Actually, something that occurred to me, was now that the Generic Teams are about to mature, would it be a better idea that instead of a bevy of Skill 2 teams, they could each be used to expand the preferred areas of existing tech teams. It would be easier to manage and increase flexibility.


The current "problem" we're having with research isn't the lack of flexibility - it's the lack of bandwidth. Hence why we're trying to get more research teams.

Generic teams converting to another specialization for another team upon maturation would be a nerf. And increasing the research option space without increasing bandwidth would just increase complexity unnecessarily.

I do have a minor related suggestion though: I know you're having trouble finding badges and icons for all the research teams, and our trend of getting 2+ research teams per year is not helping. Have you considered bundling research teams into groups with the same (or if that's too rare, similar) specialties? This is a purely cosmetic change - each research team functions as it has before with the same specialties, but now you'll see an up to 2-level hierarchy, with only the top level having badges.
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To be clear, this isn't something I'd be forcing through, just a suggestion that might help keep things more manageable than adding five new teams in in addition to the ones coming out of ratifications.

The latter. Generic Teams reset, and whatever area they've been researching the most gets added to a research team via vote.
Personally I would not want Generics to work that way. We are in a situation of needing more teams, existing teams gaining a specialization won't really help as they are unlikely to be pulled from their existing field of research.

Starbase needs another research team put on it
No, we have two teams working on starbase research currently, though one of those we just picked up this year (skill 3 from the Gaeni).

Warp, Personal, Shield and Propulsion are the only ones we have 1 team working so adding another of each would be good. We also have 3 teams working the various ship design areas, so adding a 4th would help us out there. Another spot we may need some more is Foreign Analysis with only 2 teams working what is soon to be a 5 to 6 branch field.
I'm guessing that we want the generic teams to be full tech teams on their own, as we do need those teams quite a lot, and have worked them specifically to get them specialties and whatnot.

I would consider reworking the generic team concept, though. It doesn't necessarily fit to give us another five generic teams. Perhaps instead of generic teams, a generic pool the spits out teams periodically rather than all at once, just as an example.
I would consider reworking the generic team concept, though. It doesn't necessarily fit to give us another five generic teams. Perhaps instead of generic teams, a generic pool the spits out teams periodically rather than all at once, just as an example.
So something like once the current batch of generic teams graduate we get a single new generic team and then periodically new teams are added, up to a maximum of five at any one time. That would prevent future cases of getting five new teams simultaneously and is probably more realistic.
So something like once the current batch of generic teams graduate we get a single new generic team and then periodically new teams are added, up to a maximum of five at any one time. That would prevent future cases of getting five new teams simultaneously and is probably more realistic.

Eh, any number of ways to do it, but I was thinking we could just assign "generic" to research and when 10 (or whatever #) XP is accumulated a new team is founded with two specialties picked from the research that spawned it. Limit to five generic assignments and we have exactly the old system except it spits out a team every 2 years instead of five every 10 years.

Or something. Could be anything really.
D4 was our old target. More recent playing with the sheet has made us realize that D6 is possible. As I said above, I don't think that a few more years of tech will do anything crazy unless we somehow finished arrays or Isolinear very early indeed. H4 maybe. T3 shields are heavier and more expensive, so they're not necessarily a good thing for this particular design.

Just looking at the costs its now par with the Kepler for Stat Avg (4.33), has the best SR efficiency (15) and the best crew efficiency (1.62 stats per crew) of any ship proposed including the Enlightenment heavy cruiser.

With the new Mutual Support distribution a D6 frigate paired with Starbases could anchor the internal sectors, leaving the Excelsior-As to event respond where needed.
Actually, something that occurred to me, was now that the Generic Teams are about to mature, would it be a better idea that instead of a bevy of Skill 2 teams, they could each be used to expand the preferred areas of existing tech teams. It would be easier to manage and increase flexibility.


No offense Oneiros but there's something hilarious about this. :rofl:
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Being terribly blunt and a lil bit mean to the Syddies, but.

We trust the Romulans more than them. There, I said it.
Well, maybe we just let them in because we know they won't take it personally that we've got shittons of phasers and sensors pointed at them all the time. :p
Starting to compile a preliminary EOY report...and I noticed that we have had 0 crew casualties and no ship damage this year (so far). And last year we only had 1 EC technician casualty and minor repair costs.

Things are going too well... *paranoia intensifies*
The current "problem" we're having with research isn't the lack of flexibility - it's the lack of bandwidth. Hence why we're trying to get more research teams.

