I don't know who that is and I am terrified already

Aoi is written by Random1377, who is usually a WAFF author. It is probably the darkest Eva fic, tied with Kadmon's I Knew Him When or Witness.
I think the general rule(s) when it comes to Adam Kadmon's fics is to read when it isn't night, the weather isn't crap, and the optional "have a bucket of brain bleach right by you". The one fic by him that still gets to me is The Second Other (I'm not linking that fic). You need a lot of brain bleach after reading that one.

Overall, reading Adam Kadmon's fics is a rather enjoyable experience. :V
I think the general rule(s) when it comes to Adam Kadmon's fics is to read when it isn't night, the weather isn't crap, and the optional "have a bucket of brain bleach right by you". The one fic by him that still gets to me is The Second Other (I'm not linking that fic). You need a lot of brain bleach after reading that one.

Overall, reading Adam Kadmon's fics is a rather enjoyable experience. :V
He's not a bad writer, he just has a habit of... exaggerating characters, from what I've read of his.
Aoi is written by Random1377, who is usually a WAFF author. It is probably the darkest Eva fic, tied with Kadmon's I Knew Him When or Witness.

Status: I have become so desperate to write, I'm resorting to longhand on paper at work. I've got most of a scene done, and will aim to find time to transcribe it and an update by Friday.
True, sorry about mixing both; don't worry about us Stryp, take your time.
If my own memory is correct on the subject, I think Asuka has a bandage over one eye and another covering her arm. The idea of her eyes being different colors may be a quote (from one of the actors?) that her eyes are no longer blue, but red. However, that could be due to the lighting, which due to the sea of LCL is red.

It' s been a while since I've seen EOE, though, so I could be wrong. The bandages are both a reference to her injuries in the battle with the MPE's, and Rei's bandages in the first episode.

As for the ending, I also agree they're supposed to be the same events, one from inside Shinji's mind (and probably Asuka's, Rei's and Misato's as well) and the other the objective reality of what happened. The series ending is more optimistic, and I think it removes some of the ambiguity of the movie ending, as it shows how Shinji has changed. I really think you have to see both too grasp the whole ending.
The reason i ask i remember hearing something about that Asuka being a fusion of Misato, Asuka and Rei, and there eyes showing it. Yet no one hear has ever mentioned that so...
A rather good fanfic author who is most known for making dark and depressing Evangelion fics to the point of them being even darker than the original series if that is even possible. One of his best known stories is I Knew him when, which is...rather depressive since it involves Mana interviewing those that once knew Shinji and even has Touji eventually coming to hate him.
Edit: Whoops, confused authors, sorry about that.

Aoi is written by Random1377, who is usually a WAFF author. It is probably the darkest Eva fic, tied with Kadmon's I Knew Him When or Witness.

Status: I have become so desperate to write, I'm resorting to longhand on paper at work. I've got most of a scene done, and will aim to find time to transcribe it and an update by Friday.
Is that I knew Him When the one Akr mentioned before with "even Toji" hating him?
True, sorry about mixing both; don't worry about us Stryp, take your time.
Agreed. Due what you feel like you have to but don't beat yourself up if you can't.
Last edited:
Long Hand on paper

many great works have been done that way...

most actually now that I think about it.....
Comedy Omake #56 - Matt R's "Inheritance: Part II -- You Can't Fight Fete"
While we all wait for Strypgia to transcribe his notes, Part 2 of Inheritance is complete. 4000 words in which credit is given where credit is due, history is investigated, a festival is attended, and Rei has a rematch of sorts.

Inheritance Part 2: You Can't Fight Fete
"Man, I still wish we'd visited that other diner. Angel Whatever?" Touji grumbled.

"I cannot say I mind skipping that establishment..." Kaworu offered warily.

Hikari glared at Touji. "You just wanted to ogle the waitresses in those ridiculous fanservice outfits."

Touji gulped.

Hikari continued. "What, am I suddenly not cute enough for you?"

"You're plenty cute! I've just never seen waitress uniforms quite like those before!"

The proprietor and server of Rena's Diner -- a cheerful woman in her late forties with graying reddish-brown hair and a rather singsong manner of speaking -- broke into the conversation. "Their uniforms may be super cute, but I'm still winning the pastry war! Here's dessert, coming in, coming in!" She bent down to whisper conspiratorially in Hikari's ear. "And if you'd like one of those outfits yourself to show off to your boyfriend later on, I can hook you up..." Hikari blushed crimson and spluttered in response.

A morning's planning and an afternoon's train ride had brought the six of them to Okinomiya, the nearest town of note to the Ayanami Manor. After checking in at the local hotel to drop off their baggage and supplies, they had stepped out to grab dinner at a local establishment. Hikari's emphatic veto of the Angel Mort restaurant after seeing their standard waitress attire through the window left them eating at Rena's Diner, a small outfit decorated with an eclectic mix of found objects. Fortunately, Touji's grumblings were mostly for show -- Rena's superb cooking more than made up for the lack of cute waitresses. In spite of having already devoured a hearty meal, they were nonetheless moving on to dessert.

Rei contemplated the multilayer slab of chocolate cake in front of her, before turning to Rena. "You have lived here for some time, then?"

"I have, I have!" Rena replied. "All my life, around here. Rena knows everything there is to know about the towns and villages."

"You know of the Ayanami Manor, then?"

Rena frowned in concentration. "There isn't much to know about that one, not lately. Nobody goes there, they don't. Not even many people pass by, since it's not on any main route. My friends and I got into some strange things when we were your age, but even we never poked around there. Everybody stays well clear, well clear. Even the tax man only shows up long enough to look and see that it's still standing."

"Even after Second Impact?"

"Even then."

"Has it always been that way?" Asuka asked.

"As far as Rena can remember. Even as far back as Detective Oishi's time, even the ghost hunters stayed away, because it's locked up pretty tight. And nobody's disappeared there for years, for years."

"Wait, people have disappeared there?" Shinji asked.

"It's only a rumor. Back after the original owner died. Not immediately, but... maybe ten years after? Some of his relatives tried to fix the place up for something, some people supposedly disappeared, and they gave up in a hurry. And that was that. Nobody's used it for anything ever since. Why do you ask about the Ayanami Manor, I wonder, I wonder?"

Rei frowned. "Apparently, I just inherited it. Along with a tax bill I have no idea how to pay. Although there is evidence the whole thing is some sort of setup by the government."

