Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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For a list of other possible Eltharin words that might be included in its name:
  • Arhain - Shadows, night, stealth, or perfidiousness
  • Daroir - Remembrance, memory, the strength of stones(RoW has been compared to the Dwarven stone roads)
  • Estroi - The Trident, war at sea, defence against invasion
  • Hanor - The Season of Rain(road will be in the Ward of Rain), boldness, ingress
  • Horinar - Trade, treaty, corruption
  • Isalt - Watchfulness, Mark of Ladrielle(the Lady of Mists, patron of travellers in the wilderness), the guard's duty
  • Istryn - Symbol of the Arcspan, alliance, common cause
  • Odri - Deception, Inner Truth, The Road Not Taken
Isumir Hanor seems like a good one, a lot of different meanings work. I don't think you can work Isalt into the name because none of the other meanings work so it would just be naming the road for Ladrielle, which could still happen since House Fanpatar worship Her but I feel like they're more likely to just add dedications to Ladrielle on the road than try and get Her into its name.

...actually maybe it does work? Isalt Ismuir might mean something like "the guarded mists" or "the watched over hidden paths", which might make sense since you'll probably have Eonir guarding the enchantmenet and making sure it's only activated when it should be.
I couldn't really follow the thread for several days in a row. What is the difference between the two top plans? I feel like I'm blind, because the only difference I can find is the order of actions.
Top plan binds a Rider in Red and puts the Gambler on it. Second plan binds the Whispering Darkness, and puts the Gambler on the
'make a liminal realm' action instead.
The bound apparitions can be Nightbringers, and the spell that summons them Knightbringer.

(Though, I do think if it had been up to me, I'd have named it Undine's Wrath. I know the device is propelled due to steam and thus air, but turning people's bodies briefly to liquid sounds more water-y to me.)

While this would have perhaps been more accurate, the word 'sylphic' also means 'slender and graceful', while 'undinic' is a programming command to tell your UNDI what sort of NIC it needs to interface with, which is considerably less sexy.

Huh; Boney. Can we do

1. [ ] Investigate (one of the Isolationist Houses of Laurelorn), with an eye to finding out what would be needed to swing them away from the Isolationist faction.
2. Do the above with Johann as a WEB-MAT action, as he was told to make friends?
3. Include Eike as an understudy
4. Send Eike to do it, with the explicit understanding that [no. as I type this it feels like trying to game the AP system]

4. Would sending Eike to do it, with the explicit understanding that she will provided less specific information/results and come with a greater risk of providing less accurate understanding of their position, be an ok thing to do or would it count as trying to game the AP system?

1. Yes.
2. Only the houses already involved in his social circles - Malforric, Reveniol, and Apacanwa.
3. Yes.
4. Getting her to lock horns with political opponents who have been honing their craft twenty times longer than she's been alive isn't so much throwing her in the deep end as it is throwing her in the Maelstrom.

Weber's Whether Weather.

Whether you can worthily weather Weber's weather or not depends whether it's up to the wethers or the withers.
It just occurred to me, but if/when Eike finishes her Journey, we can do what Regimand did for us and pay for a few months' worth of classes. And, when she graduates, we get CF based on how well she does.

...Actually, I know Regimand got a lot of CF from Mathilde's graduation, but did he get any more as she kept proving herself? It's one thing for your former apprentice to have taken control of an army, destroyed an infamous castle, and insta-beat one of the proctors in combat, it's another thing entirely when less than twenty years later she's released over a dozen papers, discovered a new sapient species willing to join the forces of Order, recovered two Dwarfholds, been declared an honorary Dwarf, holds a lecture completely altering the war on greenskins, and reaches Lord Magisterhood.

Did he get a burst of Favor every time Mathilde did something impressive, like how we got more Favor because people's attention was redrawn to the paper on the We?
Looking at the mechanics, I don't think he'd get Favour, but he might get Reputation at a reduced rate.
[X] Plan Bring Running Shoes with Seviroscope
[X] picklepikkl

Voting like this because I don't think liminal realm creation needs the Coin and my preference for Riders is slightly larger for a few minor and mostly subjective reasons.

Not sure how Egrimm would be able to help with the Seviriscope and whether trying to do something so ambitious through Windherding when we have only negative experience with it as of yet is a sensible second step, but all the top plans include it and I'm sure this has been discussed.

