(So when her powers go on the fritz in any way, her old wounds reopen for a moment.)

(So when her powers go on the fritz in any way, her old wounds reopen for a moment.)
She's definitely extremely willing to throw Yuuri under the bus. So I doubt there's any love lost between them.Actually rereading it, I think Hijiri already believes she's been played on some level?
If she was in the proper state of mind to be manipulative right now I suspect she would not have attacked us and revealed herself in the first place. Very low probability that she's tricking us right now I think.So, I mentioned this once before, but in PMKM, Hijiri impersonated Niko for days. She's a talented actress and liar. She might be different in this timeline... or then again she might not. We need to keep in mind the possibility that she's faking her panic and lying about Yuuri to get herself out of trouble.
"Oh yes, that explains the witchy feeling you always have around you that I never mentioned."Honestly between that and a few other places, I figure it was because Sabrina healed when she got her powers by closing her initial wounds with her grief power using the same rules as the grief based healing enchantment she later showed to Oriko. (So when her powers go on the fritz in any way, her old wounds reopen for a moment.)
Worth mentioning for this topic: "My few other places" includes a couple incidents where we retch when we seriously consider witching girls out and when we think about witching Homura out deliberately, and we retch for a bit and our resulting grief is blood- and bile-stained.
Or you could Witch them out, in hopes of reviv-
Your gorge rises, and you gag.
You force back the sudden nausea, the disgust with yourself for even contemplating that. You-
You didn't even like the thought of doing it to Kirika-
Mami's at your side, her hands fluttering as she checks your temperature with a hand on your forehead. "Sabrina? Sabrina!"
You swallow the bile. "I- I'm OK," you say, voice wavering. The back of your throat burns with stomach acid. "I- I'm OK, Mami."
"Are you sure?" Mami asks, peering anxiously at your face. "You don't look like it."
"Yeah," you say. "I'm OK. I just had a... really upsetting thought."
"Oh," Mami says, biting her lip. "I-if you're sure, Sabrina."
"I'm sure," you say, managing a smile at Mami and pulling her into a reassuring hug.
Of course, if Madokami comes into existence... do girls really Witch out? She catches them at the very last minute and brings them to Madokahalla, or whatever you want to call it.
Which does suggest the idea of Witching out Homur-
You stagger.
You catch yourself before you fall off the edge of the roof and fall to a knee. Dry heaves wrack your body, and you retch, trying to keep your breakfast down.
The moment passes, and you breathe shakily, spitting the bile from your mouth.
You stand on trembling knees, turning over to flop with your back against the raised wall lining the roof.
"Are you OK, Sabrina?" a sweet, telepathic voice intrudes on your thoughts, followed by the furry white presence of the Incubator, tail lashing vigorously behind it.
Latter two quotes are both the "thought of witching out Homura" incident. Former example is from earlier that morning or the evening before I think.You hack, clearing bile and phlegm from the back of your throat, and spit it to the side.
You touch your Soul Gem with shaking fingers. Deep, bilious purple gathers under the shining, silvery surface, and you draw away a thick rope of Grief. It hangs in the air, roiling eddies of dark, nearly black purple speckled with vomit green and congealed blood red.
A breath in.
You are Sabrina.
A breath out.
Comparing the votes, I think I'll go with
[X] Redshirt Army
Because really, as far as I can tell, Redshirt and Onmur are basically the same. The former just has a bit more momentum behind it.
I have two issues with the last part of this.[x] Keep Kazumi and Niko in the loop. The hunt for Yuuri needs to go on. Defer to Kazumi.
[x] Clarify that Hijiri wasn't personally targeted. Someone hurt one of Kazumi's friends after breaking in, so naturally our teams went looking for whoever the culprit was. Yuuri manipulated her.
-[x] None of this was necessary. Niko spent her one and only Wish on a peaceful life for Hijiri. She isn't just an "experiment", and nobody here thinks she's "less of a person" just because of her origins.
[x] A peaceful life is what you're trying to offer Magical Girls, that their existence normally denies them. It's what the Clear Seeds are for. But to help her, first Hijiri needs to make amends with the people she's hurt with her actions, Niko most of all. If they'd just talked it would never have come to this.
-[x] Let the Pleiades take the lead when more arrive.
Updated. Still 150 words.
