Sayaka is explicitly unable to copy Sabrina's grief-manipulation powers. Why would she be able to copy a grief construct? Why would Kazumi?
Kazumi's magic creates effects which duplicate the apparent effects of magic used by other magical girls. You'll note that she hasn't tried copying the way we cleanse people, and that her first action on seeing the chibi was asking if the effect had a name - you can think of her power as being able to
emulate moves rather than to
copy powers. It does not do the same kind of metaphysical "I am now using your power" that Sayaka apparently does that doesn't work on Sabrina's power.
Sayaka copied Kazumi's power and would be using it to do the same thing that Kazumi does.
[x] Introduce the Pleiades to the Kures.
[X] Flying speed: Maximum (warning).
Give Oriko a hand. Remind her she's stronger than she thinks.
I will not be denied.
[X] Discuss:
-[X] Oriko's not a precog anymore, though she's had visions about Asunaro.
-[X] Possible threats (respect Niko's privacy). Disclaim accuracy of information; note discrepancies in timing.
-[X] Thief Hunting:
--[X] Tracking: Following physical or magical traces.
Share your abilities and promote brainstorming.
---[x] Suggestions: utility fog for traces, Grief CSI constructs, collab with Niko and Umika, Mami's connection sense?
--[X] Searching: Search groups, base of operations, regrouping.
---[x] Sayaka and Kazumi
copy the MOF and anything else you do. Mami Ribbons for expanded search construct range. Sayaka eagle eyes and clones.
--[X] Fighting:
Magical detection and defenses, especially against mental/'intangible' attacks.
Expand, generalize, and make open-ended. Instead of suggesting one thing and closing, quickly suggest several things, imply continuation, and explicitly encourage brainstorming. Our votes right now don't decide what we'll be doing or offering, they provide guidance that will help the brinapilot make appropriate suggestions and proposals to foster creativity among the rest of the group. Other people are some of our biggest resources, and we (at least
I) don't have a good grasp of what the other four Pleiades can do; our proposals need to be sufficiently general to capture what they can do once we learn about it.
[X] On arrival:
-[X] Introduce everyone.
-[x] Continue discussion with everyone there.
-[X] Offer help to sort Niko's lab and gather information.
Moved suggestions to middle block.