Wow! Paladin is best class, ever? Homura just Whoooshed ahead in her personal growth! Far, far faster than I could expect! She is the strongest one. If I had to justify this referencing some outside activity...
We were engaging in actions - and thinking - that are potentially pleasing to Madokami. Right in front of Madoka. Do you think that counts?
If Sayaka isn't subtle, maybe that goes double for God? This almost feels like a 'bonus equip' to buff our cause. Instead of happening next week, this relation can be healed right now. It is conspicuously coming in the format Madokami would have the most freedom to act within - influencing people connected to Madoka. In particular, our Madoka doesn't need any godly might to get Homura to do things... as a deity, perhaps she can make reasonable requests of Homura on an acausal, subliminal basis? lol! "And then God softened her heart..."
Seriously though, Homura is showing useful insight here. OF COURSE we roll with that. What else should we wish to do?
* I want us to teach Mami how to interact with Homura in the easiest way, using non-verbal cues so as not to trip up Homura's momentum. It isn't complicated, we should be well able to have her use our listen - complete - ask formula using our bond.
* We should pave the way for Homura immediately, once in Timestop. A short pre-amble, to orient Mami is the best choice? I don't want her to founder around. It is also best to divide her attention a little - in just a few moments, Homura will get her right back on point.
* My intent is to make the bump a bit softer. Mami has tons of empathy, and Homura has tons of backstory. React them under regulated conditions, if you wish for Homura to get the whole story out before she finds herself embraced. We know she is going to get hugged one way or the other, the timing is something we could influence.
Let Homura explain it her way - after we set the stage, with items you all should choose. I want us to confirm that "souls span universes, and are otherwise philosophically just what she expects."
This lets the time travel stuff go better by making a context, but that isn't all yet. It explains how we know what we do, and why our knowledge is in the first person. However the information got there, the choice of information is not neutral. THIS is why Madoka and Homura are our moms. Somehow they gave us our 'childhood.' Don't emphasize the Wishborn stuff, just presume it and move forward. In reasonable interpretation, Mami does not think it relevant, we are accepted by her 100%. In this case, the subtext we are teaching is "Madoka and Homura share a ridiculously deep occult bond." But without making Homura blush.
Consider items that will help both girls in the near future, when we continue to help them overcome their vulnerable points.
We would be explaining to Mami, but aiding Homura later. The other direction is also good to develop, go ahead. By putting the soul facts up now, we can use them to argue her away from the Potentialbomb in the future.