To clarify, I'm not saying "NO QUEENS IN STARFLEET." I'm saying that there are very good reasons to expect queens not to show up at the Academy's doorstep often, and certainly not to the point where (for instance) they outnumber the Apiata workers showing up.

This assumes that command is a skill outlined solely by inherent attributes (indeed, it assumes that these are inherent attributes rather than ones that can be encouraged or taught). The simple truth is that Apiata queens are born to lead; they know it, their society knows it, and both ends have a vested interest in preparing them for leadership in every possible way. A queen who is a poor leader is a failure as a queen. The Apiata have been breeding and nurturing queens for their command presence for as long as they've been a sentient species, intentionally or otherwise.
Except biology does a lot of their job for them.

You're basically arguing that having a hereditary aristocracy makes for objectively better leaders than other systems of social organization. We have reason to think that in real life that isn't true. It wouldn't automatically become more true if the aristocrats were the only ones with ovaries, and kept harems to fertilize said ova and bear the embryos to term. Which is the fundamental basic difference between humans and Apiata.

The other differences between humans and Apiata in those respect wouldn't make much difference for Apiata who aren't trying to lead groups of Apiata.

Furthermore, we haven't seen concrete evidence of this "Apiata queens make better leaders than other humanoids" in action. The most competent Apiata leaders we've seen appear to be on roughly the same level as the most competent non-Apiata leaders we've seen. We haven't got reports indicating that queens have a higher average IQ than drones or workers, as far as I can remember. Or compared to the galactic community at large.

This plays in backwards, too. Apiata queens who go to the Academy are intensely motivated to assume leadership positions, as in their society queens are leaders and successful queens are successful leaders. That's just the way it is for them. This leads to a group of cadets who would literally prefer to wash out (or even die) attempting what they can't do rather than take any path that doesn't end with an officer posting in the Explorer Corps.
...But Starfleet has huge numbers of leadership positions that are not in the Explorer Corps. Being in the Explorer Corps makes it somewhat more likely that you'll end up promoted to senior positions, but we've got plenty of officers of all ranks who, as far as we can tell, never served on a five-year mission.

The "EO" crew units don't represent a uniform body of personnel who are all objectively superior in all ways to the "O" crew units. They represent people with different specializations, or who placed near the top of their class in a specific specialization. Any given Academy graduate may be "EO" instead of "O" not because I'm a genius leader, but because I'm a really good navigator or gunnery officer. Graduating in "EO" instead of "O" doesn't mean "this person is marked for promotion to the highest ranks of Starfleet." It means "this person is going to spend the first 1-5 years of their Starfleet career on an Explorer Corps ship."
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Except biology does a lot of their job for them.

Biology only ensures obedience, and even then it does not ensure that the obedient will be performing to their fullest or be the right ones for the job. This is, incidentally, why the hereditary aristocracy idea falls apart; in a hereditary aristocracy, there always alternative options in the ruling line, other ruling lines, and non-obedience that act to contain incompetence/malfeasance and prevent the total failure of the system. The death of a baroness as a result of the wrong end of court politics wouldn't normally result in a purge of everyone in their lands...unless of course that baroness is Apiata in which case it absolutely will. The Apiata system of government creates much more absolutist outcomes in failure than any hereditary aristocracy because its assurances of obedience and loyalty do not allow for less destructive ones. This is why the Apiata would, why they must, invest heavily in preparing queens for all aspects of leadership. The loss of resources and people when a queen fails can be quite extreme.

The "EO" crew units don't represent a uniform body of personnel who are all objectively superior in all ways to the "O" crew units.

It's a good thing that I never made that argument then!

The Apiata are, again, motivated by two factors: Queens are leaders. Successful queens are successful leaders.

For a cadet at Starfleet Academy, what is graduating as a leader? Officer-track.

For a cadet at Starfleet Academy, what is the greatest level of success possible? Graduating your specialty as qualified for the Explorer Corps.

And that's why they go Explorer Corps officer-track or wash out trying. That's where the Academy tells them successful leaders go.
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I'd caution against reading into the member Starfleet crew incomes too strictly.

They do give indications on how much each member is contributing to Starfleet, but with Academy expansions and tech-related bonuses (such as that EPS safety one that "increases" crew income by preventing deaths), there's plenty of leeway to jigger around each member's exact contributions.

I mean, the Kadeshi are somehow contributing crew while they're hundreds of lightyears away from the nearest Starfleet Academy! (Which is why I'm eager to see what happens if they somehow become a major affiliate.)

