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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Position: The Front

Both for the proximity to our prince, and because we lead a big slow-moving heavy infantry asset. We'll do the most good on the front lines in the thickest action.
[ ] Position: The Front
The axe's edge, the hammer's face and the shield's surface. Igna has decided that the fighting tip of the Throng will march here, young warriors and quarrellers yet to prove themselves and a smattering of Longbeards to make sure things don't fall apart. You know for certain Gimli will be among here rather than with his fellow nobles.

Probably best for Snorri to go here, if only because of this trait.
Hearth and Home: In defensive sieges or when directly protecting defenceless dwarfs, the army Snorri is attached to will gain [Unbreakable] and [Untiring] for the duration of the battle.

Having your vanguard unbreakable and untiring will make it a lot easier for the dwarves behind Snorri to manoeuvre for killing strikes on whatever attacks the throng.

[X] Position: The Front
So I'd like to make an argument for being in the middle, specifically because of how shit is fucky.

The Middle is the reserves, the heaviest hitters and the biggest brawn. Once engagement starts, there will be intelligence on what we're doing and where we should go for maximum effect, that we will then have applied to us by actual commanders.

At the front we may get into the fight first. This is DEFINITELY true. But. Will we get into a fight worthy of a Runelord's time or just chew our way through... a lot of trash instead of fighting things worth our time.
Probably best for Snorri to go here, if only because of this trait.

Having your vanguard unbreakable and untiring will make it a lot easier for the dwarves behind Snorri to manoeuvre for killing strikes on whatever attacks the throng.

[X] Position: The Front
Okay uh look at the EXACT description there. "In defensive sieges, or when directly protecting defenseless dwarves". NOT either of these things.
Probably best for Snorri to go here, if only because of this trait.

Having your vanguard unbreakable and untiring will make it a lot easier for the dwarves behind Snorri to manoeuvre for killing strikes on whatever attacks the throng.

[X] Position: The Front
No matter how much their Elders might sniff and grump about their shoddy skills, I doubt even the dourest longbeard considers beardling warriors to be out and out defenseless.
It's unconventional in the extreme, too much so for your taste. Belief or no, vote or no, you have no true proof of her capability.
Erm. Should we be concerned about other Runelords grumbling over this trade? The sense of unconventionality didn't really come through in the update. Would her performance in the campaign be considered proof of capability?

Also I'm concerned that we don't have much to trade, at least regarding deep magic which is Valmas key interest.
So I'd like to make an argument for being in the middle, specifically because of how shit is fucky.

The Middle is the reserves, the heaviest hitters and the biggest brawn. Once engagement starts, there will be intelligence on what we're doing and where we should go for maximum effect, that we will then have applied to us by actual commanders.

At the front we may get into the fight first. This is DEFINITELY true. But. Will we get into a fight worthy of a Runelord's time or just chew our way through... a lot of trash instead of fighting things worth our time.
I have five reasons for why I want to go to the front:

-Gimli is up there and I like the idea of making sure he has two Runelords nearby because stuff is screwy and interacting with him.
-Dwalin is up there and interaction with him and Snorri is bound to be extremely funny.
-A lot of the dwarves at the front are younger, and therefore could do with more protection which we can provide and being a protector of dawi was the overarching theme behind Barak Azamar.
-We're very likely to be fighting Chaos, and there are multitudinous numbers of such which like to charge at the front vanguard and make many corpses out of it.
-Part of this campaign's purpose was to show off, and the Front is a good place to do that.

Erm. Should we be concerned about other Runelords grumbling over this trade? The sense of unconventionality didn't really come through in the update. Would her performance in the campaign be considered proof of capability?

Also I'm concerned that we don't have much to trade, at least regarding deep magic which is Valmas key interest.
Almost certainly given how martial dwarves are. And a trade being grumbled about depends on how much news of it is spread around, which given we aren't notified when other smiths or runelords trade, isn't really talked about much.
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[X] Position: The Middle
The greatest concentration of Longbeards, Thanes and Lords. It is from here where they lead their Clans, and if need be march out to bolster faltering lines and turn the tide where their younger kin falter. Moreso it is closest to the supplies in the case of a flanking maneuver or bout of trickery from the foe. Unofficially it means they have the first pick of the ale, but they already had that on account of their age.

[X] Valma: Accept
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[X] Valma: Accept

[X] Position: The Back
We shall be the first that shall be hurled into combat via Grudge Thrower
[X] Valma: Accept
[X] Position: The Back

Not optimal. but if the legend of flying rock or even better 'rock fall everyone (in the other side) dies' make me want to vote this.

I hope Valma is ready, which I assume is some of the problems can come (together with defying tradition). And well, give a dwarf version of how to reach magic will help her understand all those elfs books. It would be a shame that she get stuck for centuries while enduring the shame (I think) of investing so much money 'a fool with hope'. Anyway if she is willing to break tradition and declare what she say to not stuck anymore shows to me how much she need this^^.
(I am being really silly below here, sorry about this)
So go go power rangers I mean runelords. awakes the gronti with a beating heart^^. great some kind of mega zord...I mean mega gronti :)

It will makes the ancestor super expensive gronti all the more especial^^.
Erm. Should we be concerned about other Runelords grumbling over this trade? The sense of unconventionality didn't really come through in the update. Would her performance in the campaign be considered proof of capability?

Also I'm concerned that we don't have much to trade, at least regarding deep magic which is Valmas key interest.

Not really. It's more Snorri's personal character development. Martial skill works in proving yes, but not as much as crafting skill.

No comment on the Deep Magic thingymadoo.
Okay uh look at the EXACT description there. "In defensive sieges, or when directly protecting defenseless dwarves". NOT either of these things.
I don't know if it was always like that or if it's been changed since the last time I looked or what. That's my bad coz I remember it as just being "Any unit Snorri is attached too" had those bonuses. Which again, not sure if that's my faulty memory or the trait being changed since I last looked.

No matter how much their Elders might sniff and grump about their shoddy skills, I doubt even the dourest longbeard considers beardling warriors to be out and out defenseless.
Depends on if those bearlings made the armour theyre wearing I suppose. If they did the Longbeards would definitely find fault and declare them defenceless due to shoddy armour. :V
The front will not lack Runesmiths. Our Throng has lots of them.

We should either be the middle reserve, or at the back to ensure we dont get cut off and surrounded. Do remember that there is a chance of facing LOTS of enemies which could ensure we get completely surrounded just through sheer numbers.

Lastly, the Back is not the most glorious position, but it is NECESSARY, and the olace most likely to proc our Unbreakable trait, since that is where the noncombatants and siege engineers will be.


He who Chills the Winds to Stillness,

Of course, badass as we are Thungni is still going to make us look adorable by comparison.

Yes, well without revealing the Guild's Secrets, I can say that our best theories poke at our ties to Thungni as to why, but we're as in the dark as most anyone else."

Right here with us questers.

(Roll, ???? vs Brana: 100 +30[???] =130 vs. 79 +25[Things of the Sky] =104)

So whatever ot was , it was noth stupid lucky and slightly more powerful magically than the brana.

"SILENCE YOUR TONGUE BEARDLING, LEST I WALLOP YOU OVER THE HEAD!" Dwalin snaps while wagging a finger, "The foe has made their move, the inciting incident is at hand! Now the climb to a most awesome and terrible climax has begun!"

Just so, so much yes.

[X] Valma: Accept

[X] Position: The Front

Little surprised about how much the dwarves seem to know about the winds already, but I suppose i a century or so of cohabitation a difference of an entire sense is going to come up. I very much want those books though.
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