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[X][FACE] ...your family is a traditionally influential one, and your father in particular possesses an outright leadership position over roughly half your population.

Likely best to be honest and we want to leave space for bringing back Jaffur later.

[X][ROLE] ...answer any questions directed to you. You have no address planned, but you will be prepared to field any questions they ask. Better to keep the focus on your father, but there's no reason to decline all questions.

I just can't resist chances to show off our communication skills.

So what do we call clan Goku? The word Goku is a info hazard.
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You, your grandmother, and your father have discussed among yourselves what the best way to present this would be. By default, Dandeer is falling in line with your decision. After a lot of discussion, you concluded that the best thing to say is that...

[ ][FACE] ...your father possesses some vaguely-defined office, the limits of which only need be publicly defined in terms of his ability to make promises on behalf of the Exiles.
[ ][FACE] ...your family is a traditionally influential one, and your father in particular possesses an outright leadership position over roughly half your population.
[ ][FACE] are hereditary nobility, your grandmother is the prior sitting Lady, your father is the sitting Lord, and you will yourself become Lady some day.
Ok. Out of the top of my head, there are six obvious ways this will affect us (there might be more but I just read the update).

This tells the Garenhulder humans a) How organized are the exiles and the conspiracy to hide them b) How much authority does Berra have to talk for the exile society c) How normal people can be integrated to our society d) how people will treat Kakara e) How governments will see our family f) what does it mean for the exiles

1) Implies an elected position that was probably created to deal with extraordinary situations like the invasion and negotiations. It makes Dad a diplomat and a general rather than a ruler. It means that our family might not always be as influencial and that while they can deal with him not for general things, they might try to sidestep him and treat ki users on an individual basis. The exiles would be united in their agreement to remain hidden but little else and dad is probably in front of congress because he is somewhat known in society and his cover is already blown. It means that normal people learning ki will think they need not to concern themselves with him and that the agreements he makes will have to be somewhat neutral towards the Garenhuld nations since he has to represent the interests of all Garenhulders and his deals will have to be more general. Kakara will just be a normal kid with superpowers which would make it harder to justify to others her having influence on the society or others following her orders. As for the exiles, they will be left to mostly interact with Garenhulders as individuals with humans. Governments will see us as a diplomat and they will see the ki users in their countries as people of their countries first, then exiles.

2) There are offices stablished since dad is outright leader of half society and we are similar to a country. The fact that DAD has the position means there is a chance other outside our family can have it or others but thanks to our influence, we will probably have it if we want it. There might be other rulers but Dad is right now the most important and influencial so he was chosen to deal in the name of others, what he says can be assumed to be followed and he can convince people to follow his lead so while in the future convincing him does not necessarily mean all society will follow, it is a good start. That means that people who want to deal with the exiles will want to go through him and curry favor so that he can talk them up and might want to make personal deals with him to get broad influence. Any government getting him on their side will have a good advantage over the others but the other countries might convince other families to help them. Our government style would rely on aristocracy. People will know our society has their own traditions and culture so they might feel a bit excluded and there might be curiosity about which other families are traditionally influential. It also means that normal people might come to us with petitions or asking us to intercede in their favor in front of the exiles. Kakara would be the daughter of a well off family and so would our siblings so marrying to us would be a good way to move up in society and get political capital, as would befriend us and she might speak as someone with influence but not outright authority which means that in negotiations you could trust what she says but can't make outright promises. Aramai would also get some prestige from our family living here. Exiles would still be their own people but half of them answer to Dad in some manner, though perhaps not outright loyalty.

