Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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we should prob buy ourselves some books on nordland and the northern gods of the empire. Also guessing history would go under social sciences?

I think we should save Mathilde's personal funds. She has a very expensive laboratory still to equip, and what's the point of spending personal funds this turn when she'll have plenty of opportunity to spend Library funds in future turns?
Spoiler: Unfinished business [*] Order
So I guess the one we chose is the one where it is hardest to answer how architecture changes the equation and how choices are made that are incompatible with the choices that would have been made for another option.
Or do you actually already have something (semi-)specific in mind and the focus on library categorization instead of the work of the actual architects we "socialed" was for a completely different reason?
I think we should save Mathilde's personal funds. She has a very expensive laboratory still to equip, and what's the point of spending personal funds this turn when she'll have plenty of opportunity to spend Library funds in future turns?
The point is that she's spending personal funds to kit out her Wizard's Tower personal library instead of indulging in graft with Library funds meant for the Kvinn-Wyr Library?
I think we should save Mathilde's personal funds. She has a very expensive laboratory still to equip, and what's the point of spending personal funds this turn when she'll have plenty of opportunity to spend Library funds in future turns?
we already equipped the laboratory, we did it this turn, I would rather get a better understanding of nordland now before something take place that requires our attention and then as a result go into the situation with an incomplete understanding/knowledge. Also I think it worth the cost to buy these shouldn't be that much anyway
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LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
This gives our Library immediate renown though. And as is typical Mathilde fashion, we can just smile and nod our way to filling in all the other necessities just before someone decides that they want to look into that section.
Dwarf Favour Purchases
Aethyric Vitae can be spent instead of favour at an exchange rate of 3 favour per gallon; for Rune-related purchases, this will also guarantee the cooperation of Runelords who may otherwise be disinterested. To use this, simply add 'paid by Vitae' or similar to an item you are voting for.
[ ] [DWARF] No purchase.
[ ] [DWARF] Write-in.
We have broken the dwarf favor system. Does that mean that AV is now our only source of dwarf favor?
I have to wonder what their reaction was to learning that their biggest customer (by several magnitudes) was upgrading from 'personal book hoard' to 'Grand Library'.
There is a dwarf quest which, in previous edition, rolled so well as to find a whole a whole wall of gromril in their hold (except here they have no warpstone to worry about).
I imagine that's them right now.

Other book sellers must be issuing grudges at them at this very moment, disgusted at their luck. Even the human ones!
Oh, also Book Seller Quest QM is foaming at their mouth, because their carefully-crafted economy just shattered.
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The point is that she's spending personal funds to kit out her Wizard's Tower personal library instead of indulging in graft with Library funds meant for the Kvinn-Wyr Library?
I don't think that distinction exists. The back-fill option is about filling out the topics that Mathilde already has in her existing personal library. Presumably, this means that her personal library will form the core of what will become the main one, since otherwise it'd have a personal library shaped hole in what would've been complete topics.

oh shoot your right I could have sworn we had but we did not, think it was cause we wanted to wait for the runesmiths to arrive before doing it right?
Sounds about right.

We have broken the dwarf favor system. Does that mean that AV is now our only source of dwarf favor?
I remember asking the same thing about our pending dwarf favors on the char sheet, and this was his response:
Those will likely pay out as boons.
So my assumption is that the AV system gets reworked into boons too.
Can we buy shares in the Barak Varr booksellers?

Not without being born into their family. The Karaz Ankor doesn't believe in publicly traded companies.

So, can we get an abridged copy of the Damascron without insulting the Dawi as a whole and without taking up all the space?
we could leave it near the entrance to discourage people from folding the page's corners.

No, it's a living document. Making a copy of it means there'd be an incorrect copy of it as soon as the original gets updated, and that would be unacceptable.

So I guess the one we chose is the one where it is hardest to answer how architecture changes the equation and how choices are made that are incompatible with the choices that would have been made for another option.
Or do you actually already have something (semi-)specific in mind and the focus on library categorization instead of the work of the actual architects we "socialed" was for a completely different reason?

