mood for a godhood quest. Even if we really deserve it.

And because at this point we're a mortal person with an army facing off against crazy monsters.
If we have to fight against the goddammed Vandal Savage and Ra's Al Ghul we are not OP at all,
... Daemon would like to have a word with you.

Also I just remembered we have legendary dragon riding...

So.. fun times ahead.
Crossing the fingers that Ra accidentaly trips on a random stone and has a heart attack somewhere.
[X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Nov 7, 2022 at 12:26 AM, finished with 103 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"
    [X]The Three Daughters of Dorne: The Daughters of the Desert were tending for you, though with half-hearted wonders, afraid that you would awaken. But as you did, they backed away, fearful. All three were wearing, at least to your knowledge… Chastity belts. Very painful ones.
    [X]The Shadows daughter: It took everything you had to come to, and push her away as she began to strip you. "Dammit, the dosage was too small." She then huffed as she smirked at you. You were in chains, but you could still move to protect yourself. "Oh well, I need a little fun."
The Masters of the World 3
The Masters of the World 3:
The Shadow: He chuckled as you stirred awake. You were unbound, and with a sword and shield nearby. "Come now, Prince… Show me what you are as a warrior?"

You stirred, feeling the cold sands below you, the grains causing you to cough as you saw the flames burning above you. You could see the cage that was above you, with high wooden walls and high metal bars that were above you.

As you moved, pushing your body up, you could hear the Shadow clap from above, and look at you with clear glee in his eyes. "Well Prince, surviving is always the first most brutal step in how the world will change."

You coughed as you glared at him. "The bloody hell you want?" You demanded as you looked at the blade and shield that were resting in the middle of the arena. The blade was sharp and the shield was Ironwood… Forester ironwood shields were the greatest in the world, even the Braavosi wished to have the great ironwood for their ships. But they would never get enough, not with the prices that the Foresters charged for wood, as they were always greedily holding their secrets and ironwood seeds.

The man nodded as he continued laughing. "Isn't it obvious, prince? I wish to see you as a warrior before I see how you truly are as a man."

Then you saw… no felt the shadows move, and you rolled, dodging a blade that nearly took your head off, the dagger sailing over your head as you rolled.

The shield straps slide onto your arm and you twirled the blade in your hand as you made sure it was strapped tight.

There were four shadows that were in this place with you, and you could not see them.

Yet even without sight, you could only focus on your other senses.

Three on one: D100 + 100 => 189 vs D100 + 50 => 77

You could hear their footsteps, and their gliding steps across the sand.

The first tried to strike you're exposed left, but you countered, your acrobatic movement and shield block caught the first shadow's arm, allowing you to control their movements. You could see the eyes through the darkness. Eyes that were without pain, fear, or even surprise. Just a wish for death.

For you, and all they saw.

But then you moved the shadow around, throwing the shadow towards the other, the body sailing through the air with strength and force of your effort.

Then the shadows were only one, as they were staggered and surprised by your display of cunning and brutality.

It was like carving a cake. The shadow, try as she might attack you, to break through your weaknesses and your defenses, and give you a cut to destroy you.

But instead, you only used her strikes against you.

The first hit your shield. Then there was a moment of stunned… everything.

You then took a moment to strike, not even allowing her to recover.

And you removed her head with a strike of your sword, like you were, indeed cutting through cake.
The Grey Ghost stirred, feeling his rider in danger. Yet he could not be there now. He was too far away.
You then faced the shadows.
So he only did the one thing he could do, in a world that was soon losing its power.
And you could see fear.
He did the one thing any creature would do.
Sense it…
It remembered the power of the past.
Smell it.
And roared. And let it out.
Then you felt everything light up, as brazers and torches illuminated the room. And you saw the great Shadow smile, as he sat. "My Prince, without even a single drop of blood. Quite a shame."
Yet it was too late
He then took a moment to nod to his assassins, and then you felt a tiny prick. A poke… from a needle.

