Well... I should have expected this. This, as usual, got way bigger than I thought. Here's Hangover pt 4, 5441 words of WAFF and booze. Rei has an idea. Misato has a bottle. And Asuka has a breakthrough... that she won't remember.
Art? Sure, why not?
Evangelion: The Hangover Part 4
Shinji was very grateful for the dark sunglasses he'd found in one of the minivan's pockets. Even with them, the ohgodsobrightithurrrrrrts sun made him wince badly as they all piled out on the parking lot in front of the Chapel of the Flowers. It did look vaguely familiar to Shinji's eyes. Obviously, if they'd been there last night and gotten married, according to the paperwork Asuka had in her hand, but it still felt weird to him that he could only get a hazy deja-vu feeling of having been there before when it was theoretically the site of the most important moment in his life since the day they'd averted Third Impact.
Mrs. Growlski harrumphed and growled at Rei for a moment as she got out. Rei nodded and closed the passenger door. "Mrs. Growlski will stay here and keep the air conditioning going so the car is cool. She doesn't like Vegas' heat," she reported as they started to walk to the chapel's front entrance.
Shinji and Kaworu shared a confused look before a simultaneous shrug as they fell in behind Rei and Asuka. Shinji put his arm around Kaworu as they went. His husband (!!!) still looked pretty green, and the sunlight and heat was hitting him even harder than it was Shinji. Kaworu gave him a grateful nod and a weak smile.
Gods, that smile always made Shinji's stomach flutter. And the feeling of being able to put his arms around Kaworu
in public... Shinji gulped as they went inside and the blissful cool of high-powered a/c washed over them.
The woman at the counter looked up from her smartphone as the band of newlyweds approached. "Ah, hello, Mrs. Soryu-Ayanami! Great to have you and your spouses back so soon! You too, Mister and Misses Suzuhara. I'm betting you're here to pick up your videos? You all left in such a hurry last night, but I can understand why."
Asuka blinked. She looked again at the papers in her hand. She'd glanced at them before they'd left, but mostly just to verify they were indeed their marital paperwork and to get the address of the chapel. She hadn't looked at the details. But yes, right there in black and white, was her new, legal name and those of her spouses:
Asuka Langley Soryu-Ayanami, wife: Rei Soryu-Ayanami, husband #1: Shinji Soryu-Ayanami, husband #2: Kaworu Soryu-Ayanami.
'They took my name? All of them? I...' Asuka bit her lip and suppressed the urge to grab one or all of them and kiss their brains out. Or cry. But neither of those were something she could let herself do right now. They were in public. And... reasons. Yeah. She shook herself.
'Focus, Asuka.'
"Ah... you can understand?" Asuka began. "You'll have to refresh us. I'm afraid there was just a
bit of celebratory drinking afterwards, so we're all kind of hung over and blurry on something we all really wish we we're crystal clear on."
The young blonde woman smiled and nodded. "Ma'am, I've worked here for five years, seen hundreds of weddings, but I don't think I've ever seen any couple or more come through here that was as... as
joyful as you and yours were, or more in love. That speech you gave to propose to them all was... I swear, we had at least three couples and one trio sign up to get married today because of your speech. It was the most moving and romantic thing any of us had ever heard. I kissed my husband so hard that night when I got home..."
Asuka stared at her. "What."
The countergirl nodded, smiling broadly. "Actually, my manager said he wanted to talk to you when you came in to pick up the disc. He wanted to talk to you about seeing if we could use some of it in our marketing and advertising materials. We would compensate you and credit you, of course, but only if you wanted us to. We could anonymize it as well. We can understand if you want to avoid anyone making a fuss about your... unusual arrangement. Though you did um... shout to the entire parking lot 'HOLY SHIT, I'M MARRIED!' as you all left last night. Mrs. Suzuhara did too, come to think of it."
"What." Asuka was still frozen.
Shinji slid up next to Asuka and took her hand, massaging the back of it with his thumb. "Er... that's um... very kind of you, but could we see the video first? We're not really in shape for ah... detailed negotiations right now," he said to the woman.