Likewise, the fact that every member contributes exactly 0.25 O/E/T to the EC (excepting the Betazoid counsellors and some omake-related stuff) regardless of their non-EC crew income or other factors, strikes me as odd enough that I believe it has to be an abstraction, just more of one than non-EC crew income. Otherwise, it would only make sense if Starfleet had some sort of per-member quota system specific for the EC, and I just don't see Starfleet - or heck, the Federation - doing that.

So it could be the case that Apiata queens aren't joining up to be Starfleet officers, despite that 0.25 O(EC) income we technically get from them.

All we know for sure is that Apiata ozziras aren't considered as officers in the crew O/E/T system (even if they are described in one update as "non-queen officers"), because their ozzira-commanded Stingers don't have any O cost.

edit: Well it's possible that Stingers do have "officers", but like the Klingon Bird of Prey, is so low in number, that it "rounds" to a 0 in the ship crew O/E/T system. But OTOH, ozziras seem to be as common as "normal" officers, and in a ship as large as a Stinger (nearly 600kt versus Klingon BoP 30kt), that's bound to have enough ozziras to add up to 1 crew cost.

Also, @Void Stalker, I seems that your omake series is similar in concept to what @AlphaDelta is working on, down to musings on what tracks/majors/whatever Academy cadets have - you two should get in contact.
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Currently I have the following for study/career paths in the academy, though I don't think all are correct and I feel as if I am missing some paths:

  1. Tactical
  2. Command
  3. Engineering
  4. Medical
  5. Science
  6. Operations
  7. Communications
  8. Security
Some questions, would command be a path offered or would that be something once you have graduated.
Would Engineering cover those going into shipyard construction and mining operations?
Where do those training in administrative functions and logistics go?
Should intelligence be a track in the Academy?

Mind PMing me?

I'm working on a large series of Academy omakes. Basically, a graduate has a track, a major, and any number of additional qualifications. I have a series of posts that go into more detail.

Academy tracks:
Command * - A series of courses and training designed for unrestricted line officers
Flight * - A series of courses and training
Medical *
Tactical *
* = Optional tracks that can be taken in addition to others


This model is based on the United States Military Academy, Naval Academy, and other real life service academies. Although it is a service academy, it also is an accredited institution of higher learning that grants degrees, in subjects ranging from History to Mechanical Engineering. Tracks and Qualifications account for the Starfleet part of Starfleet Academy - they represent additional training taken while at the academy to prepare cadets for their careers as officers.

You'll note that Command, Flight, Medical, and Tactical are not tracks. Command is the equivalent of OCS, but for geared towards Starship Captains. All cadets are required to have some leadership training, but the Command Qual. indicates that an officer/cadet is a capable leader suitable for higher level command. Likewise, Flight, Medical, and Tactical represent specialized training that goes above and beyond the typical cadet - who will end up serving in the "support" sector, in contrast to the ten percent that find themselves in the fleet, and the one percent in the EC.

E: Also, Starfleet is wary of having a dedicated Tactical track - Tactical is a qualification due to the relatively small number of security and tactical officers, and the existence of on-the-job training.

That said, a security qualification wouldn't be the worst. Yeah, I'll add one.

Academy tracks:

Command - Advanced Officer Candidate School

* = Optional tracks that can be taken in addition to others

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Workers, not drones. Drones are a separate gender.

I can't find the post, but @Iron Wolf has a great omake where an Apiata officer talks about it.
Hm, not sure what you're thinking of RE: mine. This is the closest I can find:
Thanks! To be clear, I am not sure all Apiata use gender-neutral pronouns (in fact the opposite, I think), Sharizz does.

Sometimes I slip though and accidentally use feminine terms, I am not sure why.
It's probably a good time to mention Ensign Sharizz is not a queen and they're officer track.

I always imagined Orizzas and others the queens kept in the "T/E" category could make the jump to "O" elsewhere.

Edit: in fact I was going to write an omake on those lines :V

I think you might be thinking of Leila's intel brief and confusing it with a WolfeBrief(tm)
Starfleet Intelligence Race Profile: Apiata.
I think aside from that there's also the High Comb Times omake from Briefvoice that examines what Apiata civilian life might be like:
Briefvoice seems to take the tack basically Apiata defines themselves as female.

Anyways, I have feelings. FEELINGS ABOUT BEE-PEOPLE.
Right. Apiata have three sexes: queens who produce ova, drones who bear embryos to term, and workers who are sterile and have only vestigial reproductive tracts.

Actually, the original Intel Brief by Leila has drones as carrying the Apiata young after they're born but before they're fully developed, a la marsupials. Briefvoice takes a different, more sea-horsey tack. I don't know if Oneiros has really explicitly canonized either POV.

