Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Re: Dual wielding, I wonder if taming our Unnatural Shadow arcane mark would help with that - it straight up attacks while Dread Aspect is on, after all. It's a cool idea, us using Branulhune and our shadow a different greatsword. Unlikely, but a fun mental image.
Our shadow's attacks are randomised. I believe back when Boney was still using WHFB stats for Mathilde, the shadow did 1d3 attacks at 1d6 Strength. Everything about it was random and unpredictable. Our Shadow follows the maxim of: The enemy can't expect it if even you don't know what's gonna happen.
The only thing I can think of that the fief might possibly need is some sort of social insurance fund: if disease tears through the flocks and people lose their livelihoods, we want to ensure Rolf knows that he can just... buy more sheep with the tax money so that the village doesn't die. However, based on his actions and initiative in improving the herds, it kind of seems to me like he is already doing this.
Yeah i could've sworn he knows he can touch the money if such a case arises.
I'm also not voting for it at the moment, I think I'm pretty much in the same boat as you in that I think the idea has some merit but I'm not that in favour of it. I'm actually more in favour of books on Hoeth than Verena, because they go up to Esoteric and so might include some deeper insights, and because they might also be relevant for deailng with the Hoethian Great Houses in the future.
On the flip side, books on Verena might help us deal with her Cult if we want to make deals with them down the line.
Can we buy powerstones for cash ?

I will point out to the thread at large two things:
  • You do not need to list [COLLEGE] Celestial Mage for Book mine -- hiring a wizard for assistance with a project happens during the turn plan, not during the purchase round. We did this for Algard during the Sword of Gazul construction and we did this with Melkoth when we wanted to learn his spell. Bookmining would work the same way.
  • If it is your desire that we buy nothing using cash money, make sure to list [PURCHASE] No purchase in your vote. I see a lot of people just not including the Purchase option at all, which I personally didn't do because I'm undecided, but which means that currently the thing winning that category is a single vote for out-of-pocket purchase of Eonir books on dancing.
And also...
[X] [PURCHASE] Books on Dancing (Eonir, Extensive and Esoteric, 250 gc)
Notice me, Loec-senpai :V
We actually already have Eonir books on Loec, and they already include stuff on dancing:
A human book on a God will tell you how one should act to attract the attention and approval of a God, whereas an Elven book instead instructs the reader to find the place in themselves where that God is already reflected, how to give that part primacy when needed, and the situations in which doing so would be most beneficial. Parts of the books dedicated to Hekarti read like a very mystical version of a set of Wind attunement and attenuation techniques, and parts of the books dedicated to Loec would function well as guide to music, dance, or ambush tactics
So I think this is a bit superfluous.
On the flip side, books on Verena might help us deal with her Cult if we want to make deals with them down the line.
Fair point.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Textiles, Athel Loren
[X] [COLLEGE] Celestial Mage for Book mine
Before the Organ Vat, we had 22CF. We went up to 26 after the update, but half of that CF should be Gretel's, so I expect Boney will drop it to 24 (or some up with some other solution to represent her half-credit on the vat). We need 35 for the Flex, and spend 1 per turn on the Hochlander. So probably around three turns unless we devote a WEB-MAT action to writing multiple papers in one turn?
Max can write two papers or a book per action, so he's our most efficient aid in that regard. And yeah, honestly, a single turn where all three of our WEB-MAT members getting out papers might be enough.

Our shadow's attacks are randomised. I believe back when Boney was still using WHFB stats for Mathilde, the shadow did 1d3 attacks at 1d6 Strength. Everything about it was random and unpredictable. Our Shadow follows the maxim of: The enemy can't expect it if even you don't know what's gonna happen.
That's just it, though, we don't have conscious control over our shadow, do we? It's possible that's what influences that. Random attacks are well and good, but coordination would be a fun possibility.

