I'd give it equal chances for her screwing Shinji and actually help him, if she teaches him like she did with Exile then it'd be good for him. On the other hand I'm not sure what is scarier, crazy Shinji or self aware, confident, motivated and willing to act Shinji*.

*Second one if he can use the Force.
And also if Kreia were to successfully indoctrinate him into becoming an Übermensch...
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If you did, I bet you were like me and alternated between "That was so cool!" and "THINGS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! THAT IS WRONG!"
I was like [first half] "Huh, this is looking kinda good-" [second half] "-Well that slid into comfort-zone-hugging anticlimax alarmingly quickly."

[Seperately and actually on topic]:

Hmm, I suppose if Asuka can avoid being caught and if Misato is sufficiently distracted with Ritsuko then she might get away with it...
If you did, I bet you were like me and alternated between "That was so cool!" and "THINGS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! THAT IS WRONG!"
Twice I found myself going 'TIE Fighters do not work like that!' When Finn and... the other one got into the TIE without life support systems (TIE Fighters are expendable fodder, the only life support a pilot has is what's on his suit pilot.), and the second when they were moving just as well as X-Wings in atmosphere (TIE Fighter wing design makes turning left and right in atmo harder for them).

But this isn't the place for bitching about a movie.

Hmm, I suppose if Asuka can avoid being caught and if Misato is sufficiently distracted with Ritsuko then she might get away with it...
Or at the very least, Misato will see just how much of a wreck Asuka is and let it slide.
Or at the very least, Misato will see just how much of a wreck Asuka is and let it slide.

Something that could work is the two moving to the living room, in the open and preventing the betrayal from being compounded by the appearance of hiding it, and keeping it at snuggling and nothing more. It would at least mitigate damage while still helping Asuka sleep.
Alert: The OP, Strypgia, wrote 1.2k words...

[five minutes latehr]

Me: .....uhhhh....

Also, many Star Wars fans will hate me, but I actually liked Episode VII... and the Prequels... better than the Original.
Please tell me you didn't like the gungan "comic relief".

That, I didn't like. I don't think the prequels would have been any "better" without him; the levels of Jar Jar during Episodes II-III were acceptable. Although I do enjoy the Darth Jar Jar fan theory. I think it makes a lot of sense.

Okay, more on topic, though:

I'm betting Asuka is going to unload a week's worth of Unresolved Sexual Tension on Shinji. It depends on Shinji's state of mind if he's up to receive that much, which may or may not piss of Asuka further leading to complications further down the line.

So... What I guess is going to happen is Misato is going to flip, and the Katsuragi household (+Rei) will be in commotion, to be interrupted by Ritsuko's phone call. Yep, calling it now.
Personal opinion is that all Shinji and Asuka do is cuddle. Because sexy times distracts from teh WAFF.
Personal opinion is that all Shinji and Asuka do is cuddle. Because sexy times distracts from teh WAFF.

We have explicit confirmation they do a lot more than just cuddle. That said, I'm surprised they haven't tried to compromise with Misato: They can sleep together, but no sex. That seems like it'd get everyone more or less what they want.
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Because sexy times distracts from teh WAFF.

For emphasis. Edit: I may also be staying up a wee bit past the point where I would've gone to bed because there's a Tornado Watch and we've had two Tornado Warnings tonight. So if I seem a little over the top there may be a bit of "Want SLEEP!" going on.
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How the hell do you enforce that? Even if Misato duct tapes their clothes on, that's not really a practical deal. Horny teenagers always... ALWAYS find a way.

Source: was once a horny teenager.

How is she enforcing it right now? Theres really nothing stopping them from doing it right now except their honor. They could sneak together in the middle of the night, or do it in the middle of the day while shes at work, or whatever.
sexy times distracts from teh WAFF.

Done wrong, sure. Done right, not really. It's... tricky.

How is she enforcing it right now? Theres really nothing stopping them from doing it right now except their honor. They could sneak together in the middle of the night, or do it in the middle of the day while shes at work, or whatever.

Because they're doing it to prove something to Misato: that they're not just in it for the sex. They're maintaining their honor so that they can get what they want in the end. They don't have the same obligation if they can get to sleep together, with or without sex, since that's already what they want to happen.
Because they're doing it to prove something to Misato: that they're not just in it for the sex. They're maintaining their honor so that they can get what they want in the end. They don't have the same obligation if they can get to sleep together, with or without sex, since that's already what they want to happen.

But why not just skip to the part where everyone gets what they want? I mean, as things are right now, they could still be boinking and Misato would never know. So they're not really proving anything. Proposing my solution would get them more of what they want, AND would make clear to Misato what their intentions are, while giving Misato slightly greater confidence that they won't be doing what she thinks they shouldn't be. They can even still prove the same thing, just by sticking to said agreement.
But why not just skip to the part where everyone gets what they want?

Misato doesn't get what SHE wants. She wants Asuka and Shinji to stop sleeping together until she can figure out what to do with them. She may or may not finally assent to them sleeping together anyway, so the point is moot.

they could still be boinking and Misato would never know.