Generic teams converting to another specialization for another team upon maturation would be a nerf. And increasing the research option space without increasing bandwidth would just increase complexity unnecessarily.

I do have a minor related suggestion though: I know you're having trouble finding badges and icons for all the research teams, and our trend of getting 2+ research teams per year is not helping. Have you considered bundling research teams into groups with the same (or if that's too rare, similar) specialties? This is a purely cosmetic change - each research team functions as it has before with the same specialties, but now you'll see an up to 2-level hierarchy, with only the top level having badges.

In my (singular) posted omake and unposted works-in-progress with characters working with or from an SDB Tech Team, I have a unofficial system.

Each team is assigned a number, like the SFI offices, which is given by their place in the research megapost, as that will remain fixed. Above the teams, I have research Divisions.

For example, Commander William Solberg, who currently works in Admiral Lathriss's Tech Team, would probably be a Senior Analyst in Group 15 "Lathriss Analysis", Doctrine Development Division, Ship Design Bureau.

Mostly coherent notes:
Ship Design Division:

- Group 1: San Francisco Fleet Yards - Ship Design (Explorer), Ship Construction
- Group 2: 40 Eridani A Shipyards - Ship Design (Escort), Warp Technology
- Group 8: Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Tech, Starship Construction
- Group 13: Utopia Planitia Design Group, Ship Design (Explorers)
- Group 17: Office of Naval Architecture - Ship Construction, Fleet Design Doctrine
- Group 19: Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office - Weapons, Ship Construction
- Group 22: Intazzi Team Grand Hive R&D - Propulsion / Escort
- Group 28: Inid Uttar Institute - Sensors / Propulsion

Doctrine Development Division:
- Group 9: Starfleet Tactical Command - Analysis, Offensive Doctrine
- Group 14: Kuznetsova's Tiger Team - Doctrine, Foreign Analysis
- Group 15: Admiral Lathriss - Defensive Doctrine, Fleet Design Doctrine
- Group 25: Prograde Ops - Weapons / Offensive Doctrine

Informatics Development Division:
- Group 3: Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors, Xenopsychology
- Group 4: Starfleet Science Academy - Comms, Computing Technology
- Group 5: Daystrom Institute - Computers, Shields
- Group 7: Andorian Academy - Shields, Comms

Resource Development Division:
- Group 6: Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Mining, Personal Tech
- Group 23: All Pyllix Geological Institute - Mining / Sensors

Diplomatic Research Division:

Unconventional Research and Analysis Division:

Xenoanalysis Division:

Orbital Design Division:
- Group 20: Taves Nar - Starbase/Construction
- Group 26: Protective Engineering - Starbases / Defensive Doctrine

- Group 10: Spock - Xenopsychology, Sensors
  - URAD?
- Group 11: Starfleet Medical Research Command - Medical, Personal Tech
- Group 12: Starfleet IDR - Medical

- Group 16: Federation Broadcast Service - Comms, Xenopsychology

- Group 18: University of Betazed - Xenopsych, Personal Tech

- Group 21: Caitian Frontier Police R&D - Personal Tech / Comms

- Group 24: Amash Hagan - Computing / Personal Tech

- Group 27: Henn-Makad Institute - Starbases / Minerals
  - ODD?

- Group 29: Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis
- Group A: Generic Team 1
- Group B: Generic Team 2
- Group C: Generic Team 3
- Group D: Generic Team 4
- Group E: Generic Team 5
Well, maybe we just let them in because we know they won't take it personally that we've got shittons of phasers and sensors pointed at them all the time. :p
Another reason is that it's fairly safe to assume any given Romulan ship approaching Sol is actually under the control of the Romulan state as a whole and will be acting according to its interests. Since we knew the Romulan state wouldn't benefit from an act of war against us under the circumstances, we could confidently predict the Romulans would be well-behaved. Furthermore, the Romulans did have a history of sending envoys to Sol, based on the movie era of the 2270s-90s.

The Sydraxians have no such track record. Moreover, we can't necessarily be sure there aren't any heavy Sydraxian warships under the control of the Red Hierarchy rump state, or for that matter outright seized by the Cardassians with a handful of Sydraxian patsies. Therefore, it's harder to make justified, accurate assumptions about how the controllers of the warship will behave.
In my (singular) posted omake and unposted works-in-progress with characters working with or from an SDB Tech Team, I have a unofficial system.

