[X] Onmur
-[:V] But go with [Insert amalgamation of all thread participant names here] instead
There was that time in timestop.

Also, given Grief control, you could totally do Grief-to-picture.
I know! I'm still damning the thread in my head for being too polite and not taking those pictures. We could have asked Homura whether we could've kept them once she woke up!

... Grief photoshop.

[X] Onmur
-[:V] But go with [Insert amalgamation of all thread participant names here] instead

We're all named voices in Sabrina's head. :V

Sabrina Ugolino Onmur Muramasa Gadjo UbeOne Cannongerbil AuraTwilight Firnagzen Krecart Godwinson Redshirt Army Torgamous SynchronizedWritersBlock LostDeviljho Random832 'Lement boonerunner Crasian01 Sereg Dirtnap landcollector Agent Whiskers o3o defenestrator EtchedSteel FlatlineAskari Kinematics Aranfan Higure RexHeller Jackercracks Guilop Lordsservent techsy730 theauthor aeqnai Slith10 FelOnyx SaltyWaffles MissingJimbo MrLZRS Loktarogar DB_Explorer Nightfall AnonymousRabbit justinkal thagguy rikalous Omegastar cmwatford noahgab1133 chocolote12 loops ........ Rei of Sunshine angelofwhim PhantomFractions NephyrisX Skelm CornyBones Tam Lin Mister Bad Guy Jonen C inverted_helix xexilf Baroque Linkhyrule5 UberJJK Kai Merah Jarring Toaster moonstone jacobplm akrasiel23 GonnaSneeze TheSlayers redzonejoe Marla Kaizuki bird_poison Sightedjt Choo Choo Imrix Silver Mandabar LendvaV SystemicHatter Hannz universalperson Sightsear NSMS Spicier-Angel The Eyes Appletank RazorBlaxe Dragontrapper celdak Retsof Rook CapnQwerty NemoMarx Echo RedBovine The3rdCorinthian Vinyl Atosen TheFanficAddict veekie DracoDracul Emdeman query Julian Bradshaw Always Happening Alfa290 undead frog Nolrai Carinthium Diomedon Winged Knight GiftOfLove Mecrazyfang Ultima333 Conjured Blade Duskwitch phanterasapiens NormalSightMan Vebyast ImmortalsBlade Schwer-Muta FeepingCreature Demosthenes NitroFumetsu Cavalier theweepingman Briefvoice Lilithium BlackoutSampler Krekian Drasis Boobah Quest Aerhyce Ompa60 EvaUnit01 Wander Jrin TheOneMoiderah Lovnag TJSomething Lord K Einsig Andmeuths ArcadianPhoenix Ethereal Vitali Rellow Jiven Balduran Dark Mage Sasha crowbar Tiroth nekcihc MiracleGrow sopchoppy Drox Tiypo Garlak LanceGT0 plotvitalnpc Yarudazuigu Matou Sutegobana Always Late Draggon73 VilimL ThoughtMaster NotAlwaysFanfic qsurf kylina Aran Zeminir Walker of the Yellow Path Shadowward AramilOniasha Unclouded Script Mak3r Pi In The Sky BeaconHill silentspirals Tricia LightMage Snow Itmauve wykel khfan21 Corundum Wheeness Chesire GardenerBriareus mistfist Z000 TyrantYuyuka Sailor Midgard Arkanian Karnewarrior Zun JDite Crvt DrZiztah 2005004219 Evilness42 Xon CV12Hornet Dead-Not Jun-Sa Jakinbandw yidgamer Stormhawk9891 123q123q TankD115 Unlucky Bibliophile krahe QTesseract SoothingCoffee Euryale DungBeetle tarrangar Verminlord aattss Ivan the Not-so-Terrible artanis00 ObsidianWings flacyosh sargentorion Eliwan Rem Ipsum Dream Logic Doctor Akemi WSR Clandistine1 LoreOfClarke NavySeel apeljohn SolipsistSerpent anailater random_npc kanemi dnzrx Felius MagusBlack Dessard Kyrina argentorum Xicree Atomic Aztec Metaflare arachnidsGrip Guessmyname Uncreative Fluffiness dai1313 Mortifer GilliamYaeger Ralathon The Narrator Logos lava beard of sorrow UnnamedDude Khaos Lord Marshal Beyogi Katahiraga TheDamnedDesire Wzd_JA I just write Eprlide Corncake Keliranpc crankers Dreitus arsdraconis Akasha Froggie Gnarker Unitveras nexuseye Cruadin xenondestroyer ghoohg nanashi Nuts! Valor TheBleachDoctor DivinePotato990 Fair Letters Swirly592 Shironi DeepWaters Taji Kitsune banjo2E Vikram meganeshounen LunaticRabbit Faith tzeench Mykenae korat56 ShadowAngelBeta tankdrop24 ScalesLikeCinder adreamofcold Konork James Birdsong NuclearNickel Sinsystems TheGreatFluffy physxman NGSoares Vocalend Alivaril Torisuke Feng Lengshun Fierdin Kioras Gideon020 horngeek BunnyLord The Sylentnight HalaNisu lavanderjasmine Lone Courier 6 Windlass ex143 HIMP_Dahak Incandescent King_Rule Vilegrave wootius Lost Egos FelSpite Magictoaster Bobalo18 Rapey_Lemons meianmaru PolosElite23 Manic Dogma Dinya EmpirePlayer Mr. Mica RagnorakTres Zako Ophion Fantabulous Virath al103 SiriusA Dirty Socks drake_azathoth Quantumboost Senquorin Mugi Inf0mercial Shadows MoonlightSpark chrisleech Ruisu Tempera kenhikaru Zarohk HavocKeeper Dermonster pressea Hammerheadcruiser DiceOfStupidity NeverDies wdango glitchgrrr36 Insufficient Dakka JoeStratnoff Bulldog18 HalcyonHeartbeat Verdigris Sevarak Doom12394 Skyllian Blitz Omniscient Trees Swordomatic Eukie torac Jemnite Silvrose 2xMachine foamy SixPerfections Admiral Skippy John Smith Ford Perfect cokerpilot Dorryza HelmettoKid Endfall Feuerklinge Xomniac Orm Embar Sieses Detkrah Reading king Valor Vasondra Tazzzo Yubel ZeroForever Uvigz TheAkashicTraveller The Grim Squeaker OneirosTheWriter beowolf Amancai Yamato thatavidreader Avalanche GaleBread Sonohara Evillevi MacroDaemon Felipe Melo runeblue360 Zhead Joem20 Equable ProperAttorney Nervos Belli ω₁ SVNB Backup Thalton newgman MrCogmor Satisfaction Sabrina
I'm... probably gonna have to update this, ain't I?
Kind of wish you didn't have to scroll back and find one of your own posts to run a vote tally.