3) We are a sovereign nation that encompass all the world. Whatever dad says, goes. People will be somewhat wary of mixing with the exiles if it means, perhaps, becoming beholden to other nation and the garenhulders will know that Exile loyalty goes to the exiles first, besides shitting bricks at the fact they don't know who is an exile or not. They would very much like the exiles to train their militaries in Ki use as a show of trust (they would always want this but in this case it is more pressing). Kakara will be further separated from other garenhulders and people will look at Berra working as a mechanic and go "Dude... what?". We would take some heat away from our siblings but not much. Kakara might become a price since whoever marries her will get a leadership position in the strongest nation on Garenhuld. Our family would be a bigger threat than as aristocrats since the most paranoid ones will think we want to take over. As far as negotiations go, this makes dad an equal (more than one) and people will be somewhat pissed that this was kept secret. There might be issues with people recognising the exiles as their own nation and any exile that comes out will be under some suspiscion from the authorities since Brandon can give them orders. An attack on us would be crippling if successful instead of hitting hard on morale as the aristocrat option would be or not doing much as the first one would. It might also grow a bit more complicated once Jaffur is released. Though it might be a good way to guarantee that the Goku Lords are always to public face of the Exiles, be it to the Garenhulders or the Aliens. There is also to consider how the Vegetans might take it: On one side they would be thrilled with nobles acting like nobles, on the other hand it might look like we are trying to oust the Vegetan leadership. It might also make Dandeer seeth inside.

[ ][ROLE] ...actively address the Congress. Your blog posts over the course of the year so far have achieved widespread recognition, your continued attendance at school has done a lot to normalize you in the public view, and you have a decent amount of capital. Plus, you're a thirteen-year-old girl; even by virtue of not being able to take you seriously, people won't think, "threat," when they look at you.
[ ][ROLE] ...answer any questions directed to you. You have no address planned, but you will be prepared to field any questions they ask. Better to keep the focus on your father, but there's no reason to decline all questions.
[ ][ROLE] ...just observe. You're not Lady yet. Your role in this is public relations, not foreign policy. You'll smile at reporters and write blog posts. Dad can handle the diplomats.

I won't make as an in depth analisis here but just say I am conflicted. On one hand, Dad is as good a diplomat as us and is better at intrigue and deceit. On the other hand, it is true we should have some capital since we are the ones that most visibly defended the school and we went the extra mile to look non threatening and approachable plus we also know we have traits that help with this and we are right now recognised as the public expert. On the third, ki formed hand, we are thirteen which might show our customs are different but unless we show ourselves as Brandon's heir it might make them think we are not taking this as seriously unless we absolutely awe them even if it would lead people to underestimate us it might also make people less willing to negotiate. It could also be looked at as a power play in making them negotiate with a child if we don't have an official position though the fact we are famous because of our blog at least makes us a somewhat known entity.

For the face option, I am leaning to influential family and role either of the first two though currently leaning to the first. Definitely not the first face option, I want to milk this for as much power as we can. We want to influence Garenhuld Policy regarding the aliens so we want to be seen as the ones who speak for the only effective defense they have against them. Also, depending on how we deal with the invasion, the different face options might give us different opportunities.
[X ][FACE] ...your family is a traditionally influential one, and your father in particular possesses an outright leadership position over roughly half your population.

[X][ROLE] ...actively address the Congress. Your blog posts over the course of the year so far have achieved widespread recognition, your continued attendance at school has done a lot to normalize you in the public view, and you have a decent amount of capital. Plus, you're a thirteen-year-old girl; even by virtue of not being able to take you seriously, people won't think, "threat," when they look at you.
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I am tempted to do the third option because Jaffur should not be made a head of public relations. It would be a disaster. Dandeer would likely be just as bad. She manages to rub everyone the wrong way.

After the Sealing Lord Jaffur is going to be in an awkward position even with our help because he currently lack the skills besides fighting. Luckily he can lean on Vegeta protocols.
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There is also to consider how the Vegetans might take it: On one side they would be thrilled with nobles acting like nobles, on the other hand it might look like we are trying to oust the Vegetan leadership. It might also make Dandeer seeth inside.
Depends, Dandeer is apparently falling in line with our decision. The Vegetans might be recognised as a separate noble family of Lords, but one that, for whatever reason, has chosen to let us handle negotiations. Could be that we're currently the dominant family(true), could be they're uninterested in interacting with the rest of the world, or may be the families divide responsibility between them.

[X][FACE] are hereditary nobility, your grandmother is the prior sitting Lady, your father is the sitting Lord, and you will yourself become Lady some day.
[X][ROLE] ...actively address the Congress. Your blog posts over the course of the year so far have achieved widespread recognition, your continued attendance at school has done a lot to normalize you in the public view, and you have a decent amount of capital. Plus, you're a thirteen-year-old girl; even by virtue of not being able to take you seriously, people won't think, "threat," when they look at you.
I don't think we should activately address the Congress unless you already have a message we want to give.
Better question: what are the official and general public views of the 3-5 largest, most powerful and/or influential nations on royal/nobility? Are they neutral, supportive or dismissive of such things?