Each team is assigned a number, like the SFI offices, which is given by their place in the research megapost, as that will remain fixed. Above the teams, I have research Divisions.

For example, Commander William Solberg, who currently works in Admiral Lathriss's Tech Team, would probably be a Senior Analyst in Group 15 "Lathriss Analysis", Doctrine Development Division, Ship Design Bureau.

Mostly coherent notes:
Ship Design Division:
- Group 1: San Francisco Fleet Yards - Ship Design (Explorer), Ship Construction
- Group 2: 40 Eridani A Shipyards - Ship Design (Escort), Warp Technology
- Group 8: Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems - Warp Tech, Starship Construction
- Group 13: Utopia Planitia Design Group, Ship Design (Explorers)
- Group 17: Office of Naval Architecture - Ship Construction, Fleet Design Doctrine
- Group 19: Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office - Weapons, Ship Construction
- Group 22: Intazzi Team Grand Hive R&D - Propulsion / Escort
- Group 28: Inid Uttar Institute - Sensors / Propulsion
Doctrine Development Division:
- Group 9: Starfleet Tactical Command - Analysis, Offensive Doctrine
- Group 14: Kuznetsova's Tiger Team - Doctrine, Foreign Analysis
- Group 15: Admiral Lathriss - Defensive Doctrine, Fleet Design Doctrine
- Group 25: Prograde Ops - Weapons / Offensive Doctrine
Informatics Development Division:
- Group 3: Vulcan Science Academy - Sensors, Xenopsychology
- Group 4: Starfleet Science Academy - Comms, Computing Technology
- Group 5: Daystrom Institute - Computers, Shields
- Group 7: Andorian Academy - Shields, Comms
Resource Development Division:
- Group 6: Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Mining, Personal Tech
- Group 23: All Pyllix Geological Institute - Mining / Sensors
Diplomatic Research Division:
Unconventional Research and Analysis Division:
Xenoanalysis Division:
Orbital Design Division:
- Group 20: Taves Nar - Starbase/Construction
- Group 26: Protective Engineering - Starbases / Defensive Doctrine
- Group 10: Spock - Xenopsychology, Sensors
  - URAD?
- Group 11: Starfleet Medical Research Command - Medical, Personal Tech
- Group 12: Starfleet IDR - Medical
- Group 16: Federation Broadcast Service - Comms, Xenopsychology
- Group 18: University of Betazed - Xenopsych, Personal Tech
- Group 21: Caitian Frontier Police R&D - Personal Tech / Comms
- Group 24: Amash Hagan - Computing / Personal Tech
- Group 27: Henn-Makad Institute - Starbases / Minerals
  - ODD?
- Group 29: Technocracy Interstellar Ministry - Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis
- Group A: Generic Team 1
- Group B: Generic Team 2
- Group C: Generic Team 3
- Group D: Generic Team 4
- Group E: Generic Team 5
The two Commands I most need to flesh out and re-tool are Starfleet Tactical and the SDB. Most of the Doctrine teams would probably become a Division under Starfleet Tactical Theory Command, and the Xenopsych teams might be placed under Starfleet Academy's research arm. Starfleet Medical teams obviously have their place under Starfleet Medical. The rest of them probably get pared down by Division->Department under the SDB.
I suspect a fair number of the teams aren't actually part of Starfleet's organization as such, they just get a lot of funding from Starfleet and work closely with them. The University of Betazed is an obvious example.
I suspect a fair number of the teams aren't actually part of Starfleet's organization as such, they just get a lot of funding from Starfleet and work closely with them. The University of Betazed is an obvious example.

I was hoping the Isolinear generic tech team would be MIT lab for computer science (Earth Universities sponcered research) so I agree.

Can you confirm that the following second cargo ship build is actually commenced as scheduled?
SF Berth 1 (1mt) – Available 2317.Q4. Build cargo ship here ETC 2319.Q4.