"Oh! I'm sorry Mister Soryu-Ayanami! Yes, of course. I'm terribly sorry. We're all just... very excited by it. To tell the truth, the staff have been watching it over and over again this morning, showing it the morning staff who weren't here last night to see it. Please, follow me. I'll take you right to the video department."
She walked out from behind the counter and gestured for them all to follow her down the hall to the right.
"Asuka, what did you
say?" Hikari hissed in her ear as they followed.
"I... I don't
know!" Asuka finally managed, snapping out of her shock. "You don't remember?"
Hikari shook her head. "We were pretty drunk too, but I don't remember you making any speeches before Touji and I left, so it must have been after that."
"Were Commander Katsuragi and Inspector Kaji still here? Would they know?" Kaworu asked.
"It was probably her
fault," Asuka muttered. "And it doesn't matter if they know or not. We're about to see it for ourselves anyway."
"I just want to know how much to thank them or blame them," Kaworu replied.
"Thank. Definitely thank," Rei said softly, smiling faintly.
Shinji let go of Asuka's hand and pondered the idea himself as they walked. How did he feel about all this, really? Misato
had been encouraging of him and Asuka as a pair, and more than once been Shinji's shoulder to cry on when he'd fucked things up and caused another temporary break-up with her. Especially the first bad one, where Shinji had been afraid that was it forever. Misato had been the one to reassure him Asuka loved him back just as much as he loved her, just that they were both bad at communicating it. She'd been the one to give him the courage to try again.
And now here he was.
Married. To not just Asuka, but Rei and Kaworu as well. The three people in the world who had
said they loved him. That Asuka had been half-drunk, fully nude, lying on top of him, and blushing as red as her hair when she mumbled, then shouted it at him had only made him even more sure she was telling the truth. That Rei and Kaworu had said it more softly and sweetly as they held him on their own occasions had been very... them.
'Huh. In fact, all three of them said that to me while we were all naked, buzzed, and post-coital. And we got married nearly the same way. My love life is as deep and wild as it is partly thanks to alcohol. I think I can blame-slash-thank Misato for that one too,' he mused. His eyes were almost automatically drawn to the three backsides walking in front of him. They were all gorgeous, from Asuka's stunning, toned one to Rei's smooth, sweetly curved one to Kaworu's firm, mathematically perfect one. They all loved him and would happily spend all day in bed with him, and had more than once. And he now had official permission to do this for the rest of their lives, every night. All three of them...
Shinji Soryu-Ayanami became uncomfortably aware he was suddenly feeling very... compassionate. Oops.
He dropped his hands to attempt to cover the abrupt appearance of a tent pole in his trousers. The effort was doomed to failure. He could feel his cheeks heating.
Rei sensed his agitation, and turned to examine his face. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped before she uttered a single word, seeing his face. He could see her eyes widen, then flicker downward for a moment. A small but definite
smirk appeared on her lips. Lips she made sure to slowly lick after she made sure she had eye contact with him. Shinji swallowed, his blush and... compassion getting worse.
"You are... tense, my husband. This may be embarrassing," Rei whispered. "I have an idea."
A couple of minutes of walking took the group to the back of the chapel's office side. Rachel, the countergirl, smiled at them as she rapped on the door marked 'Video Department'. A moment later it opened, and she waved them inside.
Asuka blinked in surprise again. On the large screen over the broad video editing console and monitors, her own face was frozen on a paused video.
"Oh... oh my. Asuka, you look..." Kaworu tried to find words for it. "Asuka, you're
The Asuka on the screen was frozen mid-radiant smile, a look of unfettered joy lighting up her face. She looked impossibly happy, her brilliant blue eyes sparkling at the camera over Shinji's shoulder. The Third Child's back was to the camera, so she was apparently speaking to him at the time the video was paused. Or possibly Rei or Kaworu, who were standing close to Shinji, all three of them facing Asuka.
