Being easy to do and being a big deal aren't mutually exclusive. See gem cleansing.
On the other hand, Gem cleansing is just shy of an explicitly stated part of our wish.
It wouldn't surprise me, if we got De-witching to the point where we can do it easily, but given the whole magic = emotions thing, it also wouldn't surprise me if a lot of it comes down to actually providing the witches in question with therapy and psychological help.
And speaking of, an odd thought: Before we've tried a soul gem scanner to see the
whats of soul gems and grief seeds. Specifically what the body associated with it would look like. And we just
baaaarely failed. After the second time, our advice from Mami is "try a different approach."
Which brings us to one thing we
have succeed at: mentally contacting witches. In fact we typically succeed so well we nearly witch out ourselves from the emotional backlash.
So what if we combine these two failure states: Try to build a scanner not to
see, but to contact as an intermediary that won't give us a bad case of mountains of grief applied directly to the soul gem. To deal with the who, rather than the what.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have no idea if this has been suggested before, but what... If Hildegard had a text-to-speech device?