I don't see mention of this build in either the Q1 Shipyard Ops Results (note that it does mention the other cargo ship build we voted for in Intazzi Shipyard Berth 1 starting 2317.Q2):
Two Constellation-A class (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1827, NCC-1827) to commence at San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth A, 2 in 2317.Q1

Two Excelsior-A class (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2027, NCC-2028) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth A, B in 2317.Q1
Refit to Miranda-A class of USS Dryad (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1631) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 1 in 2317.Q1
Refit to Miranda-A class of USS Calypso (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1632) to commence at 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 2 in 2317.Q1

Refit to Constellation-A of USS Kearsage (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1811) to commence at Oreassa Starfleet Yards Berth 1 in 2317.Q3
Refit to Constellation-A of USS Vigour (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1804) to commence at Oreassa Starfleet Yards Berth 1 in 2317.Q3

One Super-Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3606) to commence at Intazzi Shipyard Berth A at 2317.Q2
One Cargo Ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3709) to commence at Intazzi Shipyard Berth 1 at 2317.Q2

Refit to Excelsior-A class of USS Excelsior (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2000) to commence at Ana Font Shipyard Berth A in 2317.Q1
One Freighter (Starfleet Build Order NCC-3608) to commence at Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1 in 2317.Q2

Refit to Excelsior-A class of USS Kumari (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2005) to commence at Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility Berth A in 2317.Q4

Four Renaissance class (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2620, NCC-2621, NCC-2622, NCC-2623) to commence at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berths 1,2,3,4 in 2317.Q1

or the Q4 Well, They Try (when it's supposed to be commenced):
Shipyard Operations Command Update

USS Dynamo, Miranda-A class, (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1665) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1

Refit of USS Kumari, (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2005) @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth A
Random thoughts for what to do with generic teams that are levelling up:

- just let them become level 2 (kick the problem down the road).
- allow "levelled-up" generic research team to be consumed to split a named team into parts. I.E. The San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau is skill 5 team that has Ship Design - Explorer, Ship Construction as it focus. A levelled up generic team splits it into 2 groups San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau 1 - Ship Design - Explorer and San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau 2 - Ship Construction as sub-groups under the San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau umbrella. You could reduce the experience level of the new teams if you wanted. From the same example San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau Level 5 + Generic Level 2 becomes San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau 1 (Level4) Ship Design - Explorer + San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau 2 (Level 3) - Ship Construction.
- allow "levelled-up" generic research team to be consumed to add a thematically related speciality to a team. Could be combined with the above idea.
- allow "levelled-up" generic research team to be consumed to add XP to a team with a similar speciality to what they have been researching.
- don't track XP for generic teams and leave them at level 1 forever (not sure on how this works with RP expenditure for level 1 team vs. BOOST).

Can you confirm that the following second cargo ship build is actually commenced as scheduled?

I don't see mention of this build in either the Q1 Shipyard Ops Results (note that it does mention the other cargo ship build we voted for in Intazzi Shipyard Berth 1 starting 2317.Q2):

or the Q4 Well, They Try (when it's supposed to be commenced):
It's lodged in the master list.
The two Commands I most need to flesh out and re-tool are Starfleet Tactical and the SDB. Most of the Doctrine teams would probably become a Division under Starfleet Tactical Theory Command, and the Xenopsych teams might be placed under Starfleet Academy's research arm. Starfleet Medical teams obviously have their place under Starfleet Medical. The rest of them probably get pared down by Division->Department under the SDB.

Within the SDB, I can see several different types of relationships with teams:
SDB Internal Group: SDB gives additional resources, and maybe has dedicated staffers. Admiral Lathriss's team, Spock's team fall into this category.
SDB Contractor: SDB issues Development Contracts requesting a Ship Design or general development in a field. The Shipyard teams fall into this category.
SDB Academic Group: Resource Grants, X-Prizes to encourage research in certain directions. The Academies and some institutes (Daystrom, etc) fall into this category.
SDB Affiliate: SDB lets them work, suggesting priorities, with occasional grants. Similar to Academic. SF Medical, SF TACCOM, etc. fall into this category

Divisions would be mostly organizational, for the purposes of coordinating research in a field or similar fields.
Actually, something that occurred to me, was now that the Generic Teams are about to mature, would it be a better idea that instead of a bevy of Skill 2 teams, they could each be used to expand the preferred areas of existing tech teams. It would be easier to manage and increase flexibility.

That would be mostly useless, for most teams one specialization is enough and two is plenty. We have been planning on those teams graduating, if they don't that means we will need to recruit an extra 5 teams beyond those we are already recruiting anyway and those we get from members, unless the pp cost of that is raised too high for that to be practical, and that would mean we 1. can't keep up with the tech tree branching in higher tiers and 2. we will have a lot of useless excess rp.

