Isumir Hanor seems like a good one, a lot of different meanings work. I don't think you can work Isalt into the name because none of the other meanings work so it would just be naming the road for Ladrielle, which could still happen since House Fanpatar worship Her but I feel like they're more likely to just add dedications to Ladrielle on the road than try and get Her into its name.For a list of other possible Eltharin words that might be included in its name:
- Arhain - Shadows, night, stealth, or perfidiousness
- Daroir - Remembrance, memory, the strength of stones(RoW has been compared to the Dwarven stone roads)
- Estroi - The Trident, war at sea, defence against invasion
- Hanor - The Season of Rain(road will be in the Ward of Rain), boldness, ingress
- Horinar - Trade, treaty, corruption
- Isalt - Watchfulness, Mark of Ladrielle(the Lady of Mists, patron of travellers in the wilderness), the guard's duty
- Istryn - Symbol of the Arcspan, alliance, common cause
- Odri - Deception, Inner Truth, The Road Not Taken
...actually maybe it does work? Isalt Ismuir might mean something like "the guarded mists" or "the watched over hidden paths", which might make sense since you'll probably have Eonir guarding the enchantmenet and making sure it's only activated when it should be.
Top plan binds a Rider in Red and puts the Gambler on it. Second plan binds the Whispering Darkness, and puts the Gambler on theI couldn't really follow the thread for several days in a row. What is the difference between the two top plans? I feel like I'm blind, because the only difference I can find is the order of actions.
'make a liminal realm' action instead.