Individual drones or workers leaving their home colonies doesn't necessarily cause a problem for those who stay behind. Queens doing so very much does. The best case would be a 'younger daughter' queen whose older sister is going to step into the Queen Mother's shoes... But there would normally be an expectation that such young queens would found new colonies and live among them, possibly taking some of the workers and drones from the mother colony to help get things set up.

So I don't expect to see Apiata queens in Starfleet. The gender roles in Apiata society, which have very compelling biological basis, may be a hell of a lot more empowering to queens... But they're in many ways even more restrictive on queens than they are on drones and workers.
Could be. I really like the idea that, sure, Apiata queens can and do join the Explorer Corps and we might well have one as a captain someday!
This assumes that command is a skill outlined solely by inherent attributes (indeed, it assumes that these are inherent attributes rather than ones that can be encouraged or taught). The simple truth is that Apiata queens are born to lead; they know it, their society knows it, and both ends have a vested interest in preparing them for leadership in every possible way. A queen who is a poor leader is a failure as a queen. The Apiata have been breeding and nurturing queens for their command presence for as long as they've been a sentient species, intentionally or otherwise.
As I've been previously quoted above, I actually suspect our first round of Apiata "Officers" came from the top level of the Apiata "T" and "E" pool of Orizzas and other high ranking workers. As Simon's noted, Queens probably always have a weather look to their hive, and in the early days before membership I doubt they would see much prestige in joining up with Starfleet. Compare with an Orizza, limited to at best a Stinger with the Apiata and instead could be commanding a Constitution, or Constellation, or maybe even one day, an Excelsior. If you're a 'defective' Orizza and can live away from most or all of your family, it'd be worth looking into.

I would look at the O-E-T as meaning something different to the Apiata and their species-pool not being directly comparable to the Federation pool. If the Federation commissioned a Stinger, I imagine it'd have at least O-1 and probably subtract a T.

This also means if Queens are entering Starfleet now, even if they're just limited to the EC, there is the very real possibility they are going to run into former Orizza's that now outrank them.

On Queens and Command, I would suspect they do some sort of aptitude testing for Queens and don't automatically shuffle them all off to the navy. There's probably queens that go right into public management, queens that go into diplomacy, queens that run a accounting hive [idk]. Unless they've got a thing going like the British Royal Family where you serve in the military for a bit as a sort-of mandatory thing. Certainly there's going to be a lot of effort to prepare them for leadership wherever they go, but that probably doesn't translate to them all being particularly good naval officers. That being said, I think Simon's right that the reproductive duties would be a big hurdle. Maybe not on Apiata ships, where hypothetically you could have a rotating group of drones who take fertilized embryos/newborns off the queens as they're produced, but deffos gonna be an issue on a Starfleet ship. Although I guess drones could live with the Queen while on the ship? We've had waifus carted around before.

That being said, I wonder if the solution isn't that Queens have life-cycle stages? Maybe younger queens aren't ready to reproduce yet and you can toss them on ships to get high-pressure leadership experience and also as a slight Darwinian pressure so only the best Queen-Captains survive :V Later, their eggs become ready and they move back to their hives to help run the family and prepare the next generation and keep producing eggs until they die.

Or it could be the other way around, where young Apiata reproduce and take on the Queen role politically, before hitting something like menopause and transferring out to serve out in the navy until death. IIRC older honey bees tend to be the guard bees so that's a nice parallel. This would also kinda fit with Nash's Queen, who acted pretty 'young' tbh.

If it's the first case, where the younger queens have a set time in the navy before they'll eventually have to go home, it makes sense for Night's idea they'd basically be EC or bust. Gotta get maximum returns from that Academy investment.

If it's the latter case, I don't know if the Queens would be pressured as much for EC duty, except maybe out of personal pride.

Note in the former case you run into the OOC problem that unless Apiata queens become fertile at like, 40-50 they may or may not have queens on ships in combat at uh, uncomfortably young ages.
Mind PMing me?
That said, a security qualification wouldn't be the worst. Yeah, I'll add one.

A few comments I have to make.

There's going to be dedicated training path for any specialty that has a discrete presence on literally every bridge in the fleet. That means Tactical has a full track for officers, because we have a tactical console and every ship in our fleet carries at least some weapons that require care and feeding.

There's going to be a medical officer full track, because MDs are never enlisted (and the training is far too specialized to take as an elective to something else). This is especially true as one of the primary purposes of training medical personnel for an organization that regularly moves, houses, and supports large bodies of people is to have the full public health apparatus available. Starfleet's doctors would include epidemiologists and other medical statisticians who will need the clout of officers to get people to listen to them.
A few comments I have to make.

