No, all that would be too easy, the best would be to have him get exactly what he wanted: to see Yui again... before she slaps him in the face and verbally tear him a new asshole for everything he has done, all the suffering he inflicted to everyone around him, even their children (I include Rei here) and how he basically pissed on everything she tried to accomplish by trapping herself inside Unit 01, all because he's a selfish manchild that couldn't be bothered to even try to be a decent human being (even toward his children... especially toward his children) without his wife holding his hand, to show him that Misato was completely right in what she told him would happen.
And she could tear on Fuyutsuki for doing the complete opposite of what she asked him to do when she revealed to him what she was about to do, all because he's a massive simp.