Luck ran out for real stars in Eridanus matching up well enough to use for the map, Flamsteed's catalogue only goes to 69, and 77 Eridani in Gould's catalogue (which would be 14 in Flamsteed's) is 113 lightyears away. As both catalogues are arranged in order of right ascension (just with Gould including many stars in between) and both end with the same star (69 Eridani /293 G. Eridani) there is no way to pick a star that might have been 77 Eridani in Flamsteeds scheme either.
I guess there is no real need to put it on the map anyway though.
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You know, that type of morality sounds like something that would be suitable for another power for us to interact with, or maybe even some of our own members to have as a methodology.

Well, we have interacted with the konen in the past. We had a moderately friendly chat with them when we met the Ashidi, and we coordinated to hunt a crystalline entity that had been causing problems for both of us.

Right now, they unfortunately seem to see it as in their own interest to help the Cardassians fight us in the GBZ. Perhaps we can adjust their calculations.
@OneirosTheWriter, updated preliminary 2317 EOY audit now that all updates except Q4 Rat Race are done (and assuming no major affiliation bonuses in that update) (edit: also Academy Steering Committee):
- Starting off with EOY 2316 (where there are inconsistencies there, using the more detailed info as official source)
- As discussed in private conv, Sol's 105br contribution should be fixed to be 95br to correspond with the actual 2310 budget increase and the computed annual incomes since 2310
- Per historical precedence, member ratifications replace the tech-based affiliation income (currently 0.15 O/E/T) rather than the major affiliation bonus income, even if the ratification crew income change text is ambiguous on the matter.

Casualties (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents)
Standard Starfleet: O-0 E-0 T-0
Explorer Corps: O-0 E-0 T-0

Career Casualties (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents)
Standard Starfleet: O-28 E-36 T-30
Explorer Corps: O-6 E-9 T-9
Human: O-4 E-3 T-1
Andorian: O-0 E-2 T-1
Tellarite: O-1 E-0 T-0
Amarki: O-0 E-1 T-2
Apiata: O-0 E-1 T-1
Rigellian: O-0 E-1 T-1
Ked Paddah: O-3 E-10 T-10

Total non-Explorer Corps: O-36 E-54 T-46

Total Starfleet Ship Losses: 2 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur, 3 Miranda, 1 Oberth, 1 Hospital Ship
Total Other Ship Losses (in Starfleet-led operations and incidents): 1 Miranda-A, 3 Orah

Ships Lost

Ships Damaged

Ships Laid Down
Excelsior-A, NCC-2027
Excelsior-A, NCC-2028
Constellation-A, NCC-1827
Constellation-A, NCC-1828 (note: NCC-1827 was listed twice, so assuming it's actually NCC-1828)
Renaissance, NCC-2620
Renaissance, NCC-2621
Renaissance, NCC-2622
Renaissance, NCC-2623

Refit - USS Excelsior, Excelsior-A, NCC-2000
Refit - USS Kumari, Excelsior-A, NCC-2005
Refit - USS Kearsage, Constellation-A, NCC-1811
Refit - USS Vigour , Constellation-A, NCC-1804
Refit - USS Dryad, Miranda-A, NCC-1631
Refit - USS Calypso, Miranda-A, NCC-1632

Starfleet Super-Freighter, NCC-3606
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3607 (Rigel)
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3608
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3709
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3710 (Indoria)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3711 (Indoria)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3712 (Andor)
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3713
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3714
Starfleet Cargo Ship, NCC-3715 (note: voted for but never mentioned in any update, so assuming it's NCC-3715)

Ships Crewed
USS Opportunity, Excelsior-A, NCC-2026 (Explorer Corps)
USS Spirit, Excelsior-A, NCC-2025
Renaissance, NCC-2617

Ships Commissioned
USS Tarrak, Excelsior, NCC-2023
USS Pleezirra, Excelsior, NCC-2024
USS Reason, Renaissance, NCC-2602
USS Dynamo, Miranda-A, NCC-1665