  • If it is your desire that we buy nothing using cash money, make sure to list [PURCHASE] No purchase in your vote. I see a lot of people just not including the Purchase option at all, which I personally didn't do because I'm undecided, but which means that currently the thing winning that category is a single vote for out-of-pocket purchase of Eonir books on dancing.
Yeah, I'd feel bad if my vote only won because people forgot to say 'no, I dont want anything else'. I'd prefer winning because people wanted Mathilde to at some point pick it up.

We actually already have Eonir books on Loec, and they already include stuff on dancing:

So I think this is a bit superfluous.
Well, might as well ask. @Boney would buying books on Eonir Dancing be superfluous given our current Loec books?
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The average peasant makes one crown a month, a skilled craftsman about one crown a week, a Lord Magister (when available for hire) about two crowns a day.
That's actually less wealth disparity than I expected. A skilled craftsman makes four times more than a peasant, and a Lord Magister makes fifteen times more than a craftsman and sixty times what a skilled peasant makes*. A factor of sixty is a good chunk, but a Lord Magister is just about as expensive a hire you can find**. So a factor of sixty to reach the top of the payscale is not too bad (payscale, not income. You can have more income, but it's not gonna be from getting payed.

*That's assuming they work seven days out of the eight day week, which may or may not be accurate. A peasant definitely works weekends, and probably longer hours, though also quite differently distributed, with peaks during sowing and harvest. On the other hand, LM work has a good chance of being more dangerous, though not all postings.
**It's even mentioned in the post, when available. Hiring an LM requires connections and favor, or else enough money to be relevant on the state level to 'buy' the connection. LMs are strategic resources.

Of course, peasant can mean everything between 'basically a slave' and 'affluent middle class with a bunch of hired workers', depending on their rights, the quality of the land and whether they own it. I think the 'average peasant' in the empire is someone who owns their land/animals*, but doesn't have any workers beyond their family. That fits the locals of Mathilde's fief**, and it came up in the context of what money mean for them, so we can probably take them as a good guide***. I'd put them as lower-middle class, with laborers being the lower class incomes.

*in the sense that they're not paying money to some landlord to rent the land/animals in addition to the tax to the local lord. That tax is often also considered a consequence of renting the land, but you could have an additional layer of ownership there. Peasants can and do their land, as seen when Roswita sold the Hunter's Hills, but they can also be owned in bulk, because the EIC was able to buy up a ton.
**They're technically shepherds
***Actually, they're probably somewhat poorer, because the land is pretty bad, made up for partially by the fact that they have much less gribbly related costs****.
**** Though the impact of that is less on pure money, and more quality of life. Saving money because you don't need to replace a missing sheep is nice, but saving the heartache of a missing Timmy is much better.

So, who does that compare to today? Well, obviously that's super complicated, so the following will be extremely rough numbers*, but I found them helpful to put it into a more familiar perspective. Take them as a qualitative rather than quantitative statement.
Lower-Middle Class is 30-50k**. A skilled craftsman craftsman is four times that, at 120k-200k, which is the range of skilled professional today too. And Lord Magister get something like 1.5 to 3 million, which is a pretty nice sum. You definitely get higher paying jobs, but making the comparison is fraught***. After looking at it, it's less far from what we have today than I initially thought.

*Problems: Buying power isn't equivalent, costs have shifted, it's an ideologically hot question so numbers must be suspect, the values here are from the USA and a quick google, and probably things I haven't even considered.
**We can expect a range at least as big based on land, climate, and so on.
***The population is very different, and it's also the point where money is only part of the payment, and I can't find good numbers for those jobs anyway. As a rough idea, I looked at top athlets, since that was the job with the highest income that's 'payment'. I found a list of top 50 athlets who've made more than 30mil over their careers, and calling that 10 years, you also have 3/mil at minimum, though whether they made it for sporting or promoting can vary from 90/10 to 10/90, and the money for promition kind of doesn't fit the 'base payment' we've been looking at here. In comparison, a famous author can make 10mil+ per year, but that income is more like landholding than money for labor.

