And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

Brothers, From Blood and Friendship
Brothers, From Blood and Friendship:

It seems your reports were wrong, as you saw the Ailing Lord Rickon Stark with his young hell-raiser, who was trying his best to look at the three brothers, and you with wondrous, and even fearless eyes.

He coughed, wheezing as he smiled at the event, before he sighed, taking a moment to breathe in and out. "Wonderful, that of our family, isn't it?" He said as he sat, drinking some water, that you were sure he was not used to. "My son has decided to run around to explore, instead of being with his father."

You frowned. "Reminds me of my brothers, back when they were young. Though, that was before they had the responsibility of dragon rearing thrust upon them." You smiled as you saw the three dragons land near the roof, and you knew there were three boys running down to greet you. "They are finally big enough to ride." You stated.

"I will not marvel at those creatures." He replied with a frown. "that is not why I am here."

It was rare for anyone, even Northmen, and especially Starks, to not marvel at the sight of Dragons. But Rickon Stark, weak and dying, was not most men. He was driven by a series of power that you could not understand, as you were not old, or needing legacy. "Then what is it?" You asked, feeling curious.

Rickon Stark took a long breath. "I have a long-held belief that honor is what allows us to be civilized, but we must always be prepared to defend our own. Given the tools that allow us to defeat what is to come." He then leaned forward. "You have heard about your Kinsmen, Daemon?"

"What has he done this time?" You asked, seriousness in your tone as you listened.

"That is why I am warning you. We know nothing of his whereabouts. He has simply disappeared off the face of the Planet." He stated. "I only know that he was last sighted flying over the Great Grass Sea, looking for the Great Hoard of Khal Albo."

"To destroy it?" You asked.

"To join him." He replied. "All we have is rumor and speculation, but those same rumors have him driving the Horde East, towards Yi-TI, as he made allies with the Great Fathers of the Bone Mountian…" The Pause he made chilled your blood. "And he has also courted and broke bread with Ra's Al Ghul."

"What!" You stood. "I refuse to believe that he would court with that-"

Rickon raised a hand to stop your outburst and anger. "Rumors and words are like the wind. We can never know, nor can we understand why it changes."

"Daemon is my-" You started, trying to defend him.

Instead, you found yourself thinking. And then toward Daemon's anger before he left. "Why?"

"I do not know why Daemon has done such a thing, nor do I care to understand. He is your kinsmen, and what he does has little to do with mine." Rickon replied.

"You are a bannermen of King-" You protested.

"To Viserys. Not to Daemon." Rickon replied as he leaned back in his chair. "You would be wise to remember that as well."

A breath exhaled and you turned to see your brothers walking in, with young Cregan, as well as a Blade. "What is this?" You asked.

"The Blade we found deep in the pools of the Godswood, a blade that has been dated from before the Fall of Valyria. Its origin is unknown to us, but our Maester had a theory."

"It was the Emperor's blade when he was on a tour and visited Winterfell!" Cregan exclaimed as he sat on his father's lap, decorum gone. You saw his surprise, but he also nodded and ruffled his son's hair. Accepting the position you nodded, and your brothers.

"Valyria never had an Emperor, and the only one who claimed that died in the Doom." You replied.

"That may have been a mistranslation of old court texts," Rickon stated. "But I think we've talked enough." He stood and held his son. "We will talk about transferring its ownership to you. Legally of course."

"You're giving me the blade?" You asked.

"I owe you my life for stopping those slavers." He replied with a nod. "A Valyrian Steel sword is not worth me not being with my family." Your brothers then stood and shimmied, as the door was shut and Lord Stark and his son were escorted to their quarters.

The three of them then gathered around the table, and took their respective seats, Viserys kicked up his feat and balanced in his chair, Jaheryes sat down respectfully, and Aegon didn't sit on a chair like a civilized person, he instead sat on the table, looking at you, board and unattentive.

"So, how do you like Lord Stark and the duties of responsibility?" You asked.

"Pirates are easy to govern, you just need to have a dragon and their respect." Viserys replied with a smile, as he started to pick under his nails, to clean out the dragon scales that got under them.

Well at least the Pirate Lord's were happy. Or tamed. Really you were so focused and occupied with the latest issues of this castle that you didn't pay much attention to your vassals. "Are they happy with the current state of affairs?"

"Happy enough." Jaeheryes replied as he spat out the window. "They complain, but we remind them that we are working with the Letters, and Father is not here, and we don't want them to do something stupid like starting a war."

You nodded. "Well enough. Have you all given thought about marriage?" You asked.

That made Aegon shake his head. "No."

"Father might want you to wed to give him more grandchildren." You stated.

"When mother comes back then we will worry about grandchildren for her." Viserys supplanted, as he then stood up and stretched.

You realized that they were… not nearly as overwhelmed with responsibility as you thought they were. "Is something wrong?" You asked.

Jaeheryes nodded. "Do you care for us?" His question was biting and forceful as he stood. "Because we trust you more than any other… Yet you never spend time with us… never care for us."

You frowned. "I have my own responsibilities. It is not like I refuse to care for you."

"Yes wives and children," Aegon muttered. "But we are your brothers. And yet you do nothing?"

You then pulled out a knife. "Then let us change that."

You cut open your hand. "We promise here, that we love each other, in the old ways."

There was a moment of hesitation before Viserys grabbed the knife… and the other two followed. You held your hands together.

You reminded, in silence, that you were all together. For all time.


Gain the Valyrian Steel Sword: Twilight: A Great and old Blade of Old Valyria, forged centuries before the doom, and lost by its owner when the Starks were Still King's of the North. Forged by the ancient magics of Valyria… it now serves you (+30 to combat rolls)

Your Brothers now feel better that you are taking their loneliness and helping out, and you are impressed that they are decent administrators.

And can control the pirates.
The Sunstone Rumor Mill 2:
The Sunstone Rumor Mill 2:

The Stepstones:D100 + 50 => 147

The Stepstones, the trade lanes of the East, the great divider of West and East, even more than the Narrow Sea. There is nothing more important and impressive than the great islands now under the control of Westeros nobility. Piracy is those that are not under the auspice of the Crown, or Lucien Himself, is forbidden, even as many ships under his command are merely commandeered pirate ships, under his father's authority as the Pirate king.

It was nothing short of complete control, at all ports of call in the stepstone, even the ones that only had a dock and a guard to tax, measure, and make sure there are not any smugglers. After all, all knew that pirates protecting the trade lanes could easily be turned to banditry on the high seas.

Nothing could be certain, only that the young Prince of the Stepstones was fucking his wives, and that his family grew by the day.

And even greater Rumors of sexual deviancy, as some even say that he fucks his wives in the Volcano itself, to give them the power of dragons, to breed healthy children.

But on the Stepstones Proper, the Dragonseeds and the Valyrian Faithful have indeed propagated and settled well into their new homes. The Summer storms provided ample opportunity for the Stormsingers to practice taming the great power.

All and all, it is the newest kingdom in Westeros if only in name, as it has only called itself a principality. But it is rich, money flows into the coffers of all the lords.

Reward: The Stepstone cements itself as a power within the Westerosi Hierarchy, with the newly developed trade lanes making it wealthy and powerful.

The Dragonseeds and the Valyrians practice their faith without fear. For the first time in centuries.

The East of Essos seeth in hatred, and in fear. The Dragons, in their eyes, have returned to claim them all.

Rhaenyra:D100 => 69

She had kept her promise. Your hands were bound on your own throne as you kissed her. "I always keep my promises." She whispered as she nibbled your ear.