In a few paragraphs at most, what are the current Garenhuld political entities (that we know of,) and how do they relate to each other?

Not looking for a dissertation, just a (very) general brief.
The Congress of Nations was Aramaia's idea, but despite its name it's not even as inclusive as our historical League of Nations. Aramaia -- and many of the countries that hold seats in the Congress -- is a democracy (well, representative republic, but let's not split hairs), and the Congress is broadly viewed as a democratic institution. It does contain dictatorial and monarchist nations in its ranks, primarily because Aramaia is Russiamerica in terms of size and global reach/influence, and can exert a lot of trade pressure to get people in.

Those at the Congress who are important are:

  1. Aramaia, obviously. The polite political fiction of the Congress as an equal playing ground for all nations to make their voices heard collapses the instant Aramaia says, "Sure, you all can agree to that, but ooh that's a nice trading relationship we have, shame if something happened to it." They are the largest nation on Garenhuld and by far the most dominant. Aramaia's official stance on monarchy is that it is a morally corrupt institution to its very core and must be eradicated. In practice, they are as committed to this as the United States is to keeping the Americas free of imperialism and dictatorships, and their hatred of monarchy is used as a convenient excuse to pressure or fight nations they dislike.
  2. The Kingdom of Semara is a constitutional monarchy occupying an island chain of positively continental scale in the ocean off of Aramaia's western coast. They have a terrifying navy and access to abundant mineral resources, and only exist as a united nation because they're quite frightfully good at ejecting Aramaian imperialists. Thus, both sides consider it more worthy of their time to just trade with each other. Semara leverages its military invulnerability and vast wealth to position itself as an economic power upon which foreigners may rely for neutrality. Probably the only nation that could survive Aramaia cutting economic ties with minimal disruption.
  3. The Republic of Semdal is notable in essentially no ways at all save for the fact that 80% of the world's known rubber and oil deposits live there (reliable synthetic versions of these products have not yet been invented). They live on the other side of the planet from Aramaia, and continue to exist only because Aramaia makes a habit of sticking its nose in there (seeing a pattern yet?). While Semdal is too distant to reliably control, Aramaia can threaten all of Semdal's (distinctly undemocratic) neighbors with obliteration if they try anything, in exchange for favorable trade agreements. Semdal is important because modern society would waver alarmingly with almost all of the world's oil and rubber getting into an uncooperative mood.
Those are the big three you'll find at the Congress. Any nations that dislike Aramaia and are potent enough to not immediately wither under the sheer concentrated force of trade embargoes do not send representatives to the Congress. Separate talks with them are in the process of being arranged.
Perhaps the key question there could be phrased as:
  1. Do any of the major nations still have nobility?
  2. What is their status? Actual responsibilities? Figureheads?
  3. Did any of them overthrow their nobility in bloody revolution, and hence are ideologically opposed to the very concept of nobility?
The last one is probably the most important :p
  1. Yes.
  2. Varies significantly.
  3. There is only one democracy in the world that didn't, but realpolitik is alive and well in a world that, three centuries ago, Charlemagne would have found comfortingly familiar, so in practice democracies put up with anything if it gets them money.
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Our open existence shakes everything up. We have ways of interfering in countries that Aramaia can only dream of and have in fact been doing it for centuries without being noticed.
All military on the planet is out moded by ki use. We could have conquered this planet at any time in the last 300 years.

Evil king Piccolo took over the earth with a power level under a thousand.

All existing trade transportation systems are also out moded by ki use. Our people can fly around the planet in minutes carrying alot. There is nothing that they can't smuggle. We can make Aramaia lose the power to cut off trade any time we want.
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Goku was intended to take over earth and kill us all as a child. Power levels of less than twenty. There really isnt anything they could have done. And that's going to scare the shit out of them and make them less cooperative sadly.
Goku was intended to take over earth and kill us all as a child. Power levels of less than twenty. There really isnt anything they could have done. And that's going to scare the shit out of them and make them less cooperative sadly.
Well what do we need their cooperation for? What do we need their help with?