Refit - USS Sarek, Excelsior-A, NCC-2004
Refit - USS Sappho, Constellation-A, NCC-1812
Refit - USS Challorn, Constellation-A, NCC-1809
Refit - USS Svai, Miranda-A, NCC-1658
Refit - USS Lion, Miranda-A, NCC-1654

Starfleet Colony Ship, NCC-921
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3601
Starfleet Freighter, NCC-3602

Resource Stockpile
BR/yr: 965 - 20 + 145 = 1090
SR/yr: 700 - 10 + 105 = 795
PP/yr: 124 - 5 + 25 = 144
RP/yr: 213 - 5 + 25 = 233
BR: 1488 - 1210 + 90 + 1090 = 1458
SR: 873 - 880 + 205 + 795 = 993
PP: 372 - 423 + 365 + 144 = 458
RP: 365 - 362 + 145 + 233 = 381

Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
O/yr: 16.4 - 0.15 + 1.85 = 18.1
E/yr: 20.1 - 0.15 + 2.45 = 22.4
T/yr: 21.2 - 0.15 + 2.2 = 23.25
O: 12.35 - 9 + 0 + 18.1 = 27.85
E: 20.7 - 10 + 0 + 22.4 = 41.2
T: 28 - 8 + 0 + 23.25 = 55.45

Explorer Corps:
O/yr: 3.75 + 0.25 = 4
E/yr: 3.2 + 0.25 = 3.45
T/yr: 2.95 + 0.25 = 3.2
O: 13.75 - 6 + 0 + 4 = 9.5
E: 13.5 - 5 + 0 + 3.45 = 10.15
T: 13.95 - 5 + 0 + 3.2 = 9.1

Details in audit ledger spreadsheet: ToBoldlyGo Audit Ledger

Note that the 29 Baker V mining colony completion this quarter [+10 (20) sr/yr, +1pp/yr, +2rp/yr] was already taken into account as part of "Previous Net Income Delayed Until This Year", in case anyone's wondering why SR didn't increase more from my last report. And the 29 Baker II mining colony ETC 2318.Q3 [+15 (20) br/yr, +1pp/yr, +2rp/yr] will be part of 2318's "Previous Net Income Delayed Until This Year".
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Personally, I think we might be getting to the point where we have enough Excelsiors. Heresy I know, but it may be a better idea to shift to a Rennie and escort construction plan and save up for a major Ambassador push.
@Simon_Jester To answer your question from last night... I don't see new technologies making a 2323 general frigate any better than at present. I did half an hour of playing around with my design to no avail. I can maybe, if I spend a lot more time trimming to get moar powah, get +1H for +5SR. But then we have a 95/70 1/3/3 general frigate with a 2.5yr build time. That's pretty damn close to the Rennie's spot, except moderately cheaper in terms of crew (-2O, -2E), -10SR, and -1Q build time. I'm sure SWB can do better, but I doubt that we're getting more than +1 to a stat, with or without resource cost. Even if we could get +1H for free (same statline, his or mine) I'm not sure it would be a worthwhile trade. About the only real wildcard we have right now are automated frames, so I guess we'll wait 'til the sheet has those and at that point I can give a final determination. Still doubtful that 2323 is much better, but if it allows for a 1/2/3 frigate with +1H I would have a lot more consideration to do.

Edit: +1H for "free" is possible, on further reworking, but it requires T3 Ops, Engineering, Warp, and Hull subframes. I thought we would only have either Ops or Eng/Warp/Hull by 2323. If we focused on both we could do it, I suppose. Also needs T3 Nav Deflectors.
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@Simon_Jester To answer your question from last night... I don't see new technologies making a 2323 general frigate any better than at present. I did half an hour of playing around with my design to no avail. I can maybe, if I spend a lot more time trimming to get moar powah, get +1H for +5SR. But then we have a 95/70 1/3/3 general frigate with a 2.5yr build time. That's pretty damn close to the Rennie's spot, except moderately cheaper in terms of crew (-2O, -2E), -10SR, and -1Q build time. I'm sure SWB can do better, but I doubt that we're getting more than +1 to a stat, with or without resource cost. Even if we could get +1H for free (same statline, his or mine) I'm not sure it would be a worthwhile trade. About the only real wildcard we have right now are automated frames, so I guess we'll wait 'til the sheet has those and at that point I can give a final determination. Still doubtful that 2323 is much better, but if it allows for a 1/2/3 frigate with +1H I would have a lot more consideration to do.

