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It just occurred to me, but if/when Eike finishes her Journey, we can do what Regimand did for us and pay for a few months' worth of classes. And, when she graduates, we get CF based on how well she does.

...Actually, I know Regimand got a lot of CF from Mathilde's graduation, but did he get any more as she kept proving herself? It's one thing for your former apprentice to have taken control of an army, destroyed an infamous castle, and insta-beat one of the proctors in combat, it's another thing entirely when less than twenty years later she's released over a dozen papers, discovered a new sapient species willing to join the forces of Order, recovered two Dwarfholds, been declared an honorary Dwarf, holds a lecture completely altering the war on greenskins, and reaches Lord Magisterhood.

Did he get a burst of Favor every time Mathilde did something impressive, like how we got more Favor because people's attention was redrawn to the paper on the We?
Maybe not Favor but definitely prestige for mentoring such a successful student. He'd probably get a lot of respect among Dwarves too, they would recognize he isn't as good as Mathilde since he's a Master equivalent and Mathilde is a Grandmaster equivalent (although they won't know the only reason he's not LM is by choice) but he has achieved what every Dwarf Master dreams of, the student surpassing the teacher, and while much of the credit for that goes to the student such a thing doesn't happen unless the Master is a very good teacher as well. Some of Mathilde's reputation would rub off onto him merely through association.
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Doesn't the bridge already have a name? Pretty certain it was something with an I? Or at least I think somebody said something like that.
Wordplay is a delight.

In the absence of wordplay, the thread is apparently satisfied with bad puns.
Well, if you insist:

Dreamlike Artifice Materializes Misty Exchange Routes Leaving International Caravans Hastening To Reach Extravagantly Impressive Tangled Elf Roads :V

Edit: Replaced 'Momentary' with 'Misty'
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Given what Eltharin is like, I'm sure whatever pun the Eonir come up with for the RoW-road, it will make people's eyes roll right out of their socket.
Just thought I'd quickly repost this list of apparition names I came up with a while back:

Knight of the Dämmerlichtreiter: The Dämmerlichtreiter was a legendary wizard-knight who hunted vampires atop a magic steed. Speaking this incantation summons her shadow—horse and all—to your side. It is said that it holds a special hatred for oathbreakers, and will turn against any master who acts with dishonour. Some journeymen have taken to calling this spell "The Knight of Night".

Mathilde's Misty Hounds: Made of shadow and fog, these relentless hunters pursue their prey, passing through any obstacle, only solidifying as they lunge to bite and tear. Any similarities to Gehenna's Golden Hounds are firmly denied by both the Gold and Grey Orders.

Weber's Wrathful Witch: The soul of every wizard feels the tempting call of Chaos, but it is said that one Lady Magister of the Grey Order, following an encounter with a Lord of Change, excised that part of her in an arcane ritual and bound it to her will, setting the vengeful spirit upon her enemies instead.

Mathilde's Malicious Mist: With a single command, this dark, flesh devouring fog spreads out, seeping in through the gaps between doors and windows, before coalescing around its target. It is said that the last thing its victims hear is the whispered screams of all it has consumed, before their own voice is added to the silent cacophony.

Mathilde's Maddening Miasma: Those afflicted with this mind altering spell will suffer visions of decay and rot affecting all they behold, until their mind itself breaks from the torment. Buildings appear as ruins, fields become wastelands, and people wither into desiccated corpses.

Shadowworms: The target's own shadow rebels against them, twisting into a thousand writhing worms, consuming all they come into contact with.

Murder of Shadows: a flock of winged shadows darts forth from the casters hand, and descends upon the target, pecking and tearing at any exposed flesh. Shamans of the Amber Order have expressed interest in the workings of this spell, but the Shadowmancers hold their secrets tightly.


Made some RPG style descriptions of the apparition spells.

As for the fog path, my two ideas are "The New Road", and "The Bifrost" (which apparently means "shimmering road" or maybe "the swaying road to heaven"). Messing around with Google translate also came up with the fun sounding "Nebelstrom", or "Fog/Mist Stream/Current".
That might be easier from an engineering perspective, but as a matter of fitness for purpose and orb of sorcery powered version would be vastly preferable if that lets the power source be located solely inside of Laurorn. Security is the primary concern after all, we're just seeing how much convenience of travel we can offer without compromising it.
As others have pointed out, the route the road will likely take will be through the swamp and to the Pass of Stone. Technically speaking all of it will be inside Laurelorn, with the most defensible point being at the very end in the Pass of Stone, which is a ruined tower that the Ward of Rain uses as a base of operations sometimes.