"Oooh, a scandal, a scandal! Rena's no stranger to those."

"Oh?" Rei pressed.

"When Rena was your age, the government tried to build a dam near here. Rena's whole village would have been underwater. But the people pushed back and stopped it! It turned out the whole thing was driven by some corrupt land deals rather than the public good, and that was the end of that. And then, ten years later, the village got declared a historical site! Go figure, go figure. Another slice of cake, for consolation?"

Rei looked down, and noticed she had entirely devoured the not-inconsiderable slice of cake during the conversation. "...Yes. It was delicious!"

"Right away! It's always best to be happy if you can, I say. Stand by your friends, and make it work! By the way, will you be making time for the festival?"


"It's the big event in my home village, the Cotton Drifting Festival! Back when I was your age they held it in June, but later the village committee moved it to right after the school year. It draws better crowds that way, it does! And you arrived just in time!"

Rei shared a look with Kaworu, before turning back to Rena. "We would love to. We had been hoping to take in a festival this summer."

"That's wonderful! I'm sure you'll love it!" At that, Rena headed back to the kitchen.

After she was gone, Shinji spoke up. "Do you think she knows anything else?"

"Judging by her Light, that woman is entirely guileless, at least on this," Rei replied.

"I, too, sensed no deception," Kaworu added. "Though she does seem... unusual, even for Lilim. And not just her manner."

"On the upside, this means that the manor probably hasn't been looted," Hikari reasoned. "The government wouldn't have had reason to go inside looking for valuables themselves until after the last owners were deceased and the tax bill was no longer being paid."

"Which happened shortly after Second Impact; and nobody's actually been in since," Asuka finished. "So the treasure might still be there!"

"I told you, we do not even know if there is treasure, or anything of value at all!" Rei insisted.

"Yeah, yeah." Asuka acknowledged... before whispering to Hikari, "I totally bet there is!"

Rei shook her head and sighed.

Rena arrived with more food. "Here's your cake! And, while I'm at it, the bill. Your charge for tonight is... zero yen!"

"Wait, what?" Shinji asked.

"It's Rena's policy. No charge for heroes who saved the world!" she replied with a smile.

"You know about us?" Hikari asked.

"Of course, of course! Rena's no fool. I knew I'd seen you on TV right after the war ended. And your asking about the Ayanami Manor confirmed it... Rei Ayanami, Evangelion Pilot. Thank all of you for everything!"

She bent to whisper in Kaworu's ear. "Especially you, Mister Alien! And you take good care of her! She's too cute not to!" Kaworu answered only with a blush.

The group finished eating and said their goodbyes.

"Wait..." Rena said, as they were preparing to leave. "Come to think of it, there was one person who came through here saying she was going to the manor."

"Oh?" Rei asked.

"It would have been... almost 25 years ago. A girl about your age... who looked an awful lot like you, come to think of it. A relative of yours, I wonder, I wonder?"

"Something like that. I think. You see, I was... raised by my guardian..."

"Rena knows how that goes. One of Rena's friends was orphaned and raised by her relatives, too. Not happy times at all... At least until those relatives got sent to prison. Same as you, then?"

Rei's eyes went wide. "How do you-"

"It was all in the news about how NERV's commander got caught stealing from his own employees to fund his side projects. Pretty rotten if you ask me. But I see you've found family of your own. That makes everything better, it does! Come again soon! You're welcome any time. It'll be on the house!"

Outside, Rei addressed the others. "It is rather late in the day to begin searching the mansion tonight. The festival Miss Rena mentioned is tomorrow night. Would anyone object to turning in tonight, sleeping in tomorrow to recuperate from our trip, investigating around the town tomorrow, and catching the festival tomorrow evening? We can begin our exploration of the mansion the day after."

"Hmm..." Asuka mused. "I suppose I can contain my enthusiasm for one more day."

"Asuka, didn't you mention wanting to catch a festival yourself?" Shinji asked. "They are a Japanese tradition, after all."

"That's true..."

"And we can go shopping for yukata tomorrow after we've checked the local records!" Hikari added. "I'll bet you don't even own any traditional Japanese clothing, do you?"

"...Alright, I'm sold. Let's head back to the hotel."


"Thanks again for making the reservations, Rei! You picked a nice place!" Hikari commented.

"Thank you," Rei replied. "There was one establishment in town that appeared to be even nicer, but it charged by the hour, for some reason. That seemed rather excessive."

"N-No, that's f-fine! I-I d-don't mind at all!" Hikari stammered, her face suddenly an almost luminescent red. Asuka and Kaworu looked at her curiously, while Shinji thought for a moment before getting a wide-eyed look and turning distinctly pink himself.

"Was it something I said?" Rei asked.

"I'll explain later..." Shinji replied sheepishly.

"...Alright. Have a good night, everyone," Rei said, taking Kaworu by the hand and heading towards her room. Shinji and Asuka followed suit.

Hikari abruptly realized that left herself, Touji, and the remaining room key.

"Wait, weren't we going boys/girls? I assumed..."

"Didn't you notice when we dropped off our stuff earlier?" Asuka asked.

"I was really hungry! I wasn't paying much attention..."

Rei turned back to answer. "Shinji and Asuka need to room together to avoid nightmares, and Kaworu and I are engaged, so... The rooms do have two beds. You can sleep separately, if you like."

Hikari turned red all over again. "B-But... me and Touji, alone together... it's so improper!"

Shinji chimed in, "It doesn't look too busy. We could always go to the desk and add an additional room to the reservation."

Hikari thought for a moment... and then turned even redder, her eyes going wide. "No, no... I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm sure Touji won't misbehave himself without permission..."

Touji did a double-take. "Wait, what?"

"As you wish, then. Pleasant dreams."

"...so improper..."

"C'mon, Baka mine, let's let them sort themselves out. By the way, what was that bit about the 'other hotel?'" Asuka said, beckoning Shinji inside their room. Shortly after, Asuka's laughter could be heard right through the door.


"What was that about, Rei-chan? Asuka seemed most amused," Kaworu asked, as he prepared for bed.

Rei frowned. "I do not know. Unfortunately, my 'upbringing,' if it can be called that, left me with noticeable gaps in cultural knowledge. And while Asuka's tutelage has been invaluable, her status as a foreigner leaves her with cultural gaps of her own. I seem to have missed something in this instance."

"What was this other hotel?"