It took Asuka a moment to tear her gaze away, her cheeks slightly pink. "I..." She coughed, her throat suddenly tight. "I take it that's my... ah, speech?"
The video tech, a Hispanic man who's nametag said 'Roberto', nodded. He looked shocked himself, suddenly face to face with the woman on his screens. "Uh... y-yes, ma'am. Actually, that's right after it. We were trying to capture the look on your face at that particular moment."
"That particular moment?" Hikari asked. "Because she looks so happy?"
"That's the moment all three of them said 'Yes', ma'am," he explained. "You... lit up when they did. Even more than during your proposal speech."
Asuka colored further. "A
hem!" she cleared her throat again. "S-so I see. I... wait,
I asked
them?All three of them? And I made a
"Yes, ma'am." The tech hesitated. "You... don't remember? Uh... from the video, the entire thing was your idea."
"We got a bit drunk afterwards," Asuka mumbled. "And I bet some of the blame goes to Misato on both parts of that. I-...wait, where are Shinji and Rei?"
Kaworu, Hikari, and Touji blinked and looked behind them. There was a distinct lack of Children, First or Third.
"I... they were right behind us when we left the front, I thought?" Touji said.
Asuka massaged her forehead. "How do
both of them get lost in... agh. Kaworu, where are they?"
Kaworu smiled a bit and swept his eyes across the wall and door. He always did seem to enjoy using his powers at the command of his friends-turned-spouses. "I... there they are. I See them coming down the hall. They'll be here in a moment."
A patter of rapidly approaching feet sounded in the hall, resolving to a missing pair of ex-Pilots slowing down to a walk, their faces red and slightly sweaty. "H-Hi, everyone!" Shinji stammered. "We just got a l-little... sidetracked. Rei and I, um..." He looked at Rei, who was smiling enigmatically.
The bluenette sauntered over to Kaworu, put her hands on his cheeks, and pulled him into a deep kiss. She broke it off after just a few seconds, however, and turned to do the same thing to Asuka.
Asuka's eyes went wide as Rei thoroughly kissed her wife. Rei ducked her head to the side to whisper something in Asuka's ear when she ended the kiss, and tucked something into Asuka's right pocket as she did. Asuka's face was beet red when Rei pulled back, and she was biting her lip hard and panting.
"You can check if you want to," Rei purred quietly. She licked her lips.
Asuka emitted a high-pitched keening noise, closed her eyes, and vibrated in place for a moment. She gasped and sagged when it ended. She fixed Rei with a glare that managed to mix vengeful admiration and no small amount of frustrated lust. "I... am...
so going... to get you... for that... later," Asuka panted.
"Tonight, I am all yours," Rei said with a tiny smirk.
Asuka bit down on a groan and pinched her eyes shut. "
Stop that, you little minx!"
"Not for the rest of our lives," Rei replied. She looked at Kaworu. "Did I put a thought in your head, my other husband?"
The gray-haired Nephilim tore his eyes from where he'd been staring at Shinji. He swallowed. "Nnnng. Nope. I'm good," Kaworu said in a strangled voice. "I'm just going to... stand behind this chair for a bit."
Asuka grabbed Shinji's hand and hauled him closer. "Shinji, my dear, could you help hold me up for a bit? My knees are feeling a bit wobbly." She threw another glare at Rei, who continued to look like a cat that had definitely gotten a canary or two.
Shinji obligingly put his arms around her, and muttered something into her ear. Asuka's face softened a little. "Dork." She shook herself. "Alright, ah... Roberto? Could you start it... no, wait, back up a bit. Show us the Suzuhara's first, since we came for them first."
"Of course, ma'am." The tech sat back down and began pulling up the appropriate video. Rachel closed the door to give them a modicum of privacy to watch, but stayed around herself, apparently wanting to see the whole thing again.
14 hours before
"I can't believe we're really doing this!" Hikari almost squealed. "Oh god oh god oh god I've wanted this for
so long!"