IMO it's also too early to have Eike learn enchanting when she can't cast most magic spells yet, just for her to witness something so complicated it won't make sense to her anyway, taking up her time as a fourth witnessed (and fifth mandated) action. But again, too late to bring that up, given how popular the plan is. No huge switch will happen over such details.
Not sure how Egrimm would be able to help with the Seviriscope and whether trying to do something so ambitious through Windherding when we have only negative experience with it as of yet is a sensible second step, but all the top plans include it and I'm sure this has been discussed.
It hasn't been discussed so much as kind of ignored. There's no real plan for how Egrimm and Mathilde are supposed to make a Seviroscope, the idea is that we'll just try it and hope for the best, and since Egrimm and Mathilde are both LM enchanters surely they'll think of something. I think it's not a good idea at all and fully expect it to achieve nothing of value, but apparently others disagree.
IMO it's also too early to have Eike learn enchanting when she can't cast most magic spells yet, just for her to witness something so complicated it won't make sense to her anyway, taking up her time as a fourth witnessed (and fifth mandated) action. But again, too late to bring that up, given how popular the plan is. No huge switch will happen over such details.
Plan Roadmap to Success agrees with you, and has Eike studying intrigue instead of learning enchanting and the third WEB-MAT action used for mapping instead of Windherding. The magic of approval voting is that you can vote for hopeless causes with no drawback.
Ah, so it's like they aspire to be the sort of strong and self-sufficient person who totally could be a badass hunter if only they had the chance? Is that part of why it was House Ellemakil that took to the worship of Ulric, as Ulricans have exactly that kind of vibe?
Ah, so it's like they aspire to be the sort of strong and self-sufficient person who totally could be a badass hunter if only they had the chance? Is that part of why it was House Ellemakil that took to the worship of Ulric, as Ulricans have exactly that kind of vibe?

And because the modern Eonir Cult of Kurnous is a pretty small amount of influence to have to compete with another house for.
Ah, so it's like they aspire to be the sort of strong and self-sufficient person who totally could be a badass hunter if only they had the chance? Is that part of why it was House Ellemakil that took to the worship of Ulric, as Ulricans have exactly that kind of vibe?
Some Ulricans. Some run naked through the woods.
Mathilde ends up ousting Algard and taking the top spot in the college just so she can append Magister Matriarch Mathilde to the front of every spell she develops.
Magister Matriarch Mathilde's Magnificent Mexican Munchies, her first Cataclysm spell, which summons the Forbidden Burrito.
The only thing less clear than why she'd go through all the effort is what Mexican means. Mathilde refuses to answer, and the most common theory is that she just made up a word to confuse everyone.
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It might be just me, but I'm finding parsing out the plans I like has become more challenging recently. And perhaps the thread collaboratively refining them to the best expression of intent has become more difficult? I'm certainly finding them hard to get to grips with this turn. Many actions have lists of sub-options and modifiers for so many action types. Tributaries, hmm, maybe… but where? Then with who? (Pick from list). Same location, different list? Different plan. Foundations- Who? Pick from (the same) list. Juggle WEB-MAT participants. So Apparitions- which one? Copy a library- but which? Then, which of all of these have Eike shadowing? Oh, maybe we could get some consultancy on Liminal realms… wait, is that even an option?

There's a lot of scope for the headline actions with the first sub-option selections to run away, subsequently hard to refine with an-understandable and reasonable- reluctance to amend even the finer details of a plan people have voted for even if the zeitgeist around say participant lists or Eike evolves.

Anyway. There is at least one marginally simpler plan- Elfcation! And no Apparitions.

[X] Plan Elfcation Time!
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I agree that the Eonir need to have a way to shut the thing off, but imo the ideal design is one that can be shut off from both sides, and so is activated only when the Eonir and Middenland agree.
Remember, the Eonir have no trouble moving their military forces through their forest. It's everyone else who has trouble getting through. For military purposes, Middenland being able to turn the road off does nothing to stop an Eonir attack. So I don't see any point in not having the road be entirely under Eonir control.
The bound apparitions can be Nightbringers, and the spell that summons them Knightbringer.
I think "Knightbringer" is perfect. It's got the right blend of half-silly and half-serious, it breaks with our previous pattern of abbreviations, and it just sounds cool to say.

