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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Plan Basket
[X] [Letters]: Knowledge about Avelorn's Magical Traditions

Perhaps we will be able to meet Valaya again. And BA! It will be embarrassing if she thinks we forgot about her gift!
Why would they know that scrying was such a potential problem, or know about the value or potential of the wardstones?

It also takes many centuries for sorcerer prophets to turn to stone. It's not a quick process.

Sorcerer prophets don't have to be runesmiths from what I know. Regular dwarves can consort with daemons or perform the rituals to beckon them into the world.

Gazulite inquisitors are also probably wanderers like Rangers, and they very likely operate in secret when hunting down Cultists, given what we've seen of Gazul. I wouldn't expect them to publicise their movements at all. I would expect that warding individuals would have enormous benefits, as it wpould preven Hashut's Cultists knowing that there was an inquisitor nearby, or what they were doing, and would prevent them from listening in when they communicated.
Gazul was present at Dum, your argument kinda boils down to arguing the ancestor god of rangers and his priesthood don't understand the value of scouting and stealth.
I awake.
s, but even runesmiths struggle against magic.

Also, none of the Ancestors have anti-magic in their domain right? I think Valaya comes closest.
Valaya is anti-magic.
@soulcake - some people have mentioned that unlocking the Alchemy specialties would get us nothing before doing Akazit itself, is this the case? As I was imaging that similarly to other traits we've gotten that it would give new understanding to previously known subjects, and most likely aid us in researching new materials with a new but already extant knowledge base that we can draw upon
I mean it gives you knowledge. And is useful in research but doing traditional warhammer alchemy requires magic and dwarfs dont have that.
does Snorri know, or have any hint, if Valayas Basket or the Wards tone will give us any runes that will be useful for the armor commissions?
Also if we begin with the armor now may we add anything to it some turn later if the commission I not done yet?
I mean I put it in the option itself my guy. And barring extreme circumstances where the armour is like 1 action away from completion or thereabouts when you learn something new and earthshattering assume youre doing your best and it's being applied. That criteria is proportionate to the scope of the project and change. Chain would be applied if yo- you know what nevermind. Yes, if the action isn't done assume any changes you make are gonna be applied, and if I don't it's an exception.

I'll tell you alright.
This isn't even going into the fact that in order to gain access to scrying the cultists need to recruit runesmiths (A ridiculously difficult task outside of extreme circumstances) and then the runesmith can't do it freely without turning to stone which would be a pretty big cultist sect here sign for the Gazulites
They don't need Runesmiths.

Hashut sorceror prophets and daemon smiths are rare like Runesmiths but seem to be Hashut's response to it. Divinely given the foulest gift by a God who cares not for the ultimate fate of the receiver. a false promise of power, a lie.
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No. I don't, I just consider them less worth arguining against in detail as they're more obviously trivial.

And the most senior members of the organisation should indeed rarely take off anti-scrying talismans, or venture out of range of anti-scrying banners.
okay so I don't think this equipment will be used the way you think it will
The Cult will hold the suits in their vaults until such a time they are needed.
So we see Valaya definitely will not follow that advice, and it seems reasonable that Gazul will behave similarly.
The local Cult of Gazul has come to you for the same reason the Cult of Valaya has,
They don't need Runesmiths.

Hashut sorceror prophets and daemon smiths are rare like Runesmiths but seem to be Hashut's response to it. Divinely given the foulest gift by a God who cares not for the ultimate fate of the receiver. a false promise of power, a lie.
I seem to remember discussion about them corrupting runesmith apprentices in Dum, was that about aquiring knowledge to make runes then rather than the ability to do magic then?
[X] [Letters]: Knowledge about Vaul
[X] Plan Basket
Hmm, I suspect Snorri will take the information of the Sword of Khaine as a challenge. After all, we just stepped into the realm of Dawi gods by creating gromril chain, why not do the same for the Elgi gods as well? Of course, Khaine might take offence, but no one really likes Khaine.
I wonder, looking at the descriptions of Khaine, if the Elgi envy the Dawi for having a sane and rational War God.
Hmm, I suspect Snorri will take the information of the Sword of Khaine as a challenge. After all, we just stepped into the realm of Dawi gods by creating gromril chain, why not do the same for the Elgi gods as well? Of course, Khaine might take offence, but no one really likes Khaine.
He'd be more likely to try and make something to break the curse I'd think.
Given that the Cult of Gazul would know how incredibly busy she is, would they have offered her this commissions, and would she have taken it up? I doubt she can devote the equivalent of twenty four years of work making items for them at the moment, on top of the decade required to research the Wardstones. That's assuming she even can reverse engineer the Wardstones that quickly. She doesn't have the talent for odd runes like this that Snorri does, which may well stack with his Journeyman of the Odd trait similarly to how it can when Understanding a Rune. This could easily be something like a base eight action project for her.
I was not commenting on if the Cult of Gazul could get it elsewhere. I was refuting the notion that Snorri is the only source of armor. It would probably take 5 actions for her to finish. Journeyman of the Odd makes our actions more efficient not research cost less.

