[X][ACA] Michel Thuir
[X][GBZ] Nash ka'Sharren
[X][EC] Rachel Ainsworth
[X][GBZ1] Rosalee McAdams
[X][ACADEMY] Shift 1pt from Techs to Enlisted
[X][EXPLORER] Shift 0.25 from Techs to Enlisted
Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board
Highlighted Officer's Summary
Promoted to Chief Petty Officer
Layiil - Assigned to Security, USS Opporunity
Promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer
Sallek - Assigned to Office 24, Starfleet Intelligence
Commissioned as Ensign
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Orgot - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Challorn
Promoted to Lieutenant
Zwicky - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Bull
Ratray Aronn - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Sappho
Dash sh'Rinboq - Assigned to Gamma Shift Helm, USS Spirit
Shayla Fluttrax - Assigned to 40 Eridani A Design Team, Ship Design Bureau
Jacquelin Appel - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Spirit
Mitchie Peh - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Opportunity
T'Wilit - Promoted to Alpha Shift Sensor Officer, USS Sappho
Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander
Tiberius Kahurangi - Assigned to Officer, USS Tarrak
Omirri - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Academy Astrosciences School
Unid Okeg - Assigned to Security, USS Winterwind
Liacross - Assigned to Chief of Security, USS Atuin
Promoted to Commander
Lafriebh - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS S'harien
Othar Yelea - Assigned to Chief Engineering Officer, Mission Control, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Robert Yang - Assigned to CMO, USS Opportunity
Hugo Church - Assigned to XO, USS Epiphany
Olanev Panora - Assigned to CMO, USS Atuin
Khiwuolo - Assigned to Chief Tactical Officer, USS Atuin
Vinon - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS Rru'adorr
Promoted to Captain
Charity Yancey - Assigned to Captain, USS Hope
Krabad - Assigned to Deputy Director, Starfleet Science Academy
Promoted to Commodore
Langa Mbeki - Honorary
Min-Jee Lee - Assigned to Member World Coordination Divsion
Diego Zaardmani - Assigned to Chief, Field Research Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Promoted to Rear Admiral
Jessica Rivers - Assigned to Director, Operations Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Erzath zh'Darlyth - Assigned to Director, Support Division, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Thraan th'Marlaas - Assigned to Chief of Staff, Starfleet Shipyard Ops
Nash ka'Sharren - Assigned to Commander, Gabriel Border Zone
Promoted to Vice Admiral
Rachel Ainsworth - Assigned to Commander, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Commander Aaron Wolfe - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Tactical School, Starfleet Academy
Captain Abigail Taggart - Assigned to Captain, USS Endurance
Captain Adele Chatsworth - Assigned to First Officer, Starbase 1
Captain Jeanette Devereaux - Assigned to Captain, USS Sojourner
Captain Shurg kap Klasch - Asssigned to Captain, USS Reason
Commodore Rosalee McAdams - Assigned to Commander, Task Force 1, Gabriel Border Zone from Apinae Task Force, Apinae Sector
Commodore Saavik - Assigned to Supervisor, Explorer Squadron 1, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Rear Admiral Michel Thuir - Assigned to Commandant, Starfleet Academy from Director, Starfleet Security Command, Starfleet Tactical Command
Rear Admiral Revak - Assigned to Deputy Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command from Commander, Vulcan Sector
Rear Admiral T'Lorel - Assigned to Director, Shipyard Support Command, Shipyard Operations
Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: Langa Mbeki
Since we seem to be getting closer to war with Cardassia I am a strong proponent of buying more repair berth as we can reasonably afford. I am serious folks. We need them. I don't want to be in a position where we have to bump construction just to repair damaged starships. Like we did during the Biophage crisis and the Licori war.
You know, I wouldn't actually mind Revak as Commander, Starfleet one day. Only slight problem is he's coming up in the same crop that includes people like T'Lorel, Thuir, and so on.
We were in the hole by six engineering teams or something like that due to a rapid expansion a few Snakepits ago, so we need at least that many just to handle our peak needs.
Promoted to Lieutenant
Ratray Aronn - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Sappho
Dash sh'Rinboq - Assigned to Gamma Shift Helm, USS Spirit
Shayla Fluttrax - Assigned to 40 Eridani A Design Team, Ship Design Bureau
Jacquelin Appel - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Spirit
Mitchie Peh - Assigned to Junior Officer, USS Opportunity
T'Wilit - Promoted to Alpha Shift Sensor Officer, USS Sappho
I really got to do a ponies cadets reunion omake sometime soon. They've bounced around for some amazing assignments.
Promoted to Commander
Lafriebh - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS S'harien
Othar Yelea - Assigned to Chief Engineering Officer, Mission Control, Starfleet Explorer Corps Robert Yang - Assigned to CMO, USS Opportunity
Hugo Church - Assigned to XO, USS Epiphany
Olanev Panora - Assigned to CMO, USS Atuin
Khiwuolo - Assigned to Chief Tactical Officer, USS Atuin
Vinon - Assigned to Chief Engineer, USS Rru'adorr
Oh look at that, the Great Detective Robert Yang gets another round at being CMO on a Five Year Mission! He'll solve many mysteries (medical and otherwise) I'm sure. Pity whatever poor captain we appoint to put up with him, though.