Yeah, Order makes for the most straightforward layout: huge halls full of very large bookcases full of carefully-sorted books, with room enough to expand so you don't need to start saying 'the rest of this section is in room 17b in the opposite wing'. All of Mathilde's effort and attention will go into making sure there's a sensible, scalable, all-encompassing system. And the architects and masons can't really contribute to that process, apart from carving out the space it's going to live in. They would have been on screen a bunch more for the other options, which would have had different and more complicated architectural requirements.

We have broken the dwarf favor system. Does that mean that AV is now our only source of dwarf favor?

The Dwarf Favour system is 'broken' in that you can get anything done that has a clear benefit to the Karaz Ankor without expenditure. If you want something for someone else or something esoteric or weird or whatever, then you'll need to use boons or Vitae.
The point is that she's spending personal funds to kit out her Wizard's Tower personal library instead of indulging in graft with Library funds meant for the Kvinn-Wyr Library?

In all seriousness, the Kvinn-Wyr Library is Mathilde's Great Boon and she took direct charge of it. There is no reason in the world for her to have shame in prioritizing whatever she thinks is most important to prioritize when building the collection. While we have hopes for it being a K8P legacy, it is also her personal playground that exists as Belegar's reward to her. If she's buying books that go into the Library it's not graft.
While we're laying things out we should make sure we have not just shelves for books but also proper storage for papyrus scrolls, stone tablets, etc. So they don't have to get shoved off into an annex somewhere.
Not exactly the Dewey Decimal but it will serve.

I have to wonder what their reaction was to learning that their biggest customer (by several magnitudes) was upgrading from 'personal book hoard' to 'Grand Library'.
Didn't Boney once state they would literally go to war to keep Weber as a customer?
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Didn't Boney once state they would literally go to war over to keep Weber as a customer?

Yes he did.

The first purchase from them alone was 4600 gold. Combine that with everything since then and the natural 100 that produced them and yeah, Mathilde is the sort of customer that one particular clan in Barak Varr would march to war for. That's why there was no diceroll needed to find something as obscure as a Classical to Khazalid lexicon.

They are probably ecstatic right now.
Where is the best place for knowledge to be found?
The question that ignited the powder keg was as many others over time, asked without expecting an answer; "where is the best place for knowledge to be found?" only meant to be clever set up to coax a wrong response out of the interlocutor, the correct (and somewhat pedantic) response was "out there, for we know not one fraction of what it is to know"; but any hope of ever reaching that retort died seconds later when the shouting started.

Scholars, particularly drunk scholars, are opinionated creatures who won't hesitate to educate their peers out of any mistake. So, what started as an interesting discussion in a bar that catered to those of scientific interest, about the nature of knowledge itself; a conversation comprised of a few somewhat tipsy individuals who used their free time chatting whit friends to have fun and polish their rhetoric, soon devolved into a verbal brawl in which each faction defended their alma matter without regard for accuracy or truth and who among them had collectible drank a small vineyard.

The discussion was broken before the first punch was thrown only thanks to the intervention of a nearby dwarf. The bearded menace had invited itself into the conversation without the slightest hint of subtlety by loudly declaring that a library none of them had ever hear about was the richest in empire lore. When asked to elaborate by skeptical scholars the chainmail-clad creature had started his answer whit a disapproving grunt that triggered long-repressed instincts from their time as apprentices, archiving absolute silence and stillness from people who thought themselves masters on their respective fields.

Whit a voice coarse as gravel and yet whit perfect diction told the tale of a library that shared Ghal Maraz's origin, an artifact made by dwarfs to pay a great service done for them by a human; open to all who seek knowledge no matter species or creed, so vast as to hold two empires worth of bibliography in a few subjects yet expertly organized and preserved.

For hours they listened whit rapt attention to tales of not less than a dozen conjoined research projects among dwarfs and men of which this library had been the epicenter of, military campaigns that were saved thanks to information provided by this archive, and of the people who visited the place. From empire nobles to lord magisters, elector counts, and even an emperor dragon had chosen those halls as their preferred option to study and even publish some of their own work. Before the tale was over each one of them had silently vowed to travel to that wondrous place even if it was the last thing they ever did.

Vow they immediately broke after the dwarf started talking about spiders.

sorry for any mistakes, English is hard.
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[x] [LIBRARY] Back-fill.

So is Boney going to have work this out or is someone going to volunteer? If only to work out exactly what this vote gets.
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