Wouldnt a present frigate being good enough mean we should have updated the requirements last turn and could have bought the project next snakepit? Or do we have to wait until the Kepler is finished to start the new project?

Still, it seems like we should buy the grand reorganisation this turn.
Well, we have interacted with the konen in the past. We had a moderately friendly chat with them when we met the Ashidi, and we coordinated to hunt a crystalline entity that had been causing problems for both of us.

I went and did a search for our encounters with the Konen. Bolded details for relevance on their psychology.

Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25590.1

It turns out one of the subpsace wakes we encountered was not so unknown as first thought. A Konen explorer orbits the world, a colony of the Anshidi people.

The Konen have not answered our hails, but our Betazoid Head Counsellor informs me that she believes the Konen telepaths are attempting to investigate us from afar. I have spoken with my science officer and chief engineer, and we believe a phased shell of delta radiation will limit the effectiveness of the Konen telepathy. I asked her what her own insights could tell her of the Konen. What she told me was quite worrying. The Konen are polite to a fault, but all the more savage beneath the surface for that. They are not a people one should become a prisoner of. My intelligence aide tells me that much of their fighting with the Cardassians was vicious, and ended mostly by Konen shock at the disdain to that manner of affront shown by the Cardassian people.

As for the Anshidi, we have made first contact, and have been able to determine that, despite being trading partners of the Konen, they are not Cardassian affiliates. They are a rather paranoid people, to be honest!

The Konen will be polite as they wheel you into the torture chamber.

Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 25591.2

Limiting their telepathy seems to have forced the Konen to open hailing frequencies. Their explorer is a Whisper-class battlecruiser, and is no slouch as a combatant. However, they appear to be abiding by the Treaty of Celos and not threatening us. In fact, it seems they were here simply to hammer out a trade deal, a task which has concluded. They are breaking orbit and returning to their homeworld.

The Ashidi have cautiously welcomed us, and will accept envoys from the Diplomatic Service. They are a species relatively short in stature with low forehead bone crests and hornlike protrusions from the back of their head, with a suspicious streak a mile wide. Of course, if I lived this close to the Cardassians and telepaths like the Konen, I'd be deeply suspicious too!

[New Race encountered: Ashidi, 50/100 starting relations]

So they decided not to start a fight.

Below is the crystalline entity incident.

Captain's Log, USS Salnas, Stardate 25651.9

After joining a Seyek search pattern, we have been surprised to find ourselves running into a Konen ship - a Silence-class battlecruiser, no less. After looking it over with my sensor officers, we have concluded it has performance akin to a more durability and combat focused Excelsior, something not to be tangled with likely. Thankfully, they appear to be conducting their own hunt for the cause of the missing ships, as they too have lost a pair of ships.
Captain's Log, USS Salnas, Stardate 25653.5

A macro-crystalline organism has been spotted, chasing a freighter! The rest of the Seyek ships are vectoring in. We have to be careful, as the crystalline structure disrupts subspace communications, which is why the lost ships have simply gone missing, we believe.

The Sign of Rethelia, recrewed and put to space in spite of the political crisis to address the disappearances, is vectoring a force in to engage the entity. We are hanging back and guiding their approach, as we are under orders to avoid risk to the ship during the current crisis.

[Gain +5pp, +25 relations with Seyek]
[Seyek lose 2 Civilian ships, 1 Freighter, 1 Science Ship]
[Konen lose 2 Cargo Ships]

I the impression the Konen have been very cold indeed when interacting whit the Federation,
Wouldnt a present frigate being good enough mean we should have updated the requirements last turn and could have bought the project next snakepit? Or do we have to wait until the Kepler is finished to start the new project?