Even still, they are the last creations of her Clan. She would be willing to spend eight actions even if only because of that.

Also, the Wardstones are not efficient to use on armor. They work better on banners and the like. There is no proof we are making banners. There is proof that we are making armor.
What's the relationship between yoriing and wardstone research? Just more actions next turn?
Yorriing means that we put off the decision over what we want to spend four actions researching off until Turn 39 or 40. I personally want to Understand Valaya's Runes because there is a slim chance that we'll see her or another Ancestor at wherever the Conclave is being held.

More that I want them done at a similar time as Grungni's challenge.
Its my fervent hope that our actions trigger the dwarfs to find the colection of runelore that is too precious to be lost and make it an obligation of all masters to preserve.
The idea of Snorri releasing the Master Rune of Forgeflame and the Rune of Annealing, after having explained how he made gromril chain, while complaining about how cost prohibitive it is while the other Runelords look at him like he's crazy because he literally made a way to make gromril chain and he's complaining about it amuses me.
I've seen some slightly odd conversations about the Grave Wardens commission namely that for some reason we wouldn't be able to make talismans with the wardstone runes on them when it says in the action we're making equipment for the Grave Warden commission, not just armor so we should be making talismans as well and therefore be able to include wardstone talismans in the set just fine.

Debate about the usefulness of them all you want but we'll at least be making the things if we reverse engineer the wardstones.
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Grave Wardens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 42. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Gazul. Just as the Cult of Valaya has the inkling of a great colonization wave, the other Ancestor Cults have also taken notice. The local Cult of Gazul has come to you for the same reason the Cult of Valaya has, to arm their most senior members with the kind of equipment befitting their station, both current and for those future Dawi who may take up this most sacred of duties.
I've seen some slightly odd conversations about the Grave Wardens commission namely that for some reason we wouldn't be able to make talismans with the wardstone runes on them when it says in the action we're making equipment for the Grave Warden commission, not just armor so we should be making talismans as well and therefore be able to include wardstone talismans in the set just fine.

Debate about the usefulness of them all you want but we'll at least be making the things if we reverse engineer the wardstones.
Snorri only mentions making armor. We'd be taking a chance on if it would actually be worth it.

The cost is that we won't have poked at a gift from a literal Ancestor by the time of the Conclave.
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Eh the wardstones are interesting, and if we had another turn I would advocate for them, but I've been swayed to team get the basket done so if we run into Valaya again we can have both her thing done as well as Grungi's challenge.
Snorri only mentions making armor. We'd be taking a chance on if it would actually be worth it.

The cost is that we won't have poked at one of our Ancestor's most generous gift by the time of the Conclave.
He specifies armor specifically as what's being commissioned in the Valaya cult commission but he specifies equipment in the Grave Warden commission.
[ ] [Simple] Armoured Maidens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 40. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Valaya. The Clergy of Valaya are making plans to expand the Valkyrie Guard in preparation for what they believe is a coming wave of colonization across the Karaz Ankor in the future. Given your history with the Cult, they've come to you wondering if you had the inclination to create armour for some of the future Valkyrie Guard that will no doubt come from the endeavour. The number is not the sum total of suits, but ones specially made for their eldest and most veteran Matrons. The foundational core of the future Valkyrie Guard in these future-Holds. The Cult will hold the suits in their vaults until such a time they are needed.
The fact that he makes the distinction at all tells me he's not just making armor for the Grave Warden commission otherwise he would have called it armor rather than equipment.
(*New*)[ ] [Simple] Grave Wardens: [Cost: 12 actions] Due end of Turn 42. Productivity like No Other will proc. Gain 70 Favour and 1 Standing with the Cult of Gazul. Just as the Cult of Valaya has the inkling of a great colonization wave, the other Ancestor Cults have also taken notice. The local Cult of Gazul has come to you for the same reason the Cult of Valaya has, to arm their most senior members with the kind of equipment befitting their station, both current and for those future Dawi who may take up this most sacred of duties.
Besides that the plan doesn't lock off doing Valaya's Runes and the QM even confirmed if they were done next turn they'd still be included all we're doing with this plan is pushing things back a turn just in case Yorri pops up.