Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven)
Sorry if this has been brought up (it probably has), but any use/viability in getting more greatsword books?

Current: "Greatswords +7 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian"

Dwarven or Elven, or Esoteric Bretonnian

I mean, we are building our own swordstyle... We could do it like true nerd and use a backfill on Greatswords (and other weapons we and our allies use : axes, throwing knives, rifles, handguns, FISTS, etc.).
Wouldn't it be more useful to get elf or Kislev sword books?

We've had training from the only habitual dwarf sword users - the Order of Gazul; narratively dwarf books shouldn't add a lot of new stuff.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Bretonnia, Athel Loren
Yknow, the more I think about it, the more I'm compelled by the idea of getting apparitions sooner rather than later.

I'd really like to get both completed swordstyle and a bound apparition before we take our next action(other than bookmining) that is likely to have combat in it.

There's quite a few mini adventure actions available to us that could very well be some of the most valuable actions we could do for the Project, like recruiting a new faction by murdering their problems(see: Bretonnia and their Orc problem), as well as investigating particularly dangerous-but-intriguing places like Athel Loren.

If we're lucky, it could only take two actions to bind an apparition, with one of them being a WEB-MAT action to capture it. Probably three if we're less lucky? So I think it's plausible to get swordstyle and an apparition in the next 3-4 turns, which would be of great benefit for most of these mini adventure actions.

So yeah, I think I'd like to get started with binding an Apparition on t39 or t40. I realize it could be very hard to fit into t39, but it shouldn't be particularly difficult to fit into t40, cuz we'll have an overwork action and the "capture an apparition" action is a WEBMAT action on top of that.
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A big thing with the Greys is that they have to be okay with going unrewarded, because sometimes they save the day by doing things that nobody can ever know about. That's why they're generally so low-key about milestones, so they can figure out who can't handle that before they ever get in a position where they feel the overwhelming need to brag about, say, saving the Empire from a Lhamian-puppet Empress.

I mean... Arguably, Mathilde didn't learn that lesson. She instead learned the equally acceptable one of "know where and when it is safe to brag and/or flex, and when you do, go full hog to satisfy your impulses about all the things you couldn't brag about". So the tactic failed.

What surprised me was that hawk feathers are worth enough to make up for the loss of an eye. How expensive are those things?

... Actually... does our seed require the wound to be fresh, or can we actually heal the poor sap? He is technically a named character, so he technically does not fall below the level of abstraction the GM told us not to poke, plus it would be good wizard PR.
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We're not intending to bring it into the field, but I didn't want to micromanage and say "with blade guards" or "with blunted edges" or whatever, so I just wrote "for training" and trust Mathilde to translate that into whatever in-universe requests will allow her to use it in the way we want to use it.

The main thing I see being important is that the sword would need to be intentionally balanced and shaped to match Branulhune - that probably means a core made of an unusually dense material, to match gromril's weight, while retaining the same narrow dimensions. (This also means that the sword would be very unsuitable for real fighting, since it would be significantly more fragile than a "normal" greatsword, much less Branulhune itself. This could, I suppose, be ameliorated if there's a weapon rune that makes the sword itself more durable.)
So yeah, I think I'd like to get started with binding an Apparition on t39 or t40. I realize it could be very hard to fit into t39, but it shouldn't be particularly difficult to fit into t40, cuz we'll have an overwork action and the "capture an apparition" action is a WEBMAT action on top of that.
T40 seems like a solid maybe, but I will point out that we don't get overwork on T40, we get it back on T41. Every three turns is "free" overwork: we overworked this turn, it decays one notch on T39, it decays one notch and falls off our sheet T40, T41 it's available again.
The main thing I see being important is that the sword would need to be intentionally balanced and shaped to match Branulhune - that probably means a core made of an unusually dense material, to match gromril's weight, while retaining the same narrow dimensions. (This also means that the sword would be very unsuitable for real fighting, since it would be significantly more fragile than a "normal" greatsword, much less Branulhune itself. This could, I suppose, be ameliorated if there's a weapon rune that makes the sword itself more durable.)
This is an excellent point and makes me glad I specified that it was for training.
... Actually... does our seed require the wound to be fresh, or can we actually heal the poor sap? He is technically a named character, so he technically does not fall below the level of abstraction the GM told us not to poke, plus it would be good wizard PR.
I'm pretty sure he falls below that level. Named character isn't really about whether they have a name given, it's whether they have a presence in the story. As a rule of thumb, I'd say if we can have a social action with them, then they're important enough to count.
I mean... Arguably, Mathilde didn't learn that lesson. She instead learned the equally acceptable one of "know where and when it is safe to brag and/or flex, and when you do, go full hog to satisfy your impulses about all the things you couldn't brag about". So the tactic failed.
They Grey college being what it is, I don't think they'd ever consider "proper use of good judgment" being the lesson a student takes from their instruction as a failure. :p


On a related note...
Regarding Eike's induction and rituals to the effect: I have a thought on what we could do. Eike right now wants to be a lot like Mathilde, and it struck me to wonder what theme would allow her to play into that.

