Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So I gather that backfill means that any topic where we have at least some dwarf or empire material goes up to Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven. Which means at least +10 in the topic. I don't actually understand exactly how the library bonuses work.
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I really liked Mathilde reasoning her way to a reasonable organisation system. Felt very realistic.

Still not sure what to vote for.
[x] [LIBRARY] Back-fill.

So is Boney going to have work this out or is someone going to volunteer? If only to work out exactly what this vote gets.

Shouldn't be much more work than the usual bookkeeping after purchases.

So I gather that backfill means that any topic where we have at least some dwarf or empire material goes up to Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive and Esoteric Dwarven. Which means at least +10 in the topic. I don't actually understand exactly how the library bonuses work.

Yes, but not all of them all at once, just more than if it was targeted.
Yeah, Order makes for the most straightforward layout: huge halls full of very large bookcases full of carefully-sorted books, with room enough to expand so you don't need to start saying 'the rest of this section is in room 17b in the opposite wing'. All of Mathilde's effort and attention will go into making sure there's a sensible, scalable, all-encompassing system. And the architects and masons can't really contribute to that process, apart from carving out the space it's going to live in. They would have been on screen a bunch more for the other options, which would have had different and more complicated architectural requirements.
Well they can help by making sure that transportation of books between rooms is easy. One reason for clutter is not having enough room in a section, but another reason is when a change or reorganizing is really needed, but is too big of an undertakering to even think of. It might make sense to include some mine cart rails between rooms to make reorganizing easy if it ever has to be done.

Edit: Then again this is before the printing press, they might not have mountains of books.
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[x] [LIBRARY] Back-fill.

So is Boney going to have work this out or is someone going to volunteer? If only to work out exactly what this vote gets.
I presume Backfill means we'd get some books on a scattershot of the below topics:

The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Agriculture +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Architecture +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Chemistry +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Geography +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Cathay +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Cathayan (T)
Dragon Isles +1 - Dwarven
Mountains of Mourn +3 - Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
The Old World +2 - Extensive Dwarven
Canines +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Imperial
Rodents and Mustelids +5 - Imperial / Extensive and Antiquarian Skaven
Logistics +1 - Skaven
Tactics +1 - Skaven
Imperial Gods that aren't Ulric or Morr
Grungni +1 - Dwarven
Valaya +1 - Dwarven
Grimnir +1 - Dwarven
Thungni +1 - Dwarven
Smednir +1 - Dwarven
Morgrim +1 - Dwarven
Gazul +1 - Dwarven

Logistics, Tactics and the Divine seem like the most relevant and low-hanging fruit to start with.

I'd honestly rather go for the completely untapped veins of the Library of Mournings, although I'm undecided on subject. Elvish Gods? Elvish Geography? Waystones! Magic from an Elvish perspective, if we could get it, is unlikely to be revolutionary but would be wild reading.
We might want to start off with some elf topics, as it would be a big differentiating topic for our library if we have it set up from the get-go. While back-filling is something we'll want to do, and will undoubtedly make us a better library, it won't really make us stand out in any way. It'll be stuff that dwarves and humans could get from pre-existing libraries. maybe not with as much convenience, but remember that our library is weeks/months of travel away from the average person who would want to access it. If we want people to actually make that trip we'd better have something special to draw them. And elf-knowledge can be that differentiator. The only other place to get it would be Laurelorn, which has a fairly exclusive guest list right now. But put that knowledge in K8P and suddenly we become the only available source for the information. It's something that'll make us stand out right off the bat.

The reputation this gets us will be important for our library as an institution. First impressions mean a lot, and if we get a first impression we don't want it'll be very different to change. And I want our first impression to be somewhere that excites people for what we can accomplish. That makes people want to make the trip all the way down here to see what we have to show them. Plus, it'll be a lot easier to get other institutions to give us copies of their books if we can point to another major institution that has already trusted us to do the same. And who better as a first "client" to show off than an elven library known to contain scrolls older than the empire itself. Wouldn't it be so much easier to trust an institution that was trusted by the famously isolationist elves to do the same?

Ergo I propose we go with the history and society of laurelorn. Not just because we have a unique ability to aquire it, but because this knowledge is politically invaluable from a diplomacy perspective right now. That means it will basically immediately get us important people in the door right from the get-go, as they try to get up to speed on the suddenly non-isolationist elf policy on the empire's doorstep. Or from a dwarven perspective, the first elf society they've cooperated with in thousands of years. Having a bunch of important people coming in and out, and citing our institution as the source of their knowledge can only do wonders for getting us off to a good start.

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] Eonir of Laurelorn
-[X] Geography of Laurelorn

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] Eonir of Laurelorn
-[X] Weaving Spider silk

[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: Elvish Gods and Laurelorn History (or Tor Lithanel if that's too broad).

EDIT: Changed per Mopman.

Laurelorn's history would fall under the broader topic of the Eonir of Laurelorn, but each God is an individual topic.

[X] [LIBRARY] Library of Mournings: name two non-magical topics to hire Cityborn scribes to copy all available Laurelorn books on.
-[X] History of Laurelorn
-[X] Society of Laurelorn

These would likewise fall under the one topic, so you can get all that information and still have another choice.
Both your chosen topics are covered under this.
Someone else's perspective on the Eonir is nowhere near as useful as what the Eonir think of themselves. Keep in mind that this policy has been largely isolationist for hundreds of years, which probably means that there are massive blind sport in what anyone reading solely imperial/dwarven books can know.
Someone else's perspective on the Eonir is nowhere near as useful as what the Eonir think of themselves. Keep in mind that this policy has been largely isolationist for hundreds of years, which probably means that there are massive blind sport in what anyone reading solely imperial/dwarven books can know.
I meant that instead of History of Laurelorn (Eonir) and Society of Laurelorn (Eonir), it'd be The Eonir of the Laurelorn (Eonir), not that there'd be no benefit in getting Eonir books on the Eonir.
Laurelorn's history would fall under the broader topic of the Eonir of Laurelorn, but each God is an individual topic.
Welp, definitely not gonna go through the Elvish pantheon one by one.

I kinda want to get the Elvish perspective on History: War of the Beard, but wow would that piss off the first dwarvish scholar to notice.
I think we should buy +1s for all the elf god books out of pocket. It's important to get a primer on all of them to attain some basic familiarity or else we're gonna trip over something important. We can't get books on all of them this turn without that out of pocket expenditure.
Hmm. Maybe we could go for Loec? Because we've kinda got a vested interest in learning about him. That or… Hecarti, I think her name was?

As a fun fact, there are 22 Elven gods as a baseline. But those are the major ones, there are a couple of minor ones that get very few mentions, often offhand.
Hmm. Maybe we could go for Loec? Because we've kinda got a vested interest in learning about him. That or… Hecarti, I think her name was?
While I like what you're thinking, I think that would be best put off one turn, as it's not the sort of thing that'll get people to sit up and take notice. general society information and geography are very important things for diplomacy right now, which will get important figures to immediately take notice.

How about Elvish Agriculture? (Does that even exist separate to Elvish Architecture and Elvish Magic?)

Get brownie points with the missus.
Considered it with similar reasoning, but would rather push it off one turn for similar reasoning as above