A single drop of your blood went down your cheek. "You may wonder what it is I wish to see from this, the stinking, shithole of a city, decadent and broken from centuries…" he paused as the needle returned to his hand, thrown from behind. "You see, in the ancient times, when the Ghiscari still had their slave empires, they built hundreds of thousands of catacombs. And tunnels to put their dead in." He then twirled it around, the single drop not even moving as he did so, with such precision, that it made you feel nauseous and afraid. "King's blood… magic blood. Many names for the same thing. Properties that can do wonders for the world. You see Prince, you are a very important piece in a puzzle that you will never understand. You may think that Dragons make you powerful, and they are powerful beasts…"

He then tossed the needle down. "But you will never know just how powerful you are."

The entire world began to rumble, as he laughed. "The Dead remember. They have long memories." He then stepped into the shadows. "Astapor, as we planned, will fall, and that will serve our purposes."

"What the hell are you!" You demanded.

"Well Prince, if you must know… We are the ones who remember what the Targaryens did to us. What they did to Valyria. And our place in the world. We Remember. Even when you do not." He said as he seemingly vanished into the shadows. "But fear not. You will serve a worthy cause, in life, and in death."

Your hand touches your cheek, and you put your blood on your sword.
Remember something… Your blood is the blood of the Dragon.
And your blade caught fire.

And you began to run.
D100 + 100 => 197
(This is a good thing)
The Surface was pandemonium. As you looked around you could see the dead rise among the living, the slaves that were killed… and those that tried to fight back were cut down.

What do you do?:

[]Find Maegor and Edwyle: You need to find your companions, quickly, before the city is engulfed in whatever the hell is going on here.

[]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

[]Call the Dragons: It would be quite a moment, but you breathed in and began to sing.
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[X]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.


"Well Prince, if you must know… We are the ones who remember what the Targaryens did to us. What they did to Valyria. And our place in the world. We Remember. Even when you do not." He said as he seemingly vanished into the shadows. "But fear not. You will serve a worthy cause, in life, and in death."
This is bad, long dead grudges from old Ghiscari who lost the wars with the freehold now want to kill the last dragon riders standing. But as the city burns in what I assume to be a slave revolt we do need to grab the Princess's, our companions and dragons will last a little while longer without us I think.

After this we should really consider what actions we can take against any League of Assassins shenanigans as while I do not respect Ra's Al Ghul's attempts at influencing global events I do recognize that a truly ancient immortal is a dangerous thing, especially if it has a particular grudge held over the last 5000 years at least. The legacy of the Ghiscari wars haunt us to this day it seems.
I mean, Lucien has trained to be one of the biggest badasses on this side of the world. Of course, he's pretty good.
This is bad, long dead grudges from old Ghiscari who lost the wars with the freehold now want to kill the last dragon riders standing. But as the city burns in what I assume to be a slave revolt we do need to grab the Princess's, our companions and dragons will last a little while longer without us I think.
Um... No Actually.

Ra's isn't actually a Ghiscari, or someone who wishes to see the Valyrians punished for their crimes here.

Actually, it's far more complicated.

Like: Comic book continuity cluster fuck levels of complicated.
After this we should really consider what actions we can take against any League of Assassins shenanigans as while I do not respect Ra's Al Ghul's attempts at influencing global events I do recognize that a truly ancient immortal is a dangerous thing, especially if it has a particular grudge held over the last 5000 years at least. The legacy of the Ghiscari wars haunt us to this day it seems.
Wwll, good news, and bad news:

Good news is, they have what they want and may fuck with us a little bit more so we can get payback.

The bad news is, they got what they want, and that means Ra's has got time to soak in an immortality bath.
Great post by the way Magoose, love your writing as always.
Thank you.
Um... No Actually.

Ra's isn't actually a Ghiscari, or someone who wishes to see the Valyrians punished for their crimes here.

Actually, it's far more complicated.

Like: Comic book continuity cluster fuck levels of complicated.
Fuck, like 4 fucks maybe?
Wwll, good news, and bad news:

Good news is, they have what they want and may fuck with us a little bit more so we can get payback.

The bad news is, they got what they want, and that means Ra's has got time to soak in an immortality bath.
2 fucks and an Unfuck.

I don't like these numbers lads, we need more unfucks. We should probably get the princess's and then the dragons I think, Maegor and Frey should be fine... I think.
Please tell me this wasn't all about the Lazarus pit needed our blood to be activated, recharged or something similarly ridiculous.
Please tell me this wasn't all about the Lazarus pit needed our blood to be activated, recharged or something similarly ridiculous.
I would be lying if I said no.