There's going to be dedicated training path for any specialty that has a discrete presence on literally every bridge in the fleet. That means Tactical has a full track for officers, because we have a tactical console and every ship in our fleet carries at least some weapons that require care and feeding.

There's going to be a medical officer full track, because MDs are never enlisted (and the training is far too specialized to take as an elective to something else). This is especially true as one of the primary purposes of training medical personnel for an organization that regularly moves, houses, and supports large bodies of people is to have the full public health apparatus available. Starfleet's doctors would include epidemiologists and other medical statisticians who will need the clout of officers to get people to listen to them.
I was thinking Science (Pre-med) + Med school.

As for Tactical, well, we shouldn't have officers who literally can only operate weapons, hence why it's a qualification. Sure, major in History, with an emphasis on Military History, and take the Administrative track (Logistics, etc) or the Engineering track (like T'Rinta), but at least you will be able to handle other duties. And if you are an adequate student of History, then you can become a lecturer.

How much of a Tactical Officer is specific training? Could a tactical officer have another specialty - another love - that they have given up because they are good at operating weapons? This is Star Trek, at its most optimistic, so I say yes. Heck, even Worf majored in Literature, with a focus on Shakespeare in the original Klingon, and took the Administration track (Logistics).

Weapons are our last resort. It's a cultural thing.
From the way the ship sheet works, MDs are probably officer track, and supporting personnel (nurses, therapists, etc) are techs.

The way I see it, Officers do leadership, Techs do knowledge stuff, Enlisted do labor. So a commander is an officer, a Science person is a tech, etc. You get crossover between techs and officers when technical knowledge is necessary for a leadership role. To use modern military terms, O = line officer, T = staff officer. And like modern militaries, both would use officer ranks but have a different authority scheme.
From the way the ship sheet works, MDs are probably officer track, and supporting personnel (nurses, therapists, etc) are techs.

The way I see it, Officers do leadership, Techs do knowledge stuff, Enlisted do labor. So a commander is an officer, a Science person is a tech, etc. You get crossover between techs and officers when technical knowledge is necessary for a leadership role. To use modern military terms, O = line officer, T = staff officer. And like modern militaries, both would use officer ranks but have a different authority scheme.

I'm pretty sure nurses are commissioned officers so that they can order soldiers around.

From RTC to Fleet: An Overview:
Week 1-8: Basic
Week 9-12: Intermediate Specialty training (for simpler specialties)
Week 13-48: Advanced specialty training (for advanced specialties)
Week 49: Fleet.

I'm pretty sure nurses are commissioned officers so that they can order soldiers around.

From RTC to Fleet: An Overview:
Week 1-8: Basic
Week 9-12: Intermediate Specialty training (for simpler specialties)
Week 13-48: Advanced specialty training (for advanced specialties)
Week 49: Fleet.

Yes, we do hold commissioned rank in many modern militaries. However, T rank may be like warrant officer ranks in that one mat give orders to an E, but not O.
It is canon that non command division officers require an extra course that seems to require a minimum rank to stand bridge watches. As a result, it is entirely possible to see a command division Lieutenant issues orders to non-command division officers who outrank them.
Briefvoice seems to take the tack basically Apiata defines themselves as female.

That's actually not me... that's canon.

"Just remember, Captain, you should expect a lot of ... attention."

"Commodore ka'Sharren, I am not sure why you would believe this," replies Captain Straak as he walks with the senior officer through the halls. "However, I should remind you that I have a mate, who has joined me aboard ship."

Nash gives the man a grin and shrugs, her antenna echoing her shoulders. "I'm just saying, the Apiata are a bit odd when it comes to these things."

"We have Apiatan ratings aboard, and have not encountered anything 'odd'."

"Yes, but the Apiata that we get are 'odd', by their standards," retorts Nash. "You just ought to be aware. Apiatans consider the men of other species to be a fourth 'gender caste'."

Straak gives the Commodore a puzzled look. "And what would be behind that decision?"

"Let's start with the word they use in Pitian," begins Nash as she rolls her hands over. "The dominant language on Apinae, for your gender. Untgrizzi."

"I confess I am not conversant in Apiatan languages," replies Straak, with just a little stiffness as his Vulcan reserve squashes any embarrassment.

"Unt, for something possessed of utility, and grizzi, for drone. 'Useful drone'." Nash cocks her eyebrow at the Captain before the door to the Transporter Room opens up and they step through. The two officers step up onto the transporter pads and nod at the Chief Petty Officer on the control panel.

Men of other species are considered a fouth gender caste, meaning they consider women of other species to be more or less what they are.
How much of a Tactical Officer is specific training?