[X] Actually, ask Mami what she thinks of you having "Vee" for a surname. Tell Yuuki to make that so, if Mami agrees.
-[X] Also ask about getting another ID listing us as a legal adult, with the name "Sabrina Victoria".
[X] Ask Yuuki if she got the message from her sister about tracking down that phone?
[X] Ask Sayaka if she'd like to show off some powers?
[X] Respect the Ishinomaki group's decision; tell them about your plan to distribute Seeds to every group you can reach, maybe they'll prefer to have a Clear Seed later on?
[X] Before you get going, say you'd like to meet up for non-business related issues some time. For fun.
[X] Go pick up Nadia and go to Sendai, if nobody has anything else to add.

I'd like it if we could open a bank account, get a debit card, do normal stuff like that.

Sabrina's new and improved
Sabrina Onmur Ugolino Muramasa UbeOne Redshirt Army Gadjo AuraTwilight Torgamous Firnagzen Godwinson Cannongerbil Sereg Krecart Random832 Kaizuki LostDeviljho 'Lement landcolector SynchronizedWritersBlock boonerunner Crasian01 Agent Whiskers Dirtnap defenestrator Higure o3o Aranfan EtchedSteel The Narrator RexHeller FlatlineAskari Kinematics DB_Explorer Guilop Jackercracks aeqnai theauthor Vebyast techsy730 Lordsservent FelOnyx justinkal MrLZRS Slith10 TheEyes SaltyWaffles cmwatford CompassJimbo thagguy Loktarogar Knightfall AnonymousRabbit rikalous bird_poison Omegastar angelofwhim noahgab1133 ........ chocolote12 Loops Rei of Sunshine PhantomFractions CornyBones NephyrisX Hannz Skelm Appletank Karnewarrior Tam Lin JarringToaster Jonen C Mister Bad Guy linkhyrule5 SpeckofStardust Xexilf inverted_helix Baroque UberJJK akrasiel23 Kai Merah TheFanficAddict moonstne jacobplm universalperson GonnaSneeze ctulhuslp redzonejoe TheSlayers Marla Sightedjt Matou Sutegobana LendvaV Choo Choo Imrix Dragontrapper Mandabar SystemicHatter Silver Script Mak3r Hypervene Conjured Blade Always Happening Sightsear NSMS Spicier-Angel Sailor Midgard Julian Bradshaw The3rdCorinthian Retsof Rook Atosen NemoMarx RazorBlaxe celdak CapnQwerty GiftOfLove Echo Red Bovine Vinyl Diomedon Briefvoice veekie DracoDracul Emdeman query Nolrai mistfist Alfa290 AramilOniasha undead frog TotalTemplar03 Carinthium ultima333 Duskwitch Winged Knight Mecrazyfang Jrin pantherasapiens Balduran EvaUnit01 Lone Courier 6 FeepingCreature NormalSightMan QTesseract NitroFumetsu Einsig Demosthenes ImmortalsBlade theweepingman nekcihc Schwer-Muta PoptartProdigy BlackoutSampler Cavalier Lilithium Krekian ArcadianPhoenix Boobah Drasis Quest Aerhyce Ompa60 Tiroth The Oldman Yarudazuigu khfan21 ex143 Wander Marcus.D.Basterd TheOneMoiderah Lovnag Lord K TJSomething Andmeuths Jiven rkyeun DrZiztah Fair Letters Vulture9 Ethereal Vitali NavySeel Always Late RagnorakTres kinigget Rellow Shadows Dark Mage Sasha crowbar MiracleGrow sopchoppy Tiypo Garlak LanceGT0 Drox plotvitalnpc Blorp Draggon73 VilimL ThoughtMaster NotAlwaysFanfic qsurf Walker of the Yellow Path kylina Aran Zeminir