"Are you not afraid of-" You asked, remembering the same fear you remember on her face when Aemma died.

She placed a finger on your lips. "It's you. I trust you with all my heart, and you would never hurt me. Now hurry up and make me with a child already Lucien. Your Princess Demands it!"

And you did as your princess commanded.

Reward: Rhaenyra is now Pregnant again.

Aeron:D100 => 93
Trait Roll:D20 => 20

The boy was going to be just like you, you suspect. Tall, ethereal… and needing to keep away from the mothers at court. They are pinching his cheeks too much, they are becoming red.

Reward: Aeron now has the trait Ethereal…

You think that the boy might grow up to be a fop if you do not mentor him with his responsibilities.

Alicent:D100 => 87

She relaxed in her chair as you arrived, looking at the finished stack of paperwork she finished with. "More accounting?" You asked.

"The only thing that this place needs is storage space for all the ledgers we will be going through." She complained as she stretched herself out on the chair, before standing up. "I heard you and Rhaenyra going at it in the Throne room. Did you really have to make such a mess in it?"

You frowned. "I wasn't going to refuse her." You then paused. "Did you want to join?"

Alicent shook her head. "As much as sex is relaxing, Rhaenyra wanted to have another child, and I do not right now, dearest Husband. I want to be able to not have to work for most of the day to make sure this keep does not fall into disarray."

You frowned. "Alicent, I-"

"Do not blame yourself for the work I put myself through, it is unbecoming of you." She replied as she looked at her dress. "I need a new dress, something more breathable. And suited for this warmer climate." She said as she began to unlace her dress. She struggled for a brief moment before she barked. "Lucien."

You rolled your eyes and walked over to her, and unlaced her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. Alicent had finally lost much of the pregnancy fat she had, but she still looked pudgy. Her underdress was something you had warned her not to wear when it was not winter, but she did it anyway, and it was drenched in sweat.

"The Laundry is not going to be like having to clean two dresses every day whenever you finish." You said. "And you say you want efficiency?"

"And you say you want to have an iron grip over the blasted islands and strike fear into the East so that they may never come at us again?" She then smiled as she sat down, fanning herself with her hand, and then a few loose papers. "This place is too bloody hot."

"We could always find a place to cool off?" You asked a cheeky grin arising from your face.

Alicent then threw the papers at you, though you were aware enough to catch them. "One daughter in the midst of being a terror is enough." She paused.

Everything became quiet. "I'm afraid of trying again."

You walked over to her and embraced her. "I will never put you in that position where you feel like you need to do something like that."

There were tears in her eyes. "Promise me, Lucien?" She asked.

"I promise."

Reward: You and Alicent have a nice heart-to-heart and a relationship of trust. She is a great administrator of the Castle and the Sunstone itself.

Alicent does not want to have another child until she is ready.

You will honor her wishes.

Daenys:D100 => 100
Trait Roll 1:D20 => 20
Trait Roll 2:D20 => 6

You think you have the Second Coming to the Realms Delight. If only because she is a greater beauty than her mother…

And ever since she could talk, she speaks well.

Reward: Daenys gains the Traits: Ethereal, and Gregarious.
Laena:D100 => 81

The Adventurous dragon rider was someone who was a bit of an enigma, but you knew one thing. She was more interested in riding her dragon than helping around the castle with responsibilities as Rhaenrya and Alicent do.

She never really seemed to care about governing. Or being anything other than free-spirited.

As you walked forward, you looked at Vhaegar, who was snoring away on the slope, and Laena was waiting. And as you walked in, you had a desk, a portable one, with ink and quills.

She was not happy about you with those tools. "What are you doing here Lucien?" She asked as Vhaegars eye opened to look at you, sensing that Laena was surprised.

"Finding a use for you." YOu said quietly. "Because you do not work to maintain the keep like Rhaenyra and Alicent, nor do you seem interested in doing anything more than ride your dragon, you are going to do something useful."

You set down the desk in a place where it would be comfortable for her to take and put on the dragon. "What do you mean, there-"

"Laena, you are not a child anymore." You stated. "You are a woman grown, and that does not mean you can ride your bloody dragon and avoid responsibility like the rest of us have. Unless you want me to treat you as a child because if that is the case, I shall."

Laena then froze. "You are my wife, I have sworn to protect you under the eyes of gods and men, but that also does not mean you are free to do as you wish. I am ruling over islands that could at any moment, be attacked by pirates, by hostile states to the East, or men of the West who seek to oust this new home of the Dragons."

You leaned forward, your teeth gritted. "I have a responsibility to my oaths, my people, and my family. Laena, I need your help, but if you do not, I will exercise my authority as your Prince and Lord, and I do not want to do that unless you give me no choice."

Laena gave a glare. "I have Vhaegar, the greatest dragon in the world."

You then hummed, and the Dragon looked at you, with a curious gaze. "Do you?"

She was quiet for a moment before she shook her head, recognizing the threat. "What do you need me to do?"

"Take these and go to Port Tabasco. Lord Tabasco is in need of a show of force, and Vhaegar should be enough."

Laena did not enjoy the task… but it seems that her infatuation with you only goes so far, and she realizes that this relationship you both have is a partnership of equals, instead of her just taking and taking, enjoying the freedom.

Dare you say, her love for you is not love, but respect.

Maester Vaegon: D100 => 1
Survival Roll:D100 => 92

Vaegon only smiled. "Savage, though a Glass Candle?"

"I did not think you would have one in your possession." He stated. "Keeping tabs on me?"

"The only way I know how. Shame about the whole network thing, really wanted to see where it could go."

"Your Maesters are against the very nature of this world. Continue with it, and it will bring ruin."

"Only fools believe that things we can't control are against the nature of the world. Have you tried reading any science texts? Naturalist texts from the East. They can understand the world just as well as magic."

"Yet you use Valyrian sorcery to raise a new keep, a new generation of heroes to stop me."

"The young are never ready for the task of heroism. That is what makes it heroic."

Savage tried to lunge, but Vaegon smirked as the hand vanished from the candle.

"So… predictable."

Reward: Vaegon is keeping tabs on Savage… only to not be able to. At least he survived.

Lord Davion Tabasco:D100 => 92

Lord Tabasco, true to his name, controls all the shipments of Tabasco and spices going through the Stepstones, thanks to his shrewd negotiations with Spice-producing princes.

He has made a fortune.

Reward: Your First great Lord has made a killing in the Spice Trade.

Lord Westerling:D100 => 70

Lord Westerling for his part, being the other foreigner to the Valyrian faithful, was gaining friends with the new Knights of the Islands, the steadfast sailors, and the Westerman who stayed behind.

He is growing quite a corp of loyal men at arms. And he knows who he is loyal to, thanks to you.

Reward: Lord Westerling has become quite a soldier, training men all over the islands.

Lord Gawayne Hightower:D100 => 85

Gawayne Hightower was surprised to see his father and Brother arrive in his new hold. "Father?"

Otto Hightower, former hand of the King, and now, just a knight of the Seven Kingdoms… smiled. "Yes."

Reward: Otto Hightower has arrived on the Stepstones.

The Breatharian Court:D100 => 87

With the King gone, the Court goes back to business as usual, now with just a safer port of call. In all the Stepstones.

Reward: The Pirates are good.

Jaeherys:D100 => 56

Aegon:D100 => 43

Viserys:D100 => 51

And the Three Brothers patrol the skies of the Stepsones, trying their best to strike fear into any ship that may be there to make things worse.

Reward: The Brothers are happy.