But it was more of a bonus thing getting our blood for his purposes.

Turns out Ra's Really needs the slave markets of Essos to collapse... for some reason, for his plans. And we just happened to be in the neighborhood, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
[X]Call the Dragons: It would be quite a moment, but you breathed in and began to sing.

Either that or find our friends. The martells can come later. We still hate them.

I believe the best, IC, is to call the dragons and use their fire to deal with the deads and clear path when we look for our friend. Then we can bother with the princesses...
[]Call the Dragons: It would be quite a moment, but you breathed in and began to sing.

Same opnion as above either get our friends or the Dragons first.

After this trip Daemon will forever think that the Martells are cursed.

Edit: I think it's better to call the Dragons since it may take a while for them to arrive.
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Either that or find our friends. The martells can come later. We still hate them.
Do we? Lucien hasn't really shown hatred for the Martells in General so far the way @Magoose wrote him, just for the ones who personally hurt him and his Family.

Not for three Girls who had nothing to do with the crimes committed against our Family, are in no way to blame for our current misfortune and who already have suffered enough in Slavery.

Fuck this 'Sins of your Father' Attitude.

As for the Update: GREAT Job, Guys! *slow clap* In your desire to show off instead of focusing on what we came here for, you gave the immortal Asshole who wants us dead everything he wanted. Well done! *sarcasm*

[X]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

We came to this blasted city for one bloody reason. Let's at least make sure we fulfill that reason so this whole Adventure wasn't an entirely pointless waste of time and way to make our Enemies stronger.
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you gave the immortal Asshole who wants us dead everything he wanted. Well done! *sarcasm*
If Ra wanted Lucien dead he would be dead, a single drop of blood is easier to get while people are unconscious and killing them even more so. And he could used Maegor blood too, now we have a weapon to beat the massive number of ghosts that would have awakened even if we didn't pick the Ra option, instead we would be stuck with no weapon and three defenceless girls who cant even run against a horde of ghosts.
If Ra wanted Lucien dead he would be dead
Well, he doesn't want us dead right NOW, then. He still got everything he wanted.

And he could used Maegor blood too
We don't know that. Unless @Magoose confirms otherwise, maybe the other Options would've resulted in him not getting any King's Blood.

now we have a weapon to beat the massive number of ghosts
Who, again, might never have risen up had we chosen another Option. I'll give you that at least we have a weapon now.

Also, I stand by my vote. This whole Adventure was a completely pointless waste of time that only benefitted our Enemies unless we get the Martell Girls, so let's focus on that.
We don't know that. Unless @Magoose confirms otherwise, maybe the other Options would've resulted in him not getting any King's Blood.

Remember that Melisandre in cannon wanted to use Edric Storm as sacrifice because of the King Blood, even if Maegor doesnt have legitmancy Aka Targ name, his blood can still have use.

Plus both Lucien and Maegor have grandfather who were Kings, so both same degree of King blood in there.
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Ok, our mission is still to recover the princesses, so let's do it ASAP.

[X]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

Our companions can take care of themselves, Edwyle has his guile and Maegor is a murder blender, and let's avoid burning the city while our companions and objetive are still there
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Remember that Melisandre in cannon wanted to use Edric Storm as sacrifice because of the King Blood, even if Maegor doesnt have legitmancy Aka Targ name, his blood can still have use.

Plus both Lucien and Maegor have grandfather who were Kings, so both same degree of King blood in there.
Oh, I know he COULD'VE done it, but my point is that he MIGHT NOT have with another choice.

Though, granted, we'll probably never know that for sure. Still doesn't change the fact that, with the choice we took, it was apparently guaranteed.
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In one hand I want to call Grey Ghost so we can look for everyone in the sky plus the dragons acting as a beacon of Here is Lucien.

In other hand the girl cant run so they might be close and the Duo might be looking for them if they managed the undead metropoles so chance to encounter everyone...

[X]Find the Princesses: You need to get the girls or this entire journey would be for naught.

Last time I change my vote hopefully.