Genial Precis Shadowward BeaconHill Pi In The Sky Unclouded silentspirals Dantalion LightMage Tricia Itmauve Snow wykel Corundum Chesire Wheeness TyrantYuyuka Z000 Arkanian GardenerBriareus Nele JDite Zun Evilness42 Xon 2005004219 Crvt CV12Hornet Dead-No Subrosian_Smithy Elepahnt Parade flacyosh artanis00 Jun-Sa Unitveras Jakinbandw Rem Ipsum Swimmingly argentorum yidgamer anailater matthew badger Unlucky Bibliophile Ralathon 1234q1234q TankD115 Zedman7054 Stormhawk9891 Nictis plinths Euryale krahe tarrangar DungBeetle SoothingCoffee Ivan the Not-so-Terrible SolipsistSerpent sargentorion Verminlord ObsidianWings aattss Demojay Eliwan Dream Logic Doctor Akemi Metaflare Watcher017 Clandistine1 LoreOfClarke WSR apeljohn MagusBlack ChronOblivios Dessard dnzrx Felius kanemi random_npc Atomic Aztec Xicree Guessmyname Eprlide arachnidsGrip Faith BunnyLord Kyrina Taki Kitsune Mortifer GilliamYaeger Logos Fluffiness dai1313 Dreitus Gnarker banjo2E Uncreative Teiwaz Khaos lava beard of sorrow Prince Eggplant Lord Marshal UnnamedDude TheDamnedDesire Beyogi Wzd_JA I just write kelirapc Katahiraga Nuts! Cruadin Froggie arsdraconis crankers nexuseye Phant0m5 Corncake Akasha DeepWaters Shironi ghoohg Private Lee O'Malley Valor xenodestroyer korat56 nanashi meganeshounen Vikram TheBleachDoctor Ophion DivinePotato990 NuclearNickel Silver719 Swirly592 KInruush Blink Mykenae tankdrop24 ShadowAngelBeta tzeench adreamofcold James Birdsong LunaticRabbit Rapey_Lemons Windlass ScalesLikeCinder Konork Dragonjackel Grigori Spectral Waltz Takareer Admiral Skippy Gideon020 HalaNisu TheGreatFluffy Sinsystems Feng Lengshun Torisuke Fierdin horngeek The Sylentnight Zarohk HIMP_Dahak meianmaru Wootius Incandescent Vilegrave FelSpite PolosElite23 Manic Dogma King_Rule Lost Egos Magictoaster lavanderjasmine Bobalo18 Vocalend The Grim Squeaker ApocalypticFish Kioras Alivaril NGSoares Deathbybunnies physxman Black Pawn Rictek Tempera Ford Prefect Fantabulous Hammerheadcruiser Dermonster EmpirePlayer al103 drake_azathoth Quantumboost Dinya Insufficient Dakka beowolf MoonlightSpark wdango pressea HymnOfRagnarok Dirty Socks DiceOfStupidity Senquorin ManusDomine Mr. Mica NeverDies Glitchrr36 SiriusA Ruisi Felipe Melo Virath MrCogmor Zako Mugi kenhikaru Inf0mercial chrisleech HavocKeeper Equable magicdownunder Faenrir FlynnRidder buffog Skyllian Blitz Swordomatic Havocfett Eukie Jemnite foamy NonSequtur cokerpilot Bulldog18 Verdigris GaleBread Evillevi MacroDaemon runeblue360 Zhead ω₁ newgman AlER Avalanche Feuerklinge Orm Embar Yubel Uvigz Lamashu TheAkashicTraveller Satisfaction Doom12394 Reading king Sieses Detkrah Xomniac SVNB Backup Nervos Belli Endfall HelmettoKid HalcyonHeartbeat Sevarak thatavidreader Silvrose SixPerfections John Smith Sonohara Valor Vasondra Yamato Amancai OneirosTheWriter ZeroForever Tazzzo Generic_Generica Thalton Jraven What A Day ProperAttorney Dorryza Joem20 JoeStratnoff 2xMachina torac Warer Omniscient Trees LazyLayabout Ernest352 Qwertystop Sabrina