I agree that the Eonir need to have a way to shut the thing off, but imo the ideal design is one that can be shut off from both sides, and so is activated only when the Eonir and Middenland agree.
Doesn't the bridge already have a name? Pretty certain it was something with an I? Or at least I think somebody said something like that.
I have unilaterally declared its name to be the Ismuir Road. Some may say it's not an official name because no one but me agreed on it, but I say that you should be the change you want to see in the world.
Given what Eltharin is like, I'm sure whatever pun the Eonir come up with for the RoW-road, it will make people's eyes roll right out of their socket.
Well clearly they're going to call it The Ismuir Road. Ismuir means 'mists' and 'cloud', so the name means Mists Road or Cloud Road, both of which make literal sense (especially the first obviously), but it also means 'the secret paths', which is appropriate because the road only appears when the enchantment is active and is otherwise "hidden". Plus "the secret paths road" gives it that authentic 'river river' quality. We could also call it The Ismuir Path to really hammer that in, but I like road better.
The eventual Rider spell should be called Knight of Judgement, just like that mysterious knightly order. If they are so secret that even a LM only knows them via rumours it's obviously Mathilde's duty to obfuscate them even more.
I agree that the Eonir need to have a way to shut the thing off, but imo the ideal design is one that can be shut off from both sides, and so is activated only when the Eonir and Middenland agree.
Instead of having a system where both have an off switch for the whole thing we could have a system where different parts of the road are controlled by different factions. Say, have all the towers for the RoW-road be Eonir controlled except the last one which is Middenland controlled. If Middenland activates their portion but the Eonir don't do the same they get a short path into the Schadensumpf that leads to nowhere, if the Eonir want to use it but Middenland doesn't the Eonir have a road that goes most of the way across the Schadensumpf but ends just before it reaches the Great Northern Road. Both sides need to cooperate for there to be a complete road and a viable trade route.
I feel like simply having caravans that are shepherded back and forth by RoW casters (Or a battle altar equivalent enchanted with RoW) at designated times is better than a permanent road?
I feel like simply having caravans that are shepherded back and forth by RoW casters (Or a battle altar equivalent enchanted with RoW) at designated times is better than a permanent road?

That has an unnecessary limit on trade, the point is to have a road that can be used by any number of traders, not create a monopoly by whoever has the altar. Worse yet a battle altar needs wizards to manage it and those do not grow on trees. The Eonir are the ones with far greater access to wizards so it would be tilted against Middleland.
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I feel like simply having caravans that are shepherded back and forth by RoW casters (Or a battle altar equivalent enchanted with RoW) at designated times is better than a permanent road?
I mean, even for elves battlemages aren't exactly common enough to just leave hanging out in a swamp waiting for a caravan. And that also leaves miscasts as a constant risk unlike an enchantment.
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I have unilaterally declared its name to be the Ismuir Road. Some may say it's not an official name because no one but me agreed on it, but I say that you should be the change you want to see in the world.
For a list of other possible Eltharin words that might be included in its name:
  • Arhain - Shadows, night, stealth, or perfidiousness
  • Daroir - Remembrance, memory, the strength of stones(RoW has been compared to the Dwarven stone roads)
  • Estroi - The Trident, war at sea, defence against invasion
  • Hanor - The Season of Rain(road will be in the Ward of Rain), boldness, ingress
  • Horinar - Trade, treaty, corruption
  • Isalt - Watchfulness, Mark of Ladrielle(the Lady of Mists, patron of travellers in the wilderness), the guard's duty
  • Istryn - Symbol of the Arcspan, alliance, common cause
  • Odri - Deception, Inner Truth, The Road Not Taken
Melkoth then comes out a month later with Melkoth's Most Magnificent Miasmic Menagerie, or MMMMM, a spell summoning oddly familiar mist beings shaped into animals, and starting a name war that will bring chaos to the college for years.
MMMMMM??? Memelord Mathilde's Marvelously Melodious Misty Musicians, which summons a marching band that plays a memeticly catchy tune (The pillar men theme :V). The singers also assume dramatic poses that embolden the caster's allies and terror in their enemies (T posing :V).
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I couldn't really follow the thread for several days in a row. What is the difference between the two top plans? I feel like I'm blind, because the only difference I can find is the order of actions.
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