THUIR: I remember the time he nearly got me shot. Sorry "times" plural he nearly got me shot.
Key Reassignments
Commander Aaron Wolfe - Assigned to Lecturer, Starfleet Tactical School, Starfleet Academy
Captain Abigail Taggart - Assigned to Captain, USS Endurance
Captain Adele Chatsworth - Assigned to First Officer, Starbase 1
Captain Jeanette Devereaux - Assigned to Captain, USS Sojourner
Captain Shurg kap Klasch - Asssigned to Captain, USS Reason
Commodore Rosalee McAdams - Assigned to Commander, Task Force 1, Gabriel Border Zone from Apinae Task Force, Apinae Sector
Commodore Saavik - Assigned to Supervisor, Explorer Squadron 1, Starfleet Explorer Corps
Rear Admiral Michel Thuir - Assigned to Commandant, Starfleet Academy from Director, Starfleet Security Command, Starfleet Tactical Command
Rear Admiral Revak - Assigned to Deputy Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command from Commander, Vulcan Sector
Rear Admiral T'Lorel - Assigned to Director, Shipyard Support Command, Shipyard Operations
Jeanette gets herself an Excelsior! Unless we end up pulling her to put her on the other Excelsior, I guess. Revak gets a turn as Deputy Chief of Staff, and T'Lorel goes over to Shipyard Operations.
But it's Saavik's assignment that interests me... apparently the Explorer Corps has now been divided into Squadrons for management purposes? We should get a little competitive spirit involved. What ships are in which squadron?
We're launching the Opportunity, but I had penciled in for both the Odyssey and the S'harien to come in for their A-pattern refit. So 1 new EC mission this year and then 1 2 more in 2319 if we go with that.
EDIT: Mis-wrote because I was posting from memory. Of course the S'harien has another year on its mission.
The Romulans and Klingons each have 15 engineering ships, or in excess of double our numbers. They would have 7-8 teams, meaning they could develop internally with 2 teams at a pace comparable to ours in peacetime and have 5-6 teams mobilized for war use.
We have 6 ships, so 3 teams, with 1 team deployed to the GBZ, which is few enough to place a warning on our internal builds during Snakepit but not to horrifically restrict them.
The Cardassians have 6, so 3 teams, and 2 teams to the GBZ. That means they're suffering under the near-wartime strain on their internal builds.
Political Rewards
25pp, 10rp from OrionRatification
USS Courageous
+10 relations with Honiani
Reduced Horizon influence
Gain colony option, Tolinar VII, 5 rp/yr
USS Sarek
+25 with Laio
Saved Vulcan crew
Gain colony option, An Arai V, 10sr/yr
USS S'harien
USS Stargazer
All Federation Members and Affiliates gain +10sr/yr income
Current whereabouts unknown
USS Odyssey
Negotiate effective end to conflict in Caldonia
Orion Shipyard Issues resolved
USS Atuin
+50 relations with Lamarck
Fiiral buy-in to Federation increased
Heavily reduced Hishmeri Septs raid chance
Advanced Lamarck political development
USS Voshov
+5 relations with Sydraxians
Neutralise Cardassian influence in Sydraxian space
Cripple Obsidian Order Assets
Safely delivered Starfleet Intel package to Sydraxian Space
Sydraxian Cruiser Sdranach Incident
USS Tarrak
Gain +10 with Sydraxians
Obsidian Asset destroyed
New colony option: 2 Curacao VII - 20 (25) sr/yr
Other Ships
USS Avandar - +20pp, +15rp, +25 with Yan-Ros, Tauni, +50 with Honiani, reduced Horizon influence in Rigel, stalling Horizon influence in Rigel, Liberator identified
USS Blizzard -
USS Bull - +15pp, +5rp, Qloathi readiness improved
USS Calypso -
USS Challorn - +30sr
USS Cheron - +25pp, +10rp, +40 with Sydraxians, gain Ranger Team 37, Padani envoys delivered to Earth, Sydaxian embassy established
USS Cloudburst -
USS Defiant -
USS Docana - +15pp, +30sr, new MWCO options
USS Dryad -
USS Eketha -
USS Endurance - +5pp, +10rp, +20sr
USS Excelsior -
USS Gale -
USS Hawking -
USS Hood -
USS Huascar -
USS Inspire -
USS Kearsage - +35br, new colony option, Fornost VII-19 40 (45) br / yr
USS Korolev - +5pp, +15sr
USS Lightning -
USS Pathfinder - +20pp, +25sr, +25 with Laio
USS Pleezirra - +20rp
USS Reason - +15pp, +25 with the Ashidi
USS Renaissance -
USS Rru'adorr - +10rp
USS Salnas - +10pp, avoid conflict escalation
USS Sappho -
USS Selaya -
USS Sojourner -
USS Stalwart -
USS Suvek -
USS Thirishar - +10pp, free war update report
USS Thunderhead -
USS T'Mir - +5pp, +10rp
USS Torbriel - +10rp
USS Typhoon - +10pp, +20sr
USS Valiant - +5pp, +5rp
USS Vigour -
USS Winterwind - +10pp, Orion readiness improved
USS Yukikaze - +5pp, +25 with Ashidi
USS Zephyr - +10pp, +10sr
Ships Lost
Ships Damaged
Ships Scrapped
Ships Laid Down
Excelsior-A, NCC-2027
Excelsior-A, NCC-2028
Constellation-A, NCC-1826
Constellation-A, NCC-1827
Renaissance, NCC-2620
Renaissance, NCC-2621
Renaissance, NCC-2622
Renaissance, NCC-2623
Refit - USS Excelsior, Excelsior-A, NCC-2000
Refit - USS Kumari, Excelsior-A, NCC-2005
Refit - USS Kearsage, Constellation-A, NCC-1811
Refit - USS Vigour , Constellation-A, NCC-1804
Refit - USS Dryad, Miranda-A, NCC-1631
Refit - USS Calypso, Miranda-A, NCC-1632
The Romulans and Klingons each have 15 engineering ships, or in excess of double our numbers. They would have 7-8 teams, meaning they could develop internally with 2 teams at a pace comparable to ours in peacetime and have 5-6 teams mobilized for war use.