I guess this makes Sabrina into some sort of Exalted character?
Sabrina's new and improved
Sabrina Onmur Ugolino Muramasa UbeOne Redshirt Army Gadjo AuraTwilight Torgamous Firnagzen Godwinson Cannongerbil Sereg Krecart Random832 Kaizuki LostDeviljho 'Lement landcolector SynchronizedWritersBlock boonerunner Crasian01 Agent Whiskers Dirtnap defenestrator Higure o3o Aranfan EtchedSteel The Narrator RexHeller FlatlineAskari Kinematics DB_Explorer Guilop Jackercracks aeqnai theauthor Vebyast techsy730 Lordsservent FelOnyx justinkal MrLZRS Slith10 TheEyes SaltyWaffles cmwatford CompassJimbo thagguy Loktarogar Knightfall AnonymousRabbit rikalous bird_poison Omegastar angelofwhim noahgab1133 ........ chocolote12 Loops Rei of Sunshine PhantomFractions CornyBones NephyrisX Hannz Skelm Appletank Karnewarrior Tam Lin JarringToaster Jonen C Mister Bad Guy linkhyrule5 SpeckofStardust Xexilf inverted_helix Baroque UberJJK akrasiel23 Kai Merah TheFanficAddict moonstne jacobplm universalperson GonnaSneeze ctulhuslp redzonejoe TheSlayers Marla Sightedjt Matou Sutegobana LendvaV Choo Choo Imrix Dragontrapper Mandabar SystemicHatter Silver Script Mak3r Hypervene Conjured Blade Always Happening Sightsear NSMS Spicier-Angel Sailor Midgard Julian Bradshaw The3rdCorinthian Retsof Rook Atosen NemoMarx RazorBlaxe celdak CapnQwerty GiftOfLove Echo Red Bovine Vinyl Diomedon Briefvoice veekie DracoDracul Emdeman query Nolrai mistfist Alfa290 AramilOniasha undead frog TotalTemplar03 Carinthium ultima333 Duskwitch Winged Knight Mecrazyfang Jrin pantherasapiens Balduran EvaUnit01 Lone Courier 6 FeepingCreature NormalSightMan QTesseract NitroFumetsu Einsig Demosthenes ImmortalsBlade theweepingman nekcihc Schwer-Muta PoptartProdigy BlackoutSampler Cavalier Lilithium Krekian ArcadianPhoenix Boobah Drasis Quest Aerhyce Ompa60 Tiroth The Oldman Yarudazuigu khfan21 ex143 Wander Marcus.D.Basterd TheOneMoiderah Lovnag Lord K TJSomething Andmeuths Jiven rkyeun DrZiztah Fair Letters Vulture9 Ethereal Vitali NavySeel Always Late RagnorakTres kinigget Rellow Shadows Dark Mage Sasha crowbar MiracleGrow sopchoppy Tiypo Garlak LanceGT0 Drox plotvitalnpc Blorp Draggon73 VilimL ThoughtMaster NotAlwaysFanfic qsurf Walker of the Yellow Path kylina Aran Zeminir Genial Precis Shadowward BeaconHill Pi In The Sky Unclouded silentspirals Dantalion LightMage Tricia Itmauve Snow wykel Corundum Chesire Wheeness TyrantYuyuka Z000 Arkanian GardenerBriareus Nele JDite Zun Evilness42 Xon 2005004219 Crvt CV12Hornet Dead-No Subrosian_Smithy Elepahnt Parade flacyosh artanis00 Jun-Sa Unitveras Jakinbandw Rem Ipsum Swimmingly argentorum yidgamer anailater matthew badger Unlucky Bibliophile Ralathon 1234q1234q TankD115 Zedman7054 Stormhawk9891 Nictis plinths Euryale krahe tarrangar DungBeetle SoothingCoffee Ivan the Not-so-Terrible SolipsistSerpent sargentorion Verminlord ObsidianWings aattss Demojay Eliwan Dream Logic Doctor Akemi Metaflare Watcher017 Clandistine1 LoreOfClarke WSR apeljohn MagusBlack ChronOblivios Dessard dnzrx Felius kanemi random_npc Atomic Aztec Xicree Guessmyname Eprlide arachnidsGrip Faith BunnyLord Kyrina Taki Kitsune Mortifer GilliamYaeger Logos Fluffiness dai1313 Dreitus Gnarker banjo2E Uncreative Teiwaz Khaos lava beard of sorrow Prince Eggplant Lord Marshal UnnamedDude TheDamnedDesire Beyogi Wzd_JA I just write kelirapc Katahiraga Nuts! Cruadin Froggie arsdraconis crankers nexuseye Phant0m5 Corncake Akasha DeepWaters Shironi ghoohg Private Lee O'Malley Valor xenodestroyer korat56 nanashi meganeshounen Vikram TheBleachDoctor Ophion DivinePotato990 NuclearNickel Silver719 Swirly592 KInruush Blink Mykenae tankdrop24 ShadowAngelBeta tzeench adreamofcold James Birdsong LunaticRabbit Rapey_Lemons Windlass ScalesLikeCinder Konork Dragonjackel Grigori Spectral Waltz Takareer Admiral Skippy Gideon020 HalaNisu TheGreatFluffy Sinsystems Feng Lengshun Torisuke Fierdin horngeek The Sylentnight Zarohk HIMP_Dahak meianmaru Wootius Incandescent Vilegrave FelSpite PolosElite23 Manic Dogma King_Rule Lost Egos Magictoaster lavanderjasmine Bobalo18 Vocalend The Grim Squeaker ApocalypticFish Kioras Alivaril NGSoares Deathbybunnies physxman Black Pawn Rictek Tempera Ford Prefect Fantabulous Hammerheadcruiser Dermonster EmpirePlayer al103 drake_azathoth Quantumboost Dinya Insufficient Dakka beowolf MoonlightSpark wdango pressea HymnOfRagnarok Dirty Socks DiceOfStupidity Senquorin ManusDomine Mr. Mica NeverDies Glitchrr36 SiriusA Ruisi Felipe Melo Virath MrCogmor Zako Mugi kenhikaru Inf0mercial chrisleech HavocKeeper Equable magicdownunder Faenrir FlynnRidder buffog Skyllian Blitz Swordomatic Havocfett Eukie Jemnite foamy NonSequtur cokerpilot Bulldog18 Verdigris GaleBread Evillevi MacroDaemon runeblue360 Zhead ω₁ newgman AlER Avalanche Feuerklinge Orm Embar Yubel Uvigz Lamashu TheAkashicTraveller Satisfaction Doom12394 Reading king Sieses Detkrah Xomniac SVNB Backup Nervos Belli Endfall HelmettoKid HalcyonHeartbeat Sevarak thatavidreader Silvrose SixPerfections John Smith Sonohara Valor Vasondra Yamato Amancai OneirosTheWriter ZeroForever Tazzzo Generic_Generica Thalton Jraven What A Day ProperAttorney Dorryza Joem20 JoeStratnoff 2xMachina torac Warer Omniscient Trees LazyLayabout Ernest352 Qwertystop Sabrina