A fair bit. A tactical specialty would include, for example, narrow but deep understandings of high-energy physics and computer science; they must be able to understand the weapons and targeting systems both they and possible enemies would use. You would also expect at least a mid-level understanding of starship propulsion systems and sensors slanted towards how these things define tactical options, and of course a wide understanding of the various doctrines, battle tactics, and specific ship capabilities of Federation and non-Federation polities (and to some extent what sort of ships Federation and non-Federation tech bases are able to build, to prepare them for the possibility of new ships being introduced). Add to that a fair bit of the history of space warfare and some formal education in what kind of strategic factors shape campaigns.
Men of other species are considered a fouth gender caste, meaning they consider women of other species to be more or less what they are.
See I drew a very different connotation when I read that. The men of other species are considered part of another caste called Untgrizzi. It's a mash between their word for drone -- which means it has male connotations because they apply it to other men -- but the different between the Apiata Drone and the Alien Drone is Unt, or utility.

In other words, what I`m getting from that is they consider their drones as lacking practical utility and alien drones are surprisingly capable, not that they consider drones to be female.

Which kind-of makes sense since they'd consider drones to be drones.
Biology only ensures obedience, and even then it does not ensure that the obedient will be performing to their fullest or be the right ones for the job. This is, incidentally, why the hereditary aristocracy idea falls apart; in a hereditary aristocracy, there always alternative options in the ruling line, other ruling lines, and non-obedience that act to contain incompetence/malfeasance and prevent the total failure of the system.
"There is no backup to this system" is not a reliable guarantee that "this system" will work better than other, similar systems elsewhere. Certainly not much better.

Furthermore, I don't know where you're getting this "no alternatives" thing from, and honestly I suspect lecturing me on it will be pointless. Since you seem to have written your own mental backstory for Apiata society that is one, kind of disturbing, and two, speculative. I don't think I agree.

The death of a baroness as a result of the wrong end of court politics wouldn't normally result in a purge of everyone in their lands...unless of course that baroness is Apiata in which case it absolutely will. The Apiata system of government creates much more absolutist outcomes in failure than any hereditary aristocracy because its assurances of obedience and loyalty do not allow for less destructive ones. This is why the Apiata would, why they must, invest heavily in preparing queens for all aspects of leadership. The loss of resources and people when a queen fails can be quite extreme.
Um... it now sounds like you're moving on into speculative ideas like "historically if a queen died as a result of Apiata politics, all her drone/worker offspring/relations were killed too." Speculative ideas that are, one, kind of disturbing, and two, speculative. Since frankly I have enough stressors without worrying about that right now, I'm not going to engage with this.

It's a good thing that I never made that argument then!

The Apiata are, again, motivated by two factors: Queens are leaders. Successful queens are successful leaders.

For a cadet at Starfleet Academy, what is graduating as a leader? Officer-track.

For a cadet at Starfleet Academy, what is the greatest level of success possible? Graduating your specialty as qualified for the Explorer Corps.

And that's why they go Explorer Corps officer-track or wash out trying. That's where the Academy tells them successful leaders go.
All of them. Uniformly and without exception. Only Apiata queens are showing up at the Academy for officer training, no workers or drones. And they're literally all such "success at any cost" freaks that they'd rather not have a Starfleet career at all than do anything other than qualify for the Explorer Corps.

I don't buy it.

I think lbmaian's "uh, don't take this too literally, guys" analysis is much more plausible.

I'd caution against reading into the member Starfleet crew incomes too strictly.

They do give indications on how much each member is contributing to Starfleet, but with Academy expansions and tech-related bonuses (such as that EPS safety one that "increases" crew income by preventing deaths), there's plenty of leeway to jigger around each member's exact contributions.

I mean, the Kadeshi are somehow contributing crew while they're hundreds of lightyears away from the nearest Starfleet Academy! (Which is why I'm eager to see what happens if they somehow become a major affiliate.)
Agreed. On some level I think what's going on is that the Kadeshi talking to us and the reports from Stargazer are inspiring people to join Starfleet (miss those Stargazer logs. And bonuses. *sniff* )

All we know for sure is that Apiata ozziras aren't considered as officers in the crew O/E/T system (even if they are described in one update as "non-queen officers"), because their ozzira-commanded Stingers don't have any O cost.

edit: Well it's possible that Stingers do have "officers", but like the Klingon Bird of Prey, is so low in number, that it "rounds" to a 0 in the ship crew O/E/T system. But OTOH, ozziras seem to be as common as "normal" officers, and in a ship as large as a Stinger (nearly 600kt versus Klingon BoP 30kt), that's bound to have enough ozziras to add up to 1 crew cost.
The thing is, it's strongly implied that "officers" includes a lot of jobs that on a modern navy ship would not be 'officer' jobs.In real life, officers almost always supervise some group of people doing something, and 'normal' officer:enlisted ratios are something like 1:5. That doesn't include the noncommissioned petty officers, but it gives an idea of what's going on.