"The listing identified it as Hotel 'Casanova...' That was a classic American film set in Morocco before the Second World War, was it not? I assumed the mention of 'theme rooms' was connected to this as a sort of historical or nostalgia premise, and perhaps accounted for the unusual pricing. It was an interesting notion, but not enough to justify the expense."

"Wait... the film was 'Casablanca', if I recall correctly."

"...Yes, you are correct. 'Casanova' was..." Rei thought for a moment... and then blushed. "...Oh."

Kaworu chuckled. "If my -- and from the look on your face, your -- suspicions are correct, such an establishment could indeed be 'interesting' to visit, but not on this trip. I think we have already scandalized Hikari enough. Speaking of which, did you plan the hotel room situation from the start?"

Rei only smirked faintly in reply, before making good on her promise to Kaworu from the day before.


The next morning, Rei and Kaworu met a well-rested Shinji and Asuka, a bright-eyed Hikari, and a slightly bedraggled Touji. After a stop at Rena's diner -- at which Shinji enjoyed a rare breakfast he didn't have to cook himself, and Asuka took advantage of Rena's cooking to introduce Rei to the joys of Western-style breakfast in the form of a large stack of syrupy pancakes -- the group split up to research the mansion. Shinji, Asuka, Touji, and Hikari set out for the public library, while Rei and Kaworu headed for the utility company.

After two fruitless hours of searching the local newspaper records, Shinji was half convinced that Rena's assessment of the mansion was spot-on.

Asuka stretched and yawned. "Unbelievable! We've gone back two decades already, and nothing in the news? What kind of haunted mansion is this?"

"Maybe Rei's right, and it's not actually haunted?" Shinji mused.

"Bah, that's nonsense," Asuka replied, dismissively.

"Hey, I think I got something!" Touji exclaimed, before Hikari shushed him. "Sorry!"

"What did you find?" Asuka whispered excitedly.

"...Shucks. I thought I'd stumbled onto something, but this local 'curse' that popped up in the early 80's has nothing to do with the mansion. And they even caught the gal responsible for most of it. Sorry!"

"Don't worry, Asuka, we'll keep looking," Hikari reassured her.

"I think I have something," Shinji said gravely. "4 April 1964. 'Construction accident at Ayanami Manor, Renovation Halted;' 18 missing... and presumed dead."

"How do you end up 'missing and presumed dead' in a construction accident?" Asuka asked.

"They don't say. But the list of those missing... one of their names was Ikari."


Meanwhile, Rei and Kaworu were finishing off the last of a bag of amanattō she had picked up as she came to the head of the line at the local utility company.

"How can we help you, miss?" the clerk asked.

"I recently inherited a property in this area that has been vacant for some time, and I wished to inquire as to the possibility of re-establishing services on short notice," Rei replied.

"Condolences on your loss, young miss. Do you have an address?"

"It is the Ayanami Mansion."

The clerk nearly choked on his drink. "You're kidding?"

Rei showed him her ID card and the paperwork. His eyes went wide. "You're not kidding. Alright, let's have a look at the history... it looks like water's been shut off since the 1960's."

"I am somewhat surprised it was connected to main water at all, given its age."

"Yeah... looks like a previous owner paid to have the existing plumbing connected to the mains in the mid-60's, but then had it shut off just a few months later. Strange."

"Indeed... that must have been quite an expense for its day."

"In any case, it should still be compatible; you'll just need to reopen the valve where it comes in. As for power... this can't be right. It says it's continuously had power from when it was connected to the new utilities in the 1960s, right up until... just after Second Impact, when the most recent owner died and the money stopped coming."

"What? But why?"

"Beats me. It looks like it was actively being used, too -- there are actual charges, and not just incidental. Looks like a second billing account was added about 25 years ago; after the original account cut off, the second account picked up the slack. Would you like to add a new account to pay the bills from?"

"Yes, please do," Rei answered, reaching for her wallet.

Why leave the electricity on to an abandoned structure, but turn off the water? Rei thought with a frown.

"Alright, it's all set up!" the clerk concluded. "You're not actually planning on trying to live in that place, are you, with your," he looked at both of them, and guessed, "...brother?"

Rei smiled and took Kaworu's hand. "My fiancée."

The clerk blinked. "Congratulations, then?" he said with a smile. "It's good to see young people actually planning on starting families these days. Hopefully we can put all these catastrophes and near-catastrophes behind us and start really rebuilding."

Kaworu returned the clerk's smile. "Indeed."

The clerk scratched his head as the two left. "Boy, the post-Impact generation sure moves fast..."


After comparing notes over lunch, the group set out to find clothing suitable for a festival. Fortunately, the local shops hadn't been picked clean. Shinji had settled for a basic dark blue haori jacket with hakama trousers. Kaworu had followed suit , but with a white jacket, while Touji had opted for black.

At long last, Asuka emerged from the dressing room in a red yukata with a floral pattern. "How do I look, Shinji?"

Shinji gaped for a moment, and then smiled. "You look great, Asuka!"

Hikari followed shortly, to similar acclaim from Touji.

"Rei, are you finished?" Asuka called back into the dressing rooms.

"I have never worn clothing like this before... I hope I have it right."

"You're fine, Rei. Come on out!" Hikari said.

Rei finally emerged in a dark blue yukata accented with pale lily flowers.

Kaworu could only stare.

"Has my beauty left you speechless?" Rei asked with a small smile, answered by Kaworu's silent nod.

"I declare this shopping trip successful," Hikari said. "Let's catch a ride to that festival!"

As they left the shop, Kaworu quietly whispered to Shinji, "I think I see one advantage of the traditional clothing in this case."

"What's that?"

"Loose pants."


That night, Asuka practically bounced from stand to stand.

"Rei, come look! They have that goldfish-scooping game I've seen in all the shows! Want to try?"

Rei paused on her fourth stick of dango treats that night to answer, "But I already have a stupid fish. Do I need another?"

Next to her, Kaworu stifled a laugh.

The festival was everything they had expected. Colorful booths were everywhere, with vendors and games of all kinds, and excited groups wandering everywhere.

And food. Rei found herself surrounded by more kinds of festival food than she had realized existed. Even setting aside the meat dishes, the booths promised a near-endless parade of new culinary experiences.

"It is fortunate we came on an empty stomach," she remarked.

"Indeed," Kaworu replied, taking in the sights with a broad smile. "The sheer display of creativity here is amazing. The culinary arts in and of themselves are a wonder -- a necessity transformed into an artform. And to say nothing of the many amusements! And even among the traditional forms, no two interpretations are quite the same."