"Stay cool, Hikari," Asuka calmed her. "I...
wow, that stuff Misato gave us is some crazy shit. I feel super-drunk
and totally focused and spober. I mean sober." She giggled.
know, right?" Hikari breathed, her shimmery blue satin gown shaking as she tried to suppress her own giggles. "I can't stop thinking about how much I love Touji and want to be his wife
and just how hard I'm going to fuck his brains out once we get back to the hotel as a
married couple!" She waved her tightly clutched bouquet like a wand and did a fairly good impression of Sailor Moon's transformation twirl. "Ta-DAAAA! Magical Fiancée Pretty Hikari is now Super Wifey Suzuhara! In the name of the moon, I will tie you to the bed and ride you all night!"
"Man, that blue stuff is
gold if it can make you talk like this 5 minutes before your
wedding," Asuka snorted. She paused. "I want some more."
"I'm just glad it
worked," Hikari said. "We were already drunk as lords... drunk as ladies? Eh, whatever. Point is, we were already shitfaced when Misato had that great idea. If we showed up here staggering drunk, they'd have turned us away! And I don't want that! I want my
husband right now, and I want to get
Asuka covered her mouth with both hands and tried to muffle the sound. Misato had the
BEST ideas...
Two hours earlier than before...
"Jesus, Hikari, I know this is your engagement party, but leave
some of your fiancé for the wedding?" Misato snarked. The casino bar was scarcely quieter than the gaming floor, but it had fairly good, cheap drinks that went on their rooms' tab, and nice close conversation pits.
Hikari slowly and reluctantly pulled her lips away from Touji's, where they'd been welded for a good 10 minutes straight this time. She stayed put right in his lap, though. "I dun ~hic~ wanna, Mishato. I wanna suck face with him and shee if I can get him ta put his hand up my skirt agin."
"Uh... right here in
public, Hikari?" Shinji said. He didn't seem to notice he was still sitting so tightly between Asuka and Rei all three of them could check each others' pockets without moving.
"Oh, like
you've never done that before," Asuka and Rei said in stereo. They looked at each other in surprise before breaking into laughs and tapping their drinks together.
Misato just shook her head. "Man, you need to get fucked in the worst way, Hikari."
"Noooo, in the
best way, Misato!" Hikari giggled. "By this massive meaty hunk of my man right here! But we
can't!" she moaned in sadness. Then she moaned in a... less sad manner as she wiggled on Touji's lap.
"Why not?" Misato probed. "You're both old enough, you're
living together back home in Japan, and this is your own official
engagement party. What's the trouble? You've got your own room, and no one here is going to do anything but cheer you on if you throw Touji over your shoulder, haul him upstairs, and make a man out of him."
Touji nuzzled Hikari's neck and gave Misato a sad smile. "She made a promise. And I ain't going to even go near asking her to break it. I love her more than anything, so I'm backing her up one hunnert perschent." He hiccuped.
"Promise?" Kaworu asked, idly running his hand through Rei's hair and tracing his fingers down her shoulder. He always was touchy and cuddly when the booze kicked in. Rei shivered in delight and tugged him closer to her other side.
"I promised my mother when she died... I mean, when she waz dying.... I mean, when we
thought she waz dying, stupid SEELE bullshit..." Hikari said slowly. "Tha I wuddn't have shex with nobody until I was married. So we
wait. Eben though I've wanted Touji for
years. 'Cause Imma good girl."
"Yeah, but... you love each other and you need this, so maybe y'all should just quit messing around and get married already..."
"Mmm, that soundz sho gud, Mishato, but... the wedding hall we wanted izn't 'vailable until
December and we hav' ta
plan errything," Hikari moaned again. "I hate waiting... We've waited for
years already..."
"Wait!" Misato slammed her fist into her palm, jostling Ryouji as he tried to take a sip of his own Black Russian. "Waitaminute! We're in
Las Vegas! The one city in the world where 'Hey, I need to get married in a big damn hurry' is
no problem!"