I guess this makes Sabrina into some sort of Exalted character?
Man if Sabrina were a dresden verse OC, no one would be able to cast any curses on her!
Sabrina Onmur Ugolino Muramasa UbeOne Redshirt Army Gadjo AuraTwilight Torgamous Firnagzen Godwinson Cannongerbil Sereg Krecart Random832 Kaizuki LostDeviljho 'Lement landcolector SynchronizedWritersBlock boonerunner Crasian01 Agent Whiskers Dirtnap defenestrator Higure o3o Aranfan EtchedSteel The Narrator RexHeller FlatlineAskari Kinematics DB_Explorer Guilop Jackercracks aeqnai theauthor Vebyast techsy730 Lordsservent FelOnyx justinkal MrLZRS Slith10 TheEyes SaltyWaffles cmwatford CompassJimbo thagguy Loktarogar Knightfall AnonymousRabbit rikalous bird_poison Omegastar angelofwhim noahgab1133 ........ chocolote12 Loops Rei of Sunshine PhantomFractions CornyBones NephyrisX Hannz Skelm Appletank Karnewarrior Tam Lin JarringToaster Jonen C Mister Bad Guy linkhyrule5 SpeckofStardust Xexilf inverted_helix Baroque UberJJK akrasiel23 Kai Merah TheFanficAddict moonstne jacobplm universalperson GonnaSneeze ctulhuslp redzonejoe TheSlayers Marla Sightedjt Matou Sutegobana LendvaV Choo Choo Imrix Dragontrapper Mandabar SystemicHatter Silver Script Mak3r Hypervene Conjured Blade Always Happening Sightsear NSMS Spicier-Angel Sailor Midgard Julian Bradshaw The3rdCorinthian Retsof Rook Atosen NemoMarx RazorBlaxe celdak CapnQwerty GiftOfLove Echo Red Bovine Vinyl Diomedon Briefvoice veekie DracoDracul Emdeman query Nolrai mistfist Alfa290 AramilOniasha undead frog TotalTemplar03 Carinthium ultima333 Duskwitch Winged Knight Mecrazyfang Jrin pantherasapiens Balduran EvaUnit01 Lone Courier 6 FeepingCreature NormalSightMan QTesseract NitroFumetsu Einsig Demosthenes ImmortalsBlade theweepingman nekcihc Schwer-Muta PoptartProdigy BlackoutSampler Cavalier Lilithium Krekian ArcadianPhoenix Boobah Drasis Quest Aerhyce Ompa60 Tiroth The Oldman Yarudazuigu khfan21 ex143 Wander Marcus.D.Basterd TheOneMoiderah Lovnag Lord K TJSomething Andmeuths Jiven rkyeun DrZiztah Fair Letters Vulture9 Ethereal Vitali NavySeel Always Late RagnorakTres kinigget Rellow Shadows Dark Mage Sasha crowbar MiracleGrow sopchoppy Tiypo Garlak LanceGT0 Drox plotvitalnpc Blorp Draggon73 VilimL ThoughtMaster NotAlwaysFanfic qsurf Walker of the Yellow Path kylina Aran Zeminir Genial Precis Shadowward BeaconHill Pi In The Sky Unclouded silentspirals Dantalion LightMage Tricia Itmauve Snow wykel Corundum Chesire Wheeness TyrantYuyuka Z000 Arkanian GardenerBriareus Nele JDite Zun Evilness42 Xon 2005004219 Crvt CV12Hornet Dead-No Subrosian_Smithy Elepahnt Parade flacyosh artanis00 Jun-Sa Unitveras Jakinbandw Rem Ipsum Swimmingly argentorum yidgamer anailater matthew badger Unlucky Bibliophile Ralathon 1234q1234q TankD115 Zedman7054 Stormhawk9891 Nictis plinths Euryale krahe tarrangar DungBeetle SoothingCoffee Ivan the Not-so-Terrible SolipsistSerpent sargentorion Verminlord ObsidianWings aattss Demojay Eliwan Dream Logic Doctor Akemi Metaflare Watcher017 Clandistine1 LoreOfClarke WSR apeljohn MagusBlack ChronOblivios Dessard dnzrx Felius kanemi random_npc Atomic Aztec Xicree Guessmyname Eprlide arachnidsGrip Faith BunnyLord Kyrina Taki Kitsune Mortifer GilliamYaeger Logos Fluffiness dai1313 Dreitus Gnarker banjo2E Uncreative Teiwaz Khaos lava beard of sorrow Prince Eggplant Lord Marshal UnnamedDude TheDamnedDesire Beyogi Wzd_JA I just write kelirapc Katahiraga Nuts! Cruadin Froggie arsdraconis crankers nexuseye Phant0m5 Corncake Akasha DeepWaters Shironi