The point is that they're currently pre-warp so they don't have warp drive OR subspace comms to say thanks.

I dunno, maybe they could form a religion based on the Excelsior hull form as thanks? :p
Why am I reminded of Into Darkness...?

They have Radio, they're not that primitive. Hence all the XCOM comparisons...

Still, the experience would have left a mark on them. They were nearly subjected to the non-mercies of the Space! Mongols and only came out unscathed because another space-faring power stood up for them.
They have Radio, they're not that primitive. Hence all the XCOM comparisons...
Sure, but where do you start drawing the line when sensational history becomes romanticized historical fiction and/or pop culture meme? A popular cult worshiping the USS Atuin wouldn't be any more out there than, say, Scientology.

(It would be hilarious if a couple generations from now, when these guys finally achieve warp and get an official first contact with the UFP, our diplomats find themselves having to deal with some rather...wierd and awkward expectations they have of us.

Also, fueling the tin foil hat paranoia of the neighboring Lecarre.)
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Captain's Log, USS Atuin, Stardate 26329.7 - Captain Vol Chad

With the Hishmeri situation a little quieter, we have left the Ataami with the holding force, and the USS Kumari's capable hands. The Atuin has just arrived to meet the Lamarck again. The FDS would like us to spend more time discussing the galaxy around them, as well as stressing the importance of having the voice of the whole planet heard as they start to branch out.

Captain's Log, USS Endurance, Stardate 26452.2

We are having to cover for the Atuin which is busy at Lamarck and check in on the Ataami. With the Hishmeri Sept moving out of what Starfleet Intelligence believes is their raiding range, it is time to make a last check on them and then try to leave them to their natural development.

The governments of the Ataami have come together and provided us with a token of gratitude - our xenopsychologists tell us that it is likely to cause offence to refuse, so we will take it for now, but perhaps we will remember this token when the Ataami earn spaceflight and central government on their own.

These are the last two updates I can find on that pre-warp civilization, the Ataami. They gave us a thank you present before USS Endurance left their system, so we established enough of a contact that their governments could confer with each other and hand over some goodies of some kind.
My take is that we can easily handle a Horizon border zone and either a Seyek Border Zone or a Rimward Border Zone this year, but not both (as far as garrison goes). Which one do you prefer?
I am more worried about a sudden demand for berths and logistics on our rimward border than I am the increasingly stable Cardassian situation Spinward.
There's no such border zone as "Themis front". Remember, Listening Posts are sophisticated manned operations. They likely require the organizational and supply support of a formal border zone to function.
There is no "request outpost" option in the Snakepit.
What's wrong with Gaen? Lots going on near that border.

I would prioritise Seyak over Rimward.

"the increasingly stable Cardassian situation" Weird i see the last few years as a clear march to war with Cardassia, and with their intel assets nearby collapsing we may be moving past the opening skirmishes into something hotter.

The request was from the Themis front, not sure which border zone that translates as.

Well no option last Snakepit, but the recommendation was in the tactical report so I would take it if its offered.

Nothing wrong with Gaen, but we are penalised for making new Shipyards rather then expanding existing ones, so i would rather get Indoria/Amarkia up first while we are still struggling to meet logistics..
if/when we can secure our north-west border (sydrax and others) that would close a lot of possible attack vectors
the sept, to me, feel like a contained treat at this moment in time much the same with dawiar. i feel little tread from ether of these fronts

the horizon might become a problem soon-ish but not right now
and while i am not looking forward in anyway to having a war with cardasia.
it will change a lot of how things will work there i think
Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 26573.1

I don't think I'd want to meet one of those in a dark nebula. A 'Liberator' class battleship, slightly smaller than an Excelsior, and I daresay slightly more advanced. It will be a tough opponent. Thankfully, our understanding is that they have fewer of these capitals than the Federation as a whole has Excelsiors. However, I heard from Honiani officers that the HPDV Liberator of Telqua is one of four of these ships in just the fleet covering their rimward border. Which wouldn't be so concerning if they weren't, doctrinally speaking, just the helpful backup to their fleet tenders.