As the group walked, something caught their eye. Everyone stopped and stared at the prize on the shelf at one of the shooting gallery booths.

"Who even makes those?" Asuka wondered after a moment.

"Somehow I doubt that's licensed..." Shinji added.

"I doubt NERV holds the copyright on them, even if they did fight them. But then, who would one go to in order to license the rights to such a visage?" Kaworu mused.

"Quite possibly, you," Rei pointed out.

"Hmm... does this mean there is a market for such things? Should I take out a copyright?" Kaworu replied.

"Was that the one..." Hikari asked.

"Yep. I'll remember that ugly face for the rest of my life." Asuka finished.

"I dunno... it's almost cute in that form, in that 'ugly cute' sort of way," Touji remarked.

"...It will be mine," Rei declared, determination set on her face. She stepped forward and placed a 500 yen note down on the counter. "Rifle, please."

The booth attendant wordlessly handed Rei the cork gun. Her clear crimson eyes set in a steely glare, she took steady aim and fired, striking her target at the very top for maximum leverage.

Her prey tottered on the shelf, but refused to fall.

"Close, miss. You've got four more shots with that bill."

Rei's eyes narrowed further. Again, you defy me, she thought. No matter. As before, so it is now -- my loved ones are at my side. Now, more than ever. You shall fall before me!

"Shinji, Asuka... will you stand with me once more, before this foe?" Rei asked gravely.

"Sure thing, Rei," Shinji answered.

"We're by your side," Asuka affirmed.

"And you, Kaworu?"

"You need only ask," Kaworu replied with a nod.

Rei turned back to the attendant. "Three more rifles, please. This will use up all the shots."

The attendant raised his eyebrows, but handed over another cork gun to each of the three.

"This will take all of our synchronization skill. Are you ready?" Rei asked.

"Ready!" they replied.

"On three... one, two, three!"

With perfect timing, all four corks struck simultaneously, sending the plush likeness of the Angel of Might toppling off the back of the shelf.

"Oh, wow..." The attendant gaped in surprise, before handing Rei her prize. "Nice teamwork!"

"Thank you," Rei replied with a smile.


"Rei, Kaworu... where did you find those?" Shinji asked warily.

Rei paused in eating her bowl of ice cream. "Find what?" she innocently replied.

Hanging off the side of Rei's head was a festival mask... a purplish, cratered mask featuring a seven-eyed sigil. Kaworu, meanwhile, sported an all-too-familiar white beaked mask.

Shinji facepalmed. "Never mind..."


The climax of the festival was the "Cotton-Drifting Ceremony" itself -- a curious affair in which a young miko performed a dance that appeared to involve the ritual sacrifice of a cotton futon, of all things, while the head priestess recited the story of how the local kami had ascended to divinity by sacrificing her life to make peace between humans and oni. Afterwards, all attendees were invited to tear off a piece of the futon's cotton stuffing and hold it close to their hearts, before proceeding to the river to let it float away, carrying their troubles and ill-will along with it.

At the river, Rei noticed an old man looking at her curiously, with a look of intense concentration on his face, before he finally stepped forward.

"Young miss, do I know you from somewhere?"

"I do not believe we have met. Perhaps you saw me on the television?" Rei replied, thinking back to her conversation with Rena.

"On the television? You an idol singer or something?"

"Not exactly..."

The man pounded his fist into his hand. "Oh! Now I know who you remind me of! It took me a minute because it was so long ago, so of course there's no way it was you, but the resemblance is uncanny!"

"The resemblance to whom?" Rei asked curiously.

"I used to run a hardware store in Okinomiya. Damnedest thing happened about 20 or 30 years ago -- a girl your age came in the door one day almost in a panic, and bought a bunch of electrical parts. Guess it stuck in my head since you don't see too many teenage girl electricians. Paid cash, too. Wouldn't say nothin' when I asked her what it was about, and wouldn't gimme her name. I swear her face looked just like yours. Besides the hair, I mean. Never saw her before, never saw her again, but she made quite an impression, I tell you! Relative of yours?"

"Something like that, perhaps. I was raised by a guardian after Second Impact. I inherited property in the area recently and came to investigate it; I seem to be uncovering old family roots as well."

"Well, good luck! And if we meet again, tell me if you found out anything!" the man said, as he departed with a wave.

"Another Izumi sighting, presumably?" Kaworu asked Rei.

"It appears likely," Rei replied.

"From the look of things, it appears she did more than a little treasure hunting."

"Hopefully we will find answers at the mansion tomorrow. On an entirely different note," Rei said as she produced a bag of konpeitō sugar candy, "Would you like to try some? They're quite good!"

As the fireworks display started, the two settled down to share their snack, and each other's company.

Asuka smiled as she watched from a distance. "Look at those two. I'd say we made the right call, don't you agree, Shinji?"

Shinji returned her smile. "I'd say you're right. Looks like Touji and Hikari are enjoying themselves as well."

"We'd better grab a spot for ourselves."

The three couples watched the fireworks show well into the night.


"Did you enjoy the festival?" Rena asked as she brought the group their food the next morning.

"It was both enjoyable and educational," Kaworu replied with a smile. "As I am sure you suspected, I had never been to a festival before. The variety of activities was fascinating! And the cotton-drifting ceremony itself was quite soothing."

"I'm glad to hear! Feeling rested up for the day's exploration?"

"Yes, we are," Rei answered. "...and can I get us a box of donuts for the road, please?"

"Sure thing, and good luck on your treasure hunt!"


A short ride in a taxi van brought the group at last to the grounds of the Ayanami Mansion. As the sound of the van faded into the distance, leaving only the chirping of cicadas, Asuka pointed a commanding finger at the building.

"Alright! Our first order of business..."

Here it comes, Rei thought, will it be the ghosts or the treasure first?

"...is to find a bathroom. I had way too much coffee at Rena's this morning..." Asuka finished sheepishly.

...Can't disagree there.
While we all wait for Strypgia to transcribe his notes, Part 2 of Inheritance is complete. 4000 words in which credit is given where credit is due, history is investigated, a festival is attended, and Rei has a rematch of sorts.

Inheritance Part 2: You Can't Fight Fete
"Man, I still wish we'd visited that other diner. Angel Whatever?" Touji grumbled.

"I cannot say I mind skipping that establishment..." Kaworu offered warily.