Starfleet, by contrast is very officer-heavy. And our 'E' and 'T' personnel graduate from the same academy as our 'O' personnel.

This is why I keep feeling that it's more accurate to talk about O/E as being 'goldshirt/redshirt' than 'officer/enlisted.' That, or Starfleet just having vastly more officers than necessary relative to the enlisted ranks.

But what if, with the Apiata, 'O' personnel really do refer only to those who are actually in command of significant numbers of people (as in, more than a 2-5 worker detachment)? That, all by itself, would mean that ships with less than about 4-5 units of Enlisted/Tech crew would almost certainly not have a whole unit of 'O' aboard. Even those that do have that many might not, though something built to the same scale as a queenship almost inevitably would.

Actually, the original Intel Brief by Leila has drones as carrying the Apiata young after they're born but before they're fully developed, a la marsupials. Briefvoice takes a different, more sea-horsey tack. I don't know if Oneiros has really explicitly canonized either POV.
Suspect he hasn't. The big catch is that if Leila's picture is closer to the truth, the only thing that can 'replace' the physical presence of a queen in a colony for demographic purposes would be the combination of frozen ova plus something like an artificial womb...

So I went with Briefvoice's version simply because it's a precondition for making it even believable in my opinion that you'd have queen seriously considering doing anything other than hang around their colony.

As I've been previously quoted above, I actually suspect our first round of Apiata "Officers" came from the top level of the Apiata "T" and "E" pool of Orizzas and other high ranking workers. As Simon's noted, Queens probably always have a weather look to their hive, and in the early days before membership I doubt they would see much prestige in joining up with Starfleet. Compare with an Orizza, limited to at best a Stinger with the Apiata and instead could be commanding a Constitution, or Constellation, or maybe even one day, an Excelsior. If you're a 'defective' Orizza and can live away from most or all of your family, it'd be worth looking into.
I figure that Ozziras aren't biologically that distinct from other Apiata workers. They're just workers who got promoted to middle management positions.

I would look at the O-E-T as meaning something different to the Apiata and their species-pool not being directly comparable to the Federation pool. If the Federation commissioned a Stinger, I imagine it'd have at least O-1 and probably subtract a T.
Agreed, because everyone in the tactical and navigation pools, or much of them, would be 'O' because 'O' means 'goldshirt,' not 'commissioned officer.' And 'E' means 'redshirt,' not 'enlisted.'

Think about how many of the redshirts we've seen on Star Trek were actually ensigns or lieutenants.

On Queens and Command, I would suspect they do some sort of aptitude testing for Queens and don't automatically shuffle them all off to the navy. There's probably queens that go right into public management, queens that go into diplomacy, queens that run a accounting hive [idk].
Bet on it. Yeah.

That being said, I wonder if the solution isn't that Queens have life-cycle stages? Maybe younger queens aren't ready to reproduce yet and you can toss them on ships to get high-pressure leadership experience and also as a slight Darwinian pressure so only the best Queen-Captains survive :V Later, their eggs become ready and they move back to their hives to help run the family and prepare the next generation and keep producing eggs until they die.

Or it could be the other way around, where young Apiata reproduce and take on the Queen role politically, before hitting something like menopause and transferring out to serve out in the navy until death. IIRC older honey bees tend to be the guard bees so that's a nice parallel. This would also kinda fit with Nash's Queen, who acted pretty 'young' tbh.
These are pretty good explanations. Also, if Apiata have something like normal human life expectancies and generation lifetimes, you'd tend to have two, three, or even four generations of adult queens "stacking up" at any one time; things could get pretty complicated in terms of who runs what colonies and in what capacity unless either there is a recognized "princess" status where the queen isn't ready to run a colony yet, or there is a recognized "post-menopausal" state in which older queens tend to settle down into advisory or 'take risks in leadership roles for my daughter's colony' mode.

If it's the first case, where the younger queens have a set time in the navy before they'll eventually have to go home, it makes sense for Night's idea they'd basically be EC or bust. Gotta get maximum returns from that Academy investment.
Now see that makes sense!

See I drew a very different connotation when I read that. The men of other species are considered part of another caste called Untgrizzi. It's a mash between their word for drone -- which means it has male connotations because they apply it to other men -- but the different between the Apiata Drone and the Alien Drone is Unt, or utility.

In other words, what I`m getting from that is they consider their drones as lacking practical utility and alien drones are surprisingly capable, not that they consider drones to be female.