Asuka barked a laugh. "Ok, hold up there, miss Wedding Planner. Two things I need to mention first. Number one: Shinji is great in bed and he's sleeping with me tonight."
"Asuka, what does that have to do wi-"
"Nothing, I just like bragging. Number two: The least drunk one here is Kaworu, and I have watched him down at least six cocktails. And I mean drinks this time."
Rei and Shinji started giggling. Kaworu just stuck his tongue out at her and finished off his tumbler. "Seven," he shot back at her. "And you had no complaints when it was your turn last time."
"Shaddap. Anyhows, Misato,
none of ush are anywhere close to sober, or even good enough to fake it. We go near a chapel right now, and they'll tell us to go sleep it off first. This may be Vegas, but Hikari and Jock Stooge are high and dry until we all dry out tomorrow.
Then maybe we can talk about moving the wedding from 'this winter' to 'tomorrow night'."
Misato pouted at her for a moment, then brightened. "HA! Wait! Shows what you know! I've got
this!" She dug energetically in her large Coach purse for a second before triumphantly pulling out a large screw-topped thermos with a NERV logo on the side. "Ta-Daaaa!"
"What the Hell is that?"
"Something Ritz gave me before we left. She just finished it. LCL-derived party fuel!"
"Uh... explain, Misato?" Shinji asked, taking a sip of his own drink.
"LCL-based, but mixed with some specialized additives and alcohol, it doesn't
exactly sober you up, but it makes everything
clear if you're sloshed, so you can think and do stuff if you need to
without losing your buzz! We can fool them all with this stuff, get Hikari and Touji hitched, and be back here to keep the party going all night! This
is our 'Vegas Cut-Loose Week', right?"
"I'm hammered, horny, and hugging more than one person I've slept with, so this all sounds like a
great idea!" Asuka shouted. "Hikari, sound good to you?"
Hikari slammed her own empty cup on the table between her and Misato. "Bartender, fill me the fuck
Two hours later...
"I now pronounce you... man and wife," the minster finished. "You may kiss the bride."
Hikari threw her arms around Touji and kissed him harder than ever before. She tossed the bouquet blindly at Asuka, who caught it automatically before her yes-occifer-I-am-sotally-tober brain caught up to what her hands were doing.
Misato giggled and pointed at her from next to Asuka, where she'd been standing in as 'Mother of the Bride' to Asuka's 'Maid of Honor'. Across from them, behind Touji, Ryouji (Father of the Groom) laughed and Shinji (Best Man) looked like he couldn't decide if he wanted to blush or go pale. He settled for staring at Asuka in shock and standing very still.
Asuka couldn't look away. "'You love each other and you need this, so maybe y'all should just quit messing around and get married already...'" she whispered to herself. "'We've waited for years already'..." Shinji wouldn't break the stare either... like he could hear what she was thinking... like always.
Hikari was still kissing Touji. With a visible effort of will, she pulled away from Touji just long enough to look at Asuka and Misato. "I... feel
amazing. Did that just happen? Am I really married?"
"Yes, you are,
Mrs. Suzuhara," Touji said softly in her ear. "'Til death do us part, for better and worse. We're together. I love yoUUU!" He looked quite surprised as his petite little bride hoisted him up over her shoulder and started moving surprisingly quickly towards the doors at the back of the chapel.
"Asuka we're leaving we'll get a taxi see you tomorrow don't wait up for us don't call we're going to be BUSY!" Hikari said in one rush as she dashed for the exit. "Touji, I love you~~! Mine mine mine! Heeheeheeheeheehee! We're going to get LUCKY!"
Rei and Kaworu just watched them leave with matching warm smiles. Kaworu sighed after a moment, took out his wallet, and handed Rei 1000 yen. The First Child took it with a small smirk.
"Lucky, huh? Hah! I can't believe we pulled this off! In less than 90 minutes, too!" She shook her head. "Ok, well, speaking of feeling lucky, you and I are buzzed, amped on Ritz's Romulan Ale stuff, and full of cash in Sin City. Got any ideas on what we should do next, Mister Inspector?" She elbowed Ryouji.