[Gain +10pp, violence avoided]
[Liberator class battleship, 1874kt, 495m, 850 crew, C7 S? H? L? P5 D5]

Just hope the Konen Horizonite Liberator ain't as OP :V
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I believe we had a call for as many as two tech teams from the Snakepit depending on what's needed. Another 2mt berth at UFP, another one at the aux yards if they're still cheap too. Pushing the Sydraxians is debatable (if they affiliate from this election that we have coming up I would say we absolutely must push them to secure the situation), but I'd like to see a push on the Yrillians like SWB said. Pushing the Licori as well to maintain traction against the Romulans and to determine what the diplomatic situation on the ground there is would be nice as well. And I would like to see what the Ittick-ka are up to after the random roll landed on them, but I know that's a minority opinion.
I can agree with this, except that we don't need more auxiliary yards. We're well on our way to being transport neutral in a couple years*. Only question is whether we'll have enough berths to build all the hospital ships and engineering teams we want in a timely matter.

* We're just commenced 1 superfreighter, 2 freighters, and 7 cargo ships this year! Although 4 of them are in member fleet shipyards.

I am a strong no for new shipyards, they add to our route penalty and if we want a new berth we should add them at our existing yards. 1 more 1mt berth at the aux yards and 1 3mt at san Fran would be better. They also come online sooner with the new aux berth coming online a year before the new aux yard we ordered last snakepit.

It's possible that a new shipyard in the same system as an existing shipyard won't increase the route penalty. That auxiliary shipyard is currently under construction at Ferasa, so an additional non-auxiliary shipyard may not hurt our logistics that way.

I still question the need for another expensive SF 3mt berth - it's not like we're planning to double build an Excelsior in SF next year.


I'm thinking, if possible, we should encourage the Rigellians and Tellarites to get involved in the GBZ ASAP. They're not engaged in any active hostilities and we can get #bae mega-tortoise to go hunt Konen in dark nebulas. On the other hand, I think we should red-light Indorians from deploying to the region. I'm becoming increasingly concerned the GBZ is tying down forces from our more major fronts. We've already got a Fathership squadron deployed there from the Caitians, and Indoria's right in the path. I don't know if we want them splitting their attention from the front to worry about protecting assets up there, or expanding so much we might either not be able to credibly protect those assets OR waste too much force protecting them.

Maybe encourage the Indorians to do joint ventures with the Orions?

However, Indorian entry to the GBZ might be firmly a council decision.

TBH, I wish there was a way to get most of the Federation to do a "joint venture". Something like each interested member fleet contributes a ship or so, and "profits" are divided up according to the "shares".

one thing we don't seem to even be allowed to estimate is how much shipyard capacity the Klingons have.

Now that we have Klingon analysis T1 researched, I figure it likely that we'll now get intel report options on Klingon shipbuilding and shipyards, like we have with Cardassians and Romulans.

we have to keep a solid battlegroup in position to scare off the Hishmeri,

So, I'm pretty sure the Ataami defense fleet has disbanded by end of Q3 this year. That doesn't necessarily mean the Hishmeri threat is over, but there was no mention of them at all in Q4. Wonder if anything further needs to be done...

The liberator is a Horizon ship, not Konen.

Fuck, that's what I meant... *needs sleep*
I can agree with this, except that we don't need more auxiliary yards. We're well on our way to being transport neutral in a couple years*. Only question is whether we'll have enough berths to build all the hospital ships and engineering teams we want in a timely matter.

I'd mostly advocate for increased aux berths because it's going to be until 2320 before the new yard opens, and because @nocarename had indicated that we were going to be tight on berths for the next few years for anything that isn't cargo or hospital ships. It would be nice to have some flex for engineering/colony ships as well.
I'd mostly advocate for increased aux berths because it's going to be until 2320 before the new yard opens, and because @nocarename had indicated that we were going to be tight on berths for the next few years for anything that isn't cargo or hospital ships. It would be nice to have some flex for engineering/colony ships as well.