Still, it seems like we should buy the grand reorganisation this turn.

We should wait until the Kepler is finished in 2318, and put out good frigate design team to work on the project in 2319.
Wouldnt a present frigate being good enough mean we should have updated the requirements last turn and could have bought the project next snakepit? Or do we have to wait until the Kepler is finished to start the new project?

Still, it seems like we should buy the grand reorganisation this turn.

If we want to start it in 2319, we need to ask for it in the 2318 Tactical Operations, then buy the project in the 2319 Snakepit, then start research in the 2319 research turn. There's tech in it that requires 2318 research iirc. Regardless, there's no point doing it early.
Both! On a more serious note P5 on those ships, compare with the Cardassians who have P3 on their equivalent..

Interestingly, this is P5 on a ship specifically called out as a warship. What is their explorer equivilant like?

The Ferengi are now investing in wigs? :V


Instead of dealing with the Ferengi government, Or "Yankee Traders", we get to deal with the East Rimward Trading Company. Brrrr
Edit: +1H for "free" is possible, on further reworking, but it requires T3 Ops, Engineering, Warp, and Hull subframes. I thought we would only have either Ops or Eng/Warp/Hull by 2323. If we focused on both we could do it, I suppose. Also needs T3 Nav Deflectors.
We can have all of the T3 subframes if we make it a high priority (using all frigate qualified teams for it simultaneously, or recruiting a new one). T3 Nav Deflectors are difficult though, particularly if we aren't willing to sacrifice T3 shields for it. We could get two new shield teams and reassign the Andorian Academy, or we could temporarily move the Daystrom institute over to shields ( a new skill 2 team would need 8 years and so wouldn't cut it).
Sooo... I was thinking about the Harmony and skimming a few pages of the thread from earlier, and...

Well. Mad Xenopologist.

It's actually kinda funny that We've run into mad physical science races. But no mad social sciences races.
You haaaad to go and say it. :p

Because Starfleet Personnel Command told her (and this is one of those positions where I don't think its safe to let someone sit commanding an active pocket war zone for years at a time when they don't have to).
I suppose I can see why they might reason that it's a bad idea to put the same person in charge there for an extended period of time for fear that it would have negative effects on their management style or something.

On the other hand, rotating commanders in and out every six to eight quarters is probably bad for the actual welfare of the sector command structure. Especially if (like T'Lorel) the next Gabriel Expanse commander is brought in from outside the sector. I'd give her another year or so, myself.

Personally I'm favoring Nash or Rivers for the job myself; Rivers because she's arguably earned the job and Nash because Nash.

The Konen are actively attacking us. Pity, it seemed like we were getting along fairly well with them despite their Ashalla membership.

Wonder if we can lure their wolfpack into a trap of some kind.
I suspect the Konen are the kind of people who can be actively fighting you and get along with you later, especially if they attacked you.

My working hypothesis for the Konen is that they are a species with crappy empathy in the psychological sense, precisely because they instead evolved the ability to directly perceive other people's emotions the same way they perceive body language. So they know how you feel, as a piece of information that may or may not be relevant to whatever they're thinking, feeling, or doing. But they don't have a fully developed array of mirror neurons dedicated to emulating your feelings, because there's no evolutionary need for that when you can just read someone's thoughts and feelings directly.

So I'm thinking about translating that into a society-wide tendency, and I can see it going one of two ways.

One is a sort of cross between a Romulan-esque "ruling passion" and a Licori-esque "I'll let you do you" mindset, wherein every individual Konen is motivated by their emotions to do whatever, and other Konen just sort of... respect that, even if they don't actually share that motivation or care about it personally.

The other possibility is that the Konen have gotten very good at de-personalizing their own emotions, because they fully expect everyone else to do so. In this model, Konen civilization hinges on everyone's ability to ignore all the anger and negative vibes sometimes generated by other Konen and work together anyway, using their telepathy to alert each other to whether or not there is an actual interpersonal problem that demands immediate attention or redress of grievances. Meanwhile, they're going to be completely missing or not caring about the more subtle signs other species use to signal displeasure.