AN: enjoy.
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As the World Knows Peace)
The Targaryen Rumor Mill (As the World Knows Peace):

King Viserys:D100 - 20 => 16

Viserys could only watch his most loyal councilor walk away.

To stew in the mistakes that he had made, in regard to what he needed to do, as king. He had an heir, now he had to remarry for the realm.

Yet he was weak, some would call this match. He looked towards the woman he would soon wed and asked. "Selina, shall we make things official?"

She smiled. "Of course."

Reward: It could be worse, but Viserys has married a young socialite from King's Landing, one of the richest merchants in town, Lady Selina.
Prince Baelon:D100 => 50

Baelon grew older, and he realized something that should frighten all.

He had power.

Reward: Baelon begins to learn about his power, and it's limits… there are no limits.

Corlys the Sea Snake:D100 => 47
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen:D100 => 75
Lord Laenor Velaryon:D100 => 66

"We were lucky to find a match as good as we did." Corlys stated to his wife, as she sat down to continue their conversation. "Laenor may not like her, but they will tolerate each other's tendencies."

"Lady Cox is not happy with the fact he has not laid with her since their wedding night." She replied, and there was also something that is becoming strange and wishful in the thinking.

A grandchild from their heir.

"He will do his duty." Corlys stated.

Reward: Laenor has married a Cox of Saltpans, and they Valyreons are wishing for grandchildren.

Baela:D100 => 55

Rhaena:D100 => 57

The Two twins spent a significant amount of gold trying to get news of their father.

The only news they had, was no news.

And that was not something they wished. But they had heard something from Valaar himself.

He was near Yi-Ti with Free Boaters.

And a message for the Emperor himself.

Reward: They did not find their father, but they did find Valaar.

Aegor Rivers:D100 => 100
Maelor:D100 => 96
Maegor: D100 => 89

Maegor Blackfyre Married this year, and he married one of the great houses of the Riverlands, Lady Bethany Malister of Seaguard. He now serves as one of his good father's chief enforcers… Though there is a rumor that he plans to rally the men to his side, go towards Harrenhall, and assist Lord Larys with a great plot that no one knows.

Maelor Blackfyre has done something unexpected, going west to the Iron Born, and offering to wed Lord Harrlows young daughter, who is still five years his senior and a woman grown, but the Ironborn could only smile and accept that a Dragonrider was coming to them willingly, and learn their ways.

Meanwhile, Aegor Blackfyre, the eldest brother of the clan, has done something incredible, and even King Viserys could not refuse.

He took command of the Dornish host with his Dragon, promising fortune and glory to the mercenaries, and took all three Martell girls as his wives, at sword point. There is a rumor that he went to the Daynes and offered them peace, and told them if he wanted peace, he would surrender.

The Uller's, who did not surrender, could only watch as the great bladesman and dragon ridder, slowly took the castle with his dragon, taking the women as prisoners and the men…

They became headless or fed his dragon.

Reward: The Blackfyres have… become extremely politically powerful in less than a year, using guile, their enemy's weaknesses, or their kindness.

Aegor has forcibly married all the Martell girls, in the Valyrian tradition, though he has only bedded two of them, as the youngest is only a small child.
The Terrors of the East: A Rumor Mill
The Terrors of the East: A Rumor Mill.

Daemon (Personal):D100 => 1
D100 => 69

Daemon was tired, not because his strength was failing him, but because he lacked the strength to choose. All he could feel was a sense of loneliness that he had failed to sate with his daring adventures, violence, and bloodlust. Traveling with a great horde, smashing their way through the Bone mountains, even reaching the Great Walls of Yi Ti… He felt nothing but a sense of shame.

He was putting himself deeper and running away from the problems, messes, and excuses he made. Every time he said he would stop, send a Raven, or send something, anything… He would find himself stopping, and filling himself with words of shame.

He was the Rouge Prince. The violent one, the monster, the dangerous one, a man both evil and good, battling their way through his heart, with no signs of stopping, no signs of either reaching victory.

This constant battle between the two halves of his heart found themselves manifest, either through his own doing, or by Fate itself, through the daughters of his new Ally, Ra's Al Ghul, the man, who only years ago, was his greatest foe, and most devious enemy.

His eldest daughter, Nyssa, came to him first, with a simple and elegant choice, one that looked good at first, when he still believed he had a chance… he could leave.

Walk away from his choices, go home to Viserys, and be with him again. Be with his family, with his daughters… with the man he called a son.

She only spoke to him in private, with only Caeraxs watching, or when you were alone. She spoke to you like Rhae used to do, telling you the truth, with great words of great heart. When you took her to bed with you, it was only once, when she offered. She made you feel something you had not felt in a long time. Hope.

But then her sister, Talia came in one night and made you wonder if Ras was trying to get something from you. Playing with your emotions. Trying to make you see red, before it was taken away.

Getting you someplace else to kill you. Murder you and steal your Dragon away from you. To hurt you in ways that you thought only the Dornish bitch could have

You could describe Talia with many words, but instead of choosing one, you would describe her as a viper, with poison trying to enter your body. She did nothing to dissuade you from eyeing her, and with how she dressed, she did not care that you did. Many men did, but it seemed her eyes were only on you.

She talked with you openly, saying how desperately she wanted to fuck the Last True Dragonlord. How you were a hero, trying to reclaim the birthright of culture on Dragonback. Openly, she praised your victories, even when they were not because that was what you deserved. You were the second son, denied a birthright that you earned by force of arms, but you were also a man who took what was his.

All she did was remind you of what you were. Nothing in the eyes of the world, if you could not take it.

It was why you took Talia and fucked her savagely, leaving your marks on her while your dragon watched, giving you his power in ways you could not imagine. She screamed for you to stop, to stop hurting her, but you did not. You wanted her to feel… everything.

After all, it wasn't just you who took her… it was the Dragon as well, through your bond.

Talia would never understand just how close you and Ceraxes were. But she understood your relationship with your dragon was a bond that no one shared.

Not even Lucien with Grey Ghost could understand just what you shared.

And all Ras did, when he found his daughter savagely raped by you in the morning sun, staring at the greatest Dragon in the East, was offer you something you could never imagine.

Become the Heir to the Deamon's Head.

Become, Everything you desired and more.


Daemon is at war with himself, and has made great and terrible choices.

His heart, ever in conflict will not end until one side wins, and the other dies.

Ra's sensing his weakness and strength… only did one thing.

Offer everything he ever wanted.

And more.

Daemon (Militarily): D100 => 94
D100 => 19

The Great Walls of Yi-Ti…

When you read about them, all you could think about was how useless they were.

Until you saw them throw back three waves of Dothraki horsemen and screamers. Killing tens of thousands. How the wall seemed impregnable.

This was designed for beating men. Horses. Conventional forces.

But not magic.

And not Dragons.

Dragons made short work. And the world became clear.

And the Walls fell to Dragonfire!

Reward: Daemon has singlehandedly breached the Walls of Yi Ti.

And now the Dothraki are pouring in.

The empire will fall.

The Red Emperor's Reaction:D100 => 73

The Emperor has gotten back on his horse. The Nation Trembles as draconian decrees for men, material, and taxation is made to defend themselves from the Dragon Lord and his horse allies.

He rallies his generals and prepares for a campaign to destroy his enemies.

The nation will suffer. But it will survive if he has anything to say about it.

"Find me Dragon Slayers. Offer rewards beyond kingdoms… but that Dragonlord must die."

Reward: He views Daemon and his campaign as the Greatest Threat.