ghoohg Private Lee O'Malley Valor xenodestroyer korat56 nanashi meganeshounen Vikram TheBleachDoctor Ophion DivinePotato990 NuclearNickel Silver719 Swirly592 KInruush Blink Mykenae tankdrop24 ShadowAngelBeta tzeench adreamofcold James Birdsong LunaticRabbit Rapey_Lemons Windlass ScalesLikeCinder Konork Dragonjackel Grigori Spectral Waltz Takareer Admiral Skippy Gideon020 HalaNisu TheGreatFluffy Sinsystems Feng Lengshun Torisuke Fierdin horngeek The Sylentnight Zarohk HIMP_Dahak meianmaru Wootius Incandescent Vilegrave FelSpite PolosElite23 Manic Dogma King_Rule Lost Egos Magictoaster lavanderjasmine Bobalo18 Vocalend The Grim Squeaker ApocalypticFish Kioras Alivaril NGSoares Deathbybunnies physxman Black Pawn Rictek Tempera Ford Prefect Fantabulous Hammerheadcruiser Dermonster EmpirePlayer al103 drake_azathoth Quantumboost Dinya Insufficient Dakka beowolf MoonlightSpark wdango pressea HymnOfRagnarok Dirty Socks DiceOfStupidity Senquorin ManusDomine Mr. Mica NeverDies Glitchrr36 SiriusA Ruisi Felipe Melo Virath MrCogmor Zako Mugi kenhikaru Inf0mercial chrisleech HavocKeeper Equable magicdownunder Faenrir FlynnRidder buffog Skyllian Blitz Swordomatic Havocfett Eukie Jemnite foamy NonSequtur cokerpilot Bulldog18 Verdigris GaleBread Evillevi MacroDaemon runeblue360 Zhead ω₁ newgman AlER Avalanche Feuerklinge Orm Embar Yubel Uvigz Lamashu TheAkashicTraveller Satisfaction Doom12394 Reading king Sieses Detkrah Xomniac SVNB Backup Nervos Belli Endfall HelmettoKid HalcyonHeartbeat Sevarak thatavidreader Silvrose SixPerfections John Smith Sonohara Valor Vasondra Yamato Amancai OneirosTheWriter ZeroForever Tazzzo Generic_Generica Thalton Jraven What A Day ProperAttorney Dorryza Joem20 JoeStratnoff 2xMachina torac Warer Omniscient Trees LazyLayabout Ernest352 Qwertystop Sabrina
Hey, @Hypervene! Looks like we're neighbors!
Sabrina's new and improved
Sabrina Onmur Ugolino Muramasa UbeOne Redshirt Army Gadjo AuraTwilight Torgamous Firnagzen Godwinson Cannongerbil Sereg Krecart Random832 Kaizuki LostDeviljho 'Lement landcolector SynchronizedWritersBlock boonerunner Crasian01 Agent Whiskers Dirtnap defenestrator Higure o3o Aranfan EtchedSteel The Narrator RexHeller FlatlineAskari Kinematics DB_Explorer Guilop Jackercracks aeqnai theauthor Vebyast techsy730 Lordsservent FelOnyx justinkal MrLZRS Slith10 TheEyes SaltyWaffles cmwatford CompassJimbo thagguy Loktarogar Knightfall AnonymousRabbit rikalous bird_poison Omegastar angelofwhim noahgab1133 ........ chocolote12 Loops Rei of Sunshine PhantomFractions CornyBones NephyrisX Hannz Skelm Appletank Karnewarrior Tam Lin JarringToaster Jonen C Mister Bad Guy linkhyrule5 SpeckofStardust Xexilf inverted_helix Baroque UberJJK akrasiel23 Kai Merah TheFanficAddict moonstne jacobplm universalperson GonnaSneeze ctulhuslp redzonejoe TheSlayers Marla Sightedjt Matou Sutegobana LendvaV Choo Choo Imrix Dragontrapper Mandabar SystemicHatter Silver Script Mak3r Hypervene Conjured Blade Always Happening Sightsear NSMS Spicier-Angel Sailor Midgard Julian Bradshaw The3rdCorinthian Retsof Rook Atosen NemoMarx RazorBlaxe celdak CapnQwerty GiftOfLove Echo Red Bovine Vinyl Diomedon Briefvoice veekie DracoDracul Emdeman query Nolrai mistfist Alfa290 AramilOniasha undead frog TotalTemplar03 Carinthium ultima333 Duskwitch Winged Knight Mecrazyfang Jrin pantherasapiens Balduran EvaUnit01 Lone Courier 6 FeepingCreature NormalSightMan QTesseract NitroFumetsu Einsig Demosthenes ImmortalsBlade theweepingman nekcihc Schwer-Muta PoptartProdigy