Avatar of Mandos
Returning the favor here. Debate this in PMs people.
"You know, technically, it would.""Dear, I know you're in another timeline but it wouldn't kill you to call once in awhile."
As @Onmur said above: Madoka's Potential is now high enough that she can destroy the Universe with her Wish; at the very least her Wish is powerful enough to slaughter everyone on Earth and destroy the planet. Madoka has Wished in nearly every single reality that Homura has been to, and it has been a disaster every time we're aware of (with the possible exception of the very last one; we're not actually totally sure about that one). All this makes it imperative that she not Wish.
Throw in the kicker that the Incubators are non-human monsters who Contract girls in order to harvest Grief for their anti-entropy mission, and they are desperate to get Madoka in particular to Wish because her Potential is high enough that they just don't care that her Wish will destroy Earth. This means they'll be trying to target her at every opportunity, and she has to be extra on her guard to not believe their lies.
That should be sufficient.
The only thing that bothers me is that I'm not sure what the nature of Potential is, and how it relates to the reality-warping powers. What exactly is Potential; what am I giving up in exchange for reality warping powers?
Magical girls do not lose their potential after they wish and it can even continue to grow after they wish. Apparently Tart is an example.Sabrina should show up at the meeting:
A. in a grief iron man suit, that she built in a cave with a box of grief.
B. in invisible armor. "Why do you feel like a witch to our senses?" "Ok, I connfess, I am a witch!"
C. No armor, but a fake soul gem on her person while a Chibi stays within the required distance while holding her real gem. She can recover from a headshot, can't she?
I run the risk of talking about a topic not pertinent to tje Quest, but if Madoka wishes in every timeline... ...why does her potential continue to accrue?
Magical girls lose their potential after they wish don't they? That's why they don't get to wish again isn't it?
So the karmic potential of every universe preceding the last should have already been used, shouldn't it?
The current bandwagon vote looks good but I don't have the time to monitor this thread for potential improvements so...But seriously. We don't have anything else to discuss or modify with the current votes? Also, might want to cast an actual vote @Fair Letters
Please don't engage with Sereg's stupid keikaku theory. I've been there and done that and it never ends well.No, it really, really isn't. For one thing, an immortal with perfect time travel does not have definitionally perfect knowledge of their own future, which is highly relevant in the Rebellion case.
You wanna argue this? Cause I'm drunk enough to take this all the way, bucko!
Please don't engage with Sereg's stupid keikaku theory. I've been there and done that and it never ends well.
Your critical mistake was assuming that it will end that quickly.I'm drunk. I won't remember this shitstorm in the morning
the perfect crime
and back to the problem of assuming we know what Hitomi meant, despite her being vague as fuck.Speaking of votes, I'm going to make this official. I don't think that the current bandwagon's "hold on, extremely angry teenager, let me get back to you" approach will work out.
[X] Make an "It's okay, hold off," hand motion to Mami.
[X] Hitomi, I think you've misunderstood something. I didn't deliberately take Oriko's arm as some sort of retribution. I would never do such thing. Heck, I wasn't even the one who took her arm off. This was combat. Real battles between magical girls aren't like anime, where they throw glitter at each other and everybody comes out okay. They're brutal, and people get hurt very badly. All of us had injuries that would have put a normal person in the hospital. We spend hours putting Oriko back together afterwards just so that she wouldn't die.
[X] *turn to Sayaka* Magical girls are living weapons. We are dangerous. If a magical girl gets angry and starts throwing punches around, she could seriously hurt a normal person. You see that broken glass that you just sent flying all over the room? Sayaka, your little temper tantrum right now could have killed Hitomi. I understand that you're upset, but you need to use your words, not your fists. They are lethal weapons. You have a right to be angry with me, but I won't stand for you destroying Mami's home or threatening people.
-[X] I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this sooner. You want to know why I didn't? I was afraid to. I thought you might lose your temper and do something rash and someone would get hurt. Exactly like what you're doing right now. You think I made the wrong decision? Then prove to me that I was wrong by not losing your self control.
I feel like it's the most likely meaning of her statement, given what we said right beforehand, as well as the one that'll give her the most negative impression of us. But if it's either of the other two possible interpretations, then we'll need to do some speechifying, so it'll probably need another update anyway.and back to the problem of assuming we know what Hitomi meant, despite her being vague as fuck.
There are a lot more than two other possible meanings.I feel like it's the most likely meaning of her statement, given what we said right beforehand, as well as the one that'll give her the most negative impression of us. But if it's either of the other two possible interpretations, then we'll need to do some speechifying, so it'll probably need another update anyway.
There's really only three I can think of:
"How dare you pronounce judgement that cutting off her arm was a large enough punishment?"There's really only three I can think of:
What others are you thinking of?
- Being too cruel, thinking we took her arm as retribution.
- Not going through proper judicial procedure.
- Not letting Hitomi do the dismembering herself (sort of implies that she really is a Yakuza princess.)
That list gets progressively more ridiculous the further it goes."How dare you pronounce judgement that cutting off her arm was a large enough punishment?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement that we didn't have to know?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement that we didn't need to be there?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement that we couldn't administer the punishment ourselves?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement that cutting off her arm was an appropriate punishment?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement instead of asking us how to punish her?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement instead of asking the police to?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement instead of asking the court system to?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement instead of creating a court to do so?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement by chasing her instead of minding your own business?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement by refusing to leave her alone to do what she wants?"
"How dare you pronounce judgement instead of deciding what to do based on vote?"
I suspect if I was more awake I could think of more.
I don't know. I think the first one has a fair amount of ridiculousness and it's relatively evenly sprinkled throughout the list.That list gets progressively more ridiculous the further it goes.
Hitomi's probably triggered and angry, but she acted in a calm and controlled fashion.that Hitomi's reasoning was ridiculous. Especially considering her action taken.