True. But they're honoring the deal in hopes they can finally bonk around without repercussions from Misato. Much of the tension of their relationship stems from the fact that they have to hide it from Misato. That's a weight off their shoulders if they can prove they're mature enough to Misato. Which is what they are doing now.

Proposing my solution would get them more of what they want, AND would make clear to Misato what their intentions are, while giving Misato slightly greater confidence that they won't be doing what she thinks they shouldn't be.

No it won't. Like you said, they can bonk each other without Misato knowing. Misato isn't stupid, and knows this. But she's banking on Shinji and Asuka's honor because she knows they won't screw around to prove their point. So it won't give Misato any confidence if she lets them sleep together. Because she knows she could be tricked, and they are under no obligation to hold up their end of the bargain.
I'm betting Asuka is going to unload a week's worth of Unresolved Sexual Tension on Shinji [...]

The Scream

Misato trudged down the hallway, passing by empty apartments on her way. Normally, the walk from the elevator to her humble abode wasn't much of a chore. Normally, she wasn't doing this at quarter past six in the morning after a nerve-wracking few hours consoling her oldest friend.

Normally, she wasn't giving said friend a piggy-back ride due to her inability to walk straight for more than a half-dozen paces.

As the violet-haired vixen approached her doorstep, she couldn't help but wonder how her charges were doing. Their forced nocturnal separation, at her insistence, hadn't seemed to strain their relationship. It was certainly straining them, though - in scant months, her wards had come together in a union of hearts and souls that she herself envied in her heart of hearts, and it didn't take a genius to see that taking away part of what had healed so many of their traumas wasn't doing either of them well. Asuka in particular was slipping more and more over the last few days - she hadn't fallen back into her old ways, but she was becoming testy with her guardian more frequently, and occasionally bantering with Misato in a manner that crossed from catty to simply biting.

Sliding her key into the lock on her door, Misato wondered whether it might be time to lift the ban on her pair of pilots spending their nights together. Teenagers doing... those sorts of things still didn't sit right with her, but Shinji and Asuka had proven to be nothing but good for one another. They lived together, fought together, and might die together - it stood to reason that they could be together, as well. And in keeping their word, they have given her more evidence that they weren't just a pair of horny teenagers rutting to blow off steam. Opening the door, a smile crept on to Misato's face, in spite of the burden of a certain Akagi on her back. Yes, she was decided - she'd let "her kids" know in the morning that she would let them partake in the full measure of love.

Stepping through the kitchen on her way to her room, Misato paused for a moment as she heard a soft, queer sound - someone in pain? - but she dismissed it as Ritsuko moaning behind her. Walking through the living room, she thought she heard it again, but after quieting down for a moment she was greeted by silence. She might be imagining things from her own lack of sleep. Shaking off fatigue, she slid the door to her room open with her foot (no mean feat while carrying a grown woman, and in heels no less!) and crossed the threshold, depositing Ritsuko on her futon before moving to her closet to find another to roll out for herself. As the closet slid open, Misato thought for a third time she'd heard a strange noise, but dismissed it as the roller on which the closet door was mounted squealing in its track - she never did get around to greasing that thing. But, as she reached in to grab the futon, she heard the sound again, louder this time.

It wasn't the wark of a penguin, and it definitely wasn't the squeal of an unlubricated bearing. No, this noise was distinctly human in origin, and its tenor was worrisome. The sound Misato Katsuragi heard that night was distinctly one of pain.

Moving swiftly but quietly from her room to the living room, Misato was in a state of mental anguish. She had heard cries like these before. She had been in Germany for a while before Kaji had taken over as Asuka's guardian, and the girl had regularly cried out in the night as the burden of her experiences weighed down upon her, giving her no respite in her dreams. She had heard them too in the nights after Shinji's early battles, as phantom injuries and memories of mortal combat conspired to torment him in his sleep. She had been a fool to separate the couple who were each others' only reprieve from the hostile and terrifying world into which their parents had thrust them.

Entering the hallway on the other side of the living room, Misato was now close enough that she could hear the noise more clearly. It wasn't actually an intermittent sound - rather, it was a series of frequent quiet yelps occasionally punctuated by a louder squeal. Misato was also close enough now that she could clearly tell the direction of the sound, as it was perceptibly louder in her right ear than in her left.

It was coming from Shinji's Lovely Suite.

Arriving at Shinji's door, Misato braced for what she was about to see. A wave of guilt crashed over her tired mind as she imagined the pained look she would see on Shinji's face as he re-fought battles in his sleep, or was forced to contemplate the phantasms of the many terrors the future could bring. Steeling herself, she moved her hand to the door, mentally ready for the worst. Or at least, she thought she was so prepared.

Sliding Shinji's door open, Misato didn't see anguish on his face, nor pain. She didn't see his face at all. Rather, she saw the back of him, mercifully covered by his sheets. Though she couldn't see Asuka (her view being occluded by Shinji and the covers), she could infer her presence as she now heard the same sounds as before but undistorted - and distinctly feminine.