BlackoutSampler Cavalier Lilithium Krekian ArcadianPhoenix Boobah Drasis Quest Aerhyce Ompa60 Tiroth The Oldman Yarudazuigu khfan21 ex143 Wander Marcus.D.Basterd TheOneMoiderah Lovnag Lord K TJSomething Andmeuths Jiven rkyeun DrZiztah Fair Letters Vulture9 Ethereal Vitali NavySeel Always Late RagnorakTres kinigget Rellow Shadows Dark Mage Sasha crowbar MiracleGrow sopchoppy Tiypo Garlak LanceGT0 Drox plotvitalnpc Blorp Draggon73 VilimL ThoughtMaster NotAlwaysFanfic qsurf Walker of the Yellow Path kylina Aran Zeminir Genial Precis Shadowward BeaconHill Pi In The Sky Unclouded silentspirals Dantalion LightMage Tricia Itmauve Snow wykel Corundum Chesire Wheeness TyrantYuyuka Z000 Arkanian GardenerBriareus Nele JDite Zun Evilness42 Xon 2005004219 Crvt CV12Hornet Dead-No Subrosian_Smithy Elepahnt Parade flacyosh artanis00 Jun-Sa Unitveras Jakinbandw Rem Ipsum Swimmingly argentorum yidgamer anailater matthew badger Unlucky Bibliophile Ralathon 1234q1234q TankD115 Zedman7054 Stormhawk9891 Nictis plinths Euryale krahe tarrangar DungBeetle SoothingCoffee Ivan the Not-so-Terrible SolipsistSerpent sargentorion Verminlord ObsidianWings aattss Demojay Eliwan Dream Logic Doctor Akemi Metaflare Watcher017 Clandistine1 LoreOfClarke WSR apeljohn MagusBlack ChronOblivios Dessard dnzrx Felius kanemi random_npc Atomic Aztec Xicree Guessmyname Eprlide arachnidsGrip Faith BunnyLord Kyrina Taki Kitsune Mortifer GilliamYaeger Logos Fluffiness dai1313 Dreitus Gnarker banjo2E Uncreative Teiwaz Khaos lava beard of sorrow Prince Eggplant Lord Marshal UnnamedDude TheDamnedDesire Beyogi Wzd_JA I just write kelirapc Katahiraga Nuts! Cruadin Froggie arsdraconis crankers nexuseye Phant0m5 Corncake Akasha DeepWaters Shironi ghoohg Private Lee O'Malley Valor xenodestroyer korat56 nanashi meganeshounen Vikram TheBleachDoctor Ophion DivinePotato990 NuclearNickel Silver719 Swirly592 KInruush Blink Mykenae tankdrop24 ShadowAngelBeta tzeench adreamofcold James Birdsong LunaticRabbit Rapey_Lemons Windlass ScalesLikeCinder Konork Dragonjackel Grigori Spectral Waltz Takareer Admiral Skippy Gideon020 HalaNisu TheGreatFluffy Sinsystems Feng Lengshun Torisuke Fierdin horngeek The Sylentnight Zarohk HIMP_Dahak meianmaru Wootius Incandescent Vilegrave FelSpite PolosElite23 Manic Dogma King_Rule Lost Egos Magictoaster lavanderjasmine Bobalo18 Vocalend The Grim Squeaker ApocalypticFish Kioras Alivaril NGSoares Deathbybunnies physxman Black Pawn Rictek Tempera Ford Prefect Fantabulous Hammerheadcruiser Dermonster EmpirePlayer al103 drake_azathoth Quantumboost Dinya Insufficient Dakka beowolf MoonlightSpark wdango pressea HymnOfRagnarok Dirty Socks DiceOfStupidity Senquorin ManusDomine Mr. Mica NeverDies Glitchrr36 SiriusA Ruisi Felipe Melo Virath MrCogmor Zako Mugi kenhikaru Inf0mercial chrisleech HavocKeeper Equable magicdownunder Faenrir FlynnRidder buffog Skyllian Blitz Swordomatic Havocfett Eukie Jemnite foamy NonSequtur cokerpilot Bulldog18 Verdigris GaleBread Evillevi MacroDaemon runeblue360 Zhead ω₁ newgman AlER Avalanche Feuerklinge Orm Embar Yubel Uvigz Lamashu TheAkashicTraveller Satisfaction Doom12394 Reading king Sieses Detkrah Xomniac SVNB Backup Nervos Belli Endfall HelmettoKid HalcyonHeartbeat Sevarak thatavidreader Silvrose SixPerfections John Smith Sonohara Valor Vasondra Yamato Amancai OneirosTheWriter ZeroForever Tazzzo Generic_Generica Thalton Jraven What A Day ProperAttorney Dorryza Joem20 JoeStratnoff 2xMachina torac Warer Omniscient Trees LazyLayabout Ernest352 Qwertystop Sabrina

