Like, holy sheet. What's next, Homura being open with information?
We can hope.
I'm sorry. I didn't want to start a bandwagon. I wanted to put out a vote to motivate others to make a better vote.
I find that joke vote votes are good for that.
Okay, we have our goals. I think that planning for the potentialbomb depends on whether we get Homura to agree to talk to Madoka? The question is whether we want to attack the warning about the potentialbomb first or start with reading in Madoka. If we start with reading in Madoka, then the warning-of-potentialbomb and the planning-for-potentialbomb happen in sequence, which is probably more natural. If we start with warning Homura about the potentialbomb, we can use the planning for it as an argument for letting Madoka in so she can help. I think that that would probably taint the request for infodump, though, so I'm going to go with Madoka first. And
that is a sufficiently difficult topic that it should get a vote to itself. So I think my proposal for this vote looks something like this:
[] Try to convince Homura to read Madoka in on the loops.
-[] You believe that the best way to keep Madoka from wishing is to simply tell her how much it would hurt Homura. She's too good at helping to be stopped any other way. But she's also too compassionate to go against Homura's wish, not unless
everything else is lost. Which it won't be, not with you around.
-[] Reduce the threshold for slip-ups.
-[] You think that it'd be good for Homura too, honestly, and that makes everything easier. Especially keeping Madoka from worrying.
[ ] Your "knowledge" is... unusual. In addition to the (concerning) inaccuracies you've already noticed, you also have some knowledge of timelines that couldn't have happened, since this present would look very different if they had. And in one of them, the Incubator causes Akemi Homura , an Akemi Homura with many loops of experience, to despair by telling her something.
-[ ] He was twisting the truth, of course, to make it as horrible a weapon against her will as he could manage. It is his nature. But... the actual facts are, you think, not that terrible, when not framed to cause as much hurt as possible. Does Homura give us permission to tell her?
And refine it, at the very least.
[] Warn Homura that there's a realization that can hurt her. It's bad.
-[] You want to help her through it before Kyubey gets a chance to use it as an attack.