For individual self-improvement, I kinda want to take "[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with magical senses" as a WEBMAT option with Johann and Eike. Probably on Turn 44 as a last-minute self-improvement action before heading off to Ulthuan.
If it works, it's a massive combat multiplier for us, letting us act against or avoid a completely helpless target with impunity. If it doesn't work, then it means Pall of Darkness blanks all magical senses as well as mundane ones, which is something very useful to know before we go into an area where immortal elves who want to kill us will likely have both.
Between Johann's magnetic senses, Eike's Intuitive senses, and our own "Best in Continent" visual windsight, that's a wide cross-section to work with. Pressing her Windsight like this may also serve to ping Eike's Awe trait into Windsage, which would be fantastic.
Either result may end up publishable, too.