Loss of confidence? Given how little is working out for them, and, well, Cardassians, they may well believe SFI has them infiltrated or cracked their codes, or we've discovered some kind of fatal flaw in their doctrines or psychology, or something else that would lead them to conclude they need to compartmentalize the Konen from normal ops.
Yeah, but racial supremacy is pretty high up on the list of Cardassian priorities. I can see the Cardassians ceding control of Konen ships to a Konen commander, but I can't see them letting an alien lord it over a bunch of other Cardassians.

So, we need to get more members in the GBZ, and we need to force a battle. Wolfpacking only works if you can decline battle. Phasers over their closest colony will put paid to that shit.
Forcing a major battle with the Ashalla Pact in the Gabriel Expanse is a high risk, high reward strategy. If it works, we're very well off; if it fails, we could lose a lot of ships, crewed by our best and brightest.


I'm not scared of what the Cardassians are doing, I'm scared because it doesn't make any sense in the context of the way I expect Cardassians to think. Unless the Konen have secretly hypnotized and taken over the Detapa Council and Central Command or something.


Interestingly, this is P5 on a ship specifically called out as a warship. What is their explorer equivilant like?
They may not actually have one. "Explorer," as a category of capital ship distinct from "battleship" or "parasite craft mothership" is pretty unusual. We may be the only major power to cultivate that level of Science/Presence event response capability on such an expensive platform.

Among the lesser powers, well, the Gaeni do it FOR SCIENCE, and the Honiani and Qloathi have a genuine enthusiasm for deep space exploration that is very similar to Starfleet's. But there's no reason to assume the Harmony actually has a class of ships that are, by their standards, optimized for Science/Presence much more than the Liberators.

It's just that Harmony ships are to Presence what Gaeni ships are to Science, so even their dedicated warships are pretty high-Presence.
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We can have all of the T3 subframes if we make it a high priority (using all frigate qualified teams for it simultaneously, or recruiting a new one). T3 Nav Deflectors are difficult though, particularly if we aren't willing to sacrifice T3 shields for it. We could get two new shield teams and reassign the Andorian Academy, or we could temporarily move the Daystrom institute over to shields ( a new skill 2 team would need 8 years and so wouldn't cut it).

See the SDB thread in a few minutes, but we don't need T3 shields. Unless @SynchronizedWritersBlock wants them, they're heavier than T2 and don't have enough greater benefit to make them viable. They will be nice for future designs because you can get higher L more efficiently as the score goes up, but for my frigate design T2 hits L5 just fine.
Yeah, but racial supremacy is pretty high up on the list of Cardassian priorities. I can see the Cardassians ceding control of Konen ships to a Konen commander, but I can't see them letting an alien lord it over a bunch of other Cardassians.

Forcing a major battle with the Ashalla Pact in the Gabriel Expanse is a high risk, high reward strategy. If it works, we're very well off; if it fails, we could lose a lot of ships, crewed by our best and brightest.


I'm not scared of what the Cardassians are doing, I'm scared because it doesn't make any sense in the context of the way I expect Cardassians to think. Unless the Konen have secretly hypnotized and taken over the Detapa Council and Central Command or something.


What's the name of that blue-skinned Imperial admiral from Star Wars that the EU fans all jizz themselves over? The one who managed to achieve high station despite not being human?

I'm getting those vibes from the unnamed Konen commander.
I'm not mad keen on avoiding T3 shields as they would be a large benefit to a 2328 cruiser or explorer.

Looking at research, I think we would still have T3 shields for a 2328 design, depending on how teams get juggled. We'd just have T3 Nav Deflectors for this design instead of T3 Shields.


What's the name of that blue-skinned Imperial admiral from Star Wars that the EU fans all jizz themselves over? The one who managed to achieve high station despite not being human?

I'm getting those vibes from the unnamed Konen commander.