We have 6 ships, so 3 teams, with 1 team deployed to the GBZ, which is few enough to place a warning on our internal builds during Snakepit but not to horrifically restrict them.
Of course, another way of looking at it is that we have 85 Engineering ships Federation-wide. Starfleet has 6 and our various members have 79. Whereas when the Klingons and the Romulans have 15, they really only have 15. The Cardassians really only have 6.
Starfleet can get squeezed during ordinary times with our 6 ships, but in time of emergency we have a huge supply of engineering ships to draw upon.
Captain Min-Jee Lee
Human Female, 44
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Valiant
A career spent working with cruisers, yet a penchant for survival in both battle and politics has led her to the panel. +1 H, +1 to Diplomacy Missions
Captain Jeanette Devereaux
Human Female, 42
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Typhoon
A science division officer at heart, Captain Devereaux is in rare company among officers for protesting being assigned the brand-new Typhoon over the old Suvek. +1 S, +1 to First Contact missions
Captain Percival Amin
Human Male, 43
Current Assignment: Deputy Director, Mission Control Room, Starfleet Operations Command
A man with a surprising knack for finding himself in dangerous areas, but who learned much from Rear Admiral Uhura. One of the very few fluent non-Vulcan speakers of that language. +1 L, +1 to any internal diplomacy.
Captain Huth fop Makpol
Tellarite Male, 50
Current Assignment: First Officer, Starbase 4 [Tellar]
A man with experience on a Miranda, an Excelsior, and a Starbase. Gain +1 to Medium DC events.
Captain Shurg kap Klasch
Tellarite Female, 48
Current Assignment: USS Bon Vivant
Possesses a legendary devotion to her crew, keeping them safe no matter the odds. 50% chance of nullifying a crew casualty, +1 to any event involving medicine.
Captain Jennifer Zhang
Human Female, 39
Current Assignment: Captain, USS Challorn
A talented veteran of exploration who spent two years far afield with the Honiani. Re-roll any failed diplomacy roll, +1 P, +1 H
EC Panel from this year's TBG. Lots of diplomacy bonuses, but Zhang has the better of all of them with a re-roll and a full +1 to all types. I think she'd be best suited for a green EC ship like the Opportunity, but if not she'll likely keep as she's still early in her career.
Devereaux has a very balanced skillset. Lee and Amin don't seem like bad choices either.
I'm unfortunately not too keen on either Tellarite. Stupid to be so human-centric, but that's how it goes I guess.
USS Avandar - +20pp, +15rp, +25 with Yan-Ros, Tauni, +50 with Honiani, reduced Horizon influence in Rigel, stalling Horizon influence in Rigel, Liberator identified
USS Cheron - +25pp, +10rp, +40 with Sydraxians, gain Ranger Team 37, Padani envoys delivered to Earth, Sydaxian embassy established
Of course, another way of looking at it is that we have 85 Engineering ships Federation-wide. Starfleet has 6 and our various members have 79. Whereas when the Klingons and the Romulans have 15, they really only have 15. The Cardassians really only have 6.
Starfleet can get squeezed during ordinary times with our 6 ships, but in time of emergency we have a huge supply of engineering ships to draw upon.
Maybe but I like the idea of having extras so we can provide them to member worlds as some members need more aid then others. Indoria for example could use support to help them catch up.
Maybe but I like the idea of having extras so we can provide them to member worlds as some members need more aid then others. Indoria for example could use support to help them catch up.
Good catch all this events Avander has to be close to hitting blooded as they need 7. No idea how close Cheron is to hitting elite but they have been involved in a lot of events.