Valaar (Personal): D100 => 99
D100 => 2

He never gave up hope. He did not fall into despair. He did not break when he could not find her.

He only found himself moving forward, telling others of his quest to find his wife. To find his family and those enslaved by the Yi Ti.

And others joined him. Crewmen, ships, adventurers…

Fellow Pirates looking for wealth. That was what he found on his journey to the East.

When crossing the Faros Strait, he almost lost it all. A great storm from the Gods themselves was trying to destroy him, and his quest.

But he did not waver. He followed the Storm! He followed the Gods' Will and kept moving forward.

And when you reached Yi-Ti… You found them waiting.

The Terror of the West, clashing with the Great Fleet of Yi-Ti.

Reward: Valaar has found friends, allies, and companions on his suicide mission for his family.

Twenty Ships. Against a Thousand.

Valaar (Military):
D100 => 94
D100 => 60

You found the Fleet wanting.

The Yi-Ti ships were used to pirates. Used to an undisciplined and unruly foe, not used to waging war.

A hundred ships came to intercept you but had learned much in your travels in the east to Yi-Ti all those years ago.

You learned the currents, you learned the song of the ocean. And the Reefs.

You led them to a strait near the island of Leng…

And they met their own fate in an ambush. Pushing them forward into the Whirlpools that would destroy them. Your ships were careful to not get caught, but once the enemy was trapped, they could only die. Thousands of men drowned in those pools and their ships would be carried out with the tide.

And when they continued to pursue you, you only told them this.

To the Fleet of Yi-Ti.

The Terror of the West has arrived.

You have stolen something from me. If you return it, I will leave in peace.

If you do not… I will destroy your fleets, ravage your coasts, and destroy all in my path.

This is your only warning.
The Red Emperor's Reaction:D100 => 4

"Find this Pirate, this Valaar Vaeltigar, and bring him to me in chains."

Reward: This Terror is just another pirate to him, He will die slowly.

He does not think that Valaar is the most dangerous threat.

AN: Enjoy.
The Rumor Mill (As the Realm Expands)
The Rumor Mill (As the Realm Expands)

The Crownlands:D100 => 70

To say that the Crownlands saw an increase in revenue from the trade from the Stepstones and the east flowing into their ports, was an understatement. Merchants from all over Westeros brought their gold and their wares to King's Landing.

Even with Aemma's lighthouse being under construction, being the King's Sole obsession, there was something that happened by complete accident.

The Port of King's landing expanded, taking up more docks and requiring more workers that knew the trade.

Reward: The Crownlands sees another massive influx in wealth.

The Port of King's landing expands.

The Lighthouse is still growing.

The Riverlands:D100 => 96

To Kermit Tully, he had only one wish.

To see the Riverlands prosper. And that required three things.

Control of the Rivers from the men he gave the barges to…

The Lord respects his Rule.

And Harrenhall is under the control of an ally.

So as he looked at Larys Strong, he could only feel like he struck a jackpot for all three.

Reward: Plots move forward, and LArys finds, at the moment, gainful employment stamping down on all the Riverlord's Enemies.

The Westerlands:D100 => 49

With Lord Westerling's departure and Prince Lucien's declaration, the Lord's of the rock lost much in the way of prestige, and influence on the Court. Along with lacking many things as well that they could ill afford.

Like many lord's becoming obsessed with this Tabasco sauce from Lord Davion's stash… again, allowing the new lord to make a killing.

The North:D100 => 61

The North has nothing going on, save for rumbling from the North.

The Iron Islands:D100 => 28

Even with the new dragon Rider, the Ironborn just go back to the old ways…

And that means they ignore them. And do not think of using the Dragon for anything more than a tool of oppression.

The Reach:D100 => 78

The Citidel has proclaimed that they have a new invention for the King to see. Or rather a new way of doing things for building.

They call it a blueprint.

The Stormlands:D100 => 55

Lord Borros has tried in vain, to marry or betroth one of his three daughters to young Baelon. Viserys have refused to hear any requests at this time.

He is furious at the King's refusal to start planning for alliances.

The Vale:D100 => 86

Lady Arryn sent a raven to all her bannermen and requested a great meeting at the Eyrie before the winter. She wanted to have them swear homage, and to look for a husband.

Or maybe she just wanted to have them have a feast before winter came.

Dornish Rebels:D100 => 21
Dornish Loyalists (Martell Loyalists):D100 => 87+30=117

Princess Nymariia Martell sits in Sun spear, the Princess of Dorne.

Though she is not happy, at the young Dragon rider that has become her husband.

Reward: The Dornish civil war has ended.
And There Are Lives That Are Lived
And There Are Lives That Are Lived:

You looked at Rhaenyra and felt her growing belly. "You know, I hope it's a girl," Rhernyra stated as she felt the kick of her babe in her belly. "Only because a boy would be fussy and then would try and make me feel bad."

You smiled. "All I know is that you are with child, and you shouldn't worry or do something my mother would not allow."

The simple news of your mother, or rather the lack of news was concerning. The same news that made you feel silent, and filled with a strong and unending sense of longing. "Are you-" Rhaenyra tried to say something, but you nodded, and just walked away. "Lucien." She tried to stop you.

But you ignored her and walked away from her.

You didn't want to hear anything… You just wanted to have hope.

Even false hope that only existed in your mind.

It was Vaegon who found you, but not for the reasons you want to find. There was so much you wished to bury, but instead, finding yourself unable to stop.

"I want my family back." You whispered, like a child finally realizing the reason he was alone, in the dark… in a cave with a Dragon.

But Vaegon gave you a small tap on your shoulder before he looked out into the horizon. "They will be."

"How are you so certain?" You asked.

"Because your father doesn't seem like the type of man who gives up… something his sons share." He then held out a letter. "From Beala." He said. "She has news of your father."


"He destroyed a Yi-Ti Fleet." He replied. "But no one knows anything else."

He's alive. "Thank you Maester."

You have 10 actions.

Governmental Actions

[]Ships For Fun and Profit: You don't want to do this, but the Stepstones do not have the lumber industry to actually support building a fleet. Now it seems you have to buy ships from other markets.

[]The Army of Pirates and Sellswords: Lord Westerling is asking you for some help. He is finding it difficult to find good men who are willing to soldier for him. Mostly because they are refugees that are tired of that difficult life… or pirates who do not like following orders.

[]Lord Tabasco's Devious proposal: Lord Tabasco has gathered his house and court to meet you. "Prince Lucien, we have a problem, that I belive we can solve."

[]Pirates and Peace: You need to reign in the Brethren Court. Mostly to make sure you get your share of the loot, once they finally get licensed.

[]And the King Called: You have been summoned to court to give some answers. And have many questions asked as well.

[]The Last Light: Gawayne Hightower is something of an enigma, but there is something that fills you with pride as he comes to you and smiled. "I hope you don't need me too long?"

[]We Are Family: Daemon's Daughters are ridding down to speak to you, something about news from your father. And what is happening to Daemon?

[]The Easts Trade Routes: You currently sit on the most important Trade Node in the Narrow Sea. Time to make use of it to get favorable trade deals.

[]The Aftermath: Aegor, the Prince Consort of the Principality of Dorne, has a few requests to make before he forces Dorne to Bend the knee to Viserys. "I just need some assurances."

[]And the Rivers Bleed: Harwin Strong came to you with a very disturbing report. "I believe my father is committing High Treason."

[]The Hand who Left: Otto Hightower only smirked as he walked into the room. "You must be wondering why I am here, besides the future of this new line of Hightower?"