If you want to keep the number of teams down you need to actually change the research system such that we can do more with the existing teams and spend all available rp. As a minimal change you could have generic teams not be a thing anymore after this set graduates and remove the cap on boosts.
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In case I'm not awake for the 2317 EOY if it happens in the next several hours, preliminary audit before the Q4.M3 CL and Q4 GBZ:

- Starting off with EOY 2316 (where there are inconsistencies there, using the more detailed info as official source)
- As discussed in private conv, Sol's 105br contribution should be fixed to be 95br to correspond with the actual 2310 budget increase and the computed annual incomes since 2310
- Per historical precedence, member ratifications replace the tech-based affiliation income (currently 0.15 O/E/T) rather than the major affiliation bonus income, even if the ratification crew income change text is ambiguous on the matter.

Casualties (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents)
Standard Starfleet: O-0 E-0 T-0
Explorer Corps: O-0 E-0 T-0

Career Casualties (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents)
Standard Starfleet: O-28 E-36 T-30
Explorer Corps: O-6 E-9 T-9
Human: O-4 E-3 T-1
Andorian: O-0 E-2 T-1
Tellarite: O-1 E-0 T-0
Amarki: O-0 E-1 T-2
Apiata: O-0 E-1 T-1
Rigellian: O-0 E-1 T-1
Ked Paddah: O-3 E-10 T-10

Total non-Explorer Corps: O-36 E-54 T-46

Total Starfleet Ship Losses: 2 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur, 3 Miranda, 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship
Total Other Ship Losses (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents): 1 Miranda-A, 3 Orah

Ships Lost

Ships Damaged
USS Firefly, Miranda-A, NCC-1667

Ships Laid Down
Excelsior-A, NCC-2027
Excelsior-A, NCC-2028
Constellation-A, NCC-1826
Constellation-A, NCC-1827 (note: NCC-1827 was listed twice erroneously, assuming first one is NCC-1826)
Renaissance, NCC-2620
Renaissance, NCC-2621
Renaissance, NCC-2622
Renaissance, NCC-2623

Refit - USS Excelsior, Excelsior-A, NCC-2000
Refit - USS Kumari, Excelsior-A, NCC-2005
Refit - USS Kearsage, Constellation-A, NCC-1811
Refit - USS Vigour , Constellation-A, NCC-1804
Refit - USS Dryad, Miranda-A, NCC-1631
Refit - USS Calypso, Miranda-A, NCC-1632

Starfleet Super-Freighter, NCC-3606
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3607 (Rigel)
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3608
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3709
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3710 (Indoria)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3711 (Indoria)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3712 (Andor)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3713
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3714
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3715 (note: voted for but never mentioned in any update, so assuming it's NCC-3715)

Ships Crewed
USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A, NCC-2026 (Explorer Corps)
USS Spirit, Excelsior-A, NCC-2025
Renaissance, NCC-2617

Ships Commissioned
USS Tarrak, Excelsior, NCC-2023
USS Pleezirra, Excelsior, NCC-2024
USS Reason, Renaissance, NCC-2602
USS Dynamo, Miranda-A, NCC-1665

Refit - USS Sarek, Excelsior-A, NCC-2004
Refit - USS Sappho, Constellation-A, NCC-1812
Refit - USS Challorn, Constellation-A, NCC-1809
Refit - USS Svai, Miranda-A, NCC-1658
Refit - USS Lion, Miranda-A, NCC-1654

Starfleet Colony Ship, NCC-921
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3601
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3602

Resource Stockpile
BR/yr: 965 - 20 + 145 = 1090
SR/yr: 700 - 10 + 105 = 795
PP/yr: 124 - 5 + 25 = 144
RP/yr: 213 - 5 + 25 = 233
BR: 1488 - 1210 + 90 + 1090 = 1458
SR: 873 - 880 + 205 + 795 = 993
PP: 372 - 423 + 365 + 144 = 458
RP: 365 - 362 + 145 + 233 = 381

Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 16.4 - 0.15 + 1.85 = 18.1
E/yr: 20.1 - 0.15 + 2.45 = 22.4
T/yr: 21.2 - 0.15 + 2.2 = 23.25
O: 12.35 - 9 + 0 + 18.1 = 27.85
E: 20.7 - 10 + 0 + 22.4 = 41.2
T: 28 - 8 + 0 + 23.25 = 55.45