Hikari glared at Touji. "You just wanted to ogle the waitresses in those ridiculous fanservice outfits."

Touji gulped.

Hikari continued. "What, am I suddenly not cute enough for you?"

"You're plenty cute! I've just never seen waitress uniforms quite like those before!"

The proprietor and server of Rena's Diner -- a cheerful woman in her late forties with graying reddish-brown hair and a rather singsong manner of speaking -- broke into the conversation. "Their uniforms may be super cute, but I'm still winning the pastry war! Here's dessert, coming in, coming in!" She bent down to whisper conspiratorially in Hikari's ear. "And if you'd like one of those outfits yourself to show off to your boyfriend later on, I can hook you up..." Hikari blushed crimson and spluttered in response.

A morning's planning and an afternoon's train ride had brought the six of them to Okinomiya, the nearest town of note to the Ayanami Manor. After checking in at the local hotel to drop off their baggage and supplies, they had stepped out to grab dinner at a local establishment. Hikari's emphatic veto of the Angel Mort restaurant after seeing their standard waitress attire through the window left them eating at Rena's Diner, a small outfit decorated with an eclectic mix of found objects. Fortunately, Touji's grumblings were mostly for show -- Rena's superb cooking more than made up for the lack of cute waitresses. In spite of having already devoured a hearty meal, they were nonetheless moving on to dessert.

Rei contemplated the multilayer slab of chocolate cake in front of her, before turning to Rena. "You have lived here for some time, then?"

"I have, I have!" Rena replied. "All my life, around here. Rena knows everything there is to know about the towns and villages."

"You know of the Ayanami Manor, then?"

Rena frowned in concentration. "There isn't much to know about that one, not lately. Nobody goes there, they don't. Not even many people pass by, since it's not on any main route. My friends and I got into some strange things when we were your age, but even we never poked around there. Everybody stays well clear, well clear. Even the tax man only shows up long enough to look and see that it's still standing."

"Even after Second Impact?"

"Even then."

"Has it always been that way?" Asuka asked.

"As far as Rena can remember. Even as far back as Detective Oishi's time, even the ghost hunters stayed away, because it's locked up pretty tight. And nobody's disappeared there for years, for years."

"Wait, people have disappeared there?" Shinji asked.

"It's only a rumor. Back after the original owner died. Not immediately, but... maybe ten years after? Some of his relatives tried to fix the place up for something, some people supposedly disappeared, and they gave up in a hurry. And that was that. Nobody's used it for anything ever since. Why do you ask about the Ayanami Manor, I wonder, I wonder?"

Rei frowned. "Apparently, I just inherited it. Along with a tax bill I have no idea how to pay. Although there is evidence the whole thing is some sort of setup by the government."

"Oooh, a scandal, a scandal! Rena's no stranger to those."

"Oh?" Rei pressed.

"When Rena was your age, the government tried to build a dam near here. Rena's whole village would have been underwater. But the people pushed back and stopped it! It turned out the whole thing was driven by some corrupt land deals rather than the public good, and that was the end of that. And then, ten years later, the village got declared a historical site! Go figure, go figure. Another slice of cake, for consolation?"

Rei looked down, and noticed she had entirely devoured the not-inconsiderable slice of cake during the conversation. "...Yes. It was delicious!"

"Right away! It's always best to be happy if you can, I say. Stand by your friends, and make it work! By the way, will you be making time for the festival?"


"It's the big event in my home village, the Cotton Drifting Festival! Back when I was your age they held it in June, but later the village committee moved it to right after the school year. It draws better crowds that way, it does! And you arrived just in time!"

Rei shared a look with Kaworu, before turning back to Rena. "We would love to. We had been hoping to take in a festival this summer."

"That's wonderful! I'm sure you'll love it!" At that, Rena headed back to the kitchen.

After she was gone, Shinji spoke up. "Do you think she knows anything else?"

"Judging by her Light, that woman is entirely guileless, at least on this," Rei replied.

"I, too, sensed no deception," Kaworu added. "Though she does seem... unusual, even for Lilim. And not just her manner."

"On the upside, this means that the manor probably hasn't been looted," Hikari reasoned. "The government wouldn't have had reason to go inside looking for valuables themselves until after the last owners were deceased and the tax bill was no longer being paid."

"Which happened shortly after Second Impact; and nobody's actually been in since," Asuka finished. "So the treasure might still be there!"

"I told you, we do not even know if there is treasure, or anything of value at all!" Rei insisted.

"Yeah, yeah." Asuka acknowledged... before whispering to Hikari, "I totally bet there is!"

Rei shook her head and sighed.

Rena arrived with more food. "Here's your cake! And, while I'm at it, the bill. Your charge for tonight is... zero yen!"

"Wait, what?" Shinji asked.

"It's Rena's policy. No charge for heroes who saved the world!" she replied with a smile.

"You know about us?" Hikari asked.

"Of course, of course! Rena's no fool. I knew I'd seen you on TV right after the war ended. And your asking about the Ayanami Manor confirmed it... Rei Ayanami, Evangelion Pilot. Thank all of you for everything!"

She bent to whisper in Kaworu's ear. "Especially you, Mister Alien! And you take good care of her! She's too cute not to!" Kaworu answered only with a blush.

The group finished eating and said their goodbyes.

"Wait..." Rena said, as they were preparing to leave. "Come to think of it, there was one person who came through here saying she was going to the manor."

"Oh?" Rei asked.

"It would have been... almost 25 years ago. A girl about your age... who looked an awful lot like you, come to think of it. A relative of yours, I wonder, I wonder?"

"Something like that. I think. You see, I was... raised by my guardian..."

"Rena knows how that goes. One of Rena's friends was orphaned and raised by her relatives, too. Not happy times at all... At least until those relatives got sent to prison. Same as you, then?"

Rei's eyes went wide. "How do you-"

"It was all in the news about how NERV's commander got caught stealing from his own employees to fund his side projects. Pretty rotten if you ask me. But I see you've found family of your own. That makes everything better, it does! Come again soon! You're welcome any time. It'll be on the house!"

Outside, Rei addressed the others. "It is rather late in the day to begin searching the mansion tonight. The festival Miss Rena mentioned is tomorrow night. Would anyone object to turning in tonight, sleeping in tomorrow to recuperate from our trip, investigating around the town tomorrow, and catching the festival tomorrow evening? We can begin our exploration of the mansion the day after."