At her graduation to her journeymanship, Mathilde became embroiled in a plot, as a spy; Mathilde's lord magistership inducted her into a great and terrible secret of the Grey College; Her Magistership itself by contrast contained no great and terrible secret but she did learn of Skaven shortly after, and the Vitae not so long before.

Out of three on screen advancements she learned a secret not each time, but often enough to be noteworthy.

Perhaps Eike's induction should also be entrusted her with a secret? Both to help bring her in, to gauges her good judgement and suitability in certain things, and depending on the nature of the secret, perhaps help her get through her known readability her Diplomacy.

Ideally, a secret we can handle being spilled perhaps, but one that, on some level, matters. Enough so that a teenager will sense she isn't being talked down to, but genuinely entrusted with something.

The first thought that comes to mind is AV and the many outcomes of revealing it, and how it will become more difficult to hold off the reveal once the great ORBing happens but whether it's suitable is beyond me.

But all in all, yeah, regardless of what secret, I am seriously considering the worth of her having some secret as an initiation rite.
[x] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[x] [CASH] Leave it

Also a little late on the ideas front but we could always use the money to buy more land (maybe on expanding our fiefs boarder or maybe in somewhere we know land is likely being sold (ie sylvania)) (not sure if this would work entirely as I think but could work out.
Regarding Eike's induction and rituals to the effect: I have a thought on what we could do. Eike right now wants to be a lot like Mathilde, and it struck me to wonder what theme would allow her to play into that.
Actually we don't know if she wants to be like us, we do know that her strengths and weaknesses are roughly similar to us (excepting piety). She might want to be like us, or are ant to be like her grandma.
Actually we don't know if she wants to be like us, we do know that her strengths and weaknesses are roughly similar to us (excepting piety). She might want to be like us, or are ant to be like her grandma.
Her grandma is a Stewardship specialist. None of the three rolls Boney made have touched on Stewardship.
True, but that only means she's bad a stewardship, not that shes not idolizing her grandma. Though I will say that it is unlikely.
Boney rolled for what stat she's best at, and she got Intrigue. He rolled for what stat she wants to be best at, and she got Learning. He then rolled for what stat she's struggling with, and she got Diplomacy:
Eike's education

Dice 1: What is she best at?
Dice 2: What does she want to be best at?
Dice 3: What is she having trouble with?

1 - Diplomacy / 2 - Martial / 3 - Stewardship / 4 - Intrigue / 5 - Piety / 6 - Learning
It's not impossible that she idolises her grandmother, but if she truly wanted to be like her the second roll should have been Stewardship. And yes the rolls are random, but they inform the results of the story. The three dice came up with excellent results specifically to match Mathilde, and it's been pointed out in story. We don't actually know how good her Stewardship is, she just doesn't care much about it in comparison to other things.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven)
Anybody considered building a shrine to Ranald the Protector at Karag Vlag? Seems like it would be fitting to build one there, what with their democratic leanings and newly wrought freedom from the clutches of The Tempter.

[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive Dwarven, 100 gc), Books on Dancing (Eonir, Extensive and Esoteric, 250 gc)
Ah yes, the good old "The waste from this street went to their well and everyone there got cholera, but the waste from the other street went away from their well and only one out of ten got cholera. Maybe its related!". I admit i forgot how much the 17th onward (and particularily 19th century) did for elementary hygienic practices.
Its a bit more complex than that - a lot of the issue is that nobody actually knows where the water is flowing, most people do have the sense not to take water downstream of where they dump waste, but seepage and groundwater is far from obvious, since logically, dirty water can't pass through bricks and stone to muck up your well, and good places for wells are hard to predetermine.
How about doing something wizardly and investing in a megatower that turns the land fertile or something, Mathilde nade a death tower, howabout a life tower, that makrs the land fertile and rich? For her fief.

Do something that Ralf as a peasant would not br able to do, plus the tower may attract more prirsts or wizards and people who may br invrstors in Mathilde's fief.

Do something ambitious and wizardlike for the fief.
Keep in mind that:
-The soil isn't POOR, its THIN and DRY. Its a relatively thin layer of sod over limestone bedrock. Limestone kills plants, so anything with roots deeper than the topsoil dies, while limestone is also porous, ensuring that the soil remains relatively dry. This makes it excellent terrain for grasses, but anything thirstier will suffer. This isn't something throwing growth magic at it would fix. Stone is an excellent insulator for magic.

-The reason its a 'cactus' fief that needs little oversight is that it produces no resources of note, and has a low population. If it actually gets too big we'd need to start investing actions to supervision.
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Keep in mind that:
-The soil isn't POOR, its THIN and DRY. Its a relatively thin layer of sod over limestone bedrock. Limestone kills plants, so anything with roots deeper than the topsoil dies, while limestone is also porous, ensuring that the soil remains relatively dry. This makes it excellent terrain for grasses, but anything thirstier will suffer. This isn't something throwing growth magic at it would fix. Stone is an excellent insulator for magic.

For a visual aid of the kind of landscape we are talking about, it is probably something kind of like this:

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