I guess this makes Sabrina into some sort of Exalted character?
...Yoy forgot the Just, before the last Sabrina
[X] Narrator

Under condition that we change the line about Clear Seeds to suggest that we plan to give them to everyone, but we're willing to favor people we know won't abuse them.

Also as far as that goes, should we roll them out in bursts? Try to facilitate natural spread and adoption? Just go full hog and pump out as many clear seeds as possible? Directly and overtly favor "Good" meguca over "Bad" meguca to promote our way of life?

We have the option to be a exploitive colonizer, an uplifting colonizer, a exterminating colonizer, or any combination of the three. We should give it some thought.
Homura: *Narrows eyes* "When exactly did you take those picture, Miss Vee?"

Sabrina: "I totally took those pictures and you can't deny that." *Sweats*

Sabrina: Well Miss Akemi I don't think we have time for this - unless you want to make some?
Homura: *narrows eyes* <Stops time and puts string around Sabrina>
Homura: Ok what is this all about.
<Sabrina hugs Homura since he guard was down due to stopping time, etc>
Sabrina: Whats wrong? Your normally quiet, taciturn... not...this...thisness.
Homura: I....*sighs*... how can you make it so hard to stay mad at you?
Sabrina: It's a gift.
Sabrina: Well Miss Akemi I don't think we have time for this - unless you want to make some?
Homura: *narrows eyes* <Stops time and puts string around Sabrina>
Homura: Ok what is this all about.
<Sabrina hugs Homura since he guard was down due to stopping time, etc>
Sabrina: Whats wrong? Your normally quiet, taciturn... not...this...thisness.
Homura: I....*sighs*... how can you make it so hard to stay mad at you?
Sabrina: It's a gift.
"... From Madoka."


By the way, seeing Mika right now, makes an earlier scene make more sense to me.

Yuuki cocks her head to the side. "That so? Hold up a minute..."

"Hey, Nakano," Yuuki's voice sounds in your head. "Did you need healing?"

"No, why?" an unfamiliar voice replies.

"Just checking," Yuuki replies, breaking off the call. She shrugs at you. "There you go, then."
See, this exchange always seemed a tad too flippant to me, considering these are japanese girls.

But, well, Mika's just that carefree, isn't her?

We should get along great. :D
[X] Onmur

I support giving Sabrina a surname for primarily social reasons.

Japanese culture puts quite a bit of emphasis on names and honorifics. Calling someone by their family name (plus honorific) is very common, with given names usually being used by those that are close. By forcing others to use Sabrina's given name, it presumes a certain relationship. It presumes that the other party is close/wants to be close to Sabrina, and/or that they are friends. This could get awkward, especially if the person is polite, the occasion is formal, the relationship is between a superior and subordinate, the other person is slow to make friends, or the other person simply doesn't like Sabrina all that much. Having this allows the other party to set the tone and initial relationship that they are comfortable with.

We can still introduce ourselves as Sabrina, and only give the surname if prompted. Sabrina herself doesn't have to use the name much, it would mostly be a thing for other people outside of our friend group to use.

BTW, are we pronouncing Vee as "Vee" or "Vey?" Because I think that Vee can be pronounced either way, depending on the accent.

(the rest of the vote is good too)
[X] Narrator

Under condition that we change the line about Clear Seeds to suggest that we plan to give them to everyone, but we're willing to favor people we know won't abuse them.

Also as far as that goes, should we roll them out in bursts? Try to facilitate natural spread and adoption? Just go full hog and pump out as many clear seeds as possible? Directly and overtly favor "Good" meguca over "Bad" meguca to promote our way of life?

We have the option to be a exploitive colonizer, an uplifting colonizer, a exterminating colonizer, or any combination of the three. We should give it some thought.
I was actually hoping that we'd spent our flight time to Sendai enchanting something that we could offer instead of Clear Seeds. An enchanted item that could keep an MG's gem clean for a month or even a year would be a less tempting target for theft.

Guess I should put that into a vote.

[X] Actually, ask Mami what she thinks of you having "Vee" for a surname. Tell Yuuki to make that so, if Mami agrees.
-[X] Also ask about getting another ID listing us as a legal adult, with the name "Sabrina Victoria".
[X] Ask Yuuki if she got the message from her sister about tracking down that phone?
[X] Ask Sayaka if she'd like to show off some powers?
[X] Respect the Ishinomaki group's decision; maybe they'll prefer to have a Clear Seed later on when they're more common? Or maybe you could enchant something that would be less tempting a target?
[X] Before you get going, say you'd like to meet up for non-business related issues some time. For fun.
[X] Go pick up Nadia and go to Sendai, if nobody has anything else to add. During the flight, try to enchant something that will *only* clean a soul gem and store the grief as marbles.