Personal Actions:

[]And Their World Became Fire: You looked at Grey Ghost and placed your head against his neck. "Do not wish for this bond my brother… It never ends well."

[]Fly: You wish to try and fly on the back of your dragon. You want to fly in the sky.

[]Learn a Skill (Line tail what you want to try and learn. Subject to QM Approval can be taken multiple times costing one action each)

[]Train a Skill: Choose one of your skills to train and become better. (Dragon Riding and other dragon-related skills are now available)

[]Teach a Skill: You want to train your wives, how to do something you know. (Any skill you have that is master rank or above can be taught. Can teach your wives and children.)

[]The Dancing of Dragons: You must teach your children something incredibly important. These Dragons are not pets. They are intelligent creatures… and powerful ones as well. They must understand that they may look pretty. But they are deadly.

[]Lighting the Way: Alicent is drawing in… what you can only describe as a wish for overwork. Something is gnawing at her. Then she showed the letter from her brother. About a problem.

[]The Old, True, and Honest: Laena finally came to you with her insecurities. "I don't want to be a mother. I'm… Afraid."

[]The Queer Customs of the Targaryen Family: "Alicent, what are you and Rhaenyra doing?" You were starting to think this entire castle was going to be asking questions. "Can I join?" Laena asked. You facepalmed. What was wrong with this house?

[]Plot: You want to start a Plot (Enter a Plotting Miniturn)

AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format.
And the Tables Have Turned
And the Tables Have Turned.

-[X]And the King Called: You have been summoned to court to give some answers. And have many questions asked as well. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 121
-[X]We Are Family: Daemon's Daughters are ridding down to speak to you, something about news from your father. And what is happening to Daemon? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 186
-[X]And the Rivers Bleed: Harwin Strong came to you with a very disturbing report. "I believe my father is committing High Treason." Rolled:D100 + 100 => 181

You looked at Viserys, and found him not only angered… no.

He was furious. "Tell me Lucien… Where is my brother?"

You looked at lord Strong, who only shrugged. "I wasn't lying when I said that my father was committing treason. But he did lie about why."

(Continued in: The Bloody Year of 111)

-[X]The Aftermath: Aegor, the Prince Consort of the Principality of Dorne, has a few requests to make before he forces Dorne to Bend the knee to Viserys. "I just need some assurances." Rolled:D100 + 100 => 150

You were not happy about the situation you found yourself in. Not at all. It wasn't every day that someone you… thought you respected showed their true colors, but then again, you never trusted Aegor. Malor… and even Maegor for a time.

But the Friendship of Aegor, was never something you valued because he never valued it. He wanted affection, not trust.

He always wanted something. Glory, honor, dragons.

"What did you say to me?" You asked.

"We are kin, why would we not seal an alliance with each other by paper, and later by blood." He stated with a smile, his gaze looking at the three girls you helped save. How they looked both exhausted and scared. "You, do realize what that can mean?"

"Enlighten me?" You asked, feeling bold in your assertion that he was not a fool… Or maybe he was?

What little else mattered, because he clicked his teeth. "There is an old saying, that my father put me to sleep with, a saying that his mother heard from Maegor the Cruel, as he raped her."

"Life is just a game. A simple game of thrones. There are those that are on it." He pointed to the Martells, "And those who are not." He pointed to himself. "I have taken these girls because I have something to offer them, that they don't have."

"What is that?" You asked.

"A Way to the throne. A Way to power."

"You speak treason." You stated, quietly, and with rage building.

"Your entire life is treason, same as mine if Jaheryes were younger. Or his sons were smarter. In fact, I wonder if Daemon would have killed you if someone else were pulling his strings." Aegor then gave a smile, noticing your anger.

"Do not-"

"Daemon is a monster, a man who is willing to do anything to get what he wants, not even knowing himself, what that is?" He stated. "Yet you followed him and saw it for yourself."

"That isn't true. Daemon is a good man in the end." You stated.

"Truly, then why isn't he in Westeros, why isn't he with his daughters?" He paused and said the words that stung the most. "Why isn't he with you, the man he calls son?"

You stood up, towering over the man rage in your heart. "Do not-"

"Or what, attack me, you understand you are a guest, and we are simply talking. And you have told me more than I have told you?"

He then handed over a letter. "A message from Lord Hightower. Talking to several conspirators about succession. Or rather, the terror that awaits."

"What do you want?"

"For now, nothing. But I think that Otto has it wrong. You are not the one whom he should have chosen. You are far to… weak."

"What about you?" you asked.

"There is something to be said about those that understand the game, and those that are, woefully focused on being good people. They won't survive in this world. Look at me. I have survived and am now the Prince consort of Dorne."

"And your brothers?"

"Irrelevant. Now go back to your island… find out what is really going on."

Reward: Aegor is trying to strong-arm you into an alliance.

And it seems that not all things are right in Westeros.
-[X]The Hand who Left: Otto Hightower only smirked as he walked into the room. "You must be wondering why I am here, besides the future of this new line of Hightower?" Rolled: D100 + 100 => 142

You nearly punched otto when you saw him. "Tell me!" you growled as you dragged him into a chair. "What have you done!"

Otto was cool and quiet, calm and collected, expecting your violence, and prepared. "If you wanted to know the truth, there are easier ways to get answers."

"But there are easier ways to get weak men to talk." You said as you sat down across from him. "So talk. What is it about me that makes me so appealing that you would conspire against my interest to seek to put me on the throne?"

Otto chuckled. "Are you really asking that question?"

"Enlighten me?" you growled.

Otto seemed to relax at that. "Tell me, how many Ravens have you received from Viserys? And actually Viserys, and not that Maester."

You counted in your mind. "15."

"And tell me, how many times has he mentioned Baelon… or rather, the rumors around him?"

That forced you to pause. "Baelon is the prince of the Iron throne-"

"Who managed to tame Vermithor as a child of three, by singing, sound familiar?" He replied. "Who, after that event, it seems that the king had become incredibly and increasingly quiet about his son."

"And that matters? It's been a year since then."

There was a pause. "There are rumors."

"You put stock in rumors?" You growled.

"Only the ones that affect my family." He stated. "Rumors that he met with a Septon of the faith, a man called the Sheperd."

"That's impossible, I killed the Sheperd in the Riots of King's Landing?!"

"And he speaks to him now, every day. Obsessed with a prophecy that he heard from him." He said.

"Do you know it?" You asked.

Otto shook his head. "Not fully. Only one line, The Silent Fury will destroy all you hold dear." He than stood up. "I know you don't put much stock into prophecy, but there is something that you cannot just ignore if a boy like Baelon believes it. Young impressionable mind like himself."

"And that's why you came here?"

"Matters of succession are dubious things." Otto stated.

"You want me to be king?"

"No, Rhaenyra. She has a better claim than yours, is Viserys child, and above all else, have you." He replied. "You are going to be a part of it, whether you liked it or not."

"I should kill you where you stand, putting my family in danger with your plotting." You growled.

"But you won't, because, despite yourself, you know that I am more useful alive than dead… and that, despite everything, you have the same feeling I have. That Baelon might kill you if there is even the slightest hint of disloyalty. You know that better than anyone that it will come."

At that moment, you paused, and you were realizing what was going on without your knowledge. "Viserys is still alive."

"For now." He replied. "And what when he dies?"

And you didn't have an answer.

Reward: You learned there is a plot to see Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne, as there are men who believe that Baelon, now obsessed with prophecy and his future, believes you to be the greatest threat to him.

You can do nothing to stop it.

