Although I think that Grungni + Grimnir + Brotherhood would pretty much be this (given how they pretty much split the two aspects of being a King, that of peace and wartime leadership), I'd be happy to go with a theme vote if that's more likely to win.
I do think we want Grimnir in there to use the King of the Skies feathers thoug.
I've been wanting to go with the Grungni-Grimnir-Brotherhood thing all along, rather than a theme, yes. Given that I was the first one to suggest that trio for this Talisman, yes obviously I really want to see it happen.
As for the ingredients though, I was actually interesting by in the idea somebody gave of using Grimnirzan for it. Though maybe we can use Grimnirzan as part of the
decoration rather than as a
rune ingredient. Kind of like the way we first used a Hearthstone in the Wyrmheart Talisman, rather than as a rune ingredient. It felt appropriate and cool and thematic so we threw it in.
Well, same here. Blood of Grimnir. And the line of Kraka Drakk being (some what distantly?) descended from Grimnir I think. So therefore... yeah.
Like i said, your set works as Kingship in the general dwarf sense. I just don't think it fits Snorri's lesson to Gimli that well. You could take the Rune of Brotherhood to represent the king's subjects ("your subjects are your tools"), but that leaves an essential part of the Lesson out: The failure tolerance part, which is perfectly covered by Stoicism.
With those two Ancestor Runes, Grug
nii and Grim
niir (see what i did

) you are implying brotherhood anyway.
The Rune of Brotherhood is also meant to provide an ability to pick skills from good advisors. That aspect of the rune is very important and on-point for the original talking points we gave him, so I don't want to remove it.
Just having Grungni and Grimnir isn't enough for Brotherhood, because what we want out of the Rune of Brotherhood is
the ability to pick up skills and knacks from your close friends. He said he was good at making friends (and good with an axe)? Well, we'll give him the ability to turn his friendship-making thing into a power.
Now it'll still be up to him to find good friends and wise advisors. And to learn to be able to bear failure and learn from it as an example.
... You know, now that I think about it...
Since he outright said that he lacks talents and skills, and we told him to develop a knack for recognizing skill in your subjects and delegating well...
... It occurs to me that this is, actually,
finally a
fitting and appropriate place for
the Rune of Brotherhood!
We told him to surround himself with wise and capable people, and for him to cultivate some useful skills (like being able to recognize talent and delegate well)?
Well, why not make it literal and applicable; give him the Rune of Brotherhood to help him do that and help him benefit FROM surrounding himself with good advisors!
Finally, at last, a legitimate place for the Rune of Brotherhood!
And one where it's classic usage and power is applicable and useful. How very pleasing.
I suppose you could try to go with Brotherhood, Stoicism, and... one of either Grungni or Grimnir, whichever is most kingly, but... I liked having both Grungni and Grimnir in there, alongside Brotherhood.
Stoicism would be nice, as it covers one of the "be able to bear failure and use it as a learning experience" thing. Buuut. We don't really have something for 'being perceptive' or diplomatic or what-have-you... (Maybe Perception or Quick Wits could do it, but I sometimes wonder if I assign too much literalness to those two Runes; using it too much as a go-to idea for "I want something for being perceptive... maybe the rune that is named after Perception would do?" despite the fact that Runes are just that;
named by the Dwarfs who made them. Not somehow magically holding the exact essence of what their name says.) Maybe something like Oaths, Stoicism, and Brotherhood? (There's probably a rune about Oaths. Though it might be the rune of Grungni, as the Rune Ingredient for MGrungni is Oathgold.)
Hm. I'm starting to think that maybe the Talisman, whatever it is, ought to have Oathgold as part of its construction. I'm liking the thought of that.
Perhaps: Made of Adamant, with Oathgold and Brynduraz as decorations? And Griffon Feathers and/or Grimnirzan as decorations too? i.e. The Grimnirzan could be in a glass or sapphire phial perhaps. ... Maybe think on that later.
Rereading the other bit of advice Snorri gives Gimli on the way back, Grimnir might fit that bit more than Determination.
So maybe Grungni, Grimnir and Stoicism? It depends on if the Ancestor Rune of Grimnir's effect on the wearer's combined Determination, Courage and Skill in battle outweighs the rune of Determination's effect on the Wearer's determination. Determination and Stoicism are banner runes, so they also affect those near to the user.
The way I envision the talisman is similar to Narya from the Lord of the Rings: It doesn't protect from physical fatigue... but it wards off mental fatigue, both in the wearer and those surrounding him.
I'd prefer Grungni, Brotherhood, and Stoicism if we had to go that way.
It incorporates wisdom and kingliness and other stuff via Grungni. It incorporates (and incentivizes) learning from trusted advisors and close friends. And it incorporates being able to bear failure, loss, and grudges, via Stoicism.
Brotherhood gets us that ability to learn from people he makes his true companions. And I think that ability and concept and part of it is both important, and an incredibly cool way to connect what we said "Find good advisors" to a Rune that actually does just that. (Well, not the magically finding good people. But, about the benefits of surrounding yourself with good advisors.)