But what does that 60 to 1 ratio mean for the wealth of a LM when compared to the nobility. Well, assuming a 10% tax rate, you'd need the income 600 peasants, or a population of roughly 2000. That's a good chunk more than a knight would have access to*, but probably a bit less than a baron. Which works out pretty well for their general social status. A magister is supposed to be treated as nobility, so we can put them as knight equivalent. And then you have the LM as one step up, having an income not too far off from a baron.

* As a rough estimate, I'd put a knight at 400. A number of villages, but no proper town. Mathilde the knight has poor land and therefore fairly low income, but also doesn't need to pay for horses or anything, and is rich for other reasons anyway.

Of course, the real money is never in your personal labor. A LM after wealth could easily create the seed for investment, and would have or could make the connections for investment opportunities*. And anyone who reaches LM would have enough Great Deeds to get a barony***. The only reason Mathilde isn't the perfect example is that she did it as a journeywoman and sort of by accident.

*A magister would as well, see Regimand and his chain of hotels. Those scenes always read to me like having something like that is pretty standard for the Greys, and since they're the most restricted, probably the other orders as well. If you're a magister, you can become one of the idle rich. Maybe not mega rich, but you can definitely reach the point where you work when and if you want to**. Being a Lord Magister just makes it easier.
**Setting aside social pressure like with the Greys, but even there it won't be too difficult to find something they'll count as contributing you don't mind doing.
***1 for knight, 2 for the promotion to Baron. My impression is that LM requires sustained excessive awesomeness. It's not enough to manage one impossible thing, you have to do it a whole bunch. That's why I'm assuming an LM has at least 3 Great Deeds to spend.
[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Leave it
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Bretonnia, Athel Loren
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] 1 Goldstone, 1 Vitaellum, 1 Lumen Stone, 1 Fire Ruby (20 CF)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

I want to buy the powerstones in batches, rather than all at once.
One of my favorite expressions for why she would want to take on Eike is because Mathilde told Eike that she could be whatever she wanted and do whatever she wanted, and the best way to ensure that is to make sure that she's the one who encourages her to do this.

Telling someone that they can be whatever they want to be and then coming back a few years later to find that they want to be like you is a massive stab in the feels.
Okay, I looked up our previous Branulhune training actions, and I suspect the next aspect(Hand switching) will not benefit from Greatsword books. The aspect that benefited(Guard Bypass) could be helped by books because they contained guards for us to study how to bypass.

I don't see how we can get anything from books for hand switching, though. So that probably dismisses the idea I had just now of maybe buying some more greatsword books from the Eonir and/or Bretonnia.
I expect any books focusing on duel welding styles are likely to have helpful insights.
Also, a master who chooses not to attend their Apprentice's graduation doesn't sound great. Maybe they're busy and that's understandable, but it would be a serious bummer. Well, not every student-teacher relationship is the same I guess.

He means less for 'I had tickets to the opera that day' and more 'a Waaagh marched on Karak Eight Peaks that day'. Sometimes duty calls.

That sounds frustrating. Maybe it was part of the whole "teaching Mathilde to think like a Grey" thing, forcing her mind to question the situation and leaving it in perpetual ambiguity, but it feels kind of mean to just say that without further elaboration after she explicitly asks if there's some sort of celebration. Although I suppose Mathilde said "Ritual or Ceremony", which has a different implication that party or celebration. It's less about making the person feel good and more about protocol and tradition.

I understand that Mathilde will have to be somewhat like this when she's teaching Eike, but I hope she's a bit less obtuse than Regimand. You can cause confusion without disappointing your student.

A big thing with the Greys is that they have to be okay with going unrewarded, because sometimes they save the day by doing things that nobody can ever know about. That's why they're generally so low-key about milestones, so they can figure out who can't handle that before they ever get in a position where they feel the overwhelming need to brag about, say, saving the Empire from a Lhamian-puppet Empress.

Is he talking about sweat lodges and hallucinatory trips?

I was thinking more a suitably scenic clearing or copse or stone circle out in the Amber Hills, but that works too.

Why does her name have a useless e at the end there.

Because of shared Latin roots, a huge amount of European names have local equivalents in a lot of languages. Margaret, Marguerite, Margarita, Margareta, Margarida, Margarete, Margherita, Margarites. So I tweak a lot of English names into their German equivalents for this quest.