"Hmm..." Asuka mused. "I suppose I can contain my enthusiasm for one more day."

"Asuka, didn't you mention wanting to catch a festival yourself?" Shinji asked. "They are a Japanese tradition, after all."

"That's true..."

"And we can go shopping for yukata tomorrow after we've checked the local records!" Hikari added. "I'll bet you don't even own any traditional Japanese clothing, do you?"

"...Alright, I'm sold. Let's head back to the hotel."


"Thanks again for making the reservations, Rei! You picked a nice place!" Hikari commented.

"Thank you," Rei replied. "There was one establishment in town that appeared to be even nicer, but it charged by the hour, for some reason. That seemed rather excessive."

"N-No, that's f-fine! I-I d-don't mind at all!" Hikari stammered, her face suddenly an almost luminescent red. Asuka and Kaworu looked at her curiously, while Shinji thought for a moment before getting a wide-eyed look and turning distinctly pink himself.

"Was it something I said?" Rei asked.

"I'll explain later..." Shinji replied sheepishly.

"...Alright. Have a good night, everyone," Rei said, taking Kaworu by the hand and heading towards her room. Shinji and Asuka followed suit.

Hikari abruptly realized that left herself, Touji, and the remaining room key.

"Wait, weren't we going boys/girls? I assumed..."

"Didn't you notice when we dropped off our stuff earlier?" Asuka asked.

"I was really hungry! I wasn't paying much attention..."

Rei turned back to answer. "Shinji and Asuka need to room together to avoid nightmares, and Kaworu and I are engaged, so... The rooms do have two beds. You can sleep separately, if you like."

Hikari turned red all over again. "B-But... me and Touji, alone together... it's so improper!"

Shinji chimed in, "It doesn't look too busy. We could always go to the desk and add an additional room to the reservation."

Hikari thought for a moment... and then turned even redder, her eyes going wide. "No, no... I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm sure Touji won't misbehave himself without permission..."

Touji did a double-take. "Wait, what?"

"As you wish, then. Pleasant dreams."

"...so improper..."

"C'mon, Baka mine, let's let them sort themselves out. By the way, what was that bit about the 'other hotel?'" Asuka said, beckoning Shinji inside their room. Shortly after, Asuka's laughter could be heard right through the door.


"What was that about, Rei-chan? Asuka seemed most amused," Kaworu asked, as he prepared for bed.

Rei frowned. "I do not know. Unfortunately, my 'upbringing,' if it can be called that, left me with noticeable gaps in cultural knowledge. And while Asuka's tutelage has been invaluable, her status as a foreigner leaves her with cultural gaps of her own. I seem to have missed something in this instance."

"What was this other hotel?"

"The listing identified it as Hotel 'Casanova...' That was a classic American film set in Morocco before the Second World War, was it not? I assumed the mention of 'theme rooms' was connected to this as a sort of historical or nostalgia premise, and perhaps accounted for the unusual pricing. It was an interesting notion, but not enough to justify the expense."

"Wait... the film was 'Casablanca', if I recall correctly."

"...Yes, you are correct. 'Casanova' was..." Rei thought for a moment... and then blushed. "...Oh."

Kaworu chuckled. "If my -- and from the look on your face, your -- suspicions are correct, such an establishment could indeed be 'interesting' to visit, but not on this trip. I think we have already scandalized Hikari enough. Speaking of which, did you plan the hotel room situation from the start?"

Rei only smirked faintly in reply, before making good on her promise to Kaworu from the day before.


The next morning, Rei and Kaworu met a well-rested Shinji and Asuka, a bright-eyed Hikari, and a slightly bedraggled Touji. After a stop at Rena's diner -- at which Shinji enjoyed a rare breakfast he didn't have to cook himself, and Asuka took advantage of Rena's cooking to introduce Rei to the joys of Western-style breakfast in the form of a large stack of syrupy pancakes -- the group split up to research the mansion. Shinji, Asuka, Touji, and Hikari set out for the public library, while Rei and Kaworu headed for the utility company.

After two fruitless hours of searching the local newspaper records, Shinji was half convinced that Rena's assessment of the mansion was spot-on.

Asuka stretched and yawned. "Unbelievable! We've gone back two decades already, and nothing in the news? What kind of haunted mansion is this?"

"Maybe Rei's right, and it's not actually haunted?" Shinji mused.

"Bah, that's nonsense," Asuka replied, dismissively.

"Hey, I think I got something!" Touji exclaimed, before Hikari shushed him. "Sorry!"

"What did you find?" Asuka whispered excitedly.

"...Shucks. I thought I'd stumbled onto something, but this local 'curse' that popped up in the early 80's has nothing to do with the mansion. And they even caught the gal responsible for most of it. Sorry!"

"Don't worry, Asuka, we'll keep looking," Hikari reassured her.

"I think I have something," Shinji said gravely. "4 April 1964. 'Construction accident at Ayanami Manor, Renovation Halted;' 18 missing... and presumed dead."

"How do you end up 'missing and presumed dead' in a construction accident?" Asuka asked.

"They don't say. But the list of those missing... one of their names was Ikari."


Meanwhile, Rei and Kaworu were finishing off the last of a bag of amanattō she had picked up as she came to the head of the line at the local utility company.

"How can we help you, miss?" the clerk asked.

"I recently inherited a property in this area that has been vacant for some time, and I wished to inquire as to the possibility of re-establishing services on short notice," Rei replied.

"Condolences on your loss, young miss. Do you have an address?"

"It is the Ayanami Mansion."

The clerk nearly choked on his drink. "You're kidding?"

Rei showed him her ID card and the paperwork. His eyes went wide. "You're not kidding. Alright, let's have a look at the history... it looks like water's been shut off since the 1960's."

"I am somewhat surprised it was connected to main water at all, given its age."

"Yeah... looks like a previous owner paid to have the existing plumbing connected to the mains in the mid-60's, but then had it shut off just a few months later. Strange."

"Indeed... that must have been quite an expense for its day."

"In any case, it should still be compatible; you'll just need to reopen the valve where it comes in. As for power... this can't be right. It says it's continuously had power from when it was connected to the new utilities in the 1960s, right up until... just after Second Impact, when the most recent owner died and the money stopped coming."

"What? But why?"

"Beats me. It looks like it was actively being used, too -- there are actual charges, and not just incidental. Looks like a second billing account was added about 25 years ago; after the original account cut off, the second account picked up the slack. Would you like to add a new account to pay the bills from?"