Otto may have left this conspiracy, but events have been set in motion that are out of your control.

Otto for now, is helping his son build an infrastructure around helping the people and to make money. As well as get a sept built for the reachmen colonists.


-[X]And Their World Became Fire: You looked at Grey Ghost and placed your head against his neck. "Do not wish for this bond my brother… It never ends well." Rolled:D100 + 100 => 200

The Grey Ghost gave warmth on this cold night as you. "My friend. Please, I need your help."

His eye looked to you as he curled his neck around to protect you. "I cannot leave my family weak when they need me. I can't as this world grows darker and more violent. That I am not capable enough… strong enough to protect them. Help me please?"

"I Cannot my brother. I do not wish to hurt you, or lose you to the power that it would give you."

"Don't make me beg." You stated.

"I don't want to lose you… But I will make a promise. If your family is ever threatened, to the point where they will die, I will. But I will not give you that power now. Because I care for you my brother, more than you believe."

"But I will always protect you. Always. Even when I am not near you."

Reward: The Grey Ghost is not allowing you to access his great power through your bond. But he has given you a great gift.

A mental shield that does not break, or cannot be broken except by the strongest of magics.

-[X]The Dancing of Dragons: You must teach your children something incredibly important. These Dragons are not pets. They are intelligent creatures… and powerful ones as well. They must understand that they may look pretty. But they are deadly. Rolled: D100 + 100 => 189

Aeron and Daenys were both looking at the young flying dragons, who were trying their best to circle around them, trying to get the young children to clap and give them more meat treats they were carrying around their persons, a simple thing you thought about giving them to reinforce more dedicated habits. Being so small, the Dragons were almost like lizards that could fly, letting out small puffs of smoke.

But the children's focus was on you, and how you looked at them. "What I want you to understand." You allowed the dragons to land on your arm and curl around them. "These are not pets. They are your bond mates. They are part of you. And they are dangerous. You must be able to control them, as you control yourselves."

"A Dragon is not a toy, they are you." You had captivated them with your voice and your tone, making them feel fear, yet comfort, at the same time, a voice of a father who was understanding, who knew exactly what was going on. "Never let them lose control, for it will only show me you are not in control."

They two were young. They were quiet.

But they understood the words of their father. And understood the burden that they had placed upon themselves. "You must be better so that they can be better."

Reward: The Children understand just what kind of burden they have on their shoulders. And that they will have help from you, the Dragon keepers, and from their mothers.

They will learn to be better. (Trait rolls now contain more positive traits that will show that they are indeed taking this message to the heart)

-[X]Lighting the Way: Alicent is drawing in… what you can only describe as a wish for overwork. Something is gnawing at her. Then she showed the letter from her brother. About a problem. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 194

The Letter was really nothing special. "Alicent, this means nothing, he's just saying that he doesn't really need any help."

That made Alicent nod. "He's just hiding from the fact that father is with him."

"And does that make you frustrated?" You asked, sitting down on the bed, and looking out the window.

"More than frustrated, furious. I am so tired from this overwork and the lack of being able to do anything else."

You then walked over to her desk and removed the quill from her head. "I have already done enough, you have to, let Laena and Rhaenyra handle some paperwork right now."

"Ans what shall we do instead?" She asked, understanding your intentions and enjoying every moment."

"Whatever you want." You promised.

Alicent then stood and placed her hand on your chest. "I will keep you to that."

Reward: Alicent realizes she needs a break.

You have helped her realize that.

Also: Continued at the bottom.

-[X]The Old, True, and Honest: Laena finally came to you with her insecurities. "I don't want to be a mother. I'm… Afraid." Rolled:D100 + 100 => 186

Laena was quite clear that she was afraid when she looked at you. The sun had yet to set when you visited her quarters, as you saw her beginning to undress. "Aren't you going to take your right as my husband?" She said, stopping herself and walking towards her shade to hide.

You realized you were not going to see her, and it was only through a wall you would see her. "No. I just wanted to talk, I didn't know you were undressing. Shall I come back later?"

That must have surprised her,as her head poked out from behind the shade. "You what?"

"I want to talk to you, want to know how you feel about all this?"

"Why do you care? You are my lord and husband, my feelings do not matter?" She bites back.

"Truly, then why have I not forced my way in and done my duty? Why do you assume that I am like every other man whom you could have married."

That caused Laena to pause. "Because no man has ever cared about me, other than my father. And…"

"And?" You questioned.

"I'm afraid of being a mother. Afraid that I will lose everything to your whims and wishes. Become nothing more than a broodmare to your ever-growing line of the Stepstones."

"I would never force you to become something you are not." You replied with a steely gaze. "I value your trust, and your happiness. And if you were to leave, I would not be able to protect you as I have promised to do."

"And yet you force me to do things I do not wish to do? And continue to do?" She replied.

"Because we have responsibilities. And you have never been trusted to handle those responsibilities before, have you?"

She was surprised. "No, I have not, nor was I expected to."

You then leaned back. Allowed her to digest what you said. Allow her to think.

And realize what you have given her. "You… trust me?"

"I have been given no reason not to?" You replied. "Is it so hard to accept that, regardless of what happens, what your wishes are, I will accept them without question. But we must also complete the tasks that our families wish for us to complete. Can you do that?"

Laena was speechless. Completely shocked at what she heard from you.

"I need some time." She finally spoke.

Reward: You have told her the truth, that you trust her, and that you want her to be comfortable.

Laena is completely at a loss for what she has been given. But she understands what she has now… and will try her best not to lose it.

Continued below.

-[X]The Queer Customs of the Targaryen Family: "Alicent, what are you and Rhaenyra doing?" You were starting to think this entire castle was going to be asking questions. "Can I join?" Laena asked. You facepalmed. What was wrong with this house? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 169

When you arrived with Laena back to your room to talk some more, you were surprised by what you saw. Well, more the fact they were both naked when doing it.

Alicent and Rhaenyra engaging in…

Aggressive marital duties, with their bodies, clearly enjoying what they have been doing. How furiously you could see they have been going is not only something that you were surprised to see but you also just… should have expected it. From how eagerly the two of them were on your wedding night. How they enjoyed each other's touches and knew about their… pleasurable places.

"Alicent, what are you and Rhaenyra doing?" You asked. "Rhaenyra is pregnant, I don't think engaging in intercourse is safe for the baby."

Alicent yelped in surprise, and Rhaenyra only rolled her eyes as your covers covered Alicent, leaving your first wife entirely unclothed and uncovered, allowing her large growing baby bump to be shown to you in its detail.

Along with everything else, that's beside the point.

"Coupling," Rhaenyra said without a hint of shame. "It was either this or waiting for you and Laena, and you were taking too long."

You shook your head. "Why? You are already pregnant, and Alicent agreed we were going to-"

But Laena shocked you. "Can I join?"

By the Thirteen, may it give you strength to deal with this? "What?"

"Seems fun." She said. "Just needs one more and then we can enjoy it all."

All the women looked at you, then at each other, before your eyes widened. "Now?"

"Yes." All three women said as they realized that there was no stopping them once they were in the mood.


Reward: Laena and Alicent are now pregnant.

Alicent and Rhaenyra are now far more open about their relationship and have earned the ire of many conservative westerosi.

Laena is also keen on getting involved.

The Rumors of your horniness are going to grow lewder and far more insane.

The King's Court now questions your sexual prowess. And are now even more jealous of it.

AN: Enjoy.
The Bloody Year of 111
The Bloody Year of 111:

Lord Harwin Strong had arrived by Ship, his entire demeanor completely filled with a serious glare that only a man who was running out of time could have. Yet in the brief moments you saw him, you knew something was deeply wrong.