I don't think we've ever been in the Amethyst College in DL right?

I hope we have, I didn't describe the location because I remembered describing it some time in the past. Maybe when Hexensohen was recruited?

Also, what does she mean by slaughterhouses. Were they extracting the fluids from animal bodies or are there human slaughterhouses. I don't think you want human in your meat. Maybe she's using a euphemism to refer to the cadaver storage facilities.

From animals. I couldn't find a hard answer on how well that would work on people, but some sources did suggest that early experiments with it were performed this way, and I have read somewhere that animal insulin works in humans.

How long do the glands last in the body after death? I imagine the fluid loses potency after a while right? Does it have to be hours after death or longer than that to acquire the adrenaline? This isn't a topic I ever really thought about until now.

The internet couldn't give me a hard answer, but probably not long. Good Physicians could get around this by going straight from slaughterhouse to patient, bad ones won't care.

The word 'asthma' comes from Ancient Greek so it's been called that pretty much forever, but it didn't sound right using it in an old-timey context, so I used the Latin translation of it instead. It did ping in a few places on Google so it seems that it is called that somewhere.

Honestly, he's more knowledgable about what it's worth it to invest in for a village like this than Mathilde. Still, sheep like this have got to be expensive considering the whole train of where they came from.

They were priced straight out of Old World Armoury: Best-quality sheep, ten times the 2gc a Common-quality sheep costs.

East Westerland? Isn't that around the area of the Tumble Downs? According to the Winds of Chaos map it's a supposedly very hilly region all the way until it meets Laurelorn forest. I'm surprised that their sheep are lowlanders considering all the hills. Maybe the hills aren't good for grazing, there are practically no settlements there so it would make sense. It's also interesting that Rolf refers to Westerland as Westerland and not Wasteland. Maybe the education he received hasn't gotten the good ol' propaganda touch from Mareinburg's secession.

They're heathland sheep. Averlanders would call them hardy and hilly compared to their grassland breeds, but to the fief they're soft lowlanders.

Come to think of it, what's the fief's name? I don't remember if they had a name.

Officially, the closest it has is the Weber Estate, or Weberanwesen. The locals call the bailey area the Shadowkeep.

Wonder what kind of stream it was. Is he talking "shouldn't've" in the supernatural sense, or in the natural sense, like drinking water that gives you cholera or something like that.

How would they tell the difference?

[X] [CASH] Set aside 200 crowns for anyone in the fief who wishes to go learn reading, writing, and "numbering". Take half of what remains.

Basically, I want to give the people in our fief the option to educate themselves, as this kind of knowledge can and will be easily passed down and opens a lot of doors for those that need them. And it's not like 200 crowns will cripple us.

@Boney would this be a valid write in?

No matter how many different ways people try to make this happen, it's not going to happen. From their perspective, their community runs perfectly well with a grand total of one person that can do numbers and zero people that can read. They don't see any need for more education, and will resent and actively resist any attempt to force their children to spend time away from the fields and flocks they'll inherit.

We went up to 26 after the update, but half of that CF should be Gretel's

She got credit on the paper, and since Mathilde already had shared credit penalties it didn't cost her anything.

Actually, while we're on the subject of Hoethian Great Houses: do we know who's in charge of the Library of Mourning?

The Queen.

Can we buy powerstones for cash ?


Yeah i could've sworn he knows he can touch the money if such a case arises.

If one person loses their flock through their own mismanagement, they're expected to work until they can afford a new one, which the flint mine helps a lot with. If one person loses their flock through some misfortune like disease or beastmen or whatever, then everyone in the area that can afford to donates a sheep to rebuild it. If everyone in the area loses their flock, Mathilde will hear about it and will be able to make her own decisions about what to do about this incredibly implausible localized sheep apocalypse.

Well, might as well ask. @Boney would buying books on Eonir Dancing be superfluous given our current Loec books?

