Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[ ][Purification]: Banner

We already have endless ways to smite our enemies. We don't need another Rune of +1 killy-ness. Purification is a more conceptual rune that could have a wide array of uses, so I think it's best suited as a Banner rune.
Morgrim's books, the centuries of experience after working on Kraka Drakk's various defensive works, alongside your continuous work to improve the workshop and now the town around it have honed your mind into a deadly thing indeed. , The old classics like the lava spout, rotating blade hallway, pitfall trap and ceiling hammer always have a place in any torture ch- defensive layout, but you've finagled quite a few more terrifying alternatives. Like traps that force you into innocuous side rooms that themselves are trapped. Purposefully slow boulder traps that lull your foe into a sense of ease, leaving them unaware of the second boulder trap and rockfall that trigger behind and atop them. OH, and one you've particularly come to enjoy, the false tile puzzle. Creating an intricate puzzle that shows a path through a maze of trap triggering tiles, when it actuality, taking that path simply activates every trap in the entire room when they reach the end.
Snorri would be a terrifying !FUN! Game Master. Or a very dedicated Dwarf Fortress player.
"Hearthl Lord," she greets with a nod, "Thank you for arriving so suddenly. I realize this may be a bit presumptuous but I can't ignore the murmurs around the camp forever."

He nods, knowing full well what exactly Valka's speaking about.

"I can ask, and that is all I can guarantee," Rudil responds.
Eh, this is about that one Dwarf who is constantly seeking partners for a Gold Song, right?
A tablet flares and a charm among seven glows faintly.
We've been noticed! The Valiant noticed!
You do have to wonder how Master Yorri came onto that tidbit, and have done so many times, but you filed it under "Secret Elder's Business" along with every other inexplicable thing Master Yorri did or knew.
Yet more prove that Yorri was Durin the Lost's apprentice.

As for the votes... I'll leave it to peaople that have a better graps on the mechanics and Lore. Just don't pick the Dragon Prince.
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i like the banner, snorri was always about getting the most work done, and a banner that affects everyone fits my image of him more than a single powerful weapon
So if its a max of 6 for the number of variations on a master rune that we can get a bonus on... what are those variations? We see only 4 on the above list, and there's only 5 types of runes on our rune list. I'd guess building runes would be a 6th option, but that would still leave 1 more type at least right?
the 4 are as you said, but 5 and 6 are for the combo it came from (if applicable) and the regular version of the Rune (if applicable)
A great divide that cannot be bridged adequately for most. Even among the Flock of Stormpeak I am...a figure of authority Vexing, but it is unavoidable."
I am...a figure of authority. Vexing, but it is unavoidable
Blizzardwing tilts her head at you quizzically before writing herself to nod in understanding.
"Would an explanation we Brana use may be useful?" she asks, causing you to give her a questioning look.
Would an explanation we Brana use be useful?
Would an explanation we Brana utilize be of any use? (or any other tweak so the use/useful aren't so close to each other)

Troll Acid Bombs! They said It couldn't be done, that it was madness! But I showed them! I showed them all!
lol wut. Mad dwarf retainer research right here.
The weapon version would combo well with the t5 rune metal as our second weapon. Might be able to make an alchemy version of makerstrike with it but that could also be done with the talisman version as well.

Dunno what the banner version would do. Maybe allow for separating the winds out of spells cast at it? It's a set of 3/2 actions away from completing so one turnable after Valaya's stuff is done and the next variant will only take 4 actions. On that note, plz let's skip Gazul's commission and do this earlier.

Also, diction direction now can be completed with one overflow with 3 actions, movement is down to 4 actions to finish, and secrets of light will take 3. There's some real low hanging fruit we can bang out after alchemy.
<3 <3 <3 update <3 <3 <3

Elgi you say?

I've no strong opinion of whom we should converse with, nor any foreknowledge of what to expect from Elgi of this Golden Age

Whoever we choose will be a character at Ravnsvake, so just keep in mind they may be recurring
if anyone is up for it i would mind an other instalment of empire historian getting this so wrong they just might be a tiny bit right.
In my opinion, I'm leaning towards scholar or armor Elgi, cause these two seem like the best way for us to get more knowledge. Armor Elgi could also a optional partner in runesmithing (no secretes doodlies here), and hopefully they can bring us new knowledge on foreign ways to craft. Scholar Elgi would most likely love to study and learn as we go as well, and would most likely be more prevalent in the research section. Hopefully they will come with us, but it's fine if they don't we'll just be friends? with them.
[ ][Elgi]: A figure in flowing robes that smells of vellum and ink.

[ ][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.

[ ][Elgi]: A figure in gilded finery that smells of the sea.

[ ][Elgi]: A figure in a fine dress that smells of high summer.
Hmm, the first choice could be from any Kingdom, perhaps Saphery? The second is most likely Caledor. The third is probably Eataine, though it could be from Cothique. The final option is almost certainly from Avelorn, though there is a slim chance that she is from Ellyrion.

It would certainly be amusing to interact with the Dragon Prince. I have to admit the others are tempting options as well.
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Bear in mind all 4 of these elves are mages.
It's why I want to pick the Aqshy fighter, considering they seem to have a focus on combat spells over the more mental side of things.
Plus of they've come from Ravsnvake they might not have seen a Hearthstone yet.
[X][Elgi]: A figure in a mix of scale and plate mail that smells of fire and soot.
[X][Purification]: Weapon

The potential dragonlord due to the possible Vaul connection, though I might change my vote on that if anyone makes a particularly good argument. The weapon rune as we don't have any anti-daemon master runes and it seem like MPurification could be just that.
one down side to going Caledor is well Caledorians are people other elves consider arrogant twats though not sure if that's set in as much yet. But well he will like dragons and we're a dwarf who likes using dead dragons for things.