Explorer Corps:
O/yr: 3.75 + 0.25 = 4
E/yr: 3.2 + 0.25 = 3.45
T/yr: 2.95 + 0.25 = 3.2
O: 13.75 - 6 + 0 + 4 = 9.5
E: 13.5 - 5 + 0 + 3.45 = 10.15
T: 13.95 - 5 + 0 + 3.2 = 9.1

Details in audit ledger spreadsheet: ToBoldlyGo Audit Ledger

edit: updated with Q4.M3 CL and Q4 GBZ, Firefly was damaged
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Captain's Log - 2317.Q4.M3
Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26570.3

A warning message from the Voshov has marked out an Yrillian civilian ship we suspect is Obsidian Order, heading out of Sydraxian space coreward. We are now pursuing it, and the first thing we have noticed is that if it isn't from the Obsidian Order, it's from a warp speed record enthusiast, because that ship is moving fast.


Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 26570.8

There's a major Horizon fleet unit visiting Honiani space, and we are heading to pay it a visit. Our initial reports are that it is not one of the major fleet tenders, but it is a capital-grade ship nonetheless, and Starfleet would very much like a closer look.


Captain's Log, USS Pleezirra, Stardate 26571.3

Another shipboard plague outbreak has been reported, this time a Vulcan Miranda, the VCS An'toor, has reported distress, with the crew being nearly debilitated by the disease. They had just made a checkup visit to Solitude, and were on their way back to the Vulcan sector. So far we are still investigating what the common links may be, but as of yet we don't have a definitive answer. However, the Vulcan crew is recovering well, and the An'toor escorted back to safety.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Torbriel, Stardate 26571.8

A peculiar sensor return has led to the discovery of another destroyed Horizon ship. However, this one was not due to battery loss, but sabotage. No external damage detected, but it definitely appears that a photon torpedo detonation occurred within the ship, holing it and seemingly killing the crew with gamma rays that their internal shielding wasn't prepared for. I have a chief of security who was on the Cheron when it suffered a similar act of sabotage, and as we looked over this ship, we toasted the Starfleet designers who design the internal bulkhead ray shielding.

Judging by the timing, this would have been right in the middle of the Tauni uprising. I strongly suspect that current designs are nowhere near as lax with their internal shielding.

[Gain +10rp]


Captain's Log, USS Docana, Stardate 26572.3

A revisiting of a the satellite cluster around a gas giant and 77 Eridani has revealed some surprising resource deposits. The system already contains a Vulcan colony that will likely exploit the resulting mine, but we have still accumulated a very fair compensation in the form of samples.

[Gain +30sr]


Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26572.6

This Yrillian ship may have legs, but we are gaining quickly. It is heading into the Gabriel, however. I took the liberty of communicating ahead with the Starfleet forces there, and was rather abruptly reminded that this was Commodore ka'Sharren's current posting.

This is going to be like old times!


Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 26573.1

I don't think I'd want to meet one of those in a dark nebula. A 'Liberator' class battleship, slightly smaller than an Excelsior, and I daresay slightly more advanced. It will be a tough opponent. Thankfully, our understanding is that they have fewer of these capitals than the Federation as a whole has Excelsiors. However, I heard from Honiani officers that the HPDV Liberator of Telqua is one of four of these ships in just the fleet covering their rimward border. Which wouldn't be so concerning if they weren't, doctrinally speaking, just the helpful backup to their fleet tenders.

[Gain +10pp, violence avoided]
[Liberator class battleship, 1874kt, 495m, 850 crew, C7 S? H? L? P5 D5]


Captain's Log, USS Tarrak, Stardate 26573.6

Commodore ka'Sharren, working from the bridge of my old command, the Renaissance, has closed the trap door shut on this Obsidian Order escapee. Unfortunately, the crew self-destructed rather than allow themselves to be captured. Still, it was a successful conclusion to a long chase.

It was it's own reward to be working with the Commodore again.


Personal Log, Captain Larai Leaniss, Stardate 26574.2

Nash has been adamant - do whatever I need, anything at all, but make sure that I get on the bridge of one of the Ambassadors. It is an appealing thought...

I think she still seethes at Old Man Seruk for promoting her.


Mission Control Director's Log, Stardate 26577.7

We had a brief signal that we were pretty sure came from the Stargazer, but it was red-shifted to the point of being indecipherable. We're not sure what has happened, unfortunately, and are now playing the waiting game.

So Stargazer is...moving really fast. Realllly fast.

Meanwhile Docana breaks out the geologist's hammer, and Avandar continues acting like she's an EC ship despite not being one. Blooded status when?