Misato wasn't sure how long she stood there slack-jawed and with her feet stubbornly refusing to move, anchored to the floor. She was sure, however, that neither Shinji nor Asuka was having a nightmare. She was also sure that they weren't wearing clothes, and likewise sure that they weren't keeping their end of the bargain they'd made with her.

And she was sure that she would give anything to un-see what she was seeing!

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The Scream

Misato trudged down the hallway, passing by empty apartments on her way. Normally, the walk from the elevator to her humble abode wasn't much of a chore. Normally, she wasn't doing this at quarter past six in the morning after a nerve-wracking few hours consoling her oldest friend.

Normally, she wasn't giving said friend a piggy-back ride due to her inability to walk straight for more than a half-dozen paces.

As the violet-haired vixen approached her doorstep, she couldn't help but wonder how her charges were doing. Their forced nocturnal separation, at her insistence, hadn't seemed to strain their relationship. It was certainly straining them, though - in scant months, her wards had come together in a union of hearts and souls that she herself envied in her heart of hearts, and it didn't take a genius to see that taking away part of what had healed so many of their traumas wasn't doing either of them well. Asuka in particular was slipping more and more over the last few days - she hadn't fallen back into her old ways, but she was becoming testy with her guardian more frequently, and occasionally bantering with Misato in a manner that crossed from catty to simply biting.

Sliding her key into the lock on her door, Misato wondered whether it might be time to lift the ban on her pair of pilots spending their nights together. Teenagers doing... those sorts of things still didn't sit right with her, but Shinji and Asuka had proven to be nothing but good for one another. They lived together, fought together, and might die together - it stood to reason that they could be together, as well. And in keeping their word, they have given her more evidence that they weren't just a pair of horny teenagers rutting to blow off steam. Opening the door, a smile crept on to Misato's face, in spite of the burden of a certain Akagi on her back. Yes, she was decided - she'd let "her kids" know in the morning that she would let them partake in the full measure of love.

Stepping through the kitchen on her way to her room, Misato paused for a moment as she heard a soft, queer sound - someone in pain? - but she dismissed it as Ritsuko moaning behind her. Walking through the living room, she thought she heard it again, but after quieting down for a moment she was greeted by silence. She might be imagining things from her own lack of sleep. Shaking off fatigue, she slid the door to her room open with her foot (no mean feat while carrying a grown woman, and in heels no less!) and crossed the threshold, depositing Ritsuko on her futon before moving to her closet to find another to roll out for herself. As the closet slid open, Misato thought for a third time she'd heard a strange noise, but dismissed it as the roller on which the closet door was mounted squealing in its track - she never did get around to greasing that thing. But, as she reached in to grab the futon, she heard the sound again, louder this time.

It wasn't the wark of a penguin, and it definitely wasn't the squeal of an unlubricated bearing. No, this noise was distinctly human in origin, and its tenor was worrisome. The sound Misato Katsuragi heard that night was distinctly one of pain.

Moving swiftly but quietly from her room to the living room, Misato was in a state of mental anguish. She had heard cries like these before. She had been in Germany for a while before Kaji had taken over as Asuka's guardian, and the girl had regularly cried out in the night as the burden of her experiences weighed down upon her, giving her no respite in her dreams. She had heard them too in the nights after Shinji's early battles, as phantom injuries and memories of mortal combat conspired to torment him in his sleep. She had been a fool to separate the couple who were each others' only reprieve from the hostile and terrifying world into which their parents had thrust them.

Entering the hallway on the other side of the living room, Misato was now close enough that she could hear the noise more clearly. It wasn't actually an intermittent sound - rather, it was a series of frequent quiet yelps occasionally punctuated by a louder squeal. Misato was also close enough now that she could clearly tell the direction of the sound, as it was perceptibly louder in her right ear than in her left.

It was coming from Shinji's Lovely Suite.

Arriving at Shinji's door, Misato braced for what she was about to see. A wave of guilt crashed over her tired mind as she imagined the pained look she would see on Shinji's face as he re-fought battles in his sleep, or was forced to contemplate the phantasms of the many terrors the future could bring. Steeling herself, she moved her hand to the door, mentally ready for the worst. Or at least, she thought she was so prepared.

Sliding Shinji's door open, Misato didn't see anguish on his face, nor pain. She didn't see his face at all. Rather, she saw the back of him, mercifully covered by his sheets. Though she couldn't see Asuka (her view being occluded by Shinji and the covers), she could infer her presence as she now heard the same sounds as before but undistorted - and distinctly feminine.

Misato wasn't sure how long she stood there slack-jawed and with her feet stubbornly refusing to move, anchored to the floor. She was sure, however, that neither Shinji nor Asuka was having a nightmare. She was also sure that they weren't wearing clothes, and likewise sure that they weren't keeping their end of the bargain they'd made with her.

And she was sure that she would give anything to un-see what she was seeing!

Well, I wasn't sleeping anyway...