Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Does anyone remember when we were given the first OOC post about the Everchosen tournament? Or have a link to the post? I've skipped a lot of discussion when I was reading, so I missed it.
A peek at something that might become significant in the long term:

There is a candidate behind each question mark. Over time you might hear about distant events that could indicate who they are and how they're going.
This should be it.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Bretonnia, Athel Loren
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven)
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive Dwarven, 100 gc), Books on Dancing (Eonir, Extensive and Esoteric, 250 gc)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.

[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: human religion

So I can get a better idea of the scale of the fief: are there dozens or hundreds of people in it? (or a more exact number, if you have it)

She opens a draw and pulls
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As for Eike I want to go all out on her ceremony, like a Bat Mitzvah for a rich girl in New York. Which technically she is if you think about it, rich that is. Also I kind of want to do it just to mess with her. I have so many scenes I want to see with Eike. Like when we introduce her to a skaven, her first plot against authorities in the empire, plotting against evil forces, or the first time she steals something from a enemy of man.
I'm all for celebration, but I think Boney has the right of it: Grey Magisters tend to do things they never publicly get credit for, priming Eike to understand and internalize this isn't a terrible idea. Mathilde's an outlier in how she's the most public Grey Magister around.

I'd prefer a small celebration among family and friends to emphasize those things are going to remain more consistent than anything else, and how she needs to appreciate the small things in life.
Approve plus Jade Wizard. Instruct Rolf to send word through the EIC after they have a comfortable margin over 1,000 gc,

For the fief, meanwhile, we can reward them for their years of work with a dwarf-built fortress that they funded themselves.

A fortress may seem like overkill, but it's also just us Properly Fortifying the area, as any responsible dwarf would do.
While that is really cool, nothing says that we have to leave all that gold there in the meantime.
By the way, I just want to mention when this rolls around...
My current plan is that once 4/4 is hit, the thread will be asked whether they want to call it done or to go even further beyond by refining the guard bypass further. The training sword would be a big help for that.
I'm totally gonna vote "go even further" and refine the guard bypass.

I want our swording to be legendary.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Textiles, Athel Loren
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
There's a long and grim history of water sources next to cesspits before we figured out that could be a problem.
Ah yes, the good old "The waste from this street went to their well and everyone there got cholera, but the waste from the other street went away from their well and only one out of ten got cholera. Maybe its related!". I admit i forgot how much the 17th onward (and particularily 19th century) did for elementary hygienic practices.
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Is there a difference between getting a Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown and getting Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training?
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords(Extensive dwarven)
I will say though that we really need to start cashing in on the access to the Library of Morning.

raw numbers may be higher for colleges and dwarfs: but no human in the world has access to the Enoir stuff. We really should be tapping that more.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Bretonnia, Athel Loren
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Greatswords (Extensive Dwarven)
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.

[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: human religion
Is there a difference between getting a Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown and getting Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training?
maybe there are runes that could help with specifically training, though mostly is just to make sure we don't end up in the same situation that we are trying to prevent by getting the sword, ie having a cool sword for combat, but that is too buff to safely use for sparing.
Its not entirely necessary to specify since boney knows the discussion behind our choice to get one, but it doesn't hurt to put it there.
I will say though that we really need to start cashing in on the access to the Library of Morning.

