Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Inline Secondary Hull
[X] Inline Secondary Hull (Long)
[X] Ventral Secondary Hull

I want something a bit smaller, don't really care which.
The fact the new hull plating worked out well was a godsend. That gives us so much more room to play with.

The Cost isn't significantly greater than the old tritanium hulls, the mass savings are enormous, and it's actually tougher than Tritanium--actually almost on the level of Polarized Hull Plating without the same degree of investment. Which is going to make this a defensive juggernaut.
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[X] Ventral Secondary Hull

This is the option that gets us the most thrusters to mass. Comparing this to the Engineering Section, it's like trading an auxiliary slot for better maneuverability. I don't want this ship to be so slow at impulse that it's vulnerable, so I think that tradeoff is worth it.
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This is the option that gets us the most thrusters to mass. Comparing this to the Engineering Section, it's like trading an auxiliary slot for better maneuverability. I don't want this ship to be so slow at impulse that it's vulnerable, so I think that tradeoff is worth it.
Eh, I don't think it'll significantly more vulnerable if the Engineering hull wins. Sure, it'll be less maneuverable than the base Ventral Secondary, but it'll also be significantly better armed, with 4 Phaser slots vs 2.