Starfleet Design Bureau

If we must build a three-nacelle design I'd prefer one that doesn't just look like the third was crammed into an existing pair. Spacing is key.

Something like this at minimum, up to an equilateral triangle.
I've always liked the look of an equilateral triangle, myself. It's an odd number, yes, but it can remain nice and symmetrical, balancing the thing out.
I think it'd look better if the bottom 2 nacelles were angled down

But that would probably look better with a inline secondary hull
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Not only Science, but Science is a major deficit this design is supposed to address
Project Federation is explicitly permitted to provide only basic science capabilities:
Project Federation is likely to be equal if not exceeding in mass any design you've built to date, and having an explicit mandate that you may elect to exclude scientific facilities beyond the basics means you can have some fun with the mission profile.

A low science score is not a design requirement, but it will be perfectly acceptable.
I'm actually hoping we have a vote and a description of what the Federation considers current vital needs to be fulfilled.

I think if we don't formalise it a bit, the module vote is going to be a massive massive mess. At the very least it will need to be a plan vote instead of approval.

I'm really glad we have basically free reign to do anything, but some guidelines would be helpful.
Note the word may, it does not mean that we necessarily should.
Yes, a specific scientific specialty or even a reasonable generalist profile would likely be an acceptable focus, but is not one that Starfleet requires.

The last two ships this generation have both spent module space on particular scientific specialties (stellar dynamics on the Excalibur, bioscience and geophysics on the Attenborough and Atwater) so as a result Starfleet actually operates more ships that perform scientific duties with introduction of the Attenborough then they did pre-war. The Keas also took relatively minor losses during the war and will operate until the early 2290's.

We definitely could focus on science, but it's not a priority for Starfleet and it won't fill any major gaps in our fleet.
The last two ships this generation have both spent module space on particular scientific specialties (stellar dynamics on the Excalibur, bioscience and geophysics on the Attenborough and Atwater) so as a result Starfleet actually operates more ships that perform scientific duties with introduction of the Attenborough then they did pre-war. The Keas also took relatively minor losses during the war and will operate until the early 2290's.
Those are the wrong kind of science. Mostly plantary side science, I think people are talking other fields of science.
Those are the wrong kind of science. Mostly plantary side science, I think people are talking other fields of science.
Like what?

The Excaliburs spend their time post-war using their excellent range and stellar dynamics module to catalogue systems for the Federation, since they're not useful for much else. The Attenborough and Atwater do living and nonliving things on planets. Keas will continue to operate for another forty-odd years, but even if you dismiss them as outdated there's still not much left for this ship to focus on.

We already have a space science ship and a couple planet science ships, and Starfleet just doesn't want to order more of them. What specialty do you think they'll want more of? The only one that comes to mind for me is a dilithium analysis suite, since the Keas had theirs removed in the refit and the Saladin is increasingly obsolete, but that's a single module.
We definitely could focus on science, but it's not a priority for Starfleet and it won't fill any major gaps in our fleet.
If I recall correctly dilithium analysis is considered to be a scientific module - dilithium is the Federation's primary limiting factor from a strategic military standpoint, the Keas lack this now and the Saladin's were both mauled (iirc) and generally rather poor ships that are set to retire (comparatively) soon.

Missing out on dilithium analysis would be weakening the Federation & Starfleet in the long run.
Obviously we need a Space Whale Milking Apparatus. For SCIENCE! (And because they lactate liquid dilithium crystals for their offspring.)
I was thinking a science/tactical ship would be what we working towards, one where we science space stuff, mostly looking for important resources while all the way outside the rim of federation space, with the speeds this thing can go it can survey vast sections of space finding resources/cataloguing anomalies/and acting as a deterrent. Pretty much going across the entire boarder and inner sectors of federation space and doing so quickly if we throw in the best sensors we can so it can do this.
I was thinking a science/tactical ship would be what we working towards, one where we science space stuff, mostly looking for important resources while all the way outside the rim of federation space, with the speeds this thing can go it can survey vast sections of space finding resources/cataloguing anomalies/and acting as a deterrent. Pretty much going across the entire boarder and inner sectors of federation space and doing so quickly if we throw in the best sensors we can so it can do this.
The Excalibur already does that. Now, it's not actually adequate for the task and will suffer heavy casualties while doing it, but unfortunately it's the only role they're suited for.

I'm not sure that designing a big Excalibur, a ship that Starfleet will not order more of, is really the move here. Maybe we'll get more orders since more module space makes it more useful in peacetime, but it would be a rather redundant design.
2248: Project Federation (Engineering Hull) New
[X] Large Warp Core (11 Deck) [Cost: 39.5] (Efficient Cruise: 6 -> 6.8)

The large warp core will allow the project to efficiently move from one side of the Federation to the other, but it does have its downsides. Several hull types have had to be excluded as a result, leaving you with fewer options that you would have otherwise found viable. As it stands there are two options with broadly similar exteriors but different internals.

The first option is a secondary hull of the usual type, though somewhat larger than usual to fit the project's inflated size. The long neck will create a hull with clear sightlines to the bow for an appropriately large main deflector, while the hull itself provides all the usual amenities for shuttles and storage spaces.

The second option is to use the thicker saucer section to mount a reduced-power deflector and create a flight deck with aft and forward shuttlebay doors. This would allow a large fleet of small craft that would be useful in disaster relief, evacuations, and rapid cargo transfer. The cost would be the reduced maximum warp factors, but if you want to specialise the ship with a strong internal service role it isn't an awful idea since maximum warp is mostly applicable to tactical decision-making rather than long-term travel.

[ ] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)
[ ] Flight Deck (Mass: 220kt) [Cost 55.5] (Maximum Warp: 8 -> 7.6)

Two Hour Moratorium, Please

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Flight deck would synergize really well with a big cargo bay and maybe some expanded medical. Really leans into the big Miranda thing, but it could plausibly be useful for dilithium prospecting as well?
[ ] Conventional Secondary Hull (Mass: 220kt) [Cost: 55.5)

No way do we want to cut top warp speed since that is important for a heavy cruiser project.