Loec books have only a few very specific genres of dance within them.
No matter how many different ways people try to make this happen, it's not going to happen. From their perspective, their community runs perfectly well with a grand total of one person that can do numbers and zero people that can read. They don't see any need for more education, and will resent and actively resist any attempt to force their children to spend time away from the fields and flocks they'll inherit.

[X] [FIEF] Approve plus Jade Wizard
[X] [CASH] Take half
[X] [LIBRARY] Colleges of Magic: Apparitions, Powerstones, Aethyr, Wild Magic
[X] [LIBRARY] Barak Varr: Metallurgy, Textiles, Athel Loren
[X] [DWARF] Greatsword with Rune of the Unknown, for training (1 gallon AV)
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If one person loses their flock through their own mismanagement, they're expected to work until they can afford a new one, which the flint mine helps a lot with. If one person loses their flock through some misfortune like disease or beastmen or whatever, then everyone in the area that can afford to donates a sheep to rebuild it. If everyone in the area loses their flock, Mathilde will hear about it and will be able to make her own decisions about what to do about this incredibly implausible localized sheep apocalypse.

See 'incredibly implausible localized sheep apocalypse' is more or less what you call Grey Wizards for so Mathilde cannot help but dwell on it. :V
The classic Grey reaction of "yes I expected that jots down a few notes". I wonder if the Ulgu-only rooms are a requirement for a training apprentice or just a "nice to have". Perhaps starting apprentices are generally locked to Altdorf for a lack of mono-wind environments, which would be a bummer. Thankfully for Eike she gets to follow her master into both Lothlorien and Khazad Dum. What a lucky gal.
That is, in fact, exactly what happens iirc? Apprentices never leave their college until they are capable of not exploding, and if they are not at college campus, they have to stay locked inside single monowind room.
I hope we have, I didn't describe the location because I remembered describing it some time in the past. Maybe when Hexensohen was recruited?
We've been to it, but not properly inside before now:
The Amethyst College overlooks the vast cemetery of Old Altdorf, and you spend some time taking in the sight. The cemetery is filled primarily with victims of the Red Pox, a terrible cousin to the Black Death that so shaped Sylvania's history, and you wonder at that. Was it chosen because a cemetery is a cemetery, or was there some deeper meaning? The Red Pox was before the Orders were founded, but if there was some magical underpinning to the Red Pox as some theorize there was for the Black Plague...

But that was irrelevant to the matter at hand. You turn to the open doors, and give them a long look. The magic woven into the portal - both in the poetic sense of the doorway, and in the literal sense of the actual portal that overlays it - is impossible for you to follow, densely woven and tucked in on itself again and again like a tapestry. The uninvited go one way, where they wander empty rooms filled with an aura of subtle terror until they either lose their nerve and run or are given an invitation to join the Amethyst Order. Members go another, into the actual College, where they can go about their work without interruption. For invited guests, however...

You tap the tarnished brass bell hanging by the door, and immediately a cowled steward appears in the doorway, his face masked in shadows but giving the impression of peering out at you. "Dame Mathilde Weber," you say to him, or possibly it. "I'm expected." The figure looks at you for a moment longer, then nods and disappears back into the depths of the building. You turn back to the view of the cemetery, which stretches uncomfortably far, and has an almost bulging aspect to it, as too little land was asked to hold too many bodies.

Were you not a wizard, the man you had come to meet would have appeared at your shoulder suddenly and without a sound; but out of respect, fellow wizards are paid the courtesy of audible footsteps. You turn to face the man; he is dressed in purple robes so deep as to be almost black and has the look of a man in the twilight of his life, with bags under his eyes and bushy grey eyebrows, and the air of a man whose twilight has lasted a long, long time. His staff is a scythe, and you know from reputation that it's as practical as it is ceremonial, the blade razor-sharp and the haft built to channel Shyish. "Patriarch Hexensohn," you greet him.
She got credit on the paper, and since Mathilde already had shared credit penalties it didn't cost her anything.
Got it, thanks, that's pretty generous of you. 4CF in the kitty, 10 more to go after accounting for the -1 we'll get at start of turn!
Voting is open