We can't just let the Pleiades take the lead. They won't be in a state of mind to take the lead (and not fuck up). We need to actively help things go well when the Pleiades arrive.It'll help decisionmaking to know that no, the Pleiades aren't going to be calm about this.
I don't think that gives Hijiri the perspective she needs.-[x] None of this was necessary. Niko spent her one and only Wish on a peaceful life for Hijiri. She isn't just an "experiment", and nobody here thinks she's "less of a person" just because of her origins.
But it is. The secret we are keeping is our actual knowledge that a wish that could plausibly have created us was made, and it ties into stuff that we're not going to tell anyone without Homura's permission.
For now. Good thing we didn't call everyone to regroup. Hopefully some teams are still searching.
I have two issues with the last part of this.
One is this:
We can't just let the Pleiades take the lead. They won't be in a state of mind to take the lead (and not fuck up). We need to actively help things go well when the Pleiades arrive.
Mediate, most likely.
Second issue is that we're in an exceptionally good position to give Hijiri perspective on why she exists. She believes she was abandoned, that she was an experiment, etc., etc... While we know why Niko created her. We can give Hijiri perspective on that before the Pleiades arrive and she has to deal with a thoroughly conflicted Niko who will likely not see reason in the heat of the moment.
So I believe this is fundamental to this update's vote:
- Give Hijiri perspective on Niko's Wish.
- Help make the following conversation between Niko and Hijiri not explode. That means we don't let them take the lead; at the very least we step in as mediator.
EDIT: You have
I don't think that gives Hijiri the perspective she needs.
A curl of wind blows past, setting your jacket flapping a bit.
"I can't," Hijiri says, expression twisting. "I don't know how. I only had enough time to figure out how to make it work."
Mmm... Anyone's got a read on this?
Couple of possibilities.
Now here's a thing that's suspect. Kanna was created long before Yuuri (Airi) contracted, so there's no way she would have known the connection between Niko and Kanna by herself. The probability of Yuuri just running into Kanna and making the connection between the two is extremely low, and the idea of Kyuubey just telling Yuuri about Kanna's circumstances is also low considering he doesn't seem to tell Magical Girls about other Magical Girls to the extent of their wishes on a whim, even considering the "you didn't ask" part of him. Kanna was told the circumstances of her existence by Kyuubey likely because she was the direct result of Niko's wish."She told me to," Hijiri blurts. "I- I just wanted to run, to get away. She found me, told me you'd hunt me down. Told me I was some kind of... experiment."
I think there's a very pointed difference between giving Hijiri insight into Niko's feelings for her before they meet and trying to keep the calm when the Pleiades arrive, and not doing those things.Yep. Very very similar intent, to the point that the same update would probably be written regardless which vote wins.
While that is a possibility, we do need to consider the fact she's saying the truth at the same time, so...Now here's a thing that's suspect. Kanna was created long before Yuuri (Airi) contracted, so there's no way she would have known the connection between Niko and Kanna by herself. The probability of Yuuri just running into Kanna and making the connection between the two is extremely low, and the idea of Kyuubey just telling Yuuri about Kanna's circumstances is also low considering he doesn't seem to tell Magical Girls about other Magical Girls to the extent of their wishes on a whim, even considering the "you didn't ask" part of him. Kanna was told the circumstances of her existence by Kyuubey likely because she was the direct result of Niko's wish.
But the thing here that's suspicious is that it wasn't Kyuubey who told her that information, it was Yuuri.
Next is the big question. Why is she a Magical Girl? In canon, she only became a Magical Girl when she was told about her artificial nature, but the testimony she gave states that it was Yuuri who told her that. So if she's telling the truth, she either interacted with Kyuubey earlier (risking him telling her about her nature right off the bat) and became a Magical Girl, or ran into Yuuri who then told her about her being artificial, and then became a Magical Girl. However, the second situation contradicts her desire to leave and find a peaceful life, as she wouldn't likely become a Magical Girl if she specifically wanted to avoid drama.
From here, I'm going to give the conclusion that makes the most sense. She's lying. Her finding out her origins is likely similar to how she found out in Kazumi Magica. She's not working under Yuuri. She's probably working with Yuuri or using her as both of their revenge schemes coincide with each other. Since she's caught, she's deflecting all the blame onto Yuuri so that the Pleiades focus their efforts on her so she can find some way out of this current situation.