He laughed. "What, you don't think I can hear what you're thinking, Katsuragi? I'm feeling lucky too."
Misato snorted. "You already got me to marry you,
Mister Katsuragi. So that's out, lovely as the thought is. Yes, I can hear
you thinking too. And I think that's a
great idea!"
"You, me, high-stakes poker, and our usual bets?" he smiled at her, a sharp edge to it.
"Damn right. First one to lose a pot loses their underwear. Feelin' lucky, mister?" Misato pulled him close and smirked at him.
"Never better, Misato. Let's do it. All night."
Misato mock-swooned. "Oh my, so lusty!" She straightened back up. "Let's hit the high-end tables at the Luxor. I'm feeling Egyptian right now." She looked over at the remaining ex-Pilots. "You all feel like coming to watch my husband fleece some suckers with his incredible poker face?"
"I think we'll wait here for a few minutes, Misato," Kaworu said equably. "I think Asuka needs to recover from catching that... tradition."
Misato smirked one more time and nodded. "Yeah, we all know what that means, and probably who. Maybe we'll have another round tomorrow night, ne? Hahaha! Keep ahold of that, Asuka. It's still got my cross!" Misato pointed at the familiar pendant she'd let Hikari borrow on short notice for the traditional 'something borrowed' part of the poem. She linked her arm with Ryouji's and they headed to the parking lot themselves.
Asuka didn't notice. She was still engaged in a stare with Shinji. No... they were drifting closer. Was he moving? Her? She finally broke the look, her eyes dropping to the bouquet still in her hands.
"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Rei said quietly, putting her hand on Asuka's shoulder.
Asuka snapped her head up to meet Rei's gaze, her face less than a foot to Asuka's right. How had she gotten so close? When? Wait, she'd asked a question...
"Uh... I... no?"
Rei smiled sadly. "Asuka... everyone knows. It's alright. We all love you. You can do this."
Asuka looked carefully at Rei, then across at Shinji and Kaworu. "No... no I can't. You're right."
Rei looked confused. "I... but I said you
can. Kaworu and I... we can See it. We know it."
Asuka shook her head. "No... weren't you listening? To what Misato said earlier? 'You love each other and you need this, so maybe y'all should just quit messing around and get married already...'"
"Asuka, that's what I'm suggesting you and Shinji d-"
"No. I've got a
better idea. Listen to what Misato said!"
"You and Shinji need each other, and-"
we need each other."
Rei's eyes widened. "Wha-"
Asuka whirled, a ear-to-ear smile exploding onto her face. "Yes! YES! That's IT! AHAHAHAAH! We can
do that! It's in the rules!" Asuka waved the glossy pamphlet of
'So You Want To Get Married' they'd picked up at the front desk. "Look! Here!" She flipped it open and pointed to something on the second page. "Quartets!" she shouted. "It's legal here! 100%
The other three Children exchanged a look. "Asuka, what-" Shinji began.
I love you all!" Asuka shouted again, joyously. "All of you! Shinji!
Everyone we know knows how much we love each other! We always have! We may be stupid and afraid and constantly hurting each other by accident but we
always come back to each other because we know beyond words that we hold each others' heart. I say your name at night when you're not there! I miss you even when I'm mad at you! I can't imagine life without you near me! You were the first, the one who taught me I
am worthy of love. And I will never let that feeling go. So... stand there!" She pointed at a spot near the camera, still filming.
Asuka threw her bouquet at Rei. "Rei! We may have started off at each others' throats, but it's amazing what saving each others lives a few times and saving the world can do to change that! And you've always been there for me when I thought Shinji broke my heart, or I did something stupid and thought I made him hate me... You've let me cry on your shoulder a dozen times, a hundred times, kissed away my tears when I thought there was nothing left, pushed me and Shinji back together when even I thought he would be better off with you... You believed in us and loved us when no one else would. I love you, Blue, and I'm not letting you go ever. So you stand... there!" She pushed Rei to stand next to Shinji.