We seem to do okay snagging member berths here and there for that kind of thing. I'm willing to change my mind if someone goes through the schedule and shows why actually we need more auxiliary berths, but I haven't seen that yet.
We seem to do okay snagging member berths here and there for that kind of thing. I'm willing to change my mind if someone goes through the schedule and shows why actually we need more auxiliary berths, but I haven't seen that yet.
At this point I would prefer more repair berths at spread out locations along the Cardassian fronts. We seem to be steadily marching toward war with cardassia and I would prefer that we had more repair berth than we have now So the Next snakepit is going to be an important one in more ways than one.
At this point I would prefer more repair berths at spread out locations along the Cardassian fronts. We seem to be steadily marching toward war with cardassia and I would prefer that we had more repair berth than we have now So the Next snakepit is going to be an important one in more ways than one.

On what basis are we "steadily marching towards war with Cardassia"? We've been clashing in proxy diplomatic/intrigue struggle over a minor ally, and continuing to clash in a designated limited war zone. It all seems pretty tame stuff, typical for great power competitions.
I can agree with this, except that we don't need more auxiliary yards. We're well on our way to being transport neutral in a couple years*. Only question is whether we'll have enough berths to build all the hospital ships and engineering teams we want in a timely matter.

* We're just commenced 1 superfreighter, 2 freighters, and 7 cargo ships this year! Although 4 of them are in member fleet shipyards.
Adding an extra berth this snakepit gets is there faster and helps with all the hospital ships we need to build.
I'd mostly advocate for increased aux berths because it's going to be until 2320 before the new yard opens, and because @nocarename had indicated that we were going to be tight on berths for the next few years for anything that isn't cargo or hospital ships. It would be nice to have some flex for engineering/colony ships as well.

We seem to do okay snagging member berths here and there for that kind of thing. I'm willing to change my mind if someone goes through the schedule and shows why actually we need more auxiliary berths, but I haven't seen that yet.

Except that doesn't cover potential losses from the GBZ or a war scenario where they are getting raided. It also requires member berths to be open and not used for their own production or repairs, and general Starfleet berths could be required for repairs as well if a conflict goes hot. And getting another berth a year before the 2nd aux yards opens up means we get to freight neutral sooner which in turn means we can start building slack into the system. In addition we can then work on other ships like getting more engineering teams, which takes 7 berths to construct simultaneously.
2317.Q4 - Academy Steering Committee

Starfleet Academy - Steering Meeting

The Commandant of Starfleet Academy, Rear Admiral Certunn Guk, has been around so long he has effectively become part of the furniture. Over a decade in the seat, he had possessed an uncanny knack for avoiding the attention of old father time. But with yet another class of bright eyed cadets graduating into Ensigns, it had come time to make his own graduation into private life and retirement.

When you arrive at the Academy for the steering committee meeting, you take the time to meet with Rear Admiral Guk in private, and thank him for his dedication and service. He plans to return to his native Miracht and form an education advocacy group to help push additional policies that a decade and change of leading the Academy has taught him. First, however, there is a very relaxing landship cruise awaiting him.


Current Personnel Pool:
Standard Starfleet: 9.75 Officer, 18.8 Enlisted, 32.2 Techs
Explorer Corps: 5.5 Officer, 6.7 Enlisted, 5.9 Techs

Starfleet Academy:
Officers (O): 18.10pts (+4.00 Explorer Corps)
Enlisted Crew (E): 22.40pts (+3.45 Explorer Corps)
Science Techs (T): 23.25pts (+3.20 Explorer Corps)

(Emphasising one type will transfer 0.5 from both of the other types to the type you choose)
[ ][ACADEMY] No Change
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Officers
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Enlisted
[ ][ACADEMY] Emphasise Techs
[ ][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift up to 1 pt any Crew type

[ ][EXPLORER] No Change
[ ][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift up to .25 to any Crew type


Starfleet Personnel Command

From: Rear Admiral Zrai ch'Shennaryth, Director, Starfleet Personnel Command
To: Admiral Hikaru Sulu, Commander, Starfleet
Subject: Reassignments

Hello Admiral,

I have the list of billets that are being redeployed and reassigned.