Which kind-of makes sense since they'd consider drones to be drones.
The way I figure it, the Apiata themselves probably struggle with this and have trouble mapping other species' gender roles (and for that matter biological sex, not quite the same thing) onto their own. They may not even have a consistent picture of how this mapping should proceed themselves, and us trying to figure out how it 'should' work would border on impossibility.
The way I figure it, the Apiata themselves probably struggle with this and have trouble mapping other species' gender roles (and for that matter biological sex, not quite the same thing) onto their own. They may not even have a consistent picture of how this mapping should proceed themselves, and us trying to figure out how it 'should' work would border on impossibility.

But they all have breasts. I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but Apiata of all castes look like women with antenna and a few patches of vaguely insectile features.

So from a pure appearance perspective, I suspect they find it simplest to say, "Well, the aliens call the gender that has many physical features in common with us 'female' so I guess it's easiest for us to call ourselves 'female' when translating."
But they all have breasts. I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but Apiata of all castes look like women with antenna and a few patches of vaguely insectile features.

So from a pure appearance perspective, I suspect they find it simplest to say, "Well, the aliens call the gender that has many physical features in common with us 'female' so I guess it's easiest for us to call ourselves 'female' when translating."

Actually, I imagine the drones being the only ones with breasts. They're the ones who nurse, after all.
Actually, I imagine the drones being the only ones with breasts. They're the ones who nurse, after all.

I didn't say it made biological sense. The Preservers wanted breasts, and breasts they got!

They've been pretty consistently described as "bee women" of a sort you'd find on The Original Series where they hired a bunch of female actors and pasted little antenna on their heads. They look ridiculously human.

EDIT: Though actually, who is to say they aren't all capable of nursing if required. Even the workers.
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I didn't say it made biological sense. The Preservers wanted breasts, and breasts they got!

They've been pretty consistently described as "bee women" of a sort you'd find on The Original Series where they hired a bunch of female actors and pasted little antenna on their heads. They look ridiculously human.

EDIT: Though actually, who is to say they aren't all capable of nursing if required. Even the workers.
Shuttle crash, biological imperative, pheromones - a week later, you've got one queen and a few drones.
So I think Plan 2x Heavy Industry won because Steven Kodaly voted for all of its elements individually. If not for that, it would have been a tie with Plan Engineers.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Briefvoice on Apr 24, 2017 at 11:44 AM, finished with 189 posts and 19 votes.

  • [x][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]
    [X] [WS] Plan Engineers
    [X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
    [X][BETA] Decline
    [X][AMB] Conduct half-strength diplomatic push on Laio
    [X][CON] Lobby to raise war support on Betazed (+2 war support per month for target)
    [X][DOC] Begin researching anti-convoy techniques (+1 to attempts to engage convoys within Licori space, 4 months)
    [X][ENG] Build listening post builds in Subsector C1 (5 Months - apprx)
    [X][IND] Prepare components for 3 Outposts (3 Months) - You have 3 in stock
    [X] [WS] Plan Engineers
    -[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
    -[X] Hadad Pradesh Mond Engineering - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Rigel, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 2 Cargo Ships, 2 Freighters)
    [X][WS] More Internal Diplomacy
    -[X] Earth Civil Service - Internal Diplomacy Team (20pt cost for Earth, gain Internal Diplomacy Team)
    [X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
    -[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
    -[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
    -[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
    [X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
    [X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
    [X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)
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I figure that Ozziras aren't biologically that distinct from other Apiata workers. They're just workers who got promoted to middle management positions.
Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to imply otherwise. I just imagine in the pool of workers it'd be Ozziras who felt particular interest in Starfleet, because they gotta be the ones who're feeling the, hm, wax ceiling the most. There's probably a level below Ozziras that would be in the "E" category that's probably Starfleet officer material as well.

Also if Ozziras are junior officer equivalents, and Stingers are short-range patrol craft... when are we getting Bee John F Kennedy as a Councilor?

It even makes sense! Council requires you to be away from your hive for long periods of time, it only makes sense you'd send an Ozzira! :D

Although I guess if it was a Stinger that crash-landed after being shot down they could be Bee John McCain.

These are pretty good explanations. Also, if Apiata have something like normal human life expectancies and generation lifetimes, you'd tend to have two, three, or even four generations of adult queens "stacking up" at any one time; things could get pretty complicated in terms of who runs what colonies and in what capacity unless either there is a recognized "princess" status where the queen isn't ready to run a colony yet, or there is a recognized "post-menopausal" state in which older queens tend to settle down into advisory or 'take risks in leadership roles for my daughter's colony' mode.