Edit: Although that was a case of them underestimating Earth. There were many people that could have stopped Goku from killing everyone back when he was a child. Master Roshi had a power level of a hundred.
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Well what do we need their cooperation for? What do we need their help with?

Edit: Although that was a case of them underestimating Earth. There were many people that could have stopped Goku from killing everyone back when he was a child. Master Roshi had a power level of a hundred.
It would be nice if every nation on the planet didn't declare war against us. Even if we could steamroll them, mass slaughter wouldn't be good.
Do you think they would back down if we just tanked all the worlds fire power then said "Can't we talk about this? I don't want to kill you and you don't want to die."
Let's assume a.) they don't use any nukes and b.) none of theirs get hurt.

That'll probably guarantee it's only, oh, 2-3 generations before we're not universally known as the unstoppable monster tyrants.

If things progress to the point all the non-Ki military is firing at us, they're very bad.

My point is that this attitude:
Well what do we need their cooperation for? What do we need their help with?
Especially the highlighted part?
It's an unhelpful starting premise. It may not fully poison the well, but it's pretty close.
Ok we are Clan Marsden. The other clan is Clan Valentine. Not that doesn't work, Jaron will wonder what is going on.
The exiles have both a Persecution complex and a superiority complex. Both well supported considering that the are hiding from the Enemy and that just about every one of them could take over the planet by themself.
Why not say that The Lords fall somewhere between a King and Pope?

As much spiritually important as governmentally, and elected by a cadre of Seers. On the Saiyan side of things, we've been tying ourselves enough into The Ancestor Cult that we should be able to pull this off, especially with people starting to think that the Age of Legends is returning.

This will, effectively, make us living Saints. We're actually not far off from there already.

On the human side of things, it allows us much of what we would get with the "hereditary nobility" aspect, while muddying the waters with religion enough to avoid falling into the mental box of "foreign body", and excusing some of our odd practices. It will also make the Ancestor Cult less of a surprise once it's revealed, and way down the line give us more influence within the bounds of said cult (which we would have anyways once we eventually reach Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan :V).

It'll also mean that whenever people on the human side try to fuck with succession down the line, they'll go after the Seers first, rather than try to start an uprising with another clan.
Why not say that The Lords fall somewhere between a King and Pope?

As much spiritually important as governmentally, and elected by a cadre of Seers.
This has the added side-effect that existing Garenhulder religions will likely have very strong opinions on the matter, and any states that are dismissive of hokey religions and ancient weapons will be, you know, dismissive. Good in that we can surprise skeptics that underestimate us, at the cost of less respect overall from most directions.

edit: to clarify, even with the downsides, I'm 100% with you on Plan Declare Kakara to be their new God. Seems fun.
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Considering that our people are spread out among their countries we are closer to a religion or way of life then a country.

Edit: And the followers of this religion can actually call down fire from above.
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Quick question, does anyone know what All is One (elite skill traning option for Ki sensing) is supposed to be?

My current guess looking at the text description of Ki sensing is limited omniscience, but well best to check.
This has the added side-effect that existing Garenhulder religions will likely have very strong opinions on the matter, and any states that are dismissive of hokey religions and ancient weapons will be, you know, dismissive. Good in that we can surprise skeptics that underestimate us, at the cost of less respect overall from most directions.

edit: to clarify, even with the downsides, I'm 100% with you on Plan Declare Kakara to be their new God. Seems fun.
True, I expect we might see some clashes with some other religions. Something to keep in mind going down the line. The loss of overall respect is somewhat purposeful though, since if we're not totally seen as a foreign government, we won't be acted upon as a foreign government.

Not sure what you mean by 'ancient weapons' though.
Considering that our people are spread out among their countries we are closer to a religion or way of life then a country.

Edit: And the followers of this religion can actually call down fire from above.
Yeah, I figured it would be a good match with our pop numbers, and be good for making us seem less threatening to the preexisting structure. Also "Literally a Saint" is a close fit for how your average Saiyan will treat us.
Quick question, does anyone know what All is One (elite skill traning option for Ki sensing) is supposed to be?

My current guess looking at the text description of Ki sensing is limited omniscience, but well best to check.
It's for Spirit Bomb, current leading theory is becoming one with the world itself, and so using it's ki as your own.
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