Voting closed, writing has begun.
[X] Order
- Codex
- AlysPower
- wildwill
- Olgol2
- Shard
- Briefvoice
- Resonant
- TempestK
- agumentic
- Mellowfellow
- LockedMind
- Foursteps
- MiracleGrow
- FlyingScanian
- MooseHowl
- adaer
- Zedman7054
- buli-buli
- No7sHere
- Astro Ambulance
- consequences
- Pempelune
- Alratan
- Hydroplatypus
- veekie
- Angelform
- DragonParadox
- PurposefulZephyr
- Mr. Prokosch
- spiritualatheist
- Justbrowsing
- QTesseract
- Weirdo
- Thomasfoolery
- Artemis1992
- BeepSmile
- CounterGuard
- Tobtorp
- Taut_Templar
- einargs
[X] Preservation
- Codex
- nat_401
- Shaper47
- NoxOfUmbra
- them8
- Bucarcar
- EVA-Saiyajin
- henkalv
- Exmorri
- pucflek
- GrimTheMad
- K von Carstein
- Ultrackius
- Derpmind
- Burned_Cookie
- Deathwings
- Mellomania
- Mr Apollo
- The Void
- Parzival95
- Omegahugger
- Rockeye
- Horium
- Shinji117
- Fayhem
- Businessmanga
- Kornet
- 13th Bee
- Murazor
- Eisenhelm
- picklepikkl
- Redshirt Army
- silvanknight
- habrok
- Vinpupx
- A_Somebody
- T_of_A
- Dermon
- Woltaire
- Valmond
[X] Comfort
- Phalfpipe
- Asheram
- Jyn Ryvia
- Romv
- das_slash
- Chopak
- Mortis
- SolBlazer13
- Sparsebeard
- Codex
- AlysPower
- wildwill
- Olgol2
- Shard
- Briefvoice
- Resonant
- TempestK
- agumentic
- Mellowfellow
- LockedMind
- Foursteps
- MiracleGrow
- FlyingScanian
- MooseHowl
- adaer
- Zedman7054
- Rakuhn
- mynameisyouQQQ
- Glau
- NuclearConsensus
- Rafin
- picklepikkl
- Redshirt Army
- silvanknight
- habrok
- Vinpupx
- A_Somebody
- T_of_A
- Dermon
- glyph
[X] Security
- Codex
- rex3691
- Retrueno
- WorldSlayer
- ReImagined
- CornyBones
- BoundaryPhantasm
- Belkar
- T_of_A
- Dermon
- Captain Hunt
- defenestrator
- The Phoenixian
- Night_stalker
- EternityWarrior
- Techmarine
- zarinthel
- Aura
- allmightytoaster
- kingreaper
- TimEd
- LotusPocus
- Darthden
- LightLan
- WhiteNights
- uiopion
- Zero Gravitas
- Destination_Sept
- Ericwinter
- fictionfan
- Prime 2.0
- VoiceOfTheRiders
[X] Holy
- Jreengus
- Voikirium
- LilyWitch
- Sir_Travelsalot
- Some_guy_161
- AzuraNyx
- NeonLights
- Avoozl
- Rakuhn
- mynameisyouQQQ
- Glau
- NuclearConsensus
- Rafin
- picklepikkl
- allmightytoaster
- ichypa
- Chiperninerm
- Altom
- kingreaper
- glyph
- Drofgnal
- uiopion
- Zero Gravitas
- Destination_Sept
- Ericwinter
- Cheap Orange Knofe
- R Besque
- Nerdasaurus Rex
- VoiceOfTheRiders
- Jrin
[X] Distribution
[X] Capacity