Edit: If we want to be the most obnoxious mage in history, we can follow this up with a spell that creates a large area of darkness and call it "Night Bringer". :V
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Remember, the Eonir have no trouble moving their military forces through their forest. It's everyone else who has trouble getting through. For military purposes, Middenland being able to turn the road off does nothing to stop an Eonir attack. So I don't see any point in not having the road be entirely under Eonir control.
No practical point, but politically the illusion of control is probably helpful for Middenland. It makes the magic inroad into their province a joint venture rather than something imposed by foreign elves.
Remember, the Eonir have no trouble moving their military forces through their forest. It's everyone else who has trouble getting through. For military purposes, Middenland being able to turn the road off does nothing to stop an Eonir attack. So I don't see any point in not having the road be entirely under Eonir control.
I second this position and think it would be actively a worse idea to give Middenland the bargaining chip of being able to threaten the trade links facilitated by the RoW Road than it would be to leave full control in the hands of the Eonir in terms of long term utility and getting it set up in the first place.

Infrastructure wise, I hope that the Eonir being the ones to make the tower will allow them to make some sort of 'targeting beacon' enchanted item they can hand out to traders[1] that the spell can be cast through due to something something sympathetic magic

[1] The maybe the item can be designed to be disableable at the tower, or maybe quit working after a certain amount of time for security purposes/protection of the monopoly on control of RoW Road usage by whatever political faction has that control.

disableable. heh. fun word to coin.
Knightbringer and Nightbringer are just. the. worst. and I love them. It may be a high bar to meet as Boney is smart but there are many of us, and I look forward to see what weapons-tier puns we will make in the attempt to make something better? something worse?... uh.
Something even more impactful.
No practical point, but politically the illusion of control is probably helpful for Middenland. It makes the magic inroad into their province a joint venture rather than something imposed by foreign elves.
Isn't the road only going to go through Eonier territory tho? I thought that was the case and if not then that would cause me to re-evaluate my position/understanding of the whole RoW-Road idea a fair bit
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I second this position and think it would be actively a worse idea to give Middenland the bargaining chip of being able to threaten the trade links facilitated by the RoW Road than it would be to leave full control in the hands of the Eonir in terms of long term utility and getting it set up in the first place.
You're right, but imagine that the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France was an entirely French project owned and operated by French interests. Now try selling that idea to the British. Easier or harder than making it a joint project?
Isn't the road only going to go through Eonier territory tho? I thought that was the case and if not then that would cause me to re-evaluate my position/understanding of the whole RoW-Road idea a fair bit
As I understood it, the Schadensumpf marks the border, which is why going into it without permission may end with an arrow in your eye, while going up to it won't.
You're right, but imagine that the Channel Tunnel between the UK and France was an entirely French project owned and operated by French interests. Now try selling that idea to the British.
I think that is a bad anology. The Channel Tunnel is underwater and exists in both nations
RoW-Road is more like a land road that terminates inside Eonir territory.

And it's not about the average Middenhimer being worried, they probably won't find out a thing[1]; look at how Eike set up the charcoal trade route.

It's about a relatively small number of political leaders who are much easier to be made aware that the road won't make the Eonir any more capable of moving forces through their forest, but that it will open up more opportunities for them to make money by facilitating trade.

[1]If there are any human traders allowed on the route they might learn of itover time, but as an easy concession to isolationists I could imagine that only Eonir traders might be allowed to traverse the road, it would just look to anyone picking up goods at the end of the RoW-Road that this is a thing the Eonir can do, that have chosen to start doing.

As I understood it, the Schadensumpf marks the border, which is why going into it without permission may end with an arrow in your eye, while going up to it won't.
I don't have a head for remembering the geography of fiction, you might be engaging in this conversation with me under the belief that I have more specific knowledge on borders and geography than I actually do.

So, If one starts from the Schadensumpf [river?], in the direction away from Laurelorn, would one still have more swamp/forest to traverse? [Could a trader boat down the river from that point?] Because if that is the end of the forest/swamp, and the end of Eonir territory, then that looks like a good terminus for the RoW-Road
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As I understood it, the Schadensumpf marks the border, which is why going into it without permission may end with an arrow in your eye, while going up to it won't.
The Schadensumpf seems to be split across both Nordland and Middenland and the border between them is the Great North Road that cuts through the Schadensumpf. Going into the Middenland half of the Schadensumpf is fine but going into the Nordland/Laurelorn half north of the Great North Road is a good way to die.
I think it should be shared, simply as a political statement. "Look at this road that unifies Middenheim and Laurelorn, without threatening either".
If the various Eonir political factions agree between them to allow human traders to come up to Laurelorn then I could see this happening, and it would be nice if they do that. Maybe.

You've shifted my position on the matter somewhat with your post.
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