Kaworu looked at her sadly, shaking his head. "Asuka, you shouldn't include me. I think this is just that 'Romulan Ale' stuff talking-"
"You SHUT THE HELL UP, Sparkles!" Asuka pointed her finger firmly at him. "This is
NOT 'the Romulan Ale stuff' talking! This is my heart
freed from all the fear and bullshit and lies and masks and
AAAARRRGGG I always hide it behind! So what if it took that to get here? This is truth and love and years of me being an idiot when everything I have ever wanted or needed right in front of me!"
She pointed at Shinji. "The perfect man, the love of my life, my partner in battle and in life! The one who loved me first, deepest, and makes me cry in the night because I can't believe he really means it when he says those three little words!"
She pointed at Rei. "The perfect
woman, the one who always believes in me and holds me when I'm weak! Who saved my life over and over when we fought to save the world! Yes, I admit it! I
proclaim it! I, Asuka Langley Soryu, love a woman! One, perfect, amazing woman! One goddess, who loves me back..."
She pointed at Kaworu. "And you... I've already got the perfect man, the perfect woman... so what else could a worthless ex-Pilot possibly deserve? You. You, Kaworu fucking Nagisa, the gift of Heaven. The Angel who fell to Earth and gave us hope when there was no light. You're my light-bringer, my fallen Angel, my heavenly messenger who holds the world in his hands and gives it all to us because he thinks he's nothing."
Tears started to trickle down Kaworu's face. "Asuka, don't. I... I don't... you don't lov-"
shit, 'I don't love you'! Fuck yes, I do! Kaworu, I can see how you and Shinji are. I
revel in it. And I know you love Rei not one iota less. You think I will take them for myself and leave you out in the cold for our whole lives? Idiot. You're all idiots.
I decide who I love, and I have let no other man but you and Shinji ever touch my heart, you stupid, beautiful, impossible man. I will have no others but you. You love the ones I love, and they love you. I will neither forsake you or them. We are
all for each other. So you... stand...
there!" Asuka shouted happily, pointing him to a spot on the other side of Shinji from Rei.
Asuka stood facing all three of them. "You can say what you like. 'This is just the night talking, you'll regret this in the morning.' Wrong. This is me speaking freely for the first time. Yes, the night has helped, the feeling of watching Hikari achieve her heart's dream... but all that has done is give me clarity and courage. I've felt like this for a long time. But you know me. Always afraid, always insecure, hiding my heart and soul behind a tsundere mask because I'm too cowardly to admit I need you all and can no longer imagine living without all of you holding me, loving me, being
with me..." She wiped at her own tears. "So put all that aside and do what I'm doing: listening to my heart for once in my stupid life. So I'm going to, I'm going to say this all and ask a question before the spell wears off and I retreat from it
again, running away from seizing the most perfect joy in my universe... No, not this time. This time I listen to what I've wanted for years."
She took a deep breath. "Shinji, Rei, Kaworu... I don't deserve you. I'm arrogant, harsh, selfish, stupid, and cowardly. I've been a fool for years, pretending I didn't want this. But I love you more than I will ever be able to say, even if I started now and did it for the rest of my life. And I plan to. I need you more than I'll ever be able to admit ever again, though I will try. I need you to stay with me, to make me strong and powerful and whole. I need you because I'm nothing without you. And I want you all, the three most beautiful, sexy, loving people I've ever known or ever will. You are my heart, my soul, and my world. I don't care if tomorrow we all wake up and this vanishes like some dream of mist and fog. I want this moment, now and forever. So I ask you, all of you, I beg you... will you all marry me, love me, stay with me, and be my husband, husband, and wife for the rest of our lives?"
There was five heartbeats of the loudest silence that chapel had ever seen.
Three voices spoke in harmony.
And all was right with the world.
The Present
Asuka stared at the screen. "...... what... the... fuck?"