It was never your intention to show anything to him, to allow yourself to remain in control of the situation, yet it seems that you didn't know Harwin as well as you thought. Because he came in with a wild gaze on his face.

And a compelling problem.

"Lucien." He spoke plainly and without titles, as he sat down on the chair across from you. "I have a problem?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Problem you say?" You leaned forward to get closer, and you sighed. "Well, why would you come to me, and sail the Narrow Sea, when a Raven could have been well enough?"

"Because I needed to see you in person in case it was intercepted." He replied, again, sounding serious and composed, as if he was hiding something. "My father is in danger, and I couldn't think of anyone else to turn to?"

"Why Me?" You asked, questioning the strangeness. Why would a Riverlord want you, the new Prince of the Stepstones, to assist him? Distance and time alone could have made it unfeasible, unless?

"What do you expect me to influence the King's decision?" You asked.

"The King trusts you and views you as a loyal servant. And above all else, he knows you don't lie to him, always telling him the truth that he needs to hear." Harwin stated.

"What is it your father has been in trouble with the King?" You asked.

"Treason. He conspires to put Baelon on the Throne, to serve as regent." Harwin was quick to say those words as if he himself could not believe them.

Or wanted to.

"And you think I can save his life by pleading for it?" You asked.

Harwin nodded. "I'm not asking you to save his life and his position, only to prevent him from being killed." He stated. "I'd rather he suffer at the Wall than die a traitor's death."

You nodded. You were not happy about this. But Lord Strong was a Friend, and despite everything, you owed him. Perhaps not enough to save him, but enough to make sure he wouldn't be left alone.

Alicent was the only one who was skeptical. "Lord Strong committing treason, just after he becomes Hand of the King?" She paced, and you wondered if you would start picking at her fingers again.

And she was. "Alicent, don't pick at your fingers." You muttered, seeing her tick when she was nervous and thinking. "I don't want to wake Vaegon."

She stopped and saw the finger scratches that she had before she shook her head. "This entire thing must be a plot of some sort." She stated.

"It obviously is, but what choices do we have? Harwin asked me to help him."

"You don't have any obligation to help him," Alicent said. "Just say no, and be with us. We have enough to worry about already."

You frowned and contemplated it for a moment. But than you shook your head. "I can't just abandon my friends."

"What about your family?" She shot back. "You are going to be a father again, and it should be a happy time. Running off to do Gods know what, will only just make you more like-" She stopped, realizing what she was about to say.

You didn't but the idea was there. "Like who?" You quivered.

"Like Daemon." She said.

There was a long pause, and you realized that something felt wrong. You were angry at her. It was like holding onto a Dragon egg, but you rose in anger. "I am nothing like Daemon!"

Yet Alicent was quivering in fear at your outburst of anger. She was terrified, even if she knew, deep down, you were not going ot hurt her.

And slowly, as your anger dissipated, you realized what had happened. "Alicent, I'm…"

You wanted to say something, to apologize to her. Yet she stood. "Go then." She said, sounding in pain as she said those words.

There was trust. There was love. But there was also fear.

Terror even, in her tone.

And you realized what you had done.

You took Harwin with you, on Grey Ghost, and it was a long flight.

But seeing King's Landing on the Horizon, you saw the construction of the Great Lighthouse. It looked half-finished, despite the clear sign of workers working in the day, and you saw many ropes and scaffolding, masons and bricklayers…

It was truly a marvelous thing to see. How the tower looked, and how it would soon dominate the coastal skyline.

Breathtaking is the word you would describe it, a single man's will to see legacy be done.

When you landed at the Dragonpit, Grey Ghost looked ready to go back to his old nest. But you stopped him. "Stay here, we won't be long."


The Other Dragons within the Dragon pit seemed surprised and roared at the arrival of the Grey Ghost. Only for Grey Ghost to ignore them and enter the place, the Dragon keepers following close behind.

Viserys was sitting on the throne, and Lord Strong was waiting by his side. Not in chains, but he was clearly in a place of importance.

"What the f-" You were hit in the back by Harwin, and swords were drawn.

You looked at Viserys, and found him not only angered… no.

He was furious. "Tell me Lucien… Where is my brother?"

You looked at lord Strong, who only shrugged. "I wasn't lying when I said that my father was committing treason. But he did lie about why."

You looked to Harwin and reached for your own blade, yet there were so many, that even you wouldn't carve your way through this place to get to the thrown. "The fuck is going on?"

"Letters from Baela and Rhaena." He held them out and you saw the broken seals. He intercepted your letters. "You are trying to find Daemon, for your plots, against my throne."

You pushed Harwin away and growled. "And you believed that I would come after your throne, with Daemon?"

At that Lord Strong snickered. "We can drop the Act, your Grace, I think this is far and away the best entertainment we've had all year."

Your face flattened from a scowl to confusion, as Viserys stood… and you realized he was missing a finger. Lost on the throne. "I apologize for these theatrics, but I couldn't make it official, for reasons you will soon realize." He stated as he walked over to you. "It is good to see you again Lucien."

Your hands were bleeding from how tightly you made them, even his gentle smile and touch was infuriating. "Give me one reason to not jsut leave and ignore you?" You growled.

"For one thing, Daemon, and your father."

You relaxed immediately. "What? What news?"

"Your father and a fleet of pirates have raided the Yi-Ti, going up the Great Canal and invading the palace. They found your mother and are now moving and making an anchor toward Leng for repairs and to get home. But what we know is that Daemon is now helping a Dothraki Horde invade YI-TI. Trying to get something, I do not know. But there is even greater trouble closer to home. Bravosi bankers are trying to buy property in the North, all but saying that their interests are entirely economic in nature. They are trying to buy wood for their ships. With the entire east now weakened, I have good intelligence, that they plan to invade Lorath and Pentos, and destroy the slavers there."

"Why should we care about Bravosi politics and the East going into another War?" You questioned.

"Because Three young men came out of Valyria, and took over Volantis. Saera's bastard children. They come with Valyrian Steel and the fortunes of Valyria. The eldest was crowned emperor, and with a golden helm, claims he was a god of some sort. And all of Essos belongs to him. They don't have Dragons, but knowing the possibility…"

That was worrying. "Have we sent envoys to treat with him?" You asked.

"We did." Lord Strong stated. "They are all dead." You then saw the baskets and didn't need to know what was in them to know what they were.

"So you want me to kill them?" You asked.

"Yes." Viserys replied. "We also have news of your Sister Gael."

You froze at the name. "What?" You questioned.

"She is in a Red Priest temple in Volantis… we received a message from her tutor and master, Melisandre. Saying that she required you for saving the East. From a Darkness that not even the Dragons can fight."

"What about you?" You asked.

"I have a feeling that things are going to be fine here… but I require a dragon rider and the most skilled one I have, as I lack Daemon. I need you, Lucien, to be my agent in the East until I can replace you with someone who is not so important."

You nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

[]To Daemon, and Father: You are going to Fly to Yi-Ti, and find your fathers. Both of them, and bring them home.

[]To Volantis, and Gael: You are going to see what your sister is up to, and see just what the hell is going on with the Red Priestess that saved her, and took her.

[]To Bravvos, and to Prevent a War: You look forward to using your lovely little thing called influence to see if you can stop Bravvos from Expanding its territory and upset the balance of power… again.

[]To The Great city, for an Assassination: You are going to be killing kin. But something tells you that this kin does not view you as such. They say Targaryens are closer to gods than men… But you know better. They are closer to madness than greatness.

