I have an idea of what I want to do. Main point would be Keep. Talking.
I think there's a very important point we need to focus on, and which will decide our actions after we're done talking: Does Riona really see people as collectibles?
[] Overall (
hidden) conversation goal: Question Riona's opinion about her shades, and whether she truly sees people as things to be collected.
[] Reaction: Sad.
-[] You can't help her like this.
--[] It's what you made your Wish for, did she know? To help Magical Girls, free them from the need for Seeds, for territory, even help those who fell and became Witches.
-[] Offer Grief Cleansing, cleanse yourself.
[] Hidden: Text Mami.
-[] Ask her to contact Nadia and ask for tips on how to handle a hardball playing Riona.
-[] Create a signal for her and Homura in case things go south.
-[] Use Grief to allow her to speak back to you.
[] Keep talking.
-[] Ask Riona if you can get her anything. Hungry?
-[] Ask about the shades, the kind of people she's attacked.
--[] Try to make her
think about them. As people.
--[] Try to find how she sees people, and how she decides whether it's 'OK' to 'take' someone.
BTW, no gemsploding if at all possible. If we can't convince Riona with words, at the very least we want Sayaka to copy her powers.
Do we know that the gem she has on her is actually hers and not a decoy?
We can sense her Witch.