"Yes, please do," Rei answered, reaching for her wallet.

Why leave the electricity on to an abandoned structure, but turn off the water? Rei thought with a frown.

"Alright, it's all set up!" the clerk concluded. "You're not actually planning on trying to live in that place, are you, with your," he looked at both of them, and guessed, "...brother?"

Rei smiled and took Kaworu's hand. "My fiancée."

The clerk blinked. "Congratulations, then?" he said with a smile. "It's good to see young people actually planning on starting families these days. Hopefully we can put all these catastrophes and near-catastrophes behind us and start really rebuilding."

Kaworu returned the clerk's smile. "Indeed."

The clerk scratched his head as the two left. "Boy, the post-Impact generation sure moves fast..."


After comparing notes over lunch, the group set out to find clothing suitable for a festival. Fortunately, the local shops hadn't been picked clean. Shinji had settled for a basic dark blue haori jacket with hakama trousers. Kaworu had followed suit , but with a white jacket, while Touji had opted for black.

At long last, Asuka emerged from the dressing room in a red yukata with a floral pattern. "How do I look, Shinji?"

Shinji gaped for a moment, and then smiled. "You look great, Asuka!"

Hikari followed shortly, to similar acclaim from Touji.

"Rei, are you finished?" Asuka called back into the dressing rooms.

"I have never worn clothing like this before... I hope I have it right."

"You're fine, Rei. Come on out!" Hikari said.

Rei finally emerged in a dark blue yukata accented with pale lily flowers.

Kaworu could only stare.

"Has my beauty left you speechless?" Rei asked with a small smile, answered by Kaworu's silent nod.

"I declare this shopping trip successful," Hikari said. "Let's catch a ride to that festival!"

As they left the shop, Kaworu quietly whispered to Shinji, "I think I see one advantage of the traditional clothing in this case."

"What's that?"

"Loose pants."


That night, Asuka practically bounced from stand to stand.

"Rei, come look! They have that goldfish-scooping game I've seen in all the shows! Want to try?"

Rei paused on her fourth stick of dango treats that night to answer, "But I already have a stupid fish. Do I need another?"

Next to her, Kaworu stifled a laugh.

The festival was everything they had expected. Colorful booths were everywhere, with vendors and games of all kinds, and excited groups wandering everywhere.

And food. Rei found herself surrounded by more kinds of festival food than she had realized existed. Even setting aside the meat dishes, the booths promised a near-endless parade of new culinary experiences.

"It is fortunate we came on an empty stomach," she remarked.

"Indeed," Kaworu replied, taking in the sights with a broad smile. "The sheer display of creativity here is amazing. The culinary arts in and of themselves are a wonder -- a necessity transformed into an artform. And to say nothing of the many amusements! And even among the traditional forms, no two interpretations are quite the same."

As the group walked, something caught their eye. Everyone stopped and stared at the prize on the shelf at one of the shooting gallery booths.

"Who even makes those?" Asuka wondered after a moment.

"Somehow I doubt that's licensed..." Shinji added.

"I doubt NERV holds the copyright on them, even if they did fight them. But then, who would one go to in order to license the rights to such a visage?" Kaworu mused.

"Quite possibly, you," Rei pointed out.

"Hmm... does this mean there is a market for such things? Should I take out a copyright?" Kaworu replied.

"Was that the one..." Hikari asked.

"Yep. I'll remember that ugly face for the rest of my life." Asuka finished.

"I dunno... it's almost cute in that form, in that 'ugly cute' sort of way," Touji remarked.

"...It will be mine," Rei declared, determination set on her face. She stepped forward and placed a 500 yen note down on the counter. "Rifle, please."

The booth attendant wordlessly handed Rei the cork gun. Her clear crimson eyes set in a steely glare, she took steady aim and fired, striking her target at the very top for maximum leverage.

Her prey tottered on the shelf, but refused to fall.

"Close, miss. You've got four more shots with that bill."

Rei's eyes narrowed further. Again, you defy me, she thought. No matter. As before, so it is now -- my loved ones are at my side. Now, more than ever. You shall fall before me!

"Shinji, Asuka... will you stand with me once more, before this foe?" Rei asked gravely.

"Sure thing, Rei," Shinji answered.

"We're by your side," Asuka affirmed.

"And you, Kaworu?"

"You need only ask," Kaworu replied with a nod.

Rei turned back to the attendant. "Three more rifles, please. This will use up all the shots."

The attendant raised his eyebrows, but handed over another cork gun to each of the three.

"This will take all of our synchronization skill. Are you ready?" Rei asked.

"Ready!" they replied.

"On three... one, two, three!"

With perfect timing, all four corks struck simultaneously, sending the plush likeness of the Angel of Might toppling off the back of the shelf.

"Oh, wow..." The attendant gaped in surprise, before handing Rei her prize. "Nice teamwork!"

"Thank you," Rei replied with a smile.


"Rei, Kaworu... where did you find those?" Shinji asked warily.

Rei paused in eating her bowl of ice cream. "Find what?" she innocently replied.

Hanging off the side of Rei's head was a festival mask... a purplish, cratered mask featuring a seven-eyed sigil. Kaworu, meanwhile, sported an all-too-familiar white beaked mask.

Shinji facepalmed. "Never mind..."


The climax of the festival was the "Cotton-Drifting Ceremony" itself -- a curious affair in which a young miko performed a dance that appeared to involve the ritual sacrifice of a cotton futon, of all things, while the head priestess recited the story of how the local kami had ascended to divinity by sacrificing her life to make peace between humans and oni. Afterwards, all attendees were invited to tear off a piece of the futon's cotton stuffing and hold it close to their hearts, before proceeding to the river to let it float away, carrying their troubles and ill-will along with it.

At the river, Rei noticed an old man looking at her curiously, with a look of intense concentration on his face, before he finally stepped forward.

"Young miss, do I know you from somewhere?"

"I do not believe we have met. Perhaps you saw me on the television?" Rei replied, thinking back to her conversation with Rena.

"On the television? You an idol singer or something?"

"Not exactly..."

The man pounded his fist into his hand. "Oh! Now I know who you remind me of! It took me a minute because it was so long ago, so of course there's no way it was you, but the resemblance is uncanny!"

"The resemblance to whom?" Rei asked curiously.