AN: Enjoy.
The Last Voyage 1: Across the World
The Last Voyage 1: Across the World

You were flying close to Slavers bay when you finally noticed the other Dragon tailing behind you. It was not something you were expecting, as there were many riders from the West that could have been used for this mission. Yet there was nothing you wanted more than to make Viserys embarrassed.

To unleash your fury onto the King as he oh so deserved onto his face. Let him rue the day that he forced you away. Being his man when he had others when he had other far more capable people to do his jobs.

But your mind went back to the Dragon that was flying, having stayed high in the clouds to avoid you from noticing it. Noticing that you could easily fight it, or escape them.

Yet the Dragon following you close behind was not one you did not see before you were far enough away from the great cities of the East, meaning it was not following you closely, it was following you through a possible route you could have taken. Even flying father in the North to avoid Valyria. And the horrors that lie within it.

However, you were certain that there was something wrong because it was flying closer and closer to you, and the Grey Ghost, as if the rider or… the Dragon was trying to speak to you.

Slavers Bay had changed since you had last been there. You could see in the distance over the horizon, the Great City of Astapor being nothing more than a ruin, while you could, at least in the farthest distance, hear whispers of slaves singing about their freedom, and taking their revenge.

You were quiet as you looked towards the Dragon, how it was following you again, before you landed on the island below, a simple sandbar far closer to the land, than you would have liked, and prepared.

Who is on the Dragon
1Rhaenyra and Syrax
2 Laena and Vhaegar
3 Aegor and Cannibal
4 Maegor and Riverrunner
5 A Riderless Sunfyre
6 A Riderless Sheepstealer
7 Multiple Dragons

D7 => 7

Who is there:
D7 => 6
D7 => 5

Yet you did not notice that there were two.

Both riderless Dragons were among them.

The Grey Ghosts… sibling, Sheepstealer was there, her scales were dirty, and covered with leftover wool from her meals.

And what surprised you, was Sunfyre, whose golden scales glistened in the sunlight.

As you dismounted, you walked towards the dragons and could feel just how they were. They were following you for a reason. Following you for some purpose.

Sunfyre, the young golden dragon growled at you, showing his maw and the inner flame within him, before you heard the Grey Ghost roar in anger.

"Step away from my master, young one. I have been alive longer than you!" Even though a roar, you could understand his anger.

Both dragons snapped and you were afraid they would begin fighting.

But instead, Sunfyre bowed its head and Sheepstealer did the same.

"What's going on Brother?" You questioned as you walked over and felt the scales of your Dragon.

"Our Kin is in danger. They come to fight, they come to die to rescue their kin. Just as we do ourselves." The Grey Ghost nodded.

"Why would they? They are not kin from the same mother and father?"

"All Dragons are kin, for we are so few, and we are so broken. We remember Old Valyria through the fire we are born in, the pain, the screaming, and the magics. We all wish to save each other, for we are all we have left."

He bowed his head and you saw what he wanted. "We must continue towards our Brother."

You nodded, climbed the rigging, and rallied yourself.


The Dragon's Sunfyre and Sheepstealer, are nominally under your control, as they have the same mission as you. Save their family, and protect their brother.

You will need to control two riderless dragons.

You arrived over Yi-Ti, and you saw:

[]Your Father's Fleet: They had taken control of a Port to use as a Base, and they were busy drinking, whoring… and rescuing anyone they could from the Emperor's Army.

[]The Great Walls: You saw the Wall that was destroyed. You saw the destruction that was wrought by the invaders… and the few men that were still alive.

[]The Camp of Conquerers: You see the Dothraki Horde, and they see you. And you land to greet them.
The Last Voyage 2: Dragons Nest
The Last Voyage 2: Dragons Nest

The Camp of Conquerers: You see the Dothraki Horde, and they see you. And you land to greet them.

You smelled the fire and death before you saw the smoke. The sky had been blackened by the corpses and the destruction of the countryside of YI-TI, but it did not blacken the sky like so many other scenes of death and destruction you have seen in your life. No, the sky was cleared by some energy that you could not comprehend.

The Dragons that followed you were skittish, the mighty Sheepstealer seemed to grow less mighty flying in the air towards the camp, the air growing thick with the smell of death. A scent she was not used to.

But the young Sunfyre seemed to be repulsed by it, falling behind, and only striking back, forward even, towards you with the prodding from the Elder Dragons.

But it was the Grey Ghost who seemed to be caught with a gaze, not only of fear but of rage, a righteous anger that filled your own body with fire and heat, something you could not only feel… but wish.

You may not carry a bond that Daemon and Ceraxes did, but you knew in your heart, it was close.

"Brother… this is the last chance to turn back." The Grey Ghost seemed to plead to you to not move forward. Yet in those brief moments of hesitation, you saw the sea of tents that were there. Men and women on horses watching, weapons ready.

Yet you had no fear. You had nothing to fear.

You had your dragons.

"<Sheepstealer, Sunfyre. Stay away from the camp. Stay close. But stay away.>" You ordered as you took a breath and moved towards the center of the camp.

The Two dragons obeyed and flew away, towards the North, and you allowed Grey Ghost to fly towards the center of the camp.

Towards the monsters, and the man whom you wished to save.

In the center, there was an open field surrounded by scorch marks. A place where you suspect Ceraxes was allowed to land.

Flying towards it, all you could see was fear and terror. Getting lower you could see why. Tents were scorched and burned, and there were bones and… uneaten pieces left over, still not cleaned by the camp followers.

And as you landed, you were met by hundreds of men, weapons ready.

As you jumped off, Grey Ghost let off a roar and you looked around, looking for the leader.

All immediately stepped back as you wordlessly moved, looking for any sign of the leadership.

From the tent, however, you saw a woman walk out, a woman of pale skin and black hair, and sparkling grey eyes. Her eyes were the most striking feature, as she did not have the same fear as the others.

She was not afraid of the dragon or its rider.

Simply put, she did not fear you. She then looked back into the tent, and said something, before listening to whatever was behind.

She nodded, and walked towards you, striding as if she was in a pretty place, and not a grass-burned tent in the middle of YI-TI.

She bowed her head. "Prince Targaryen. Your Kin is expecting you." She spoke Westerosi Common well. You wondered if her Valyrian was good as well?

That would not matter soon.

You walked over to the tent, and the Grey Ghost followed… For a moment before you raised a hand. "Stay out here brother."

And you entered the tent.

You saw Ras Al Ghul first, his eyes widening as he saw you, but he drew no steel. The other woman was nearby, the woman who greeted you sat by his side, clearly frightened by the scene to her left.

Yet the scene that caught your eye, was Daemon.

His hair was longer, tied back into some type of ponytail, and his silk garb the traditional Targaryen red with black lining. Darksister was beside him, his sword resting. But the scene that frightened you was the woman whose arms were wrapped around him like a viper around the neck, with hypnotic eyes looking into his…

And a pregnant bell protruding from her clothes.

You just stood there, watching the scene, before the Great Khal finally spoke, in Valyrian. "Ah, so this is the Great Silent Prince of the West. The conqueror of the Stepstones. The Breaker of the Triarchy, the boy… whom this great Dragon, calls son."

He offered a seat at his table. "Sit."

You nodded and took the offer, but did not reply.

Something felt off.

Daemon did not seem to move. He did not seem to recognize you.

All he seemed to be, was lost. His eyes wandered to those that got his attention, who was touching him.

Like he was gone. But not at all.

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