One idea that came up was sending O&K to Asunaro with the Pleiades.
It gets them out of the city for Homura's peace of mind. It allows for O&K to protect Kazumi from her bad habits and allows them the space to do something meaningful rather than sitting and stewing. The Saints meanwhile act as someone our group trusts who can keep an eye on Oriko. (I mean, just try to imagine Oriko roping Kazumi into the "hard girl making hard decisions" mindset.)
In that case, an earlier introduction to the Pleiades could be useful to that end; There's reason to recommend the meeting to Homura as the two groups meeting early means we have a time and place where we see if they can 1: Get along and 2: Keep each other's bad behavior in check. (The latter might not come up except subtly unless we take O&K with us to Asunaro or similar, but the former certainly would.)
Well, if we went and had the Pleiades and O&K meet right now, this would be before even bringing up the idea of sending O&K away, to Homura. So we'd just have to ask if they're OK with us taking O&K out right now, to do the hotel room renting.
None will like it, that's for sure. Also, it's contingent on Hitomi assuring us her family won't have made housing arrangements by tomorrow.
Perhaps the O&K-Pleiades can meet at another time.
But anyway, we'd need to run the idea by Homura first, gauge her reaction, then make the offer to Oriko. She probably could do without the hate she gets around here, and maybe she'd be safer from her would be killer if she was elsewhere... though then again, maybe not.
Also, if this ever comes to happens, I demand Sabrina get some Orikohugs before she goes away. And BestBuddyhugs, but mostly Orikohugs because she hasn't got any of those so far.
... When are we gonna bring up adults-magic talk, anyway?