Now see that makes sense!
In doing a little more research on bees last night, I found out some colonies of stingless bees actually have 'dwarf' queen bees that are more worker-sized and less fecund that regular queen bees. It could also be possible that there's some Apiata queens who simply don't produce as many eggs as others, and thus would be more suited to deep-space assignments.

However, I sort of think even if they don't have a phase where they don't have kids or there's Queens who are less fecund than others, queens admitted to Starfleet would still be gunning for EC hard. Apiata society has Queens at the top of two other classes -- drones and workers -- but we know the Queens have a hierarchy among themselves as well. For ease, let's make a distinction between the main leadership Queens of a colony and the lower-ranked Princesses. Unless the hierarchy among Queens and Princesses is completely biologically determined, I would assume some level of merit and skill would be involved in ranking Princesses and eventually in selecting Queens to make decisions on behalf of the hive or many hives. Going into EC then is a great way for a junior Princess to stand out from the crowd, because you're in [Captain Sokolov interrupt: "Allegedly"] the best of the best in the Federation .

Meanwhile joining regular Starfleet doesn't appeal because you could get similar experience on Apiata ships, and if you're giving up reproductive time to pursue this prestige, you'd want to be in the elite.

It's really gonna suck though when you've got a former worker with Commander rank devices giving you lectures on Organizational Theory. And later another worker with Petty Officer devices tisking as you put a phaser rifle together backwards.
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Captain's Log - 2315.Q1.M2
[x][BETA] Provide 40rp and 10pp for Betazed to crash-develop a rapid upgrade package for the Patroller. [+2 S, +1L, 15br/15sr, can be developed in 3 months, 3 months to upgrade]
[X][WS] Plan 2x Heavy Industry
-[X] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers - Engineering Team (10 Cost from Tellar, gain Engineering Team with 2 Engineering Ships, 3 Cargo Ships, 1 Freighter)
-[X] North America Productivity Commission - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Earth, gain Heavy Industry asset)
-[X] Morchell Arebb Complex - Heavy Industry (5 Cost to Rigel, gain Heavy Industry asset)

Outpost Commander's Log, Ord Grind Duk Outpost, Stardate 25737.5

I just received the mother of all tongue-lashings from the local Diplomatic Service team. They recently requested urgent aid after an attempt was made to hold some of their personnel hostage. However the USS Stalwart was in for work, and with their warp core in cold shut-down, they were unable to respond.

Thankfully the TSS Miracht Agrad was able to turn round and resolve the issue without any damage done in the field

[Chief of Staff NB: No damage in the field, but sure to be hell to pay elsewhere]

[Lose 10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25738.1 - Captain Langa Mbeki

With much of the rest of the fleet tied down, we've been tapped to convey a diplomatic mission to Laio. A chance to visit a culture the Federation still barely knows is always an exciting time for a crew, and we're all brushing up on our primers for the Laio.

We are about three days out presently.


Captain's Log, USS Bull, Stardate 25738.9

"Fly casual", was the instruction I received from Theatre. We are conveying officials from both Tactical and Operations to meet with Caitian Grand Fleet brass on Ollasa IV. We're not trying to be unseen, but we're also not trying to be seen by everyone. However that is meant to look in practice. In any event, apparently this is all about helping plan the push to get Caitian forces cleared for the GBZ.

Well, we have delivered the officials to the station in orbit as ordered, without arousing much suspicion.

[Caitian entry into GBZ assured]


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25739.3

The Odyssey has fallen into some manner of subspace vortex. Space-time curves back in on itself here, such that if you try to exit the area of the vortex at warp, you somehow reemerge facing inward on the other side of the vortex.

We appear to be trapped. My chief science officer thinks there may be a way to use the shell of a photon torpedo, with its sustainer drive coils, to disrupt the core of the subspace vortex, if we deploy them along the correct tensors. At the moment, it's our best shot.


Captain's Log, USS Odyssey, Stardate 25739.8

Q decided to crash the party, holding the torpedoes, and the whole vortex, in some manner of stasis as we spoke. They asked why we would possibly want to leave the vortex. Our own calculations told us that the vortex would dispel itself in a year's time, and the stores of an explorer could easily sustain that. In the interim, we could sit out the whole war with the Arcadians.

I explained to her that as Starfleet officers, we could not sit in the corner, we could not let this danger to the galaxy go unanswered. The Arcadians risk bringing about the end of life in this corner of the galaxy. Q ... somewhat pointedly suggested humans are hardly better. Eventually my words got through to her and she released her hold on the torpedoes. We are back underway.

[Gain +10rp, avoid disruption to Laio diplomacy attempts]