"I used to run a hardware store in Okinomiya. Damnedest thing happened about 20 or 30 years ago -- a girl your age came in the door one day almost in a panic, and bought a bunch of electrical parts. Guess it stuck in my head since you don't see too many teenage girl electricians. Paid cash, too. Wouldn't say nothin' when I asked her what it was about, and wouldn't gimme her name. I swear her face looked just like yours. Besides the hair, I mean. Never saw her before, never saw her again, but she made quite an impression, I tell you! Relative of yours?"

"Something like that, perhaps. I was raised by a guardian after Second Impact. I inherited property in the area recently and came to investigate it; I seem to be uncovering old family roots as well."

"Well, good luck! And if we meet again, tell me if you found out anything!" the man said, as he departed with a wave.

"Another Izumi sighting, presumably?" Kaworu asked Rei.

"It appears likely," Rei replied.

"From the look of things, it appears she did more than a little treasure hunting."

"Hopefully we will find answers at the mansion tomorrow. On an entirely different note," Rei said as she produced a bag of konpeitō sugar candy, "Would you like to try some? They're quite good!"

As the fireworks display started, the two settled down to share their snack, and each other's company.

Asuka smiled as she watched from a distance. "Look at those two. I'd say we made the right call, don't you agree, Shinji?"

Shinji returned her smile. "I'd say you're right. Looks like Touji and Hikari are enjoying themselves as well."

"We'd better grab a spot for ourselves."

The three couples watched the fireworks show well into the night.


"Did you enjoy the festival?" Rena asked as she brought the group their food the next morning.

"It was both enjoyable and educational," Kaworu replied with a smile. "As I am sure you suspected, I had never been to a festival before. The variety of activities was fascinating! And the cotton-drifting ceremony itself was quite soothing."

"I'm glad to hear! Feeling rested up for the day's exploration?"

"Yes, we are," Rei answered. "...and can I get us a box of donuts for the road, please?"

"Sure thing, and good luck on your treasure hunt!"


A short ride in a taxi van brought the group at last to the grounds of the Ayanami Mansion. As the sound of the van faded into the distance, leaving only the chirping of cicadas, Asuka pointed a commanding finger at the building.

"Alright! Our first order of business..."

Here it comes, Rei thought, will it be the ghosts or the treasure first?

"...is to find a bathroom. I had way too much coffee at Rena's this morning..." Asuka finished sheepishly.

...Can't disagree there.

Where was the first part of this?
The reason i ask i remember hearing something about that Asuka being a fusion of Misato, Asuka and Rei, and there eyes showing it. Yet no one hear has ever mentioned that so...

Yeah, that's why I brought it up. While I do think the idea of Asuka being a fusion is clever, it's also very likely that the explanation that her visible eye is red because of the lighting is correct.

There are really two ways to look at the ending. One is that it is the end of the world, and Shinji and Asuka are like Adam and Eve, it's up to them as the only survivors to continue the species. The other is to believe Yui (?) when she said the other people trapped in the LCL will be able to return as soon as they let go of Instrumentality, as Shinji and presumably Asuka did. In the latter case, Misato is still in the LCL, and can return on her own, she doesn't need to be a part of Asuka.

I think the scene of Rei appearing over the LCL, as she did in the beginning, however, implies that she no longer has a physical form and can't return. In that case it's possible that some part of her returned with Asuka. Asuka would be pretty ticked off at that idea, but it's possible, and Asuka might even learn to accept it. :D

I'll add it's equally possible that some part of Rei returned with SHINJI, especially if he's seeing visions of her.

Also akraseil23's analysis was pretty much spot on.
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someone did a color cell analysis of the ending, Asuka's eyes are correct and only look different because of the lighting.

the fusion idea is stupid because there is literally zero evidence for it and would go against the themes of the entire show.

Plus the Adam and Eve look at the ending makes no sense because if a literally half-dead girl can come back to life, why shouldn't anyone else? It's not like Asuka and Shinji didn't go through Instrumentality and just watched it unfold, they were actively part of it. The only reason they came back first was that they found a desire to live first.
the fusion idea is stupid because there is literally zero evidence for it and would go against the themes of the entire show.

Plus the Adam and Eve look at the ending makes no sense because if a literally half-dead girl can come back to life, why shouldn't anyone else? It's not like Asuka and Shinji didn't go through Instrumentality and just watched it unfold, they were actively part of it. The only reason they came back first was that they found a desire to live first.
Well there isn't zero evidence. Like you said someone had to a color cell analysis. Before that Asuka having a red eye would indicate a possible fusion.
It also makes for an interesting idea for a fic.

And the fact that they are only two people with (as far as we know) normal genetic structures. Inbreeding will be an issue.
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While we all wait for Strypgia to transcribe his notes, Part 2 of Inheritance is complete. 4000 words in which credit is given where credit is due, history is investigated, a festival is attended, and Rei has a rematch of sorts.
Nice foreshadowing there. Time travel shenanigans, using stasis pods to take the long way back? No, don't tell me. I want to be surprised.
"Judging by her Light, that woman is entirely guileless, at least on this," Rei replied.
I love the implication that Rei has become casually used to using her powers like this, and none of her friends are surprised at all. :)
"Thank you," Rei replied. "There was one establishment in town that appeared to be even nicer, but it charged by the hour, for some reason. That seemed rather excessive."

"N-No, that's f-fine! I-I d-don't mind at all!" Hikari stammered, her face suddenly an almost luminescent red. Asuka and Kaworu looked at her curiously, while Shinji thought for a moment before getting a wide-eyed look and turning distinctly pink himself.
As they left the shop, Kaworu quietly whispered to Shinji, "I think I see one advantage of the traditional clothing in this case."

"What's that?"

"Loose pants."
Rei paused in eating her bowl of ice cream. "Find what?" she innocently replied.

Hanging off the side of Rei's head was a festival mask... a purplish, cratered mask featuring a seven-eyed sigil. Kaworu, meanwhile, sported an all-too-familiar white beaked mask.
I wonder where the heck they found those. How many people even know of Lilith at all, let alone what her mask looked like?

And hmm... what was Rei's ancestor up to? More mysteries... I eagerly await more.
And hmm... what was Rei's ancestor up to? More mysteries... I eagerly await more.
Do "clones" have ancestors? I only use quotation marks because I don't consider those who are genetically sufficiently different to have different phenotype expression to be clones in the proper sense, but it's more simple and less degrading than "soul-granted homunculus" or "artificial human".