raw numbers may be higher for colleges and dwarfs: but no human in the world has access to the Enoir stuff. We really should be tapping that more.
The issue is that we get to use all their relevant books already for Waystone stuff, so buying books from the Eonir solely helps our personal projects, but most of our personal projects are magical things that cover subjects the Eonir won't let us have for non-Waystone uses because they don't want to enhance the military capabilities of a polity with which they might be at war sometime in the next few decades, if things go badly.
To summarize this whole line of discussion, it sounds like the Library of Mournings gives us the full Eonir book bonus (whether in the form of a +5 or just pure narrative consequences) when we or our crew are looking up information directly germane to the Waystone Project, and that can potentially include restricted topics like "hardcore magical theory", but if we want that tasty mechanical/narrative combo for personal projects or interests, we need to shell out during the purchase round and won't be able to get that for many topics with potential military value (or that are just juicy secrets they keep locked down). Have I understood correctly?
Yes. If Mathilde wants to check a specific thing she'll go to whatever library she needs to like she did with Kalita, but if she wants the bonus then she needs to be able to monopolize the books in question without having to fight off other patrons or withstand glowers from librarians, which means either her own books or working on a project that the authority in charge of the library considers very important.
So... which subjects, specifically, are both "useful for Mathilde to have" and "things the Eonir will let us have"? Because we can just buy those with cash from the PURCHASE section, we don't need to use the (relatively inefficient) LIBRARY option for the Eonir.

Is there a difference between getting a Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown and getting Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training?
I figured that making it clear that the primary purpose of the weapon was "for training the style" and not "for a weapon someone will bring into the field" would either alter nothing (if the dwarves make training weapons to the same standards as field combat weapons) or ensure that we had, like, compatible blade guards or whatever so it can be used safely. We're not intending to bring it into the field, but I didn't want to micromanage and say "with blade guards" or "with blunted edges" or whatever, so I just wrote "for training" and trust Mathilde to translate that into whatever in-universe requests will allow her to use it in the way we want to use it.
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By the way, I just want to mention when this rolls around...

I'm totally gonna vote "go even further" and refine the guard bypass.

I want our swording to be legendary.
I'll probably vote for going further, too - some of these rolls with Branulhune have not been ideal and conventional wisdom of investment vs rewards suggests it'll be worthwhile.

Mathilde's skill already incorporates techniques from the Empire Greatswords, the Dwarven Order of Guardians, and we're in the middle of doing something unique for Branulhune specifically. I have to imagine that if we ever want to go beyond this and into Grandmaster territory (in all honesty possible), we'd want to somehow add Elven techniques in there for completion's sake - likely help with being faster. Or maybe more graceful - take inspiration from Athel Loren's resident murder-breakdancers?

Either way, I'm sure any competent elven teacher will be easier to convince if we make it clear we've learned all we could from humans and dwarves - standard elven arrogance suggests they'll go 'aha, yes, of course you would, because we rule'.
I love our little cactus fief (in measured doses, not quite ready to vote for becoming the sheepherd knight yet), and am eagerly looking forward to returning in 10 or so turns, to see how things have developed. That said

[x] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[x] [CASH] Take half

A bit of wizardry has never hurt, right? Also, something for a slightly less intense Pan-pan (does Pan-pan have any relatives we could point that away?)

No opinions on the other stuff, so I trust you guys to not do anything too stupid with all the money.
How about doing something wizardly and investing in a megatower that turns the land fertile or something, Mathilde nade a death tower, howabout a life tower, that makrs the land fertile and rich? For her fief.

Do something that Ralf as a peasant would not br able to do, plus the tower may attract more prirsts or wizards and people who may br invrstors in Mathilde's fief.

Do something ambitious and wizardlike for the fief.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
Put word out that there's good, easy work here for a Jade Journeyman. Will cost between 70 and 150 crowns over the coming years.
[X] [CASH] Leave it
I do like the idea of just adding a tower we could stay at if we want. Right now we don't really have a personal place there. And we are a lady of towers.

Edit: don't need to be a big tower, but maybe one sturdy dwarven tower with a landing platform at the top would be nice.
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How about doing something wizardly and investing in a megatower that turns the land fertile or something, Mathilde nade a death tower, howabout a life tower, that makrs the land fertile and rich? For her fief.

Do something that Ralf as a peasant would not br able to do, plus the tower may attract more prirsts or wizards and people who may br invrstors in Mathilde's fief.

Do something ambitious and wizardlike for the fief.

But why though? What you are describing is a massive expenditure of resources. It would be like paving the streets with gold to attract tourists. No doubt it would work, but it would draw thieves as much as tourists.
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