[ ][EC] Commander, Explorer Corps (Vice Admiral)
[ ][GBZ] Commander, Gabriel Border Zone (Rear Admiral)
[ ][GBZ1] Commander, Task Force 1, GBZ (Commodore)
[ ][ACA] Commandant, Starfleet Academy (Rear Admiral)

Bonuses will be discovered after appointment


Additional Starfleet Academy Candidates:

Commodore Alanyth th'Kaeller
Andorian Thaan, 52
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Academy Diplomatic School

Commodore T'Priat
Vulcan Female, 54
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Academy Tactical School
[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[ ][GBZ1] Commander, Task Force 1, GBZ (Commodore)
[X][ACA] T'Priat

Ainsworth has done a great job so I want to keep her there. Not sure one the rest

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted

Edit: T'Priat was chosen since she is at the academy and none of the current rear admirals jump out. Putting Nash up for a promotion to head the GBZ, she seems like she would be good at that.
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The usual swap of 1pt of techs to something else... Probably should be Enlisted. The Rennie and new Frigates both eat more Enlisted than Officers, and even a new heavy cruiser will be even across the board at best.

I think we need an Aggressive officer for the GBZ. Hmm...
Can we get a bit of discussion of the officers candidate choices before a bandwagon forms?

Aggression may be good but could backfire. The Konen seem to be integrated physically with the Cardassians and in position to profit from their defensive envelope. If so, we can't easily punch out the Konen with an aggressive raid the way we could punch out the Sydraxians. Our best bet for stopping them is luring them into a trap.

Except that doesn't cover potential losses from the GBZ or a war scenario where they are getting raided. It also requires member berths to be open and not used for their own production or repairs, and general Starfleet berths could be required for repairs as well if a conflict goes hot. And getting another berth a year before the 2nd aux yards opens up means we get to freight neutral sooner which in turn means we can start building slack into the system. In addition we can then work on other ships like getting more engineering teams, which takes 7 berths to construct simultaneously.
In the event of a war, we can greatly accelerate ship production in a lot of berths, so keeping up with wartime losses in a protracted war is not as much of a burden as you might think.
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[X][EC] T'Lorel
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][GBZ1] Samhaya Mrr'shan
[X][ACA] Michel Thuir

[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1 pt Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift 0.25 Techs to Enlisted
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I'd like us to at least consider a few alternate candidates for the Gabriel Expanse. Jessica Rivers has been serving there as CO of Task Force One for about four or five years now; she was the field commander at Deva IX. The fact that her billet is opening up, combined with her fairly long service as a commodore, suggests that she may be up for promotion.

Nash is Nash, but Rivers is at least a credible contender for the position- she's got a lot of local experience. Given that @OneirosTheWriter is forcing a rapid turnover of leadership in the Gabriel Expanse, that might be relevant. The big problem with Rivers is her mediocre Politics/Diplomacy skill set.

[Incidentally, Oneiros, do you intend for two-year terms in the Gabriel Expanse to be 'normal?' That is a much shorter time to hold the billet than is common in Starfleet so far, and realistically it could cause problems due to discontinuity of leadership.]

@Nix , have you considered how our demand for enlisted and officers is likely to balance in the future? We're just about done building Officer-heavy Excelsiors, and we can expect to be building a lot of Renaissances and Keplers and other classes with significantly more Enlisted and Techs than Officers.
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[X][ACADEMY] Custom - Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted

[X][EXPLORER] Custom - Shift .25 from Techs to Enlisted

Getting the easy crew vote up right now, because I think this is what would be most useful. With all these Renaissances, we are light on Enlisted.